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The ruling party in Poland tries to take American owned TV news station off the air

OP mafketis  38 | 11137
13 Aug 2021   #331
Good opinion/article on how and why PiS is buying votes in the Sejm,79cfc278

The article also makes clear, the first vote in the Sejm only required a majority of those present, if the Senate rejects it then an absolute majority of the Sejm (231 votes) is needed to override that (and PiS is probably out their bribing Konfederacja at this moment).

And.... it makes it clear that for PiS the US is in the same league as Russia, China or "Arabs"..... not being a very good ally there....


"Cel jest jeden - do wyborców mają przestać docierać informacje o błędach i aferach rządów PiS."
(There is one goal - information on blunders by and scandals in the PiS government is not to reach voters.)

"Przy ograniczeniu dostępu do informacji (uderzenie w TVN), zablokowaniu niewygodnych dla władzy kontroli (zmiana prezesa NIK) i rozdaniu pieniędzy swym wyborcom (uchwalenie Polskiego Ładu), Kaczyński miałby szansę znów wygrać wybory."

(By limiting access to information (striking TVN), blocking auditing that is inconvenient for the government (changing the president of NIK) and distributing money to its voters (passing the Polish Deal) Kaczyński would have a chance to win elections again.)

"pieniądze ściągnięte z klasy średniej i przedsiębiorców trafią do elektoratu socjalnego PiS"
(money taken from the middle class and entrepreneurs will make its way to the welfare voters of PiS)

"Paweł Kukiz, do tej pory określający się mianem antysystemowca, okazał się liderem formacji, którą po prostu można kupić"
Paweł Kukiz, who has so far styled himself as an opponent of the system has turned out to be the leader of a group that can simply be bought)

The whole last section is very funny...
Korvinus  4 | 600
13 Aug 2021   #332
information on blunders by and scandals

I don't think the reporting's going to change. It's not about PiS' whims, it's about whether they actually have the ability and the balls to follow through the ban. Oh and by the way, TVN has a second license for TVN2 that isn't going to expire for a few years. They can piggyback on that license for the time being.

Obviously the ideal solution would be to ban all NGOs receiving foreign funding, like Putin did.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
13 Aug 2021   #333
Putin is not a stupid guy. in fact it would be wise for Polands long term survival to heed what he says or get on his good side.
Ironside  50 | 12916
14 Aug 2021   #334
Actually, USA does not need most of Europe at all,

Aha, you are one of those, I guess they need only the uk.
Good luck with it, keep rolling with it and the winner is .....China!!
amiga500  5 | 1505
14 Aug 2021   #335
All the best ones take black cards

You have made a very big mistake my friend. In communist times all the high class escorts were run by inteligence services to glean information from western businessmen. Since the privatisation of the police state those links are still there with the mafia organisations that run the escorts. They now have access to all your kinks and financial details , and will use this info against you if they have to deal with your take no prisoners business approach. You should have paid cash, I will try and protect you with my government contacts but the hopes are not high.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
14 Aug 2021   #336
Dziekuje bardzo for your intervention. I will sleep much easier now. Tell your GF hello for me ;-)

I am a realist Iron. I don't sit and listen to idealists and those that follow like little cultists. PiS is simply a group of idiots who capitalized on another group of idiots transgressions. Timing was everything. The same could easily happen again, though with Tusk I don't see it being likely. Poland will likely continue to erode freedoms and sink back into a more communist like state. Allies will leave them in the long run if the course they are on continues.

This is an attempt at consolidating power through control of information. Just like Orlen buying news outlets. Money is being thrown about and the poor people who keep voting for these idiots don't even see how the rich and powerful are getting more rich and powerful off of the poor.

Someone made a great post comparing gas price under PO and PiS. That comparison included the cost of crude oil under both. Not sure where it is. PiS and their crew are nothing more than profiteers. They talk about social justice, about laws, orders, becoming more "Polish" and sovereign. Its all talk. All a distraction to the uneducated who keep them in power in order to get a little free cash. The Polish Deal will crush the middle class and it will wipe out cities tax revenues, but all that wont be talked about if they can control the news.
Atch  22 | 4299
14 Aug 2021   #337
Historically the US does not do 'nothing' when its business interests come under attack...

How right you are.

is a speck of sand in the vast conglomerate that is Discovery.

And yet a statement on Thursday, Discovery said it had notified the Polish government of its intent to take legal action under the 1994 USA/Poland bilateral investment treaty.
Ironside  50 | 12916
14 Aug 2021   #338
I am a realist Iron.

Me too. that is why I don't care about this little TV station and PiS song and dance. I think however that mass media in Poland should be owned by the Polish capital and any foreign owned station should not be allowed to operate there. It is a question of a state security.

I think that any international operators that would like to work in Poland and I mean google, Facebook and such, should be a subject to the Polish law and their assets and interest should not be protected by the Polish law if they choose to play games to avoid abiding by its rules.

Let me tell you as a one realist to another that USA can't do much to Poland because they need EU, NATO , Germany and Europe as much as they need Australia. So they won't use big guns over some small matter they just talk big, like you to scare PiS.

All they can do is a legal action which is not a big deal anyway..

the rich and powerful are getting more rich and powerful off of the poor.

Like everywhere else. Poland is a part of the global community
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
14 Aug 2021   #339
I think this time, with the TV issue, the US will act. Biden is all about the free press, and the way PiS would not recognize him as President after the elections has not been forgotten. There will be payback.

Legal action will also be taken. Poland will get clobbered again. In the mean time new tariffs on Polish goods are likely.
Ironside  50 | 12916
14 Aug 2021   #340
There will be payback.

So what? Biden and Democrats are the scourge anyway and Democrats never ever done anything for Poland even if they could.
PiS made a blunder not their first and maybe not they last. If they would go for limiting foreign capital in mass media in Poland it would be worth it.

To go and get some lone TV stations - its not worth it.
Anyway USA was always screwing Poland over in many things nothing new.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
14 Aug 2021   #341
"Like everywhere else. Poland is a part of the global community"

not really bro.
Korvinus  4 | 600
15 Aug 2021   #342
with the TV issue, the US will act

The democratic elected government of Poland must be abolished at once and an US and Mass Media approved government must be installed! THAT'S TRUE democracy!
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
15 Aug 2021   #343
Just keeping the press free from the government is enough. Thats true democracy.
Novichok  4 | 8748
15 Aug 2021   #344
...and hand it over to the Zuckerjews and Bezos. That will be a huge improvement in tolerating the opposing views. We should try it here in the US...
OP mafketis  38 | 11137
15 Aug 2021   #345
Just keeping the press free from the government is enough

But people who don't understand 'rule of law' (like JK) think that winning an election entitles them to do anything they want and to violate terms of freely signed agreements....

In other news Duda has said words that could be construed as meaning he'll veto the law if it gets through the Sejm again...

Is this a diplomatic way out of the mess that PiS has created for itself or one of his attempts to establish himself as an independent entity (which are usually slapped down by JK in a hurry)
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
15 Aug 2021   #346
Veto or not, I would like to see them take the loss in court. More embarrassing publicly.
Korvinus  4 | 600
15 Aug 2021   #347
Just keeping the press free from the government is enough

On condition it is also kept free from influence of Yanks. After supporting Jerries in case of Nord Stream 2, Biden don't have much leverage left in Poland. So, it is somewhat the case "now or never".

After the next election in US we may think of some sort of "reset", unless in the meantime they do climb on our backsides as a some sort of global hegemon, and relations with America will no longer be of great importance.
OP mafketis  38 | 11137
16 Aug 2021   #348
Newest development: tvn has received a license from the Netherlands to broadcast

a statement reads: jeśli KRRIT nie wyda decyzji o przedłużeniu koncesji TVN24 do 26 września, dalsze nadawanie umożliwi, zgodnie z polskim i unijnym prawem, koncesja holenderska (If the National Broadcasting Council doesn't decide to prolong our license by Sept 26, further broadcasting is made possible, by Polish and EU law by the Dutch license.),79cfc278

In other news, KO is gaining in polls and PiS.... not so much.... one poll has them even at 26% which is probably optimistic... (PiS support is usually underestimated in polls since some are hesitant to express support for them in public).,79cfc278
Paulina  17 | 4465
16 Aug 2021   #349
Bravo for Holland from Poland! :* 👏 🇵🇱 ❤️ 🇳🇱 🌷
😎💖😁 👍

Ironside  50 | 12916
16 Aug 2021   #350
As long as there more people like you in Poland. To be honestly idiots like you. Poland and you too will be shafted all the time by any punk.

Ha ha you don't know anything do you about the issue but all you know is to kick PiS. geez
Paulina  17 | 4465
16 Aug 2021   #351
@Ironside, I live in Poland, unlike you, so there's a big chance that I know more than you do, you fanatical idiot...
amiga500  5 | 1505
16 Aug 2021   #352
Considering you wrote that introduction of child support in Poland, which caused the biggest decrease in extreme poverty here, and prob in the history of the european union is 'buying voters', perhaps you should look in the mirror when you talk about fanatical idiots..
Paulina  17 | 4465
16 Aug 2021   #353
@amiga500, oh for God's sake... I don't have a problem with giving benefits to people who actually need them (poor people). The problem with 500+ from the very beginning was that everyone could get it, no matter the income, including people for whom 500 PLN is pocket money. That's simply a waste of money that could go somewhere else where they're more needed and, yes, that's why it's buying voters.
amiga500  5 | 1505
16 Aug 2021   #354
But according to you and the other POrks on this forum, PiS voters are all poor and uneducated, so even though if it was means tested it would make no difference. I have seen these hate filled posts by maf and others, kielbasa for stupid people buying voters etc. Nothing about improving poland but perhaps that is not in your and others interest. ..

Besides, Universal child support is standard in many countries, if not a direct cash payment than a tax deduction for every child which ends up being the same thing.
cms neuf  1 | 1846
16 Aug 2021   #355
A tax deduction is not the same thing - you only get it if you work.

I'm more or less in favor of 500+ - I agree that it's given dignity to a lot of parents. It's all the subsequent handouts that I have a problem with and especially the reduction in retirement age and the massive increase in taxes for people like me

Not a problem for you - you don't pay tax here and you are probably paid somehow from public funds
Paulina  17 | 4465
16 Aug 2021   #356
PiS voters are all poor and uneducated

I never wrote that and I don't think that way.

Nothing about improving poland but perhaps that is not in your and others interest. ..

Sorry, but you clearly have no idea what's in my interest. Unlike you, I don't live in rich Australia or in another rich Western country like Ironside does (yeah, I actually know where he lives). I live in Poland and in my interest is to have here, for example, a well functioning health service. Australia isn't in the EU so maybe you don't know how this works - EU money usually go for building infrastructure. So, the EU can help building a hospital (the building) but the Polish state has to fill it with medical equipment, doctors and nurses. You need... guess what... yes... MONEY for that... So you can have a modern, shiny hospital that can't treat patients, because it's empty... (this is an example from my region, which is, as I already wrote, one of the poorest regions in Poland).

No, sorry, I can't agree that child support for everyone is a great idea in a country where there are people so poor that they have no toilets and bathrooms in the house and no running water... In a country that allegedely can't afford pay rises for doctors and nurses in order to keep them here, but apparently can afford giving money to rich people for having kids...

I could go on and on like this...

Universal child support is standard in many countries, if not a direct cash payment than a tax deduction for every child

Which countries? Enumerate them for me and tell me how much people are getting there. And don't forget to add how much doctors and nurses are being paid in those countries, for example...
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
16 Aug 2021   #357
A few opinions of Ludwik Dorn, a former colleague of the Kaczyński brothers, once also known as the "third twin", on the lex TVN in the interview to the RZECZPOSPOLITA daily:

If Andrzej Duda receives a signal from the White House that if he signs the lex TVN, he will be a president unacceptable by the current US president and the prospect of being a third-class president appears, he may have some reflection and this law will not be signed.

I do not think that the possible closure of the channels of the TVN group would benefit PiS. If TVN stops broadcasting, it may cause a drop in support for PiS. Something people get used to and like - will be taken from them. And when Washington comes to the EU and Brussels in conflict with PiS, the question will arise, also among PiS voters, whether Poland can afford to wage war on all fronts. The row with lex TVN is beyond political rationality.
Ironside  50 | 12916
17 Aug 2021   #358
The row with lex TVN is beyond political rationality.

It could be a game aimed at their own (PiS) electorate. To show them that their are not USA lackeys...

can afford giving money to rich people for having kids...

I don't know statics but I would bet money against peanuts that there is no that much people who are rich and take 500plus. Not enough to rise pay for doctors or some such with money taken away from their kids.

To do that it would need a structural change including tax reform and so on and so forth..

there's a big chance t

You have been posting here for years and there is a fat chance that you would know better than me.
The only reason you mindlessly cheer for some shady business is because you imagine that PiS got its ass kicked.
Rather that worry about foreign capital owning mass media in Poland.
Stupid way PiS is acting up as if they were morons or were trying to make Polish gov look like a bunch of incompetent clowns that any punk can spook.

If they were to give up so easily why would they even strat it.
What is wrong with my views?
What so fanatical about them?
You should learn from me! To improve your political class you need to know what to vote for and what to demand from politicians. If you go with slogans, platitudes and empty promises you get what you see..

Pandering to foreign clowns and bending backwoods to accommodate them will bring nothing but misery. If you don't know that you and your kids will be shafted big time. What are you if not an idiot if you don't know that much?
Novichok  4 | 8748
17 Aug 2021   #359
What are you if not an idiot if you don't know that much?

Crude and obnoxious.

that much people who

PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
17 Aug 2021   #360
Clearly you have not walked the streets of Poland recently. The poor are not the ones having children now, it is the wealthy because they can afford to. 500+ does nothing for people who live in metro areas if they are poor. The cost of food now is crazy and 500+ does not account for the massive inflation PiS has caused.

But again, PiS might just want to observe the US pulling out of Afghanistan. Easily the USA left what became a situation that could not be solved. Those religious idealist will once again ruin a country and keep their people from attaining the lives they want. Extreme for sure, but no different than PiS at its core. Idealists are never successful without changing their ideals to the times. PiS could have become so much more if not for their blindness to progress.

Home / News / The ruling party in Poland tries to take American owned TV news station off the air

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