Who can ensure Honourable Saviour Donald Tusk will remain the PM till the next elections???
Putin! Fact!
The Russians literally refer to your personal lord and savior as
"Nasz człowiek w Warszawie!"There is an entire YouTube
channel showing over
five hours of a damning documentary investigation.
Russian diplomatic cables testify that Moscow actively courted Tusk and gave him much more favorable treatment compared to Kaczynski.
I even noticed this disturbing pattern of Tusk always meeting, smiling and shaking hands with Putin and called it out!
https://polishforums.com/news/lithuanian-diplomatic-war-last-47397/18/#msg1960336Not only that but the investigative reporting also alleges that Russians were not only taking advantage of the turmoil between Tusk and Kaczynski but Tusk knew they were and went along with it!
(Notice how the true Pole glides confidently and defiantly in front of the stone-faced, Poland-hating tyrants sitting side-by-side,)Tusk even publicly thanked the Russians for their support by taking a very different stance towards them than Kaczynski did.
In his own words:
And never once was this even mentioned by any Tusktards on PF! Not even to refute it! But they can't refute it so they hope by ignoring it that it will go away. But it won't!
In fact, Tusk and his toadies desperately tried to go through the courts to have the media investigative report yanked off of YouTube!
Co zawiera film, który Tusk chce zdjąć z sieci?wyborcza.pl/7,75968,29318404,co-zawiera-film-ktory-tusk-chce-zdjac-z-sieci.html
And this shocking move at Sovietesque censorship came from a smirking pygmy of a Prime Minister who had the gall to dismiss Poland as being "mediocre" but abundant in "freedom"