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Poland Sports News

Paulina  19 | 4555
1 Jul 2016   #61
Poland are an average lot.

Wait, but that would make the English team... below average? :P

Not enough confidence to try and win the game in regulation time.

I would say they tried hard enough and had plenty of confidence for a Polish team ;):

"Not since the 1982 World Cup had Poland reached the semifinals of a major tournament but it began this contest with real confidence."

So this team kind of made history, don't forget ;D

I think my whole city roared when Lewandowski scored that goal - I could hear people cheer ;D

I haven't watched matches with a Polish team for a looong time because it was usually too painful to witness, but I haven't suffered this time - it turns out Poles can play football after all ;D

That would make for a livelier, more exciting game with higher scores!

If the game was any livelier and more exciting I think I would get a heart attack this evening xD Have mercy... lol

Soccer heads have some reason for the offside rule, but goalies don't even wear the same uniform as the team? What?

Well, this makes sense to me - it's easier to distinguish the goalkeeper from the rest of the team thanks to this.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
21 Aug 2016   #62
Merged: Gold Olympian Anita Włodarczyk campaigns for Skra fix-up

Anita Włodarczyk, Polish Olympic gold medallist in the hammer throw, is spearheading an effort to renovate or replace Warsaw's neglected, decrepit Skra stadium where she trains. Polish Televison showed an "obraz nędzy i rozpaczy" (anyone have a good translation for that?) of the ramshackle Skra sport centre. The gym where Anita works out has mouldy walls, a leaky ceiling and worn-out equipment. Gronkiewicz-Waltz's city hall, which has more money than the sports ministry, is being blamed for the mess.
mafketis  38 | 11258
21 Aug 2016   #63
Polish Televison showed an "obraz nędzy i rozpaczy" (anyone have a good translation for that?)

"A picture of misery and despair"? But I thought that was TVP's viewership numbers (hi hat!)
Polonius3  980 | 12275
22 Aug 2016   #64
"A picture of misery and despair"

But that is simply a translation. Does any Anglophone
actually say that?
Perhaps "dire misery" might be better?
Marsupial  - | 871
22 Aug 2016   #65
Soccer bores most of us here to death. After playing rugby I can't even derive the slightest bit of adrenaline playing soccer. Real pussy game.
mafketis  38 | 11258
22 Aug 2016   #66
But that is simply a translation. Does any Anglophone actually say that?

Dude, you _asked_ for a translation. Complaining when you get what you asked for (portrait of a diehard PiS supporter....).

"A picture of misery and despair" gets some google hits. It's not a cliche or set expressions but it's not unknown. I think "portrait of misery and despair" or "painted a portrait of misery and despair" sound a little more natural in (US) English. Though it seems like an odd choice for a sports facility. I think described the facilities as a "ruined antiquated relic" or "shell (or shadow) of its former self" is more idiomatic.

Changes to google over the last few years make it increasingly useless at checking this kind of thing. The last few years have seen massive digital regression in usefulness...
Polonius3  980 | 12275
22 Aug 2016   #67
seen massive digital regression in usefulness

To what do you attribute that regression?


It's a lot like that ram-slam-bang-'em-up free for all known as American
a football. But nothing is more boring than cricket and baseball!
mafketis  38 | 11258
22 Aug 2016   #68
To what do you attribute that regression?

There is a fairly broad consensus among the political and financial higher ups throughout the west to defang the internet and to make harder for people to create meaningful content with digital equipment. The current.... agenda is to turn the internet into heritage media (BBC, CNN) and turn the rest into clickbait, shopping and social media (which is mostly attention whoring about lifestyle status - posting pictures of your lunch and the like).

It's not working because the... emerging traditionalist/nationalist/racialist/alt right* is smarter than that and actively working around it. The counter-culture now is no longer liberal or progressive, but rather traditionalist/nationalist/ant-feminist. The left is not producing anything edgy or transgressive now - it's all dull conformism and Miss Grundy lessons in manners about preferred pronouns and other meaningless tripe. The pendulum has stopped its swing and is going to start swining the other way now - and this will just pick up speed in the next few years. The elites, as usual, are completely out of touch and deaf and dumb and blind as to popular sentiment on the ground.

The turning point with digital media was Windows 2007 (with its marked loss of usefulness for many programs, esp Word) and it's just accelerated since then especially with the curse of smartphones (aka personal-soma-devices).

*nb this movement is not "conservative" in any traditional meaning, it's something new
smurf  38 | 1940
22 Aug 2016   #69
Anita Włodarczyk, Polish Olympic gold medallist.

I hope she gets the money that the place deserves. Utterly ridiculous that a successful athlete has to train like that.
jon357  72 | 23654
22 Aug 2016   #70
Should have been sorted out years ago. Skra could be a great resource for the public again (though no need for it to be a sporting one; maybe something to do with the arts). Or even more practical, sell off half the land (at public auction with a reserve, to avoid the kind of corruption prevalent in any and all land deals here), use the money to build the kind of sports facilities needed (out of town - no need to have it so close to the city centre (like the Biedronka National Stadium, also better if it had been built well away from the centre) and incorporate the rest of the land into the park or as lower level sports facilities.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
22 Aug 2016   #71
with the arts

Sports, arts and community things are hardly the top priorities of the omnipotent commercialist powers that be. That is prime city centre real estate that developers just can't wait to get their hands on and turn into upscale gated housding cum shopping faiclites. The only hope to reverse such a tendency is the current people-friendly PiS government which you dislike, but business and scam-friendly PO certainly won't do it.

Anita Włodarczyk

The unquestioned heroine of the Rio games was hammer-thrower Anita Włodarczyk, referred to by the Polish media as "Golden Anita". She not only won the gold medal when she hurled her hammer an amazing 82.29 meters, but also broke her own world record by 1.21 meters. In addition, the two-time world champion and three-time European champion became the first woman in Olympic history to outdo the men's hammer-throw champion - in Rio an athlete form Tajikistan who scored a mere 78.68 meters.

One of the event's biggest disappointments was Polish men's hammer-thrower, two-time world champion Paweł Fajdek who not only was sure of a gold medal but planned to break the 86.74 meter record set by a Russian in 1986. It turned out that Fajdek didn't even make it through the elimination phase. Like a little boy, the 264-pound hulk dropped to the ground and cried! The honor of Poland's male hammer-throwers was defended by Wojciech Nowicki who won a bronze medal in the sport.

Oktawia Nowacka, a career soldier in the Polish Army, brought home the bronze in modern pentathlon, a sport combining fencing, free-style swimming, show jumping, pistol shooting and a 3200-meter cross-country run. A bronze medal was also won by woman wrestler Monika Michalik.

Discus thrower Piotr Małachowski had his heart set on Olympic gold, but had to settle for silver. His claim to fame, however, transcended the strictly athletic realm, when he decided to auction off his medal to help a little Polish boy. Three-year-old Olek (Aleksander) Szymański has a rare eye cancer and who stands to lose one of his eyes. The only hope for curing it is at New York clinic where the surgery costs $264,000. Małachowski got the ball rolling, and others have been pitching in.

This year's Polish Olympic team was not without its whiff of scandal. Brother weightlifters, Tomasz and Adrian Zieliński, were disqualified and sent home on doping charges. They hotly denied consciously ingesting any illegal substance, but the tests conducted by the anti-doping lab proved otherwise.

As the Rio Olympics were winding down, it appeared Poland might end up not with the 17 medals predicted by optimists but with the same ten the country had won at the previous three 21st-century games: Athens (2004), Beijing (2008) and London (2012). The balance was tipped by mountain biker Maja Włoszczowska who came second over a grueling, curvy, hilly, obstacle-strewn course. A major disappointment was the Poles' failure to win bronze in the handball finals where they lost to the Germans.
mafketis  38 | 11258
22 Aug 2016   #72
current people-friendly PiS government

You have a different definition of "people friendly" than I do. To continue my earlier rant, PiS was elected partly because of the emerging nationalist/traditionalist movement in Europe, but has lost a lot of support among younger people (who again, are not "conservative")

They don't care about Smolensk or settling accounts from 1992, they want jobs and a future and a government that can only look backwards (while handing out goodies to the most feckless part of the population) will not maintain their support.

Keep to the topic, this is a sports thread.

The Skra problem relates to something I'd touched upon before. The PRL had absorbed the entirely of civic life in Poland and when it fell, that all collapsed. People withdrew from the kind of civic engagement you get in other countries so you don't have much in the way of social clubs or community supported recreation. It's all privatized or neglected.

I would support re-funding that type of activity so that places like Skra could serve both the local community and elite athletes.
Marsupial  - | 871
23 Aug 2016   #73
Hey p3 I agree. Cricket gets boring very quickly. Played it heaps but always bored me gave it up and did surfing in sumner. Much better. I don't even watch it anymore. I would really love if more poles tried rugby. It is a fun hard game.
Youngy_24  - | 1
18 Oct 2016   #74
Merged: Polska XIII Rugby League Australia

Polska XIII is a National Rugby league team based in Australian made up of Australian players with Polish heritage or citizenship living in Australia, Polska XIII are entering our first side alone side in the Cabramatta 9s on the 28th January 2017 at Cabramatta Sydney N.S.W

On the success of last years combined European side which was a joint Hungarian / Polish side in which we finished a respectable 5th overall. Polska XIII is seeking your support in locating any one that may be interested in playing or helping out of the field ,

We are also looking for anyone or any business that maybe interested in sponsoring the team in our efforts to play in the ENWC 2017 (Emerging nations world cup) in November 2017. Please feel free to come down and have a look on the 28th of January 2017 and support the guys.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
8 Jul 2017   #75
Poland defends the World Champion title in Speedway with the UK being meaningless 4th!
Great job!!!
Atch  22 | 4299
10 Jul 2017   #76
Speedway has a huge following in Poland, it's a national sport so one would expect Poland to do well in international competition. It has a very small following in the UK. Incidentally do you have many fatalties in it?? Our sport in Ireland is motorcycle road racing, a lot of deaths associated with it. If you've heard of the TT in the Isle of Man, that's the kind of thing. Road racing - in the rain of course :))
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
10 Jul 2017   #77

Lots of deaths too. Last year young Polish lad Krystian Rempała lost his life on the track.
Atch  22 | 4299
10 Jul 2017   #78
Very sad, especially being so young, not much more than a child really - poor kid, God rest his soul.
jon357  72 | 23654
1 Sep 2017   #79
I just watched the World Cup Qualifier match, Denmark:Poland. As they say in Poland after football matches 'nic nie sie stalo'.

  • Screen_Shot_201709.png
gumishu  15 | 6228
1 Sep 2017   #80
'nic nie sie stalo'

nic nie się stało? are you really sure the order of the words is right here? or you have developed some peculiar 'feel' for the Polish language over the years?
jon357  72 | 23654
2 Sep 2017   #81
Not that peculiar at all according to an extremely quick google search of that exact phrase in quotation marks (with nie before sie). I wonder if you imagined I meant nic sie nie stalo. Never mind...

And very apt, since as usual with the Poland team in international matches, no goals happened for them....
Wulkan  - | 3136
2 Sep 2017   #82
'nic nie sie stalo'


jon just wanted to troll and provoke like his buddy delph does but instead he only demonstrated how terrible his Polish is after so many years living in Poland.

extremely quick google search of that exact phrase

Not only you had to search for it but also you got it wrong, don't worry jonny! You don't need Polish in your progressive LGBT bubble anyhow.

since as usual with the Poland team in international matches, no goals happened for them

A day without fake news is a day wasted isn't jonny?

National Polish football team has scored in their last 10 games in a row.
jon357  72 | 23654
2 Sep 2017   #83
They'll probably beat Kazakhstan this week, but of course it all depends on the other Group E matches over the next couple of months as to whether they'll get through to round 2 of the qualifiers. As one could say about a certain football player who didn't have a particularly good night: Robert Lewandowski kup sobie mocniejsze okulary, może trafisz do bramki"
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
2 Sep 2017   #84
National Polish football team has scored in their last 10 games in a row.

And yet they were so rubbish that they went out of the Euros before Wales.
Lee Kirk Hunt
5 Sep 2017   #85
Oi they are a rubbish team not like the better ones and falling down the group their fans are cnc operators in birmingham

National Polish football team

hello my siemens w@nka friend
nothanks  - | 626
6 Sep 2017   #86
And yet they were so rubbish that they went out of the Euros before Wales.

Lost to eventual Champion
Ktos  15 | 432
17 Feb 2018   #87

Brawo to Polish athletes so far in PyeongChang and in general

1. Justyna Kowalczyk - what a story of perseverance. This is a superb skier who did not need to consume drugs like the Norwegians "athletes" (they have it as their breakfast menu) and who was denied bronze by arrogance of the Norwegians.

2. Kamil Stoch - another legend, another gold just like Justyna did before.

3. Zbigniew brodka - defeated the asasas holes (the dutch sracz) in speed skating and showed the world what cry babies dutch are (why ppl say dutch courage again?).

4. Katarzyna Anna Bachleda-Curus - won silver and brown medals at the winter Olympics and refused to take a bribery offered to her by the dutch coach. Brawo Katarzyna, szame on dutch toilet again. They are good at getting angry and cheating in the only discipline they show up at.

Poland can be proud.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
17 Feb 2018   #88
Justyna Kowalczyk


Zbigniew brodka

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
17 Feb 2018   #89
Loser? Both of those people have Olympic Gold medals.

Hehehe brodka is from the town of Glowno =P

And no one Pole says 'nic nie sie stalo'....
Ktos  15 | 432
18 Feb 2018   #90

Dude! Learn Polish before you use it. As for your input here, it is better to say when it comes to sports "nic się nie stało" than dwell on the loss and blame the referees, the opposing team and everybody but yourself, which is what Westerners tend to do often. I prefer the "nic się nie stało" than bs blame game of a sore loser. By the way, you simplified Polish response to some imaginative quote taken out of context, we never say that nothing happened pretending to brush it off, but we do not treat sporting loss as a national tragedy, you have to know how to win and know how to lose.

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