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The ruling party in Poland tries to take American owned TV news station off the air

Ironside  50 | 12916
22 Jul 2021   #211
So, next time

I don't care, in politicks there is continuity if your gov policy is schizophrenic due to an internal strife you need to sort yourself out not expect others to be forgiving - that is ABC of politics, it doesn't include pointless emotional rants to fill your day so I guess you wouldn't know anything about it.
Novichok  4 | 8748
22 Jul 2021   #212
it doesn't include pointless emotional rants

I don't have to have my legs blown off by an IED to speak on the subject.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
22 Jul 2021   #213
Really Iron, in USA people were laughing at Duda openly over the way he acted with Trump. He was like a little girl with a crush, practically falling all over Trump. It was embarrassing and unbecoming of a President.

The US is not in need of Poland. Your views on that are really twisted. Poland could sink back into Russia's arms and the USA would simply relocate its military back to Germany. What does the US "need" from Poland? Pottery? Kielbasa? Because there are no large resource exports that the US needs from Poland that it can not get someplace else.

Poland's politicians, on all sides, are immature politically. They think "ideals" are going to get things done. Its funny to watch. Poland will be better off when young people are running the country, not dinosaurs.
amiga500  5 | 1505
22 Jul 2021   #214
The US odes not need Poland, but Poland definitely needs the US.

Are you kidding? A few days ago USA asked Ukraine to keep quiet about their protest about Nordstream 2. Instead Ukraine reached out to Poland and we have put out a joint statement condemming the deal that rewards russian aggression.

Currently US state department officials are in poland and ukraine trying to get us to come around, we are playing hardball. It is the USA that needs Poland at the moment and it is Poland and Ukraine that will get concessions and lots of money for agreeing to the American/German plan. The last thing on the minds of the american government is some shi*ty propaganda tv station. Now maybe you will see that PiS has a bit more intelligence and planning in bringing up this TVN problem now that you give them credit for.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
22 Jul 2021   #215
you shouldnt play hardball with the us or they just may play hardball with you. morons ar eobsessed over 80 yr old ukrainian crimes on polish using retard hooligans and narionalists now they want to be friends with ukraine? lol pol-s.

" Now maybe you will see that PiS has a bit more intelligence and planning in bringing up this TVN problem now that you give them credit for."

you are literally retarded. nobody gives w flying f about poland or its tv stations.
OP mafketis  38 | 11137
22 Jul 2021   #216
in poland and ukraine trying to get us to come around, we are

got a mouse in your pocket? what's this 'us' and 'we'?
Novichok  4 | 8748
22 Jul 2021   #217
It is the USA that needs Poland at the moment and it is Poland and Ukraine

There is a difference between needing and being annoyed. When I see a drunk on the road, I don't need him. I want him to get the f out of the way.

If that is not clear enough, if Poland became Lake Poland, it would be a relief to the US in every possible way, but not the other way around.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
22 Jul 2021   #218
Normally I enjoy the back and forth, but saying the US needs Poland is like saying Gisele Bündchen needs herpes. PiS is more Eddie Haskell than Putin.
Novichok  4 | 8748
22 Jul 2021   #219
but saying the US needs Poland is like saying Gisele Bündchen needs herpes.

I will settle for the US swamp needing anything the pigs can spend my money on. They would build a sand factory in the middle of Sahara if they could get a government subsidy.
Ironside  50 | 12916
22 Jul 2021   #220
It was embarrassing and unbecoming of a President.

Who cares? Most people in Poland's politicks are not fit for purpose....

Poland's politicians, on all sides, are immature politically.

I have been saying it all along.

The US is not in need of Poland.

Nah, Poland is a key country in eastern Europe without Poland US can forget about that region ...they do need that region too to have Europe securely in their grasp.. if you say USA doesn't need EE you just say it.

I say IF they really don't need it they can just bugger the F off now.
All those immature politicians bough and are buying a lot of your military junk that Poland doesn't need and can hardly afford it.
amiga500  5 | 1505
23 Jul 2021   #221
got a mouse in your pocket? what's this 'us' and 'we'?

Hehe if you had used this line on one of your students, who has chosen they/them pronouns, you would be fired or suspended from your teaching job. Oh wait that wouldn't be Poland but the USA right now the so called 'land of the free', more like 'land of the frajerow'. So quit your yapping about Poland becoming PRL when it is your own mother country that is becoming neo-marxist.

You say I support free media, i retort to you sir , liberalism has failed.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
23 Jul 2021   #222
Poland buys these tanks from the US because they need them, they cant build them here. They buy them because it gives them a false sense of security with Russia when in practicality it would take Russia just a few weeks to role over Poland. If not for the US, Poland is counting on who for protection? Germany?

All this said, they are backing off the law because part of the PiS group wont support the law, some people at least know they should not make these changes. Picking a fight you cant win is simply not smart. People who are not smart should not be in positions of authority. It will be interesting when elections come around again.
Novichok  4 | 8748
23 Jul 2021   #223
They buy them because it gives them a false sense of security with Russia

200 to 22,000. Not good.
Ironside  50 | 12916
23 Jul 2021   #224
They buy them because

They think that wili curry a favor with US adm that how immature they are... Those money are wasted...

it gives them a false sense of security with Russia when in practicality it would take Russia just a few weeks to role over Poland.

Nah, they couldn't roll over Ukraine what make you think they can do it with Poland. Not now..

Poland is counting on who for protection? Germany?

To be honest I don't know with those immature politicians. I would think that all that time in NATO would be used to prompt up Polish military and economy to the point where Poland could count on itself
OP mafketis  38 | 11137
27 Jul 2021   #225
They think that wili curry a favor with US adm that how immature they are...

If that was their plan.... it's not gonna work.,79cfc278

money quote: Przekaz jest taki: jeśli myślicie, że wyrzucicie nas z TVN, ale będziecie mogli kupić nasze czołgi, to się mylicie. Żadnych poważnych interesów długo nie zrobicie - słyszymy od naszego informatora z rządu.

"The message is clear, if you think you can throw us out of TVN but you'll be able to buy our tanks then you're wrong. You're not going be doing any serious business (with us) we hear from our source in the government"

No matter what you think of American policy aggressively protecting business interests....(and I'm not an uncritical supporter by any means) it was extraordinarily foolish of PiS to not take that into account and think their plan wouldn't have serious and unpleasant consequences.
Ironside  50 | 12916
27 Jul 2021   #226
If that was their plan.

Look their 'plans' are shambles and it was rather obvious that such a pathetic 'gambit' is not going to work. The main fail of the Polish major parties is their inability to use think-tanks, work out a strategy, set priorities, asses risk and so on...

The main thing they care is to secure victory in an election and keep up with polls. Their policies are rather random.
Is not that there is no people or even groups that have a very good ideas and they might even push for them but there is no system or organization within a party or a country that would asses and promote them.

Suck up to JK and you are golden.
I would say that there is a lot more issues that need to be addressed in Poland than some TV station. Thing is those old men (mainly JK) in PiS think TV stations are that key they need to ensure their victory in the next election.

You're not going be doing any serious business (with us)

AS IF Poland need it. lol!
Those low key administration workers and their petty warnings ( let me guess the state department - do they have a special office that issues those kind of threats, just curios) - I'm sure they work on morons like those in Polish politicks but in the light of USA agreeing to the north stream, and Poland interest they can just go F themslefses, It is not as if Poland depended on imports from USA or really needed those tanks.

It is a good thing if they won't sell them, a blessing in disguise.
27 Jul 2021   #227
Maybe their plan was to expose TVN for what it is? Keep doing it I say, bring the beast out into the open. Darkness dies in the light, just like democracy dies in the darkness as Amazon correctly predicted.
OP mafketis  38 | 11137
27 Jul 2021   #228
Maybe their plan was to expose TVN for what it is?

The major media outlet that dares to expose the government to any scrutiny.... they want PRL like control where the media never expresses criticism of them or exposes their corruption or incompetence.

Those who support the law also want a compliant government controlled media...
amiga500  5 | 1505
27 Jul 2021   #229
they want PRL like control

As opposed to PO and friends who
Don't like what is on TVP Info? Their policy is to abolish it.
Don't like what IPN is releasing about their friends and the history of Poland?, their policy was to abolish it at the last election.

Don't like that CBA is arresting their members and friends? their policy was to abolish it at the last election.

The Post Communists are a lot worse. Yet keep going with your PiS Derangement Syndrone
27 Jul 2021   #230
Strange how tiny Czechia has better national TV than larger Poland. TVP is like watching the Slovak Markiza - it's like going back to the 2000s, like it's a small village channel.
OP mafketis  38 | 11137
27 Jul 2021   #231
The Post Communists are a lot worse.

Saying Post Communists are worse is saying that the PRL was better than what came after it - which is pretty typical of the neo-PRLites in PiS.
amiga500  5 | 1505
27 Jul 2021   #232
Not at all. Because your statement that PiS is neo-PRL is pure disionformation. Poland is a functional, healthy democracy regardless of what boring puffed up academics like you have to say. As even the founder from notesfrompoland agreed recently. So shut your hole.
Atch  22 | 4299
27 Jul 2021   #233
Poland is a functional, healthy democracy

Not according to your own statement in post number 229. If PO wanted to abolish this, that and the other and PIS wants to abolish this, that and the other, then they're all nut jobs and Poland is far from being a healthy democracy. Seriously though, Poland is only a fledgling democracy, not a firmly established one. That's why it's a bit of a mess. Coming from a country that is a true democracy, I was astonished when I first came to Poland back in 2006 at the puerile level of political debate and the ignorance and apathy of the electorate. It has improved a bit but it has a long, long way to go.
OP mafketis  38 | 11137
27 Jul 2021   #234
So shut your hole.

....No. Lots of Polish people in Poland (where I live) compare PiS to the PRL (often unfavorably).

Lots of their policies are about making modern Poland more like the PRL - down to formal, public hostility to the US.
pawian  224 | 27236
27 Jul 2021   #235
Not at all.

Liar, I asked you for proofs of your lies about TVN. Did you hope I had forgotten?
amiga500  5 | 1505
29 Jul 2021   #236
well it's not often that I am made to look slightly foolish by the contraction in my posts but let me explain. Poland is a functional democracy overlaid over tribal warfare that has been going on since WW2. The grandsons and granddaughters of those that fought for AK and those that were part of the Communist forces are still fighting those battles today. The reason that the electorate is apathetic and ignorant is because many had given up being ruled by post-communists since the nocna zmiana of 92. (with some brief exceptions) . In fact it's PiS that gave Poland B and the forgotten their voice. That's why it gets my goat when foreigners like mafketas waltz gobbing off about Poland is turning into PRL when he has no family history here or experiences of communism.

You are a proven liar who was caught out twice lying about the smolensk. I have proven that so I don't have to prove anything else to you since you are obviously a bad faith actor. find the information yourself .
jon357  72 | 23361
29 Jul 2021   #237
tribal warfare that has been going on since WW2

True, however it's been going on three times longer than that.

The grandsons and granddaughters of those that fought for AK and those that were part of the Communist forces are still fighting those battles today.

Also true, and sometimes the grandparents are still alive; one AK veteran personally known to me still works. I'd caution though about assuming that a veteran's affiliation matches their politics; whether one was in the AL or the AK mostly depended on things other than their personal politics.

In fact it's PiS that gave Poland B and the forgotten their voice

We are yet to see this happen.
amiga500  5 | 1505
30 Jul 2021   #238
Yes I was going to write that it stretches back to the partition, one can see it also see it as a war between those that are stubborn believers in polish greatness/independence and those that want to ally/colaborate/betray poland to other powers who they see as a necessity.

Yes that is true , though the communist repressions of AK 1945 to 51 or so stuck in peoples minds. Also i was referring to the children and grandchildren who add their own mythology to that time and their grandparents. For instance even though the communists did not shoot or jail my grandfather after the war my mum refused some order of poland because it was going to be Kwasniewski that was going to pin it on her when he visited Australia. But it's cool that you are friends with this AK veteran, prob important to jot some of his memories down as they'll be gone soon;.

We are yet to see this happen.

The record voting since 89 show that a portion of the electorate that was apathetic and ignorant are now engaged thanks to PiS policies.
pawian  224 | 27236
30 Jul 2021   #239
so I don't have to prove anything else

That is a nice coming out, liar. So, now you are openly admitting that you falsely accused TVN of professional misconduct.
Shame on you, you stinking liar.
jon357  72 | 23361
30 Jul 2021   #240
believers in polish greatness/independence and those that want to ally/colaborate/betray poland to other powers

Or basically Reality vs. Ciemnogrod.

ignorant are now engaged thanks to PiS

Yes, there is certainly a correlation between poor educational attainment and PiS voting.

Shame on you


Home / News / The ruling party in Poland tries to take American owned TV news station off the air

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