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Women`s Party in Poland - a good means to end Women`s Hell ?

pawian  226 | 27817
31 Oct 2020   #1
For the last few days enraged Polish women have expressed their anger in the streets over the stricter abortion law, changed by the rightist PiS-controlled Court. Most of them are young - even high school girls are reported to take part. They reject to be treated merely as tools for delivering children and they view the rightist rulers and their fundamentalist religious supporters who enthusiastically welcomed the new law as contemporary oppressors of Polish women.

Demos and protests are impressive and look great when viewed from drones, but they won`t resolve the main burning issues of the so called Women`s Hell. If women really want to have any positive impact to promote their cause, they need to enter politics. The problem is that apart from the ruling party and their fanatic acolytes, they also reject other political groups in the opposition, including the left. Women protesters claim it was the Left which introduced the strict abortion law in 1990s and then stuck to it for decades.

The only way to funnel their emotions and angry enthusiasm into sth lasting and eventually successful, is the Women`s Party. If it is created one day, will it have a chance to exert any real influence on Polish politics and also attitudes of average Poles? Would you vote for it in the next elections? I think I might give it a try. Why not? It is high time to put an end to this patriarchal society which is rotting on our eyes.

Women`z rule!! Now!
Joker  2 | 2458
31 Oct 2020   #2
How many abortion threads does this forum need?
gumishu  15 | 6228
31 Oct 2020   #3
the Women`s Party. If it is created one day,

there has already been one Partia Kobiet in Poland (with Manuela Gretkowska as one of the leaders if I recall correctly)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
31 Oct 2020   #4
How many abortion threads does this forum need?

It is not an abortion thread - it is about the Polish women`s liberation movement funneled into a political body as the only means to have influence on women`s situation in Poland.

I believe it is the best option for female protesters coz demonstrations won`t last for ever.

there has already been one Partia Kobiet in Poland

Yes, it was set up in 2007 but never gained any considerable support. It was terminated in January 2020.

That is why I am curious if a new women`s party is able to attract more interest and votes.

The latest initiative of Women`s Strike is the creation of Advisory Board - this might evolve into a political body one day.
Ironside  51 | 13109
1 Nov 2020   #5
How many abortion threads does this forum need?

It is not an abortions' thread, it pawian venting his frustration. He doesn't care about issues or problems. He wants some easy leftie slogan filled and conformists dream of a freed slave. Yes, you are a good person. Yes, you are right. Yes big masters in Brussels patted me on a shoulder and said I'm their friend.

I'm a better a Mr, lol!
That is all what pawian express here.

the Polish women`s liberation movement f

Soviet BS not a liberation movement. Wasn't them to claim that after they take over no Catholic will be allowed to hold a publics office? Liberation, the red army and Stalin claimed to liberate Poles and they kept their promise they liberated them from freedom, property, country, elites and dignity. Enough is enough.

Besides why would women in Poland be in a need of a liberation. That is nonsense. I don't know a country where women are more free and more equal than Poland.

Only a liar, a commie or an ignorant pound scum would claim otherwise.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
1 Nov 2020   #6
He doesn't care about issues or problems

I find it so fascinating that half of your post concerns exploring pawian`s motives in creating the thread. hahaha

Besides why would women in Poland be in a need of a liberation. That is nonsense.

Oh, I see, So the female protesters are in streets coz they express their joy at being fully liberated, as you claim. hahaha

It is the hundredth time when you show us you know nothing about Poland after nearly 30 years spent abroad. This is not the Poland of the 1990s, forget it.

Only a liar, a commie or an ignorant pound scum would claim otherwise.

So you are one.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 948
1 Nov 2020   #7
The last thing this country needs is another party. This country needs a two or three party system. All the voting division is what kept PiS in power.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
1 Nov 2020   #8
even high school girls are reported to take part.

That's no surprise. Whether young or old, all women are emotional driven attention seekers. It doesn't matter what the issue is as long as ALL EYES are on them and they can come away feeling entitled and virtuous.

treated merely as tools for delivering children

Yes, no surprise women reject evolution. As far as they are concerned it's all about their how they feel about something even if it goes against reality.

But that's OK! Science (yes, an arm of the evil patriarchy) has already been working on a solution which will relieve women of their responsibilities (hurray!) and make them obsolete:

It's a real thing and it works!

high time to put an end to this patriarchal society

Wake up! Stop with your brazen lying and pretending that women in Poland are treated the same as or worse than women in Sudan or Afghanistan.

Poland's constitution guarantees gender equality. Only demented feminists and their low IQ, zero testosterone cucks like you want an untouchable entitled matriarchy.
Lenka  5 | 3549
1 Nov 2020   #9
The funny thing is this pics that are supposed to be the perfect past make me happyI didn't live back then
Poloniusz  5 | 969
1 Nov 2020   #10
Women only really care about how they feel in the moment.

They hate the past and any attention given to the future is in terms of their own life span and how society can benefit them personally.
Ironside  51 | 13109
1 Nov 2020   #11
exploring pawian`s motives

why? most of your threads are BS anyway.

So the female protesters are in streets coz t

because their are free, oh are they not allowed to must they support your BS?

be the perfect past make me happyI didn't live back then

You are abnormal then. Maybe its about colors?
Vesko Vukovic  1 | 270
1 Nov 2020   #12
Only demented feminists

Feminism in the service of the JEWISH CONQUEST of the world! đŸ˜±

Do you believe this?

How is it that the founders of modern feminism, are all alone jews and jewesses? How is it that feminism is funded - by the jews and their statelets and their governments, of the type - the Netherlands, the UK, the USA, etc.?

Do you know that feminism is in fact a religion?

That feminism was used by the jews in ancient times - against the Aryans! (through the organization of so-called "women's cults")

An older woman (she worked in Germany for a long time) once said to me: "I became close with one German woman, a really wonderful lady, (it was during the mid-70s). She also came to the Adriatic coast, and I went to her. Her husband - disappeared - (probably died) in the last war, she would know to tell me, because she was close to me: "We women have never been better, and we have never been more respected and cared for as in Hitler's time"?

Is that true? I can't answer concretely. But I know that Hitler had a vision, a world in which a woman will be - protected, have everything, from education - to rights and obligations, but - she will be dedicated to the MOST HUMANIC goal - raising children... future generations of Aryans!

Feminism is the complete opposite. They made a woman - a wh@re of the world. They kicked the woman out of the family. Made of her - a consumer - of worthless and UNNECESSARY nonsense - of jewish trade.

AND ARTIFICALLY they create a growing gap between a man and a woman - especially - white.

Is feminism a jewish tool for destroying white women?
Poloniusz  5 | 969
1 Nov 2020   #13
Males aren`t such seekers, of course.

That's correct.

You admitted this yourself by using traditional male characteristics to hold the ruling "patriarchal" party to account: Modesty, moderation, decency

Nothing attention seeking about any of these traits is there? And this is why PiS and patriarchy are always in your crosshairs. Both are completely alien to you because you can't relate to them on any level.

Why do you compare our situation to Sudan etc???

You explained why yourself:

I love all African creatures. They are all my brethren.

Diversity rulez!!! That`s my motto.

Since African places like Sudan are the ideal standard which you hold so dear and near to you then Poland needs to reverse course and strike gender equality for women from the constitution. Otherwise you are just a completely contradictory liar. As usual.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
1 Nov 2020   #14
Wow, those females from Women`s Strike are fast. Today they held the first meeting of Advisory Board - they discussed issues like underinvested medical care system and poor education. They invited guys from the anti-communist opposition of 1980s.

That looks like a beginning of a political programme. The next step is the party?,162657,26467734,strajk-kobiet-tworzy-mape-represji-pokaze-gdzie-ludzie-sa.html#S.DT-K.C-B.1-L.1.duzy
Poloniusz  5 | 969
1 Nov 2020   #15
Wow, those females from Women`s Strike are fast.


You need to give thanks to this man:

From 31 October 2020:

George Soros has launched another campaign against Poland. The topic of abortion once again serves as a pretext for Soros's organisations to do their best to disrupt order in the country.

Here is a breakdown of his order of battle against Poland:

looks like a beginning of a political programme.

Yeah, a disruptive and well funded one too, thanks to one old man with very deep pockets.
Atch  22 | 4299
1 Nov 2020   #16
How is it that the founders of modern feminism, are all alone jews and jewesses?

There are no founders of present day feminism. They're simply descendants of the first feminists dating back to the 1700s, people like Mary Wollstencraft. She was English and not Jewish.

Then in the early 20th century you had the Suffragette movement spearheaded by Mrs Pankhurst and her daughters in England - also Christians.

Move on to the 1970s and Germaine Greer from Australia was hugely influential - she's a Catholic.

Is feminism a jewish tool for destroying white women?

jon357  72 | 23668
1 Nov 2020   #17
Mrs Pankhurst and her daughters in England - also Christians.

Indeed very far from Jewish, and in the case of the daughters, as far from Christian as it gets, one of them strongly supporting 30s fascism and the Third Reich.

Wow, those females from Women`s Strike are fast

This could be the beginning of something important. It's understandable that someone wouldn't want laws concerning their female bodies to been 30 years ago by males who were already old then.
Atch  22 | 4299
2 Nov 2020   #18
one of them strongly supporting 30s fascism

Would that be Christabel? But Christabel was a member of the Seventh Day Adventists, I thought. Sylvia was a socialist wasn't she? Spent most of her adult life in Ethiopia or somewhere, if I remember correctly.
jon357  72 | 23668
2 Nov 2020   #19
Would that be Christabel?

Adela Pankhurst. The one that was sent off to Australia to keep her out of the public eye. She was involved in far-right activism there and was interned during the war for pro-Axis agitation.

Sylvia was a socialist wasn't she? Spent most of her adult life in Ethiopia

She was, and a staunch anti-racism campaigner. As far as I know she has descendants still in Ethiopia. She was a good person.

Christobel eventually became part of the Plymouth Brethren movement (whose views on the role of women tend not to sit well with feminism). She was (an interesting and complex person, who was quite big on the TV talk show circuit in her old age.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
2 Nov 2020   #20
They invited guys from the anti-communist opposition of 1980s.

And we can see the first results. The protesting females are following the example of protesters striking against communists in 1980. Very accurate and very suitable referece - today, PiS act like neobolsheviks, so we need to use old methods on them: In 1980, communists had to back down under pressure and Solidarity was created.

Guys, history is being created on our eyes.

  • WaƂęsa - leader of the protest in 1980

  • Marta Lempart, leader of the protest in 2020

  • 21 postulates from 1980

  • 13 postulates from 2020
PolAmKrakow  2 | 948
2 Nov 2020   #21
You're really reaching for things now. A womens party will get destroyed by men before it has a chance. Really just stop with the nonsense.
Crow  155 | 9722
2 Nov 2020   #22
I am with Polish woman. Last peace of strength for Polish woman.

Racowie for Polish woman!
Poloniusz  5 | 969
2 Nov 2020   #23
history is being created on our eyes.

History really is being created before our eyes right here on PF with a POtard finally admitting that his beloved PO is not a viable alternative to PiS. So now you are on a desperate search for another fad party to march blindly behind.

Your unquestioning belief that Poland needs a single issue pro-abortion party shows that (like during your privileged PRL heydays) you are once again completely out of touch with the rest of Poland.

A feminist party will only bring final ruin upon Poland and you know it.

Just look at the feminist governments in France, Germany, Britain and Sweden which have turned their once proud, civil, cultured homogenous and rich countries into dreadful, deracinated, dystopian, uncontrollably violent, stinking, rotting sh;tholes.

We all know that you lost your chauffeur back in 1989 and you have wanted revenge against Poland because of it ever since.
jon357  72 | 23668
2 Nov 2020   #24
today, PiS act like neobolsheviks, so we need to use old methods on them: In 1980

This is clear.

Guys, history is being created on our eyes.

Hopefully it will continue. PiS can be stubborn and will need a concerted effort to defeat.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
2 Nov 2020   #25
finally admitting that his beloved PO is not a viable alternative to PiS.

You seem to suffer from amnesia. Don`t you really remember our most favourite motto?????? hahaha

A feminist party will only bring final ruin upon Poland and you know it.

No, I don`t. Prove it!

dreadful, deracinated, dystopian, uncontrollably violent, stinking, rotting sh;tholes

Oh la la. What rich imagination! hahaha

We all know that you lost your chauffeur back in 1989

No, I lost him in early 1970s when I grew up and was able to get to school on my own. hahahaha

So, as usual, your post is a pack of lies and manipulation not worth reading. I read it, though, coz it seemed not so long. I see you have learnt to make shorter posts. Good! Am I not a successful teacher in your case?? This thread proves I am. hahaha
OP pawian  226 | 27817
2 Nov 2020   #26
Hopefully it will continue. PiS can be stubborn and will need a concerted effort to defeat.

It has to continue. I wrote earlier that protests will die down gradually and it is nothing wrong, quite natural coz people usually get tired after a while and winter is coming. But they mustn`t forget what they are fighting for! Their own party or movement will constantly remind them of the need to remove PiS from power in 2023.

Yes, elections. It is good they are taking place in 2023 coz we need this time for PIS to discredit themselves even more. Then, with 20% support from their core fans, they are finished for good. If the opposition took power now, they would be responsible for handling the virus and crisis and all crazy moves that PiS has done so far.

And the crisis is deepening every day.

So, let`s be patient and see how PiS gradually crumbles. Only a pity it will cost Poland more wasted time. Cleaning up after PiS will take decades.

A womens party will get destroyed by men before it has a chance.

Don`t be silly. How? Besides, even if it takes place, that means the fight for women` s rights is a MUST!

Really just stop with the nonsense.

Don`t be silly,. It is not nonsense but a fight for the full liberation of Polish women!!!!!
jon357  72 | 23668
2 Nov 2020   #27
ruling that parts of the law on abortion

Yes, there's even a thread on it.

This is a gigantic nothingburger

The largest protests ever in Poland...
kondzior  11 | 1026
2 Nov 2020   #28
Yes, there's even a thread on it.

It is just a smokescreen.
Why would PIS even NEED this ruling to change the law? They have a single majority in parliament. It's not an issue that requires an amendment to the constitution. They could go ahead and pass a law right here, right now, that would ban abortion completely. But they don't. And they didn't the other three or whatever times when the draft law was submitted to parliament by pro-lifers. The draft laws were always stuffed into the trash after first reading, with KaczyƄski always voting against adopting them. It is nonsensical to say they suddenly decided to implement the thing they trashed a number of times before, and that they'd need some weirdo roundabout methods of doing it by first obtaining the court's ruling on the matter.

Everyone was pissed with PIS about their retarded lockdown measures, their lack of preparation for muh second wave, the anti-fur law, Sasin's 70 million, etc. etc. etc. So they took this ruling straight out of their ass because they knew it would redirect (or at least redistribute) the outrage from themselves onto other entities, and that the people would start arguing amongst themselves again instead of burning down the parliament building.

It was a trap that all the local retards very predictably walked into. I would say KaczyƄski is brilliant to know his enemies so well and to anticipate their reactions with such precision if the entire thing wasn't so foocking sad.
jon357  72 | 23668
2 Nov 2020   #29
Why would PIS even NEED

They knew there would be protests (after last year's huge Czarny Protest; they hoped to minimise them by passing the buck.

Plus some other factors like showing off that they've packed the Tribunal with their cronies. That and opposition within PiS by its more moderate members (they do exist) to this extreme measure. While at the same time dogwhistling about their appalling 'fourth republic' concept; any doubt about the effectiveness of the constitution subtly works in their favour..
gumishu  15 | 6228
2 Nov 2020   #30
I would say KaczyƄski is brilliant to know his enemies

I doubt KaczyƄski is that cynical, kondzior

Home / News / Women`s Party in Poland - a good means to end Women`s Hell ?

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