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The ruling party in Poland tries to take American owned TV news station off the air

Atch  22 | 4299
17 Aug 2021   #361
The cost of food now is crazy

Yep - i've noticted how much my shopping bill has gone up. It's astonishing. I noticed it first within a few weeks of the pandemic starting. Some items have increased 25% including fresh local produce.
OP mafketis  38 | 11137
17 Aug 2021   #362
ather that worry about foreign capital owning mass media in Poland.

Well in the EU Poland can't limit "foreign" capital in the media. If the US sold its shares to a German company (absolutely within the settings of this new law) would PiS say "Great! Mission Accomplished!"

This is about trying to reinstall a PRL style media where "journalists" do PR for the ruling party and repeat government talking points...
Paulina  17 | 4465
17 Aug 2021   #363
I don't know statics but I would bet money against peanuts that there is no that much people who are rich and take 500plus.

Exactly, you don't know. Millionaires maybe aren't taking it, but I wouldn't be surprised if many people from the middle class were taking it. And, anyway, the government should be making good laws and not pass bad laws and then hope that people won't take advantage of those bad laws. It's not the only example of PiS passing a law first and thinking later.

The only reason you mindlessly cheer for some shady business is because you imagine that PiS got its ass kicked.

I see you don't comprehend what it's all about.

Rather that worry about foreign capital owning mass media in Poland.

The "Lex TVN" bill doesn't prohibit foreign capital in general owning mass media in Poland. It will prohibit only companies from outside of the EU from owning them. German companies, for example, can still own Polish media, as maf pointed out. So this law isn't about that - it's about shutting up TVN.

What are you if not an idiot

Someone too smart, decent and patriotic for you to understand?

The cost of food now is crazy and 500+ does not account for the massive inflation PiS has caused.

Ironside doesn't know that, because he doesn't live here and so he doesn't care.
gumishu  15 | 6227
17 Aug 2021   #364
Millionaires maybe aren't taking it,

would you prefer the previous state when billions of PLN were extorted from the budget by VAT fraud mafias? I prefer where the money is given out to people as 500+
Paulina  17 | 4465
17 Aug 2021   #365
@gumishu, I have a bigger problem with other things that PiS has done and is still doing than how indiscriminate the 500plus is - it's you guys who are so hell-bent on taking this thread off topic and discussing 500plus (even though there are other threads for that) instead of "Lex TVN" bill (this is what this thread is all about - the "Lex TVN" bill, remember?).
OP mafketis  38 | 11137
17 Aug 2021   #366
the "Lex TVN" bill, remember?

In todays' hilarity.... before redoing the vote (reasumpcja) Marshall of the Sejm Elżbieta Witek claimed that she had consulted with 5 constitutionalists (this has turned into 'lawyers' in the media).

Okay, a couple of opposition MPs said... can you name them?

Those closest to an answer are opinions on an unrelated case from 2018 which did not in fact result in a re-vote....

PiS making up any kind of crap to do what they want in the proud traditions of the PRL... the ruling party doesn't need law... it's word is the law.,79cfc278
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
17 Aug 2021   #367
PiS making up any kind of crap to do what they want in the proud traditions of the PRL...

The chairman of PiS, Jarosław Kaczyński, seems to be like the First Secretary of the Commie Party in former times in Poland.
OP mafketis  38 | 11137
17 Aug 2021   #368
There are lots of old Dziennik TV programs on youtube, I'm waiting for some enterprising Polonist grad student to compare the style and subject matter to news on Kurski TVPiS (or I would if Polish studies paid any attention to the modern world....)
Ironside  50 | 12916
17 Aug 2021   #369
Exactly, you don't know. Millionaires maybe aren't t

You don't either. If we are not talking about millionaires who are you talking about? What middle class? You mean salary men who are working in the office, mostly paid by the state? They are not a middle class.

In Poland 500plus is a strange way of a tax rebate.. Strange because it is more costly to do that this way but hey gov needs to show people they care and that cost money.

Well in the EU Poland can't limit "foreign" capital in the media.

Poland can, EU or not, Germany can do it so can Poland. That was not really the main aim of PiS I agree but the idea is sound.

At the very least there is no reason to cheer for some shady company that owns a TV station in Poland. That kind of investment is or should not be welcome regardless.

too smart,

by half for her own good?
By the way Ironsides know, we are not living in 19th century for that to be a secret. By the way food price doesn't go up only in Poland. In Poland it food was crazily cheap till now. On the other hand wages go up too.

I hope farmers will take advantage of the situation, there is a lot of potential..
Paulina  17 | 4465
17 Aug 2021   #370
I hope farmers will take advantage of the situation, there is a lot of potential..

Well, I don't know about that - check this out:
OP mafketis  38 | 11137
17 Aug 2021   #371
but the idea is sound

Then try to do it without retro-active legislation, third world parliamentary hijinx and without pissing off a key ally.... simple for reasonable people, yet impossible for JK!
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
19 Aug 2021   #372
And now Discovery has been awarded a Dutch license and can continue to broadcast in Poland. Ways around the Polish law through the EU may just see more "press" entering the market before elections. This is exactly why PiS should have been smarter. Now anyone can enter the Polish market through another EU country, and there is nothing they can do. Controlling media, and the attempt could prove to be the final straw for PiS.
Crow  154 | 9463
19 Aug 2021   #373
Well, Gavrilo broken chains of Poland and now urge for freedom only raise there. Nothing can stop it. Nothing.

See, legends knew truth. Legends of Sarmatians.
amiga500  5 | 1505
19 Aug 2021   #374
be surprised if many people from the middle class were taking it.

Good. Imagine the outcry by the POrks if PiS had just made 500+ for the poor. All that buying stupid voters amplified by 500x. Poland has not much experience with social payments and broad community policies since fall of communism. The only way PiS could implement child support without a massive backlash was by making it universal. Now I agree with you somewhat that there is a case for introducing means testing if the money is redirected to subsidized childcare and after school care for instance.
Crnogorac3  3 | 659
20 Aug 2021   #375
This is about trying to reinstall a PRL style media where "journalists" do PR for the ruling party and repeat government talking points...

And this is how things function in a "real democracy" where several TV networks decided to take president Donald Trump in the middle of his speech off the air because they decided he was lying? Not to mention the censorship by the social media networks such as Twitter which labels RT as a "state affiliated media" and warns its users that any news from it should be taken with a pinch of salt, while at the same time for example BBC is not labelled as a "state affiliated media".
OP mafketis  38 | 11137
20 Aug 2021   #376
this is how things function in a "real democracy"

I do not respond to arguments of the type: А у вас негров линчуют* and neither should anyone else.

If you support the return of a neo-PRL media in Poland then make the positive case for it. Don't drag other irrelevant issues into it....

Miloslaw  20 | 5108
20 Aug 2021   #377
labels RT as a "state affiliated media" while at the same time for example BBC is not labelled as a "state affiliated media".

That would be because The BBC is not state affiliated........... unlike RT.
amiga500  5 | 1505
24 Aug 2021   #378
hey polamkrakow and mafketis you loving your vile propaganda outfit tvn24 now that they are attacking Poland for protecting it's borders and allowing the scumbag fransyniuk to call polish soldiers dogs and lowest of the low without even a mild challenge? TVN24 is nothing but psychological warfare against the polish people, but some people seem to get off on that...
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
24 Aug 2021   #379
Please point a specific real instance where this happened. If its the EU saying Poland should take immigrants, then thats the EU and TVN is simply reporting. Personally I hope all the middle eastern islam extremist blow each other up before they get here.
amiga500  5 | 1505
24 Aug 2021   #380
It happened on fakty po faktach, the host spent the whole interview agreeing with Fransyniuk.
OP mafketis  38 | 11137
24 Aug 2021   #381
allowing the scumbag fransyniuk to call polish soldiers dogs and lowest of the low without even a mild challenge?

As much as it may distress you, there is freedom of speech in Poland.

Would you prefer a more Belarusian-style system? The situation is pretty bad (weather has not been conducive to camping outdoors. The migrants in question are being prevented from turning back by Lukashenka's thugs.

Probably the only thing that can be done is secure the border which may involve letting in some caught in the middle (would you prefer they die of exposure?).

It's not like they're likely to stay in Poland...
Strzelec35  19 | 830
24 Aug 2021   #382
what would be worse for them to go to belarussia and live there or stay in afghanistan though?

" It's not like they're likely to stay in Poland..."

who the hell wants to live in third world country of poland? beside you my friend lol?
amiga500  5 | 1505
24 Aug 2021   #383
there is freedom of speech in Poland.

There is freedom of speech and there are sacred cows. For instance you wouldn't use the freedom of speech defence if someone did a sh*t on the american flag or was mouthing obscenities during the american national anthem. Attacking Polish solders in this despicable manner, who are defending poland with their lives for a meager slalary falls into the same category in my humble opinion.Are you happy to have an ex-politician calling american soldiers dogs and human garbage on Fox or CNN in the name of free speech? Besides the statement is one thing, the host not saying anything is another and illustrates TVN24's Anti-Polish mission perfectly.
OP mafketis  38 | 11137
24 Aug 2021   #384
you wouldn't use the freedom of speech defence if

yes I would, if you don't protect speech you find abhorrent then you're not in favor of freedom of expression but are still stuck in the PRL mentally

Are you happy to have an ex-politician calling american soldiers dogs and human garbage on Fox or CNN in the name of free speech?

of course, I support freedom of expression I'm not a neo-PRL-ite

And what is your proposal for the border at the moment? If people start dying it's gonna be a lot worse for Poland's standing.....
Strzelec35  19 | 830
24 Aug 2021   #385
" For instance you wouldn't use the freedom of speech defence if someone did a sh*t on the american flag"

i would. i definitley would after what they did to me and what i experienced there.
amiga500  5 | 1505
24 Aug 2021   #386
of course, I support freedom of expression I'm not a neo-PRL-ite

That's good. Next time I am in Warsaw I will drop in and call your wife a nasty slut who f*cks dogs and worse, strzelec, in the name of freedom of expression and we will see how long your Voltaire principles last.. !

If people start dying it's gonna be a lot worse

If you think Poland is not supplying the immigrants with food and sleeping bags unofficially then u have been watching too much TVN24. Funny how the women and children disapeared after 48 hours i guess they died lol? For now the government is doing the right thing. Zapad exercises have started, we need to stand firm.
OP mafketis  38 | 11137
24 Aug 2021   #387
and call your wife a nasty slut who f*cks dogs and worse

Why should I care what someone who supports neo-PRL policies thinks?
Lenka  5 | 3531
24 Aug 2021   #388
vile propaganda outfit tvn24 now that they are allowing the scumbag fransyniuk to call polish soldiers dogs and lowest of the low

For what it's worth they issued statement it was wrong.

Did Frasyniuk have the right to say that? Yes. Was it stupid and disgusting? Yes. Was the host stupid for not reacting? Yes. That doesn't mean though that it's a basis for a fight against TVN

Somehow I didn't see the same outrage from you when that producer was fired for not blacking out rainbow flag of a singer? Someone actually lost their job there.

Why should I care what someone who supports neo-PRL policies thinks?

I never understood how people can get offended just like that?
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
24 Aug 2021   #389
Really the American flag? No one really gaf about the flag outside of the US. No one really cares about the US outside the US anymore. Take a dump on the flag, say what ever you want, and most people will say its your right. Patriotism is not in a symbol made of cloth, or stupid words.
amiga500  5 | 1505
25 Aug 2021   #390
I didn't see the same outrage from you when that producer was fired for not blacking out rainbow flag

He wasn't fired, I bet he still has his job, you know why, because he would have been a martyr on tvn24 for days on end. I put Novi in his place on that or similar thread when he said if the lgbt were wiped out there would be no loss to the world. That spells out my views clearly, i did not condem tvp because enough people were doing it, and I know TVN24 would cut away to black if some polish patriot made a political statement about Doomed Soldiers or EU demagoguery instead of just singing. Besides that Slovakian hippie could have gone to the trouble of learning 6 words in polish to make her political statement.! Virtue signalling laziness

Why should I care what someone who supports

Well now you've backed yourself in a rhetorical corner maf, either u are a spineless cuck , or more likely you are unwilling to admit that all ideals have breaking points, and someone talking to your wife like that deserves a few smacks in the head followed by a frying pan or golf club, freedom of expression principles be dammed. You know sometimes it's better to put the revolver away from your forehead and admit defeat than pull the trigger and claim victory posthumously

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