Apropos that shooting in a Swedish school on Monday last in which one teacher was killed, ought Poland be concerned that something similar might happen as occured in around 2002 in Erfurt, Germany or in Toulouse, France several years ago at a Jewish day school?
School shooting in Sweden. Should Poland be worried about a copycat?
Any alibi to be used for the millionth time to spit on Muslims! Don't you have anything more interesting in what you call your life? Have you seen in the (including Polish) news that in Sweden a refugee shelter got burned down? Do tell us more about it so you and your racist buddies shall have something to spend the weekend on.
?? Being neither Swedish nor particularly xenophobic (at least, not in public), inPolska, I'm slightly confused right now as to the nature of your rant. At whom are you lashing out, pray? Certainly not at me. So at whom, then:-)
What does it have to do with Poland? Anything that could happen in Tanzania, North Pole or New Guinea shall be now copied-pasted in PF with the "could it happen in Poland too"? What to you expect from PF's members besides vomitting once more on Muslims. Sorry, but I don't see anything else. ANYTHING in PF is an exuse to do so...
I don't know whether you are a racist or not but you sometimes post things that are strongly xenophobic.. I must say that I am most surprised as you said that you are Jewish. As part of a minority who have suffered in the most incredible horrible ways, one could expect some empathy from you to others suffering. (I won't be label as "antisemitic" as my mother-in-law was born Jewish (later on converted to catholicism because easier in Poland ;)).
Sorry if I have misunderstood your aim but I am almost sure that I have not.
If you want to comment upon things that happen in Sweden or elsewhere, go to Swedish and other more suitable fora.
I don't know whether you are a racist or not but you sometimes post things that are strongly xenophobic.. I must say that I am most surprised as you said that you are Jewish. As part of a minority who have suffered in the most incredible horrible ways, one could expect some empathy from you to others suffering. (I won't be label as "antisemitic" as my mother-in-law was born Jewish (later on converted to catholicism because easier in Poland ;)).
Sorry if I have misunderstood your aim but I am almost sure that I have not.
If you want to comment upon things that happen in Sweden or elsewhere, go to Swedish and other more suitable fora.
Empathy apart, InPolska, my query was merely as to whether Poland, as Sweden's European neighbor (if not directly) feared a similar type of attack as iminent or not.
That's all:-)
That's all:-)
rozumiemnic 8 | 3893
24 Oct 2015 #6
Actually I agree with InPolska - what next? Muslims are like XXXXX in London and Paris, could it happen in Poland?
And then this faux naif wide eyed surprise when you are pulled up on it...
And then this faux naif wide eyed surprise when you are pulled up on it...
24 Oct 2015 #7
shooting in a Swedish school on Monday last in which one teacher was killed,
That would be the stabbings in a Swedish school last Thursday perhaps?
The attacker was shot dead by the police.
Your title is inaccurate and misleading.
What does it have to do with Poland?
I have to agree.
This type of thread is going to be responded to by resident and guest racists alike.
One could pick any subject and say ' Could this happen in Poland?'
The fact is that although no-one yet knows the attacker's motivation for the attack, the fact that it occurred in a an area of Sweden inhabited by a large number of immigrants is going to be enough for some people to immediately jump on the 'it must be the fault of the immigrants' bandwagon.
I'm sick of hearing about it all to be honest.
This is not Polish news.
johnny reb 49 | 8003
24 Oct 2015 #8
Wait how could this have happened since guns are outlawed in Europe ?
Thanks W.B. for helping me out here.
Maybe they should outlaw knives now too.
Thanks W.B. for helping me out here.
Maybe they should outlaw knives now too.
rozumiemnic 8 | 3893
24 Oct 2015 #9
oh everyone is packing in Europe Johnny...:) Farmers, farmers' mums....
24 Oct 2015 #10
Wait how could this have happened since guns are outlawed in Europe ?
Read my above post Johnny, it WASN'T a shooting.
rozumiemnic 8 | 3893
24 Oct 2015 #11
Maybe the admin could clean up the title then?
24 Oct 2015 #12
It wasn't shooting. Guy was armed with a sword. If it was USA he'd be armed with several assault-style rifles and the death toll would be much higher.
johnny reb 49 | 8003
24 Oct 2015 #13
Read my above post Johnny, it WASN'T a shooting.
I said thank you for helping me out to understand how a shooting could have possibly happened.
But then on the other hand if the teacher would have been afforded to own a gun to protect herself
from such an attack she may still be alive today.
rozumiemnic 8 | 3893
24 Oct 2015 #14
Your logic is astounding Johnny...:D
The fact is that although no-one yet knows the attacker's motivation for the attack
The attack (with a sword as you say, not a gun) was a protest against immigration politics. Non-Swedish pupils was targeted while Swedish ones was spared by the killer.
In todays climate (and Sweden is a pressure boiler about to explode) you're bound to have a few nuts take it a step to far.
So no, it wouldn't happen in Poland.
24 Oct 2015 #16
if the teacher would have been afforded to own a gun to protect herself
from such an attack she may still be alive today.
from such an attack she may still be alive today.
I am not going to debate guns with you again Johnny on a completely different thread.
Shooting, stabbing, goring.... sorry there, Chem, I only know what I read in the papyrusLOL
Of course, the premise is that the attacker a la Mr. Breivik in Norway, had a biased motive. Again, only curious, as this is a Polish, and not a Swedish, forum, whether any Polish schools feel any heightened sense of alert!
Of course, the premise is that the attacker a la Mr. Breivik in Norway, had a biased motive. Again, only curious, as this is a Polish, and not a Swedish, forum, whether any Polish schools feel any heightened sense of alert!
24 Oct 2015 #18
whether any Polish schools feel any heightened sense of alert!
I'm not the best person qualified to answer this as I'm not resident in Poland and therefore don't work at a Polish school, but why would you think that Polish schools more than schools for example in any other European country feel any heightened sense of alert?
Again, until just ten or so years prior, doubtless noone in Germany or France could have even imagined what would happen in their country, it was an "American phenomenon":-)
Today, it's a worldwide reality, without borders!
Today, it's a worldwide reality, without borders!
worldwide reality
Is this a one-off oddity or is overall crime on the upswing in Sweden? It was was once held up as a safe and peaceful land. How does it stack up to other countries?
I think that that silly politic of pc and everthing connected to it is at fault to a large extend.
It wasn't shooting. Guy was armed with a sword. If it was USA he'd be armed with several assault-style rifles and the death toll would be much higher.
That's something, I suppose. I won't say "good", just "less bad".
It happens in America and it's on the TV news everywhere within the hour. Evil spreads quickly and the most dangerous sort of people are suggestible.
It happened in Norway too. I hope these things won't increase.
johnny reb 49 | 8003
31 May 2021 #23
I hope these things won't increase.
A new investigation finds that Sweden has gone from being one of the safest European countries 20 years ago in terms of gun crime to the second most dangerous.
noone in Germany or France could have even imagined what would happen
This is not entirely true. If we are going back in history, then we will always find cases in which deranged individuals attacked public spaces like the Cologne school massacre from 1964. Back then the explanation was that people who had experienced war were more likely to crack, but as we know now, this does not explain all cases.