give some examples
Are you kidding me??? :D
OK, here goes...
Coal power plant in Ostrołęka - five years of pumping money into it, 1.4 billion pln losses, change of plans from coal to gas power plant and razing the C block to the ground :D But, no worries - those who were supposed to make money on it, made their money. It's only Polish taxpayers who lost.
Orlen and Lotos merger, resulting in Saudis taking over the shares and Hungarians (Russian puppet concern) taking over Polish Lotos stations. Thieves who were supposed to make money on, made their money. It's only Poland that lost. Magically, somehow Obajtek ends up owning 35 million pln in real estate only :) But he must have shared with whom he was supposed to share, so as a reward he got elected to the EU parliament and got immunity - convenient, isn't it?
GetBack vindication company and 2.6 billion pln taken from suckers (compared to PO's famous AmberGold where people lost 850 million) with authorities and services being curiously blind long after it was obvious what kind of "enterprise" it was.
Life-support machines trader who allegedly died in Albania but before that PiS government made a huge order, never realised, on which Polish treasury lost about 150 million pln.
"Red is Bad" scandal and over half-a-billion pln pumped by PiS government (Agency of Strategic Reserves) through this money laundry.
... just off the top of my head, and it's only tip of the iceberg. I hope it will all be properly investigated (like hundreds of millions pumped into dodgy foundations) and all the criminals put behind bars. They can drag the investigations for a year or so, so that Mr Duda isn't given a chance to do any convenient acquittals.