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Poland - A True Bastion and Defender of Free Speech

OP Poloniusz  5 | 970
30 Dec 2023   #181
the importance of Jewish trade or industry in Polish economy both before, during and after partitions...second half of the seventeenth century concentrated in the eastern part of the the eighteenth century...blah blah blah

Okay, so you find one author who wrote about something happening centuries ago and benefiting only some levels of society in some parts of Poland.

Yeah, nice try.

But let's accept your example as if it is all the proof that is needed.

If the Jews and the Jews alone made Poland so strong and prosperous then why were any partitions attempted and successful?

What more should the Jews have done to ensure Poland was never partitioned?

After all, as "integral parts" of Poland's history, they do hold equally responsibility for the partitions happening. Right?
Lenka  5 | 3531
30 Dec 2023   #182
Why do you have a problem with Jews fully integrating into a society?

I don't. It's up to them as individuals.
Not to mention that they can be integrated and still be Jewish as you don't have to be Catholic to be Polish .

Official masses were held inside the Sejm?

And what happens in 'kaplica sejmowa'?
pawian  224 | 27236
30 Dec 2023   #183
By the way, how long have you been a Zionist and what inspired you to become and remain one?

Let`s reverse it - how long have you been an antisemite and what inspired you? :):):)

If the Jews and the Jews alone made Poland so strong and prosperous then why were any partitions attempted and successful?

Because too many Polish elites, top aristocracy and royals, prefered to ally with Russians. Jews couldn`t prevent it. Simple.
OP Poloniusz  5 | 970
30 Dec 2023   #184
I don't. It's up to them as individuals.

How can you have a functioning society if people are doing their own thing and not wanting anything to do or have anything in common with anyone around them?

Not to mention that they can be integrated and still be Jewish as you don't have to be Catholic to be Polish .

Then why are distinctions made only if someone is Jewish?

And what happens in 'kaplica sejmowa'?

It's a separate room in a separate building far from the main Sejm building and meeting hall.
Lenka  5 | 3531
30 Dec 2023   #185
It's a separate room in a separate building far from the main Sejm building and meeting hall.

Still part of Sejm complex with daily masses.

But I agree there shouldn't be religion in government spaces so let's close the kaplica and stop doing the Chanuka. Deal?

How can you have a functioning society if people are doing their own thing and not wanting anything to do or have anything in common with anyone around them?

Who says nothing to do? E.g. Tuwim had everything to do with our culture and enriched it at the same time.

Then why are distinctions made only if someone is Jewish?

Because for some, like you, that makes a difference. For me? Who cares?
OP Poloniusz  5 | 970
30 Dec 2023   #186
Let`s reverse it - how long have you been an antisemite and what inspired you?


Another dodging of my question. Of course, that's because you are projecting.

All I asked is why you insist on saying Jews are so integral to Poland and then going out of your way to identify them as different from Poles.

And need you be reminded that you are the one calling the Israelis Nazis on here? I'm sure there are special interest groups who would classify you as antisemitic for doing so. :)

Because too many Polish elites, top aristocracy and royals, prefered to ally with Russians. Jews couldn`t prevent it. Simple.


Nah. Another instance of your insane bias and refusal to give an honest answer.

You can't say Jews hold no responsibility while admitting they were knowingly and directly supporting the very same "Polish elites, top aristocracy and royals" which you claim are responsible. They are at the very least accessories before-the-fact to the partitions to Poland.
pawian  224 | 27236
30 Dec 2023   #187
Another dodging of my question

You tell us the story of your antisemitism first and then we tell you our stories of philosemitism. Simple.

You can't say

Yes, I can and I do it. Your biased whining is meaningless.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
30 Dec 2023   #188

Philosemitism is just another form of antisemitism.
OP Poloniusz  5 | 970
30 Dec 2023   #189
so let's close the kaplica and stop doing the Chanuka. Deal?

Yes, deal. I'm sure there are many places of worship nearby and off government grounds.

Tuwim had everything to do with our culture and enriched it at the same time.

This guy?

"Julian Tuwim was an iconoclast, a revolutionary, a poet of the regime, a Jewish mystic who turned to communism in order to escape anti-Semitism."

I also read that he sat out WWII in safety and comfort overseas.

Obviously in your head he is the very essence of what it means to be Polish. But back where we sit in reality he isn't.
pawian  224 | 27236
30 Dec 2023   #190
Philosemitism is just another form of antisemitism.

Exactly. We love Jews so much that we antisemitically critisize them to make them even more perfect.

I also read that he sat out WWII in safety and comfort overseas

Like Chopin who didn `t go to the Rising.

Yet, decent Poles never had a problem with both. :):):)


It is your biased view which most Poles reject coz they love Tuwim`s poetry which is still taught at schools of all levels. Ha!
Novichok  4 | 8748
30 Dec 2023   #191
I could go over all the posts and comment...I won't because Poloniusz won this round hands down and I wouldn't be able to add anything to what he wrote other than to repeat what I already said:

"Poles and Jews" means Jews are not Poles.

Cars and bikes means bikes are not cars.

Another dodging of my question.

That's how you know you won.
Lenka  5 | 3531
30 Dec 2023   #192
Yes, deal

Great. So as long as there is still cross and kaplica you can stop moaning about Hanuka. It's 2 to 1.

This guy?

Yes. That guy. Great poet, part of polish culture
pawian  224 | 27236
30 Dec 2023   #193
I won't because Poloniusz won

Actually, he didn`t. It turns out that most native Poles and Polesses in the forum and a few foreign Polish guys support Jews in Poland while only two Americans like Polo or you are against. Who wins in the Polish forum? Poles and Polesses do.

You can kiss our human and monkey asses!! hahahaha
OP Poloniusz  5 | 970
30 Dec 2023   #194
coz they love Tuwim`s poetry which is still taught at schools of all levels.

Today's students aren't interested in people they can't relate to and if they had any say in the matter Tuwim wouldn't be forced taught upon them.

Poles and Jews means Jews are not Poles. Cars and bikes means bikes are not cars.



Get real. The chapel and cross are not oversized and not in the public's face.

It turns out that most native Poles and Polesses in the forum and a few foreign Polish guys support Jews

No, so far it's just been you and your fellow commie Lenka. If the British trolls of old were still around they would support you too but their opinions never counted anyway.
pawian  224 | 27236
30 Dec 2023   #195
f they had any say in the matter Tuwim wouldn't be forced taught upon them.

BS, Every Pole and Poless knows and loves the Locomotive by Tuwim. As a foreigner, you know nothing about Poland.
OP Poloniusz  5 | 970
30 Dec 2023   #196
Every Pole and Poless knows and loves the Locomotive by Tuwim.

No genuine Pole talks about Tuwim.
pawian  224 | 27236
30 Dec 2023   #197
This bs remark suggests that 38 million Poles and Polesses (except babies who can`t talk) are not genuine. hahahaha
Paulina  17 | 4465
30 Dec 2023   #198
The chapel and cross are not oversized and not in the public's face.

The cross is hanging in the plenary chamber of the Polish Parliament. It doesn't have to be two meters long, it's enough that it's there (and, unlike Hanukkah celebrations, it's there all the time) and everyone knows about it.

No genuine Pole talks about Tuwim.

You clearly didn't go to a public school in Poland :)))

Today's students aren't interested in people they can't relate to and if they had any say in the matter Tuwim wouldn't be forced taught upon them.

Don't be silly. During my time, if students had any say in the matter, many of them wouldn't want to be forced taught upon "Pan Tadeusz" or "Nad Niemnem" :))) A lot of stuff is "forced taught upon" students at school.

And it was my mother that introduced me to Tuwim's poems for kids when I was little - by reading them to me.
pawian  224 | 27236
30 Dec 2023   #199
introduced me to Tuwim's poems for kids when I was little

Or Brzechwa`s.
Paulina  17 | 4465
30 Dec 2023   #200
@pawian, yes, Tuwim's and Brzechwa's poems for kids are absolute classics. I still remember my mother reading them to me. You'd have to be retarded not to know about them if you were raised in Poland o_O

pawian  224 | 27236
30 Dec 2023   #201
Tuwim's and Brzechwa's poems for kids are absolute classics


Poloniusz, you lost coz your silly lies about Poland, Polish students, Polish Jews etc were debunked by a few native Poles and Polesses. Ha!

Do you feel stupid enough or not yet??? Simple yes or no.
Novichok  4 | 8748
30 Dec 2023   #202
Tuwim's and Brzechwa's poems for kids are absolute classics

Knowing the local langauge is not what makes you Polish, French, or Russian. Neither does the place of birth or citizenship. It's what you feel and say to yourself when nobody is watching.

Without proof, very few Jews said "us" and meant Poles.
Poloniusz is spot on this subject.
pawian  224 | 27236
30 Dec 2023   #203
very few Jews said "us" and meant Poles.

Do you mean yourself now? I have always suspected you of being Jewish. I have nothing against, and even pity you for that self-hating attitude.
OP Poloniusz  5 | 970
30 Dec 2023   #204
Without proof, very few Jews said "us" and meant Poles.

Hear, hear!

debunked by a few native Poles and Polesses.

Who were raised during the PRL and are not taken seriously by anyone born after 1990.

Do you feel stupid enough or not yet?

Of course not. I know I'm dealing with PRL fossils. I don't expect any of you to comprehend that Poland was very different before your time and is very different now and your opinions about Poland and Poles outside of the communist timeframe is done through a lens of communist education, embarrassing PRL nostalgia and lurching wild assumptions.
pawian  224 | 27236
30 Dec 2023   #205
I know I'm dealing with

While we know we are dealing with Dmowski epigone. A natio antisemitic guy like you murdered the first Polish President in 1922. Be gone into oblivion, repulsive nightmare that has haunted decent Poland.
Paulina  17 | 4465
31 Dec 2023   #206
Then why are distinctions made only if someone is Jewish?

Not really, we also say "Polish Tatars".

Poloniusz is spot on this subject.

On what subject? He was wrong when he wrote that if Polish students had any say in the matter "Tuwim wouldn't be forced taught upon them" or that "No genuine Pole talks about Tuwim". Kids don't care who wrote a poem. Tuwim's and Brzechwa's poems for kids are fun and that's all kids care about. Those poems are already part of Polish culture, whether Poloniusz likes it or not o_O

Poland was very different before your time and is very different now and your opinions about Poland and Poles outside of the communist timeframe is done through a lens of communist education

Are you saying that parents don't read Tuwim's and Brzechwa's poems to kids anymore? I somehow doubt it:


Oh, btw, they just made a new film based on "Akademia Pana Kleksa" (published in 1946) by Jan Brzechwa :))) In 2023! Those "PRL fossils"! :))))
Paulina  17 | 4465
31 Dec 2023   #207
I somehow doubt it:

A song "Kaczka Dziwaczka" (a classic poem for kids by Jan Brzechwa published in 1939) - this video was posted only 3 years ago and has 43 mln views :)):

OP Poloniusz  5 | 970
31 Dec 2023   #208
this video was posted only 3 years ago and has 43 mln views :)):

That sounds impressive and makes you wonder how it got 43 million views with 1 million subscribers to the channel, only 53,000 upvotes on the video itself, and comments disabled. :)

Maybe a YouTube View Bot is hard at work?
Crow  154 | 9463
3 Jan 2024   #209
Poland - A True Bastion and Defender of Free Speech

There are positive examples. Still, during Sarmatism was most certainly better.
Paulina  17 | 4465
3 Jan 2024   #210
how it got 43 million views with 1 million subscribers to the channel, only 53,000 upvotes on the video itself, and comments disabled. :)

The same way this one, I imagine :):

Unless you think that Disney Junior Polska needs bots to boost their views :)))

Maybe a YouTube View Bot is hard at work?

Really, Poloniusz? :D So, according to you all videos on YouTube get fake bot views or only those based on poems written by Polish poets with Jewish roots? :))))

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