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What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus?

pawian  224 | 27236
18 Nov 2021   #1171
a person loses his refugee status the second he sets foot in a country where he is secure

Darling, I asked you to prove it but you are still deflecting. Do you know what "prove" means? We need links and quotes of factual rules, not your private opinions.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
19 Nov 2021   #1172
They are leaving! An empty camp near Bruzgi - Kuznica

Novichok  4 | 8748
19 Nov 2021   #1173
They are leaving!

Because they met irresistible force, not the stupid leftist brainless Christian women with food, diapers, and flowers.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
19 Nov 2021   #1174
They are leaving!

Some are leaving, last night along the border there two attempts to cross it. One group about 500 people and other about 50 people, they used stones, tree branches and tear gas. Four soldiers had been injured.

While the EU commission hands over to Lukashenko millions of Euro.
Novichok  4 | 8748
19 Nov 2021   #1175
While the EU commission hands over to Lukashenko millions of Euro.

Now the question is who is stupid and who is smart. That was a stupid question.

From Wikipedia:

To avoid abuses, European law, the Dublin Regulation, requires that asylum seekers have their asylum claim registered in the first country they arrive in,...

pawian  224 | 27236
19 Nov 2021   #1176

Yes, DUH! It is so funny you only quoted the first part of the regulation, skipping the vital rest about the first EU country, not any country. Belarus isn`t a EU country so the law you quote isn`t applied here.

Therefore, your earlier claim

Hence, nobody can claim to be a refugee in Poland while in Belarus.

wasn`t true.
In the light of your omittance in the Wiki quote above which was obviously deliberate, I claim you were lying on purpose.

Only if you say you suffer from dementia, we will close an eye to that misconduct of yours.
DUH! hahaha
Strzelec35  19 | 830
19 Nov 2021   #1177
You guys are so racist including pawian the supposed western ideals guy the supposed liberal polish guy against these people. just give them food and water and let them live. Its the european way the europe of the renaissance not poland mind you.
Crow  154 | 9463
19 Nov 2021   #1178
EU is deeply wrong, culture degraded by mad blood thirsty Romans. Nothing of ancient Slavic Europe in EU.

EU isnt place for Poland.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
19 Nov 2021   #1179
True. it definitely is not or Poland dont belong in it.


"It's not about sources; in this case it's a matter of looking at the bigger picture - the causes and events leading up to what's happened, rather than just statements being made on either side.

1. Many migrants and refugees from the Middle East and North Africa have traditionally tried to entire the EU (due to its high living standards and exorbitent social welfare programs) through Eastern Europe, in this case Belarus.

2. Much of this migration is a direct result of EU policy - from supporting wars that destroy countries (see Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria etc) to lax immigration controls encouraging the migration of extended families to entire communities.

3. Belarus has acted as a 'hard border', blocking immigrants so that the EU can advertise that they 'welcome everyone' and 'value diversity' without getting totally overrun.

4. Belarus has stopped playing that role in response to EU sanctions - they're not creating migrants, they're simply allowing them passage so that the EU now has to deal with accepting or rejecting them directly. Belarus has made the argument that under the new sanctions, they simply cannot afford to continue operations.

5.The EU has sanctioned Belarus for two major reasons - the first being the most recent elections (which the west in general did not consider to be fair), and the second being the incident where Belarus forced a plane down in it's airspace in order to arrest a Belarusian citizen who had been fighting with the Ukrainian Volunteer Battalions (who the EU characterises as a 'journalist').

Both sides have reasons for what they're doing and they're not as simple as retarded narratives like 'Putin is doing this to destroy the EU, as if Russia would somehow benefit from destroying its biggest market for agricultural and energy sales."
Novichok  4 | 8748
19 Nov 2021   #1180
skipping the vital rest about the first EU country,

Which means that Poland is the FIRST and the FINAL destination! Duh! And that is why these scumbags should never, ever be allowed to set foot in Poland or you will have them forever if Germans finally wise up. Duh!
Strzelec35  19 | 830
19 Nov 2021   #1181
Lukashenka is a pimp or a G:
pawian  224 | 27236
19 Nov 2021   #1182
Poland is the FIRST and the FINAL destination!

Do you mean you are sorry for lying in previous posts?

you will have them forever

No, we won`t. Now think or read more and tell us why. And I don`t mean they will escape to Germany.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
19 Nov 2021   #1183
You guys are so racist

Good. If that is western concept of racism, one need to be one.

Both sides have reasons

Good, So do Poland. We don't wnat them cross into Poland without visas. That our right.
Crow  154 | 9463
20 Nov 2021   #1184
Note what Duda doing these days while crisis on border culminates. He visiting Slavic South so he checks situation on warm seas of Europe held by Slavs. Basically he visiting smaler Serbian states emerged after dissolution of Yugoslavia that are in turmoil, torn apart from inside by pressure from NATO/EU and Vatican on one side and tendencies to re-merge with Serbia on the other side.

If Serbs lose here Poland losing acess to the warm seas of Adriatic because Germany takes it all. That is why Polonia taking part in financing of Serb Republic within Bosnia and that is why Poland allows Russia to transport most heavy armament to Serbia via Polish air space.

As Mickiewicz told to Czartorisky `Serbs are key`.

So, just spot in which dirrection Poland doing at this moment and you would yourself know.
jon357  72 | 23361
20 Nov 2021   #1185
Looks like it's continuing as before. People are crossing into Poland right now:
Crow  154 | 9463
20 Nov 2021   #1186
Thank dobri Bog. Let them go to Germany and western Europe. Let them go in peace
Crow  154 | 9463
20 Nov 2021   #1188
Where is papacy now to wash their legs. Roman monsters that only manipulate and profit on chaos.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
20 Nov 2021   #1189
where do you think theyd rather stay or which transit country Belarus or Poland? Like if given a choice.
Novichok  4 | 8748
20 Nov 2021   #1190
Like if given a choice.

"Refugees" are not diners in a buffet. They should be shot for crossing the border illegally.
Crow  154 | 9463
20 Nov 2021   #1192
Refugees on the way to western Europe and Rome. All roads leads to Rome as papacy used to say so let them deal with problem they created
Novichok  4 | 8748
20 Nov 2021   #1193
They are refugees.

"Refugees" run from wars, not to the nearest welfare office. There is no war where the scum came from.
jon357  72 | 23361
20 Nov 2021   #1194
Belarus or Poland

There's nothing in Belarus for them. I can understand refugees wanting to be in Germany.

I doubt many of them have an opinion of or knowledge of Poland.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
20 Nov 2021   #1195
There's nothing in Belarus for them. I can understand refugees wanting to be in Germany.

That's why they call them "Economic Refugees".
How many of them will you be taking into your home in Poland to house, feed and support ?
Crow  154 | 9463
20 Nov 2021   #1196
Why would people in Poland take refugees to their homes? If Pope is mad, Poland isn`t
Strzelec35  19 | 830
20 Nov 2021   #1197
Would Lukashenka even let them stay in belarus? How would they get a work permit? a visa to stay in the country etc. or apply for residential perit?
Crow  154 | 9463
20 Nov 2021   #1198
Luka is crazy but isn`t an idiot.
jon357  72 | 23361
20 Nov 2021   #1199
Would Lukashenka even let them stay in belarus?

No. He's being disingenuous about the refugees. Did you see his interview with the BBC?

There's nothing in Belarus for them anyway; they want to go to Germany.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
20 Nov 2021   #1200
But it still would be better for them to stay in Belarus than go to war torn countries. What is there in belarus for anyone? yet people live there.

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