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What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus?

Ironside  50 | 12959
13 Sep 2020   #241
How much are you paid in 2020?

About 10 000 rubles. Are you interested? Go to WritetoBerdyczow.rus.

The weaker he gets politicaly, the more he has to rely on Russia

Indeed, so the idea was to keep him in power for that not to happen. Genius!

As there is not guarantee whomever comes next won't take course on Russia.
pawian  226 | 27585
13 Sep 2020   #242
Indeed, so the idea was to keep him in power for that not to happen. Genius!

Yes, but Belarussians want him to leave after he rigged the elections.

I have just read an article about Polish far right nationalists` defence of Lukashenka - they even held a demo in Warsaw. They praise Lukashenka for his stronghand rule over the country and dream about similar solutions in Poland. One guy came with the Russian flag. Nice.

Fekking renegades.

As there is not guarantee whomever comes next won't take course on Russia.

That will probably happen. Then Belarus is finished and people will become true slaves of Russian oligarchs who will take over Belarussians companies for free.

Poles must be prepared to welcome and host huge immigration from Belarus. Even refugees.
Crow  154 | 9560
27 Dec 2020   #243
What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. If it ain't broken, don't fix it.

Comparing to the USA, Belarus now looks like promised land, while in comparison to Biden, Lukashenko looks like serious statesman.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
27 Dec 2020   #244
"I have just read an article about Polish far right nationalists` defence of Lukashenka - they even held a demo in Warsaw. "

I luv it just luv it im gonna befriend some of them and have them flash on the ***** with me in the zabka market and show me how its done or how to deal with such twats and metoos and wannabe equality fems in Poland. I bet you johnny boi would **** his pants if he found out i sent them looking for him if he ever visited poland again.

they are rebels without a cause i tell ya rebels without a cause. sort of like me.

what do u think cro dont they got style and swagger. thy remind you of yourself as well or do you fot a diff get down? thats the problem with california is i couldnt identify with any group or gang in prison but im sure if they existed i would have joined their prison gang.
Crow  154 | 9560
27 Dec 2020   #245
"I have just read an article about Polish far right nationalists` defence of Lukashenka - they even held a demo in Warsaw. "

Sure they demonstrate. Poland has its own specific interests and one of those interests is to have its place within the Slavic world. Now, with an increased level of global madness, the Slavic world is more and more popular. Far from it to be perfect but in the Slavic world, MAMA is still MAMA and TATA is still TATA, while speaking in general, Slavic culture does tend to provide enough tolerance for different.

Respect from Serbia brate
mafketis  38 | 11178
23 May 2021   #246
Any comment on Belarus hijacking a Polish owned Ryanair plane so they could arrest a dissident?

What (if anything) will be the international reaction?
pawian  226 | 27585
23 May 2021   #247
That`s outrageous. Sanction Lukashenka regime to the maximum! Bring out all they have against him.

Now we see how naive were PiS rulers a few years ago when they tried to keep good relations and praised Lukashenka for being a "warm friendly" person.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
23 May 2021   #248
What (if anything) will be the international reaction?

Nothing,they just issued a statement and will fade away.I feel bad for the 25 yo blogger,hope he lives.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
23 May 2021   #249
Clearly an act of terrorism.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
23 May 2021   #250
Become friends. With their ppl including retard nationalists who hate anyone not polish.
Velund  1 | 493
24 May 2021   #251
Clearly an act of terrorism.

So, when it comes to forcefully grounding a President Morales personal plane in a Wien to search for Edward Snowden that was allegedly on board and wanted by US - it is ok, but detaining criminal, searched by BY on BY land from transit plane landed for some strange and suspicious reason - this is act of terrorism? Or does the magic phrase "You don't understand, it's different" make your ****** hypocrisy smell like roses?
Novichok  4 | 8592
24 May 2021   #252
this is act of terrorism?

Of course, it's not. If that was not a plane, but a bus - all else being the same - would we be talking about terrorism or simply the police doing their job?

Terror is inflicting pain on civilians for political objectives. Lockdowns and masks were pure terrorism or at least a test to find out how easy it will be in the future.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
24 May 2021   #253
- this is act of terrorism?

Hijacking a commercial plane by force to kidnap a political opponent is terrorism.
Novichok  4 | 8592
24 May 2021   #254
BS. It's not different than the cops pulling over a bus with a wanted man on it. Wings vs tires don't change anything.
Paulina  19 | 4505
24 May 2021   #255
It's not different than the cops pulling over a bus with a wanted man on it.

Cops don't threaten to blow up such a bus though, with killing all the innocent people on it as a result.
mafketis  38 | 11178
24 May 2021   #256
Cops don't threaten to blow up such a bus though

Airspace has been neglected in international law.... on the one hand the air above physical countries has traditionally 'belonged' to the countries beneath them. On the other hand, passengers aren't 'in' the country in any real way as they are not subject to border controls.

Putin and his barking little lap dog Lukashenka have blown up the system and some new protocol on jurisdiction will need to be worked out.

The EU won't be able to do anything because it's led by incompetents and Germany wants ns2 too much.

Biden (like other democrat presidents) projects weakness abroad leading tinpot little dictators to try their luck.
amiga500  5 | 1506
24 May 2021   #257
Time for a Polish Anschluss,

PiS rulers a few years ago when they tried to keep good relations a

To be fair the whole European Union was doing that at the time.
Velund  1 | 493
24 May 2021   #258
Cops don't threaten to blow up such a bus though

Do you have any evidence that false bomb threat was made by anyone working for state of Belarus? Or, as always, magic words "highly likely" should make your fantasies more "material"?

There is a lot of parties who may benefit from timely "sacred victim", so Lukashenko may receive this gift from someone else.
amiga500  5 | 1506
24 May 2021   #259
more info here
seems like the plane was flying as fast as possible trying to get out of belarus airpspace before mig29 arrived. i reckon his girlfriend is kgb honeypot
Velund  1 | 493
24 May 2021   #260
In October 2016, a Belavia airline plane flying from Kiev to Minsk was returned to Kiev's Zhulyany airport because of a well-known "anti-Maidan" activist Armen Martirosyan that was on board.

The Boeing, carrying 136 passengers and six crew members, was forced to return to the airport of departure having received an instruction from Kiev about immediate return 50 kilometers before entering the airspace of Belarus without giving any reasons. The captain was told that in case of non-compliance with the instruction, fighters would be in the air. The pilot carried out the controller's order, and the plane landed at Zhulyany.

But "this is different", isn't it?
cms neuf  2 | 1880
24 May 2021   #261
Awesome to see the shameless Russian trolls having to work hard this morning.

A few more hours and they will get a special reward - some foul coffee and a greasy donut from the one legged Afghan war veteran who parks his stall outside their office.
Velund  1 | 493
24 May 2021   #262
Awesome to see

As I understand, you was unable to find anything factually wrong in my posts, so decided to throw a portion of sh*t to the blades, as usual?
Ironside  50 | 12959
24 May 2021   #263
Any comment on Belarus hijacking a Polish owned Ryanair plane

Is not Polish owned. Registered in Poland.
Well. Biden USA Democrats and all that ....Putin testing waters.
cms neuf  2 | 1880
24 May 2021   #264
Is there evidence that Belarus was behind the threat. Yes - four other Belarusian passengers got off at Minsk, obviously members of the Belarus secret service,

But it's not even worth discussing - you are paid by a murdering thieving dictator to do this for a living, so I will go and earn some money in an honest way like a normal self respecting person.
Velund  1 | 493
24 May 2021   #265
by Dmitry Petrovsky

A passenger plane rises into the air. It is about to reach its destination airport when a dispatcher calls for it to land. Fighter jets take to the skies. As the plane lands, the special services detain one of the passengers. While others are swearing, calling home ("honey, the plane has landed, who knows how long we'll be stuck here") and demanding compensation, the passenger is taken straight to interrogation.

This is 2016, the passenger's name is Armen Martirosyan. The plane belonged to the Belavia company and landed in Kiev. Martirosyan was suspected of having ties with Russia and organizing unrest in Ukraine at the behest of the Kremlin. The scandalous episode did not end well: the passenger was released after a few hours, and the then Ukrainian President Poroshenko apologized to the permanent leader of Belarus.

But a niggle remained. Now the official Minsk says that it is a chain of coincidences. They say that the air traffic controller received a bomb threat, passed it on to the plane, the pilots landed at the nearest airport, and Roman was among the passengers by coincidence. Well, maybe... Who knows, maybe there was a message, and who sent it is also unclear, there are many people interested in the scandal. Or maybe then, in 2016, Alexander Grigoryevich (Lukashenko) tied a knot in his memory and remembered this combination for the future.

Now, when Roman Protasevich, who is considered a terrorist in his homeland, returned to Minsk in a similar way, the Internet community is divided into two camps. Some believe that this was an unprecedented violation of international law, a seizure and terrorist attack, and call to immediately raise all possible anathemas against the Belarusian president. Others congratulate the Belarusian KGB for the brilliant operation, which has no analogues.

I cannot adhere to either of them, despite my desire. If it is an operation, there is nothing unique about it. The first case I know of was in 2004, when a private plane carrying a Russian citizen, Council of Federation member and former Deputy Minister Andrey Vavilov, was forcibly grounded in the U.S. He, like Protasevich, was taken for interrogation right from the airport.

In 2012, Turkey boarded a Moscow-Damascus flight. In 2017, the British escorted the Ryanair flight from Kaunas, but they did not detain anyone and did not find anything on board (it seems), although they searched everyone. Finally, in 2013, Bolivian President Evo Morales was grounded in Austria. Only because it was believed that Edward Snowden was flying with him.

This case is important for us not because the "civilized world" rightfully humiliated the head of a sovereign state. What matters is who they were looking for on that plane. Snowden, whom even some Americans consider a fighter for freedom of speech who revealed important secrets to the world. Snowden, who, if he had been born later, and not in America, but somewhere in the CIS, would most likely have started an anonymous Telegram channel and would have leaked all his findings there. But to the U.S. authorities, Snowden is a terrorist and a traitor.

Whether Lukashenko is right or wrong, whether he is taking revenge or playing another chess game, whether the Belarusian special services or, say, the European ones invented the mysterious letter about the bombing in order to leak Protasiewicz and to draw the Belarusian protest out of the American sphere of influence or back into their own, we will never know.

Obviously, there is nothing new going on, and the players' actions are prompted by the logic of the surrounding world, in which "everything is relative" and in which we have all existed for decades.

When the U.S. forces a plane to land, it is "democracy" and "good with fists" for some and lawlessness for others. The Ukrainian army shooting up the Donbass is "warriors of light" to one side and war criminals to the other. This list also includes Crimea and the bombing of Yugoslavia, the Arab-Israeli conflict, and much, much, much more.

All the curses, all the sanctions that are about to fall on the "last dictator" will not be for the unexpected landing of a Ryanair flight, and not even for Protasiewicz. They will be for the fact that he dared to play a game that before was only allowed to be played by big boys or (like with Ukraine) with the permission of big boys. And Lukashenko will be blamed for simply being on the wrong side of the barricades.
Velund  1 | 493
24 May 2021   #266
Is there evidence that Belarus was behind the threat. Yes - four other Belarusian passengers got off at Minsk, obviously members ...

Heh. If I would need to return to Minsk anyway (for example, returning from vacation via Vilnius), I would be happy to stop my flight right in Minsk if such occasion emerge. ;)

Any time that I return from Finland and see my home in a window of Leningrad-Moscow train, I want to have train stop right here, but no luck... ;)
Ironside  50 | 12959
24 May 2021   #267
When the U.S. forces a plane to land, it is "democracy" a

Yes, bevosue that what stand behind US. Behind Putin stands outdated autocracy.
Russia trying to go back into eastern european space and somebody should kick their teeth in...
amiga500  5 | 1506
24 May 2021   #268
the passenger's name is Armen Martirosyan.

And yet your comparison falls apart because Armen was released by the Ukrainian authorities after being questioned.
Velund  1 | 493
24 May 2021   #269
Yes, bevosue that what stand behind US. Behind Putin stands outdated autocracy.


Decide first, was current POTUS rightfully elected, or stole elections, then try to tell to learn us about democracy. ;)
mafketis  38 | 11178
24 May 2021   #270
the permanent leader of Belarus

No country that is not a sh|th0le has a "permanent leader"....

the rest of the post is just a newer version of the old vomit-inducing "А у вас негров линчуют." (milder in its Polish version: "A u was Murzynów biją!")

"highly likely" should make your fantasies more "material"?

The plane was closer to Vilnius when it was diverted so obviously concern about a bomb is a big lie.... which makes an intellectually honest person suspect the rest of the story.

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