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Scandals, conflicts, tensions, arguments - real life examples from Poland

Dougpol1  29 | 2497
22 Sep 2019   #181
poles appreciate the boomimg economy which is being wisely managed under pis,

You don't live here Dirk so how do you know the economy is down to PIS?
It isn't. The conditions for business were put in place over the last 15 years, by attracting multis and light engineering, and we are now in a boom cycle. PIS are setting about busting it - because they are spending money like it's going out of fashion. The deficit will grow, production will move to cheaper economies, any talk of false pay rises as in communist bygone days will fuel inflation, food prices are rising, taxes will be forced to rise, and cost cutting or austerity will also hit when the public purse is hit by reduced tax collection..

I was standing outside my house today watching the bus go by from the terminus, right on the edge of town - and the buses into town went by every 7 minutes. On a Sunday. An absolute joke of a waste of money, if it wasn't for the fact that it's the taxpayers' money being wasted. This might be down to local government (nobody told them that the shipyards are closed on a Sunday) but it must have something to do with this socialist governments' mantra.

That is Poland and PIS today. Pis sing the taxpayers' money up against the wall, and there is no money for infrastructure projects as a result. Poland is heading for fiscal disaster.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
22 Sep 2019   #182
Spending money they don't have?

Tax revenues are higher than ever and the budget is financially sound. Its in a far better place than countries like germany and france who run at 100% or more of government spending vs revenues.

You don't live here Dirk so how do you know the economy is down to PIS?

Because im an mba and know how to read basic charts and economic data which show polands healthy gdp growth outpacing countries like germany, uk, france, etc., unemplpyment is so low companies are having a hard time finding people even with 2 mil ukranians coming in, wages have been growing rapidlt and now theres talk of dramatically increasing the min wage, the budget is balanced, exports are growing, service industry is growing rapidly, and every other week theres an announcement of some major company opening a huge facility in poland whether its mercedes, lg, amazon, dell and countless others.

Giving money away as social welfare and bribery to keep people having children and staying in Poland. This is what it is.

Youre just mad PO didnt think of it first and must now tacitly admit it was a great political move as no po politician thats actively campaigning will talk about ending it

And regarding the min wage increase itll barelt impact polish employers because unemployment is so low theyre having a hard time finding people. Theyre literally fighting to attract workers because their businesses are booming but theyre having a hard time finding people to hire. Theres tons of news stories about this and testimonials from recruiters. Even look at how manu recruiting companies there are versus just 5 10 yesrs ago.

and there is no money for infrastructure projects as a result. Poland is heading for fiscal disaster.

Thats what milking the EU cash cow is for. Heading for fiscal disaster? Polands economy is one of the healthiest in the EU right now and even was upgraded by moodys about a year ago as a developed market economy.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
23 Sep 2019   #183
@Dirk diggler
This is where your argument becomes nonsensical. Firstly, pointing out that you have an MBA doesn't impress people, it shows you have an inferiority complex. Second, I never supported PO and paid no attention to daily politics in Poland until I moved here. Other than historical Politics there wasn't much need to for me.

Arguing the minimum wage increase wont bother employers is ignoring the facts of forced labor cost increases damaging business in the United States. Remember how increased employer costs with Obamacare cause employers to not hire full time employees?

As a business owner for more than 25 years, in multiple sectors, what effects the bottom line is what is considered first. Forced cost increases will immediately slow new business development and will definitely slow growth.

The reason the Ukrainians are here is because they are leaving the Ukraine for work that Poles typically wont accept. They are leaving the Ukraine for a better life here in Poland. They are not a catalyst for economic growth if this wage hike takes place.

Reading the news and forming an opinion is not the same as actually living in the country and experiencing what is really happening on the ground.

I live in Cracow Centrum. I went through the residency process and am going through the citizenship process. Pretty sure I have a good idea on what is going on here with immigration.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
23 Sep 2019   #184
In the last 10 years, Poland's per capita GDP did not increase at all. Neither did Germany's. French actually went down.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
23 Sep 2019   #185
@Rich Mazur
Great point. In Krakow and other cities, the real estate market is slowing and starting to decline in some areas. While it is nice when there is a buyers market, it does not stimulate more investment. Gdansk is another city where real estate is starting to trend down.

When speaking with other decision makers in business yesterday, not one of them was excited about having to raise prices to cover rising costs. Not one of them was happy to pay more into ZUS the way ZUS is being operated financially.

The service industry will remain insulated simply because of tourism in major cities, and they a non typical employees. They are not on contracts and work for tips. Manufacturing on the other hand would be crushed. Tourism will not drive the Polish economy, just as it wont drive the US economy.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
23 Sep 2019   #186
In the last 10 years, Poland's per capita GDP did not increase at all. Neither did Germany's. French actually went down.

Is there any data supporting this claim?
cms neuf  1 | 1846
23 Sep 2019   #187
I think he read it in Pravda during the tram ride home

In fact it has almost doubled over the last 10 years - doesn't matter if its PO or PiS - Both have benefited from the economic effects of EU membership and lots of investment
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
23 Sep 2019   #188

Im a business owner as well and yes labor costs have dramatically increased. Nonetheless, its still very difficult for us to find quality employees and we have no problem paying the higher wages because itd mean more profit for us. Theres more work than we can handle and our biggest problem is finding quality candidates. Thats the situation countless polish employers find themselves in. Theyre willing to hire people at higher wages because their business is doing well. The obama example isnt valid because obamacare was launched during a recession so it was at a time whuen business slowed down combined with increased costs. The booming polish economy eats those costs. In case you havent noticed the wages in poland have been going up alongside gdp.

And in wroclaw the real estate sector is doing well and has been for quite some time. I cant speak for other regions and cities though.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
23 Sep 2019   #189
@Dirk diggler
Owning a business in USA is not in Poland. Wroclaw is not indicative of any other part of the country either. I deal with big companies, those employing a minimum of 500 in most cases, and several employing thousands. Those CEO's and their HR counterparts are already talking about hiring freeze's today. In USA, where I also employ people, those I work with are still not hiring full time employees because of the increased insurance costs associated with them.

Quality employees in Poland isn't really a problem with the education system. Jobs are filled rather quickly, you stated as much several times. If anyone believes a nearly doubling of minimum work contracts wont crush the hiring and growth of a country, then they really haven't tried to pass increased costs on to the consumer before.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
23 Sep 2019   #190
And the head of NIK profiting from prostitution is of course, no big deal....

Yes, it seems that PiS is doing their best to excel in scandals and beat former PO/PSL government. Once we ridiculed PO for baby octopuses and an expensive watch, today it is time to make fun of PiS pimps, among others. :)):
mafketis  38 | 11137
23 Sep 2019   #191

Prostytucja i Sutenerstwo!!!!!!

And as long as people get their 500+ they don't care and their votes are secure!

PiS prostituted an entire country!!!!!!!
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
23 Sep 2019   #192
Here is this week's scandal in Poland:

Polish MP Katarzyna Lubnauer has been threatened with death by someone in a texted message to the TVN channel. The channel immediately informs the police and police warns the MP to remain in the room of the Sejm hotel as the perpetrator may be nearby. The perpetrator says in his message that she may be soon dead like the Mayor of Gdańsk Paweł Adamowicz who was stabbed to death during a public event.

Soon the perpetrator is detained and it turns out that he is a ... member of the Sejm Guard, a body which is supposed to protect Members of Parliament !!!

OP pawian  224 | 27236
23 Sep 2019   #193
PiS human resources are special, including Parliament Guards. What barbarism. PiS has been choosing such guys on purpose and they are everywhere. My God, Poland will have to recuperate for decades after PiS rule.
mafketis  38 | 11137
23 Sep 2019   #194
member of the Sejm Guard

As long as 500+ keeps coming voters won't care.....
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
24 Sep 2019   #195
Owning a business in USA is not in Poland

Same principles apply worldwide in capitalist countries.

I deal with big companies, those employing a minimum of 500 in most cases, and several employing thousands.

Good for you. I scratch my nuts as someone drives me around and collect cash and checks all day long.

As long as 500+ keeps coming voters won't care.....

Indeed. PiS is gonna pwn PO again next election regardless of all these non-scandals and non-issues.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
24 Sep 2019   #196
@Dirk diggler "Same principles apply worldwide in capitalist countries."

Indeed. Principles are theory and theory works anywhere until its put into practice and found not to work. Poland business practices are nothing like USA. The only exception being that both countries have their own currency.

I am sorry to hear you have to have someone drive you around to collect cash and checks. That usually happens when people don't want to pay you. I just sit in my office while people pay in advance on line. Have a nice day.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
24 Sep 2019   #197
PiS is gonna pwn PO again next election regardless of all these non-scandals and non-issues.

And that is sad coz it means Poles are going to the dogs - they are selling out their morals for money from PiS, as maf said. Prostitutes!
24 Sep 2019   #198
As long as 500+ keeps coming voters won't care.....

I think you're right and unfortunately, they will get re-elected.

they are selling out their morals for money from PiS

People are fickle :(
OP pawian  224 | 27236
24 Sep 2019   #199
Poles are going to the dogs - they are selling out their morals for money from PiS, as maf said.

Of course, I meant those several millions only, not all Poles.

Let`s change the topic coz we have had enough politics for a while in this thread.

Latest scandal is that the most popular discount chain sells products from other countries tagged as Polish - first potatoes (from Germany), now apples (from Portugal) Polish Produce Trading Association protests and sends its activists to replace foreign stuff with real Polish one.

  • indeks.jpg

  • 1569101142_by_Teknom.jpg
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
24 Sep 2019   #200
Did Poland join that stupidity of 99-ing prices, too?

I consider it a personal insult, as this idiocy presumes that I am not smart enough to know that 9.99 is 10.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
24 Sep 2019   #201
We joined that stupidity immediately when capitalism was introduced in early 1990s.

Yes, you know it is 10, but millions of other customers lacking your imagination believe it is still 9. If it didn`t work, sellers wouldn`t use that trick.
Lenka  5 | 3531
24 Sep 2019   #202
Tried, not impressed.
mafketis  38 | 11137
26 Sep 2019   #203
PiS is up to their corrupt PRL tactics....

Since Marian "Burdel Tata" Banaś is going on vacation and trying to remove anyone who's from the wrong party from NIK, one vote failed and they just called in more party hacks from PiS so that they could vote again...
jon357  72 | 23361
26 Sep 2019   #204
We joined that stupidity immediately when capitalism was introduced in early 1990s.

There's a lot of sense in it. It makes sure that the assistant rings up cash payments in the till to get the change, rather than just trousering the money. It's also useful for online shopping, when people specify price ranges in a search engine.

Plus of course tees the subliminal effect of making something look cheaper than it is.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
27 Sep 2019   #205
I just sit in my office while

Damn youre lamer than i thought. Get off your fat lazy desk jockey ceo knob slobbin ass and get out into the real world even in krakow, you fake ass pole that cant even communicate in polish by your own admission in your profile yet is gonna talk about poland like some kind of authority.. Then you can explain how your experience counters countless government and trade group data not to mention all the companies who opened huge facilities in pl recently from dell to bp to mb to amazon to countless others.

And that is sad coz it means Poles are going to the dogs

Democracy. Like it or not the people have spoken. Im pretty sure the millions of poles dont appreciate being called prostitutes. And besides everyone has their price including you
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
27 Sep 2019   #206
Btw youre 'i wait for you thread' was gold rofl
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
27 Sep 2019   #207
@Dirk diggler
Of course now we go to childish behavior and name calling. Not exactly how an intelligent business leader would react. Maybe I should update my profile since my Polish has improved considerably thanks to language school.

Intelligent discourse with you clearly will never take place because you lack the key ingredient.
cms neuf  1 | 1846
27 Sep 2019   #208
Maf the irony of this is that the NIK is supposed to be the organization that supervises govt probity !
OP pawian  224 | 27236
5 Oct 2019   #209
Democracy. Like it or not the people have spoken.

As long as the winning party sticks to democratic standards, it is OK - I fully accept their rule. But when it doesn`t - no mercy on those rogues. . That is the case with PiS - political gangsters faithfully following the communist standards before 1989. :):)
mafketis  38 | 11137
29 Oct 2019   #210
And in other news.... it seems that Marian "Mack Daddy" Banaś, PiS's idea of an honest man is not... exactly..... that....

Home / News / Scandals, conflicts, tensions, arguments - real life examples from Poland

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