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Ups and downs of the democratic government 2023-2027 in Poland

Paulina  16 | 4403
4 Jul 2024   #301
after only 8 months in power

Or rather 6 months and a half.
Alien  23 | 5539
4 Jul 2024   #302
6 months and a half

Much too soon to judge them.
Paulina  16 | 4403
4 Jul 2024   #303
@Alien, overall - maybe. But I will judge them for what they're doing to Polish media now. That's very important for me and for democracy.
Ironside  50 | 12333
4 Jul 2024   #304
Much too soon to judge them.

Says who>? You? You shouldn't be allowed to cross the street without assistance let alone make a judgment.
Alien  23 | 5539
4 Jul 2024   #305
judge them for what they're doing to Polish media now. That's very important for me and for democracy.

Do you feel that the Polish media have become less objective now? Are they a threat to democracy?
Alien  23 | 5539
4 Jul 2024   #307
Do you even know what it's all about?

I calmed down because I thought there was something worse. There is no threat to the media
Paulina  16 | 4403
4 Jul 2024   #308
There is no threat to the media

You know better than the media themselves? lol 🤦
Alien  23 | 5539
4 Jul 2024   #309
better than the media themselves?

Since you're asking, yes.
Paulina  16 | 4403
4 Jul 2024   #310
@Alien, and what makes you such an expert? lol
Alien  23 | 5539
4 Jul 2024   #311

Of course, I'm not an expert, but I don't see a serious threat as long as independent media remain. Maybe I'm old-fashioned.
Paulina  16 | 4403
4 Jul 2024   #312
Of course, I'm not an expert

No sh1t... lol

I don't see a serious threat as long as independent media remain.

Did you even read the articles I linked to? From start to finish? Because it doesn't look like it.

Polska Rada Biznesu (Polish Business Roundtable) somehow can see the threat and supports Polish media in their protest:
Paulina  16 | 4403
4 Jul 2024   #313
supports Polish media in their protest

So does European Publishers Council:

"EPC supports Nationwide media protest launched today in Poland over unacceptable implementation of the Copyright Act undermining Media Freedom":
Paulina  16 | 4403
4 Jul 2024   #314
And it's not just Polish fight, but for now the Polish government is failing. It looks like the Australian government did a good job in stopping those greedy, unethical, blackmailing, thieving big tech companies:
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
4 Jul 2024   #315
but for now the Polish government is failing.

And it will continue to fail as long as that pro EU moron Tusk is in charge..... I did warn you......
Paulina  16 | 4403
4 Jul 2024   #316
@Miloslaw, we will see. If the Polish Senate won't
stop it and this bill passes in its current form, then I won't vote for them anymore.
Alien  23 | 5539
5 Jul 2024   #317
I used to read news on Google, but now I don't read it anymore because their form has changed. I'm still of the old school who watches the news on TV and listens to the radio in the car on the way to/from work.
Paulina  16 | 4403
5 Jul 2024   #318
as for those weird adds with fake news (...) I see them all the time on Instagram (...) Omenaa Mensah (...) seem to be "trending" in them

Omenaa's Mensah husband, the founder of InPost, is going to war with Meta over those fake news adds which are featuring his wife:

Good. I don't know why they are allowing them in the first place (well, I do now - they are being paid to put them on - they're just greedy bastards).

Btw, recently I also saw an add on Instagram posted by user Rzeczpospolita Informacyjna with a deep fake video of the Polish president, Andrzej Duda, speaking in Polish with Duda's voice, advertising some "Poland Auto Trade" company o_O I took a screenshot:

wslipach  8 | 97
5 Jul 2024   #319
You should get it right the first time, you can't stand being wrong can you lol!

Lenka Syrenka. She cant live without being proved wrong, she used to be a mod here, what the fak happened , she was such a stuck up ***** and now when shes 60 shes still a stuck *****

How about you? Do you care about Polish media? PiS and their supporters claimed that they care about pluralism in media in Poland and the right to getting information. Where are they now?

I always cared about Polish media, Polish owned media and I am 100% behind kicking out foreign media and reducing foreign media credit rights to zero, media should never be up for sale to outside bodies from foreign countries. PiS is the party that tried to reduce foreign presence in Polish media. One of many things that can be done is to discredit foreign media for the lies that they spread , but hard to do when social media market is 99% left side

Sorry Lenka it was supposed to be Srenka not Syrenka
Lenka  5 | 3484
5 Jul 2024   #320
now when shes 60

Not even close.
Torq  8 | 957
5 Jul 2024   #321
it was supposed to be Srenka not Syrenka

Hey, that's no way to talk to a lady. Now I know why you still can't get a hole - lack of manners (this and the fact that you're ugly as f*ck). That's the main difference between you and your father, grandfather and great-grandfather: they all had sex at least once in their lives.
Paulina  16 | 4403
10 Jul 2024   #322
Omenaa's Mensah husband, the founder of InPost, is going to war with Meta over those fake news adds which are featuring his wife:

Meta's answer is that they delete those fake adds once they discover them, but it looks like they're lying (I'll post evidence later in my comment):

So this is what Meta has to say (my translation from the article):

"When asked what Facebook is going to do in this case Meta answered to that they "delete such adds after discovering them". Meta added: "creating adds which use public people in a deceptive way to deceive others is against our rules".

In response to portal's questions they admitted that although Meta has specialised systems for discovering clickbaits with public people and is investing in trained verifying teams, they don't always succeed.

The press office also assured that "(...) we're still investing in improving our systems. We also cooperate with the local administration, local law enforcement and we're taking legal actions."

My comment:

Sure... :)

Meta, how about you simply delete those adds when people are reporting them to you? Are your "verifying teams" blind, retarded or are they AI bots? :D

Not long ago I registered on Instagram (Meta owns Instagram) and I reported a few of those fake adds, including that deepfake video with the Polish president.
I got feedback to my first report (Omenaa Mensah fake add) pretty soon, but it was confusing. The message claimed that they deleted the add (Screenshot 1), but when I clicked on "Show report details" it said that the add wasn't deleted, because that fake add doesn't violate their rules :D (Screenshot 2) - so I don't know if it was deleted or not: 🤷

Paulina  16 | 4403
10 Jul 2024   #323
Yesterday on Instagram I got feedback to another two reports (that I sent around a week ago), including one concerning the add with Omenaa Mensah photoshopped to look like a victim of domestic violence posted by user Shivang Mathur - I posted a screenshot of this fake add here:

This time Meta straight up said they didn't delete those adds because, I quote: "our verifying team has decided that the add published by Shivang Mathur doesn't violate our community rules concerning commercial products" :D:

Paulina  16 | 4403
10 Jul 2024   #324
I didn't get feedback to the report with Andrzej Duda deepfake video so far, so I'm curious what it's going to be :D There is an option to "ask for verification", so I think I'm going to send such request in case of those two reports that I got feedback to yesterday to see what happens 🤔 - here's another Meta feedback from yesterday - again, fake add NOT deleted:

Paulina  16 | 4403
10 Jul 2024   #325

I'd just like to point out that I got the Meta decision about not deleting those fake adds after they claimed in that article that they delete those adds "once they discover them" :D 😂 🤦

There is an option to "ask for verification", so I think I'm going to send such request in case of those two reports

Or not :D

I just tried to send "request for verification" for both of those reports on my phone, but it doesn't work o_O - I got info that "Sending request for verification wasn't successful. Try again." I did try again and it failed again :D:

  • IMG_20240710_113509_.jpg
Paulina  16 | 4403
10 Jul 2024   #326
Is the Polish government betraying Polish media in favour of the foreign big tech? It looks like it:

For those who still don't understand what the problem is exactly - I think this article explains it in as simple way as possible:

Donald Tusk is meeting today with Polish media to talk about this issue.

I'm watching you, Donald.

Lenka  5 | 3484
10 Jul 2024   #327
I'm watching you, Donald.

Haha. Good.

Things must be quite confusing for young people trying to navigate news etc
Ironside  50 | 12333
10 Jul 2024   #328
Another instant when Poland will support Ukrinainei and they won't even say than you. what kind of politics is that? Tisk .....
Just wait for Gerrman to come and say it is nothing and they are better no matter all the evidence to the contrary.
wslipach  8 | 97
10 Jul 2024   #329
I'm watching you, Donald.

What are you on abt? Dont be funny, Mc donald already dismantled public media, the process already started, three public media outlets are to go into liquidation. He doesn't want anything public and doesnt want anything Polish . But then I cried so much when he put thumbs up for Poland befor the game against Holland, he was so cool that day. I promise not to be too harsh on him , he is so Polished deep down at heart. Jak on je te polskie pierogi...
Ironside  50 | 12333
10 Jul 2024   #330
I haven't been watching that political show for retarded racist haters from PO i.e. the Parliamentary Commission.
However, I made an exception for Obajtek's hearing. Those members of the commission are idiots and I mean they are not only ignorant, and rude but also have no brian whatsoever it was a pitiful show of Obajtek making mincemeat out of that which hunt comity because that's what it is .

If you look for American commission and hearing you couldn't be struck by a contrast. Why oh why do those morons have followers who vote for them. That terrible.

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