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Poland says no to flood of Immigrants

jon357  72 | 23361
2 Dec 2023   #421
how did the Italian and Irish mafias get established in the US?

Much the same way. I doubt it was planned.
Novichok  4 | 8748
2 Dec 2023   #422
there is zero support for racist scum in this area.

A new low...To a Euro bootlicker, "Irish Lives Matter" is racist but "Algerian Lives Matter" is progressive.
Novichok  4 | 8748
2 Dec 2023   #423
Children, today you will learn how to detect a weasel.

It's actually very simple...Look for weasel words. Like "seems", "believe", perhaps", "might", "maybe'...and sh*it like this that is meant to give the weasel plausible deniability.

Also passive tense.

The example below is special because it combines a weasel word with a moronic idea that mafias could be planned. So, to include this possibility, the weasel starts with "I doubt".

I doubt it was planned.

Please notice the passive tense I just mentioned. "Was planned" - by unknown characters for unknown reasons to avoid pointing fingers. You see, my dear children, weasels would rather die than speak directly by naming names - unless the names belong to Russians. See Atch, Barney, and Tacitus.

No, a-hole, mafias were not planned but they sure were predictable.
mafketis  38 | 11137
2 Dec 2023   #424
Much the same way. I doubt it was planned.

What proactive steps are taken in any European country to forestall the creation of migrant-based organized crime groups?

It appears nothing at all was done in Sweden which has lots of problems with that, including gangs having minors commit the worst crimes because the Swedish justice system (created by and for high trust high civil order Swedes) is very lenient with them.

the UK didn't do anything and hard industrial scale sexual exploitation of vulnerable native girls...

Wha'ts Ireland doing (besides nothing like other countries)?
jon357  72 | 23361
2 Dec 2023   #425
migrant-based organized crime groups?

Crime is crime, regardless of who does it. And police are almost alway reactive.

hard industrial scale sexual exploitation

Don't be silly.
Atch  22 | 4299
2 Dec 2023   #426
"Irish Lives Matter" is racist

Irish Lives Matter is a meaningless slogan imported, like so much tut, from across the water in America. The greatest dangers to Ireland are:

1) A tidal wave of transatlantic tripe - excuse the mixed metaphors. We don't need to import American cultural phenomena, resulting from America's unique social problems, which have nothing to do with Ireland.

2) Far right agitators from outside Ireland, with no interest in our country other than trying to get a foothold on our island for their own much broader ends- however they're more of a pointless nuisance than a serious danger. The only people they generally manage to mobilize are low-life scum and rabble, none of whom are even on the electoral register and who don't vote. If they DID vote, there's nobody to vote for. There are no credible politicians on Ireland's right. The National Party is a joke - a bunch of shysters, thugs, cute hoors and gombeen men. Thank God Ireland is so small that we know everything about everybody. Nobody who wants to run for public office can ever get away with presenting themselves as anything other than what they are - not for long anyway. And if an independent candidate managed to get elected he wouldn't have any significant effect as a single individual.
mafketis  38 | 11137
2 Dec 2023   #427
We don't need to import American cultural phenomena

Do tell.....

You can't pick and choose, you want the high quality Malcom in the Middle re-runs or Pizza Hut franchises you gotta take the low quality worship of Saint George Floyd as well....

I don't make the rules.
jon357  72 | 23361
2 Dec 2023   #428
high quality Malcom in the Middle re-runs or Pizza Hut franchises

A sense of humour is invaluable...
Novichok  4 | 8748
2 Dec 2023   #429
What proactive steps are taken in any European country to forestall the creation of migrant-based organized crime groups?

You have your moments, maf. This is one of them.

I have a simple, albeit post-fact suggestion...

Don't let these motherfvckers in!!! No matter how stupid, woke, or loving you feel...

White progressive men are worse than kids. You can tell a child not to touch a hot stove. White progressive morons are not capable of accepting any advice. The Irish had Germany and Sweden as props. Not enough. The idiots decided to learn things on their own because they were all Barneys.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 476
2 Dec 2023   #430
Why did Ireland let that Algerian in?

Rich, for years, you have been preaching the consequences facing Western Civilization if the deluge of barbarians is not halted or at least controlled.
Like a biblical prophet, you predicted the upcoming catastrophe, only to be ridiculed, made fun of, spat upon, and called the most degrading names.
What is their excuse now? If you did not show enough tolerance and refused to kiss their arses, then it must be your fault. Women's fascination easier to digest

they like that greasy Southern look, Sandland, where the men are real, and female goats are skittish:::)))
Torq  8 | 954
2 Dec 2023   #431
Western Civilization

... which was built (or at least saved and preserved) by the One-and-Only, Holy and Apostolic, Roman Catholic Church.

If you don't have any ideas for Christmas presents yet - here's one...
jon357  72 | 23361
2 Dec 2023   #432
... which was built

Developed in part by the RC denomination, however the most significant steps in its development were driven in Protestant countries, often with disapproval by the RC brigade..
Korvinus  4 | 600
2 Dec 2023   #433
Holy and Apostolic, Roman Catholic Church.

Yes. 'White' identity formes when there is something opposite to it. As Poles have always been pretty pale, we did not form such strong identity around skin color.

The national identity, such as we can understand in pre-modern time, was first built around concepts like 'Christianity' (antemurale christianitatis) and much, much later, 'Europe' (which some claim we have saved from Bolshevism in 1920). Also the nobility of old believed they come from ancient Sarmatians and that they are very different from the peasantry.
Novichok  4 | 8748
2 Dec 2023   #434
Like a biblical prophet, you predicted the upcoming catastrophe, only to be ridiculed,

Thanks, Ptak.
On the other hand, I know I will die sooner because I do give a sh*it about such things. If not about migrants and the invading hordes, it's about how woke brains work. It's scary...

And not so much that the owners are stupid. That would be OK. Kids are born stupid but then they learn to be smart.

Woke leftists are beyond repair because of the investment they made in their sick ideas. It's hard at 50 to say that one was a moron all his life. So they try to defend the indefensible.

One technique, practiced by the faggot, is by presenting things as being beyond our control and, thus, inevitable. Like rain in summer and snow in winter.
Torq  8 | 954
2 Dec 2023   #435
the most significant steps in its development were driven in Protestant countries

You can only speak of protestant countries since the 16th century. Western Civilisation was already in full swing by then, with formative traditions and influences of Greek and Roman antiquity saved for the world by Catholic monks and great university system also developed by the Catholic Church. Let me quote from the book I mentioned...

"Historians have marveled at the extent to which intellectual debate in those universities was free and unfettered. The exaltation of human reason and its capabilities, a commitment to rigorous and rational debate, a promotion of intellectual inquiry and scholarly exchange-all sponsored by the Church-provided the framework for the Scientific Revolution, which was unique to Western civilization."

... actually, nearly all historians of science in the last 50 years (most notably A.C. Crombie, David Lindberg, Edward Grant, Stanley Jaki, Thomas Goldstein, and J. L. Heilbron) came to the conclusion that the Scientific Revolution was indebted to the Church, and that's only one aspect of RCC's contribution to Western Civilisation and its material culture (e.g. farming, engineering and use of machinery all over Europe by the Cistercian monks).

However, let's not drag the thread off-topic too much - I was merely recommending a great book as a Christmas gift :)
jon357  72 | 23361
2 Dec 2023   #436
You can only speak of protestant countries since the 16th century.

Indeed, although the roots of free thought and philosophical and scientific exploration predate that. And of course, most actually development has been since C16th. The period of the RC denomination's dominance since its founding in 1054 and the Great Reformation were not a time of growth.

However, let's not drag the thread off-topic too much

Indeed; the book sounds interesting as apologetics go.

I don't think off-topic is as it once was here. No moderation any more and most threads degenerate into geriatrics calling female posters b1tches.

they like that greasy Southern look, Sandland, where the men are real, and female goats are skittish

Where Jesus came from.
Torq  8 | 954
2 Dec 2023   #437
RC denomination's dominance since its founding in 1054

If you mean the Great Schism, that's when the Eastern Orthodox Church was founded by separating from the Catholic Church.

RCC is not a denomination - it is the Church. Denominations (probably about 20,000 of them but nobody is really able to count them exactly) are characteristic of protestantism - this vague and watered down form of Christianity created after the Reformation (which should more aptly be called Deformation).

No moderation any more

Really? That's a bit worrying.
2 Dec 2023   #438
No moderation any more and most threads degenerate into geriatrics calling female posters b1tches.

It's why I rarely bother posting here. Nothing but hatred and the same old topics constantly rehashed. The difference is very visible now that Vincent is no longer moderating.
Torq  8 | 954
2 Dec 2023   #439
Nothing but hatred and the same old topics constantly rehashed.

That's bound to happen on a board with limited member base. Maybe if the owner decided to migrate to a more modern and attractive software (vBulletin, XenForo or something similar), advertise and attract more posters, something would change for the better.
jon357  72 | 23361
2 Dec 2023   #440
If you mean the Great Schism, that's when the Eastern Orthodox Church was founded by separating from the Catholic Church.

Or even the opposite.

RCC is not a denomination

It's a denomination, albeit a large one. The church is all believers. The whole thing (including RC) seems to be declining now anyway, except for 'megachurches' over in America and Africa. What will come next is anybody's guess however the Fatima Secrets may give a sad clue.

Nothing but hatred and the same old topics constantly rehashed.

The same. It would be nice to keep it going, however threads just get trashed, and I suspect that is very deliberate.

If someone came here for the first time wanting to read about or discuss life in Poland or culture/sport here, they'd just see endless racist posts, seedy russian trolls, internal American politics and stuff about immigration and transgender issues. The same trash they can read anywhere. Plus some particularly foul language from the same couple of posters. Most people would take one look and then go.

The difference is very visible now that Vincent is no longer moderating.

Very. Perhaps he just gave up in frustration.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 476
2 Dec 2023   #441
Where Jesus came from.

So what? That does not negate the factor that the distinct aroma of migrants from Sandlad is that of a goat. You see, Jon, it is impossible

to blame the rightists; I suggest it is the fault of American leftists who spend taxpayer money, like drunken sailors, sanding billions of dollars
to the Sandland, which creates
instant millionaires who take four wives ( because they can afford it) and countless concubines, which leaves real Sandmen with a goat.:::)))
jon357  72 | 23361
2 Dec 2023   #442
the fault of American

Inward migration in Poland?
Novichok  4 | 8748
3 Dec 2023   #443
Can somebody finally explain why Ireland needed that Algerian and other scum like him?
How about Sweden...
Why did Sweden need Somali garbage?
Lyzko  44 | 9745
3 Dec 2023   #444
As I've explained countless times, Rich, Sweden is a highly industrialized country,
with a low birthrate, which is desperately in need of foreign labor as there is so little
homegrown work force left as there was in former times.

Somalis seem to fit the bill; they're cheap, they often know English from their home country,
and they're willing.

Actually, I met someone from Somalia here in Fort Lee who was visiting
with his friends from Stockholm. After I addressed him in Swedish, he replied
rather embarrassed in halting English, telling me that while he was expected to
at enroll in an informal, FREE Swedish language course sponsored by the Swedish
gov't., people flat refused to speak to him in Swedish and so was forced to speak English lol
mafketis  38 | 11137
3 Dec 2023   #445
Andrew Hammel (American living in Germany) explains the rise of 'populist' parties in Europe, referring to the case of a second generation immigrant in France who stabbed a German to death and the very 'ho hum, what can we do... nothing! response to same by a German politician....

Very germaine to the topic of this thread
Przelotnyptak1  - | 476
3 Dec 2023   #446
Inward migration in Poland?
@ jon357

In your case, Jon, it should read: confused, wandering, liberal mind, lost in the liberal propaganda, unable to answer a simple, straight question.
For instance, why do you judge people with conservative views harshly and with leniency if they spew liberal propaganda,
asked Ptak.
After a long inward migration, after straining his frontal lobes, Jon's brilliant answer: Ptak, you misunderstood the word Poland:::)))
pawian  224 | 27236
3 Dec 2023   #447
the same old topics constantly rehashed

Because Polish pierogis are eternal. Only beer served with them varies.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 476
3 Dec 2023   #448
Somalis seem to fit the bill; they're cheap, they often know English from their home country,
and they're willing.

Oh yeah, geniuses like Ilhan Omar learn so quickly that it makes our heads spin. They even manage to learn or correct laws in America that allow them to marry their own brothers. It's concerning that you are complimenting such barbaric behavior. It seems like you have twisted yourself into the shape of a double pretzel trying to justify it.
mafketis  38 | 11137
3 Dec 2023   #449
Somalis seem to fit the bill; they're cheap,...and they're willing

Somalis are about the worst performing group of immigrants anywhere.... even the US (which has done better with them than any other country) doesn't have much to show for it.

In Sweden they're bad at learning the language and don't have the cultural/social/educational capital to be successful.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
3 Dec 2023   #450
Somalis are about the worst performing group of immigrants anywhere

They are still better than handicap migrants on a wheel chair who live in Poland with American disability income.

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