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Ups and downs of the democratic government 2023-2027 in Poland

Korvinus  2 | 567
12 Jun 2024   #181
That's why Tusk wants the new regulations, so he doesn't have to rely on PiS-president Duda's permission.

I see, you are one of the fanatics brainwashed by Gazeta Wyborcza and TVN beyond redemption. Even if Tusk shot your mother in front of cameras, you would still claim that it is PiS propaganda or that she must have deserved that.

As for cause and effect:
Cause: EU elections are over
Effect: Tusk no longer needs to hide his contempt for Polish constitution
Korvinus  2 | 567
12 Jun 2024   #182
BTW, Tusk had already used the air force to intimidate protesting farmers:
Torq  8 | 957
12 Jun 2024   #183
you are one of the fanatics brainwashed by Gazeta Wyborcza and TVN beyond redemption

You must be one of the fanatics brainwashed by Gazeta Polska Codziennie and TV Republika beyond redemption.

PiS was the most kleptocratic government in Poland's history, putinist-level. They made pre-war Sanacja look like a bunch of ascetic monks. The stuff that came to light in recent months is staggering, but I bet it's only the tip of the iceberg.

By the way, whereabouts in Poland do you live?
Ironside  50 | 12333
12 Jun 2024   #184
PiS was the most kleptocratic government in Poland's history

lol! I see Korvinus is right about your being brainwashed.
Korvinus  2 | 567
12 Jun 2024   #185
PiS was the most

I am not talking about PiS.
Tusk, he announced his plan one day after EU elections, even tough the border incident was highly publicized days before elections. You see, Tusk knew that Polish citizens would love the idea of government deploying armed forces at will in violation of the constitution, but he is so ethical that he did not want to gain an unfair advantage in the elections, so he postponed great news until Monday. Now we can all rejoice.
gumishu  16 | 6182
12 Jun 2024   #186
PiS was the most kleptocratic government

please, divulge - I mean give some examples to us poor PiS brainwashed sheeple
Torq  8 | 957
12 Jun 2024   #187
give some examples

Are you kidding me??? :D

OK, here goes...

Coal power plant in Ostrołęka - five years of pumping money into it, 1.4 billion pln losses, change of plans from coal to gas power plant and razing the C block to the ground :D But, no worries - those who were supposed to make money on it, made their money. It's only Polish taxpayers who lost.

Orlen and Lotos merger, resulting in Saudis taking over the shares and Hungarians (Russian puppet concern) taking over Polish Lotos stations. Thieves who were supposed to make money on, made their money. It's only Poland that lost. Magically, somehow Obajtek ends up owning 35 million pln in real estate only :) But he must have shared with whom he was supposed to share, so as a reward he got elected to the EU parliament and got immunity - convenient, isn't it?

GetBack vindication company and 2.6 billion pln taken from suckers (compared to PO's famous AmberGold where people lost 850 million) with authorities and services being curiously blind long after it was obvious what kind of "enterprise" it was.

Life-support machines trader who allegedly died in Albania but before that PiS government made a huge order, never realised, on which Polish treasury lost about 150 million pln.

"Red is Bad" scandal and over half-a-billion pln pumped by PiS government (Agency of Strategic Reserves) through this money laundry.

... just off the top of my head, and it's only tip of the iceberg. I hope it will all be properly investigated (like hundreds of millions pumped into dodgy foundations) and all the criminals put behind bars. They can drag the investigations for a year or so, so that Mr Duda isn't given a chance to do any convenient acquittals.
Torq  8 | 957
12 Jun 2024   #188
Oh, and one more "strawberry on the cake", as Tomasz Hajto would say - millions in bonuses paid to PiS government officials right after the lost elections.

Between 15th October and 13 December 2023 they paid themselves over 40 million pln in bonuses. :) I know, I know - compared to their other "businesses" it's pocket money, but it shows perfectly well what kind of people they are.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
12 Jun 2024   #189
it shows perfectly well what kind of people they are.

As one of their prominent politicians exclaimed the famous words in the Parliament a few years ago: Because we deserve it!!!! hahahaha

... just off the top of my head

I would also add the horse studs which PiS took over in order to control the sale of pure blood horses to Arab growers. PiS nominees , there were about 6 of them, ruined the enterprises during their 8 year rule. . Corruption, embezzlement, waste - that`s what rightists can do.

Are there countries with uncorrupted rightists who contribute to the progress and development???
Torq  8 | 957
12 Jun 2024   #190
I would also add the horse studs which PiS took over

Sure. Or the Silver Towers affair, or Mejza's "medical" services, or the famous wybory kopertowe. It was so much that a normal person can't remember it all.


Don't call them rightists, they're f*cking bolsheviks.
gumishu  16 | 6182
12 Jun 2024   #191
Thieves who were supposed to make money on, made their money

oh, thieves - yeah, you should denounce them - prosecutors will be happy -

PiS was trying to build a big national energy company able to invest in new fields (like wind farms off the Baltic coast which are scrapped now from what I can gather) - maybe we should have simply stick to coal and **** the EU

Getback: are you sure vindication companies are under the supervision of Bank Supervisory Commission (KNF)? I'm not (they have to only if they want to deal in very specific areas of vindication)

life-support machines? was there a surplus of these on the market in the early COVID days? wasn't the government desperate to DO SOMETHING or were they supposed to step up to the cameras and say: "Sorry folks, there are no respirators on the market, your grandparents will have to die"
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
12 Jun 2024   #192
**** the EU

That is exactly the point of view that many voters across the EU have been expressing this last week.
Why do you think that is?
Torq  8 | 957
13 Jun 2024   #193
prosecutors will be happy

Oh, yes, no worries, proper investigations are being conducted, but as I said - it has to be dragged out in time for about a year until the new president takes over. We don't want the prosecutors' and judges' work to be ruined again by some convenient presidential acquittals.

PiS was trying

It's unbelievable that after all this sh*t you are still trying to defend them... mind boggles. I suppose it's true what they say about PiS: they don't have voters/supporters, they have cult followers/confessors.
Ironside  50 | 12333
13 Jun 2024   #194
Are you kidding me

you know you are delusional? and this sentence is false?

PiS was the most kleptocratic government

Torq  8 | 957
13 Jun 2024   #195

Whatever, guys. Maybe one day you will open your eyes.
Ironside  50 | 12333
13 Jun 2024   #196

Not enough oxygen in your brain? Figurs. Wake up and smell the coffee.
All governments in Poland for the last 30 years have wasted public money. Who stole more in the process is anybody's guess, I doubt it is PiS there is stiff competition, and claims it was PiS is BS and propaganda. Simple. Facts are facts.

gumishu  16 | 6182
13 Jun 2024   #197
Whatever, guys. Maybe one day you will open your eyes.

Torq - I was sleepy yesterday (well today at 1 am) and I lost my edti:

maybe there were some swindles here and there during PiS rule - however compared to the amount of VAT fraud, mafias importing fuel illegally and selling them without paying taxes, the amount of money extorted from the state through fake drug prescriptions durign the time of PO-PSL before 2015 they were simply peanuts - just compare the income of the Polish states (which comes mainly from taxes) in 2015 and in 2023 (respectively 290 and 600 billion PLN) - after taking inflation out of the equation (cumulative inflation between 2015 and 2024 was about 50 per cent) the income of the Polish state was 50 per cent higher than in 2015 - after only 8 years - there is an even more striking comparison to marvel at: in 2018 the income of the Polish state was 380 billion PLN while the inflation rate between 2018 and 2015 was lest than 4 per cent - in just 3 years it grew more than 25 per cent - and practically no tax hikes happened in the process - that's the testament to the robbery of the state during PO+PSL rule

also some of the scandals you attribute to PiS were just mishandling, blunders, maybe even some incompetence (especially in international negotiations)

you just need to see things in perspective (and to give a point to those figures I'll use a quote from our fabulous minister of finances, Jacek Rostowski: "Piniendzy, nie ma i nie będzie") - watch this video to refresh your memory and maybe ponder a bit about these things:

OP pawian  219 | 24792
15 Jun 2024   #198
Those leftists are really amassing! They blame Mr Honourable Prime Minister Reverend Donald Holy Tusk for things beyond his powers.

- Political responsibility for the fact that there are still no civil partnerships in Poland lies with Prime Minister Donald Tusk , because he is responsible for what the Polish government does - said Mirosława Makuchowska, director of the Campaign Against Homophobia, in "Fakty po Faktach".

She added that the bill was blocked by one of the coalition partners, PSL leader Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz . - I cannot imagine a situation in which Prime Minister Tusk comes to a meeting of the Council of Ministers and is not able to say that this is so important, this is such a priority, I have been promising it for 14 years, we have to do it. That doesn't happen, she noted.

In her opinion, Donald Tusk "should take Deputy Prime Minister Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz for a conversation and say: listen, this is something we must do immediately." - This is one thing he clearly cannot afford - she said.

jon357  72 | 22979
15 Jun 2024   #199
civil partnerships

A second class alternative but better than nothing.

Donald Tusk "should take Deputy Prime Minister Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz for a conversation

OP pawian  219 | 24792
15 Jun 2024   #200
Donald Tusk "should take Deputy Prime Minister Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz for a conversation

Not so easy. Such fragile topics weren`t included in the coalition contract the 3 parties had concocted before the national elections last year. Each party can vote in the Parliament according to their agendas.
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
15 Jun 2024   #201
Trust me, Poles will deeply regret electing Donald Tusk in a few years time, just as much as Brits will regret electing Kier Starmer in the UK's forthcoming election.

The rest of Europe is swinging to the Right.As far as the EU is concerned, the Left have had their day.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
15 Jun 2024   #202
Trust me, Poles will deeply regret

No, I don`t trust you coz you are a bad person who dreams of taking advantage of me. Ha!

Yaaawn. Your boring post is a call for bedtime. Thank you.

Brits will regret electing Kier Starmer in the UK's forthcoming election.

Tu Cię boli, chłopczyku! Boisz się wyniku u siebie więc oczerniasz Polskę. Wracaj do kanałów londyńskich, tam Twoje miejsce. .
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
15 Jun 2024   #203
Tu Cię boli, chłopczyku! Boisz się wyniku u siebie więc oczerniasz Polskę. Wracaj do kanałów londyńskich, tam Twoje miejsce

Totally uncalled for and deserves a warning for insulting other posters and posting in Polish on an English thread!

Mods, deal with this troll.......
OP pawian  219 | 24792
15 Jun 2024   #204
posting in Polish

Really??? In Polish??? Amasing!!! What did they say??????


Skarżypyta bez kopyta!!! hahahaha
jon357  72 | 22979
15 Jun 2024   #205
fragile topics

What's so 'fragile'?

Then again, the current regime doesn't even have a proper majority.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
15 Jun 2024   #206
What's so 'fragile'?

Fragile means some issues aren`t supposed to be voted as a united coalition but each party votes separately. As a Brit, you don`t know the intricacies of Polish politics.

Relax, I forgive you. )::):)
jon357  72 | 22979
15 Jun 2024   #207

Means fragile. A problem for minority governments the world over.

One drawback of coalition governments. There should be a way to force it through as a precursor to equal marriage.

you don`t know the intricacies of Polish politics.

I do, not that politics in PL is especially 'intricate'.

Odd that you keep mentioning nationality.
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
15 Jun 2024   #208
Odd that you keep mentioning nationality.

Not odd at all, pawian has an inferiority complex especially when it comes to Brits and Yanks.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
15 Jun 2024   #209
I do,



Most of your posts here prove you aren`t Polish despite spending so many years here. You are British who treats Poland instrumentally. As long as you remain so, I will always call you out on that.
Ironside  50 | 12333
15 Jun 2024   #210
Odd that you keep mentioning nationality.

Because he is a moron Is that not obvious for anyone who posts on PF? On the other hand, you could be blind to that fact as he supports a woke agenda, even though only for opportunistic reasons.

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