There is not any strategic meaning of Poland today.
i would give you at least one strategic importance of Poland. That is, without Poland there is no Slavic world on the long run
what i mean,... if we hypothetically imagine situation that Poland stop to be Slavic after completely assimilated by non-Slavs, in some distant future, that would for sure represent final blow onto the body and soul of Slavic world. Without Slavic Poles (40 mil in Poland and plus about 10 mil in the world), Slavic world would suffer such a tremendous loss that it would be impossible to compensate (assimilation/minus of 50 mil. people for Slavic world means automatically 50 mil plus for non-Slavic world). Not to mention territory of Poland, in any sense
That`s why, in nearest future, we can expect all kind of pressures on Slaveno-Polish soul by hostile non-Slavs and, in the same time enormous Russian effort to improve relations with Poland.
So, manipulation with Poland against Russia goes in primarily two directions. On the long run it is assimilation of Poland into the non-Slavic entity. With it, it is expected Poland to become natural enemy of Russia instead possible (as long as Poles are Slavs) natural Russian partner. Second solution for Poland (in the eyes of hostile non-Slavs), is use of Poland (no matter still Slavic) in some eventual war against Russia where would Poles and Russians scatter each others.
from a book The Clash of Civilizations by Samuel P. Huntington >>>

you would note how author tendentiously avoiding to even mention Slavic world as unique old civilization but instead of that underlining religious aspect of division in the world, with it, `explaining` why he don`t see Slavic civilization. Seams that author count on religious antagonisms among Slavs
List of possible civilizations (according to S. Huntington):* Western civilization, centered on Australasia, Northern America, and Europe (excluding Orthodox Eastern and South-Eastern Europe but including Catholic Central and East-Central Europe). Huntington also includes the rest of Oceania. Whether Latin America and the former member states of the Soviet Union are included, or are instead their own separate civilizations, will be an important future consideration for those regions, according to Huntington.
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