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What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus?

Novichok  4 | 8748
17 Nov 2021   #1141
I say its time to shot the bastards!

Easy. That was my idea.
pawian  224 | 27236
18 Nov 2021   #1142
my idea.

Stupid one coz it would be not only immoral but also illegal inb the view of international law. Stop giving moronic advice coz those PiS morons might use them as they are unable to think rationally.
Korvinus  4 | 600
18 Nov 2021   #1143
not only immoral but also illegal

Killing enemies during a war is neither. And it is the war.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
18 Nov 2021   #1144
Why should the west pay for someone who created problems for themselves.Let them be stranded and work there way out.Some of these migrants have started liking Belarus and planning to stay there making Belarus vulnerable.EU should be more worried that Merkel dont make a deal with Belarus leaving Poland look stupid to defend EU borders.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
18 Nov 2021   #1145
Why should t

I don't know. The EU is sending money to Belarus already.
CNN is harping about poor refugees too.
Your west is full of it.
Novichok  4 | 8748
18 Nov 2021   #1146
Killing enemies during a war is neither. And it is the war.

According to the leftists, the white race is the only race that has no right to defend itself. If the enemy brings "women and children", it is the white man's sacred duty to feed them, house them, treat them - the more, the better - because they are "women and children". How many? All 6 billion.
Joker  2 | 2390
18 Nov 2021   #1147
According to the leftists, the white race

Do white lefties hate themselves then? It sure seem like it, what a bunch of stupid idiots... I hope the next election runs these clowns out of power.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
18 Nov 2021   #1148
Warsaw takes a hard line on those trying to enter the EU from Belarus, but Polish residents are handing out food and water to migrants as their Faith has instructed them to do.

There are even cases where Polish people have given money to the migrants to buy food.
Why is it always the Church that people depend on in hard times ?
Joker  2 | 2390
18 Nov 2021   #1149
Warsaw takes a hard line on those trying to enter the EU from Belarus

Is that what google said today? I wonder, if someone that actually lives in Warsaw could confirm?
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
18 Nov 2021   #1150
When I was in the region on Warsaw/Minsk highway around 10 days back I saw many foreign cars esp vans(which are not common in Poland) with tinted windows parked on the side of the highway and was told that they belong to smugglers who transport migrants for a heavy fee(2/3000 Euros) to Germany.They said locals near the border hang green lights for the migrants that they are welcome.Local friend there told me that those vans have a pilot car in front of them that tells them of any roadblocks or cops.

They say they have 10/15 migrants in a van lol not bad money for a trip(almost 20/45k Euros).2/3 trips back and forth is over 100k Euros Tax free Gotufka a week,lol better then selling drugs I guess.LOL maybe Str should look into this business lol.
Novichok  4 | 8748
18 Nov 2021   #1151
If in doubt, ask what Jesus or the Israelis would do. Israelis are a good reference simply because they know that their enemies need to be right only once and Israel is history.

That is why they have this beautiful wall and they skunk spray the climbers. Occasionally, they shoot their knees out - which is brilliant as it does not create martyrs but gives the enemy a chance to care for and spend money on their disabled friends. Brilliant. It works and Israel is still on the map.

lol better then selling drugs

...because many touchy-feely Polish idiots support this crime as "Christian".
jon357  72 | 23361
18 Nov 2021   #1152
I wonder, if someone that actually lives in Warsaw could confirm?

The government here are trying very carefully to tread a very fine line in a difficult situation. They aren't taking a 'hard line', however they've put resources into managing the border.

One interesting thing is that they've said they'll cease rail crossings at Kuznica (a very important channel for China-Europe freight trains) by 21/11 if the situation doesn't move forward. If anything, that's a softly-softly but still resolute approach.
Korvinus  4 | 600
18 Nov 2021   #1153
So, apparently Merkel called Lukashenko.

Despite protest from eastern european countries. And she even "forgot" to inform Lithuanian government.

What was the topic of discussion, you ask? What was achieved? Of course not known.

Except, perhaps, now giving legitimacy to a vote-cheating scum Luka.

G*rman former chancellor is working for Gazorom now, I wonder if Angela has a spot ready for her in that company too.

G*rmans and R*ssians have an underwater relationship, which no other european countries understand. I have always been irritated by the G*rman pragmatism regarding R*ssia. G*rmany always preferred to sacrifice European solidarity with Poland and the Baltic states for interests with R*ssia. It is shocking how much the G*rman government's policy is in line with R*ssia's. G*rmany protested against NATO bases in Poland and the Baltics states. G*rmany was against imposing sanctions on R*ssia for the war in Crimea. Today, G*rman government media are accusing Poland of human rights violations - just like R*ssia Today.
Novichok  4 | 8748
18 Nov 2021   #1154
The government here are trying very carefully to tread a very fine line in a difficult situation.

It's all that to lefty weasels.

To normal people, it's binary and super simple. Either you have a border or you don't. If you have it, excluding nukes and poison gas, all means to protect it are on the table. Water cannons, skunk spray, and live rounds that maim and kill. All moral considerations are pure bs since it is the choice of the hordes to keep the conflict going.

they've said they'll cease rail crossings at Kuznica

It's almost laughable. When your wife is under attack, you shoot the attacker, not send a memo to his boss to be used in his next performance review.

The main problem today is not the refugees but the soft, scared, pussified, oh my God, we can't do that, white weasels.

Yes, you can or your tribe is doomed.
jon357  72 | 23361
18 Nov 2021   #1155
What was the topic of discussion, you ask? What was achieved? Of course not known.

What's known is that the flow has now stopped and some people are being repatriated to Iraq.

What leverage she had is a different matter however it's likely to include Belavia flights.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
18 Nov 2021   #1156
They aren't taking a 'hard line', however

Never question my friend jon when he challenges you.
As Poland repels migrants, locals offer humanitarian aid.
Novichok  4 | 8748
18 Nov 2021   #1157
locals offer humanitarian aid.

They should be charged with sabotage.
Few things motivate better than the prospect of death by starvation.
jon357  72 | 23361
18 Nov 2021   #1158
As Poland repels migrants, locals offer humanitarian aid.

Exactly. It's a bloody difficult situation on the border, and Poland does have standards of behaviour.
mafketis  38 | 11137
18 Nov 2021   #1159
The Belarusian government is (no surprise) putting out a lot of misinformation on supposed agreements entered into by Merkel.

It's important to remember that the Russian (and Belarusian) goals are chaos for chaos sake.

I'm hoping Merkel didn't go back to her habit of making decisions regarding border policy for other countries and/or doesn't agree to accept any.
jon357  72 | 23361
18 Nov 2021   #1160
the Russian (and Belarusian) goals are chaos for chaos sake

This much is clear. I do wonder about their longer-term goals, as of course do a lot of people here.


The news (on the new TVP World station) is saying right now that the situation is worsening, and yes, the footage they showed looks bad. Other people are saying that all the refugees/migrants are being repatriated, other sources are saying that just a few hundred are.

Tyere's also footage showing those people who were moved to the logistics centre fighting for food.
Novichok  4 | 8748
18 Nov 2021   #1161
and Poland does have standards of behaviour.

What are your standards of behavior if three guys you don't know broke into your apartment in the dead of night?
Tell us what exactly you would do.

right now that the situation is worsening,

...because of the weasels like you who are doing THIS:

...all the refugees/migrants are being repatriated, other sources are saying that just a few hundred are.

jon357  72 | 23361
18 Nov 2021   #1162
I'm hoping Merkel didn't go back to her habit of making decisions

She's apparently vetoed the sanctions against Belavia. Lithuania and Poland are far from happy about this.
pawian  224 | 27236
18 Nov 2021   #1163
Killing enemies during a war is neither. And it is the war.

Not according to international law. Stop reasoning like a child. Try to show more intelligence than Novi and Cojest.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
18 Nov 2021   #1164
What Merkel did makes also alot of Germans unhappy!
Interior minister Seehofer felt the need to repeat that she has not made some secret business with the dictators and no, Germany won't take anybody in and yes, Germany stands for sure at the side of Poland!
Novichok  4 | 8748
18 Nov 2021   #1165
Not according to international law.

Fu*ck "international law". According to "international law", the scum at the Polish border are not refugees, but thieves looking for a sucker country.

They lost that status a long time ago.
pawian  224 | 27236
18 Nov 2021   #1166
Fu*ck "international law".

Yes, I know, it`s typical of fascists and bolsheviks.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
18 Nov 2021   #1167
I wonder, if someone that actually lives in Warsaw could confirm?

I don't see any Middle East refugees here. However a few days ago I have seen some men looking like that in Złote Tarasy but I doubt they were those from Belarus.
Novichok  4 | 8748
18 Nov 2021   #1168
Yes, I know, it`s typical of fascists and bolsheviks.

A pussified leftist ran out of patience after the first sentence and skipped this:

According to "international law", the scum at the Polish border are not refugees, but thieves looking for a sucker country.

and this:

They lost that status a long time ago.

...but latched on to a throwaway part.
pawian  224 | 27236
18 Nov 2021   #1169
the scum at the Polish border are not refugees

Prove it.

ran out of patience

No, I am completely relaxed, as always when talking to you. Why should I run of patience if we are such good buddies???
Novichok  4 | 8748
18 Nov 2021   #1170
Prove it.

Easy, leftist. Under the UN refugee rules, a person loses his refugee status the second he sets foot in a country where he is secure from the dangers of war. Belarus is not in a state of war. Hence, nobody can claim to be a refugee in Poland while in Belarus.

Shopping for a better country is not allowed under the UN rules. You want to read the rules? Find them.

Got it, leftist?

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