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What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus?

Velund  1 | 493
24 May 2021   #301
Victims = 0. Nobody died, nobody got hurt.

You see only part of image...

I think NED now counts millions of US taxpayer dollars, "invested" to this guy and projects they worked on, and someone will definitely got hurt there... ;) Same story in Poland... ;)
johnny reb  49 | 8003
24 May 2021   #302
Putin offered political and financial support to Mr. Lukashenko amid Western sanctions and warned EU leaders against interfering in a political crisis that engulfed Belarus last year amid protests against its leader.

We all know who was responsible for this hijacking.....well except for our two Russian trolls here that are trying to play dumb.
Novichok  4 | 8596
24 May 2021   #303
That Mig was a cop. You do what the cop tells you to do. You can argue later that the cop was stupid or whatever but for now, you do as you are told. That's what we keep telling our blacks.

If the Russians "scrambled" a couple of Migs to beat some sense into the Polish pilot's brains back in 2010 on the way to Smolensk and "forced" him to fly to where the weather is better, the Polish delegation would be fine. But, the Russians were too nice and everybody died.

If that was hijacking, then when the cops pull you over and tell you to get out of the car it's carjacking and kidnapping.

When the US intercepts a cargo ship with weapons or a boat with white powder on high seas, what is that? We do it routinely without search warrants. A hunch is not a search warrant or a probable cause.
Velund  1 | 493
24 May 2021   #304

Just looked around in Russian LJ top accounts list. And between Russian comments concerning plane landing found one Polish... That returned me feeling that Poland is not yet lost completely. ;)

"Brawo jednego banderowca mniej .Polskojęzyczny rząd opłaca amerykańskich agentów z naszych podatków."
Novichok  4 | 8596
24 May 2021   #305
The problem with the PF Russia haters is that to them Russia-hating is a lifetime mission - like spreading a gospel or some sh*it like that. No facts, numbers, and logic registers here. In that sense, it's like debating the BLM thugs about so-called police brutality. The same mindless crap: cops are brutal. End of the story.

Strzelec35  19 | 830
24 May 2021   #306
some people here dont understand the power or even ideals of national socialism.
Velund  1 | 493
25 May 2021   #307
why do polaks call Ukrainians banderowcy.

Perhaps because this particular "young journalist" had a very impressive neo-Nazi background after going through the "hate school" in Donbass. He reportedly "interned" in the neo-Nazi Azov volunteer battalion, as part of the "Belarusian tactical group". It was only after he had had enough of shooting that he moved on to higher level training in Poland and the United States... Cannon fodder is not in a short supply, but talented provocators is...

I can imagine why he had so much "lost" face during arrest. Just hours ago you feel absolutely safe and believed that 29 countries is backing you, and now just two police officers is more than enough to move you to prison cell. ;) And questions of investigators there may became very inconvenient...
johnny reb  49 | 8003
25 May 2021   #308
The European Union on Monday called on all E.U.- based airlines to stop flying over Belarus and began the process of banning Belarusian airlines from flying over the bloc's airspace or landing in its airports - effectively severing the country's air connections to Western Europe.

Looks like the gospel is being spread across Europe. Hoot !
Novichok  4 | 8596
25 May 2021   #309
Now we can enjoy the high wire dance by the shocked West. On one hand, they will condemn this event using strong words like "warlike". On the other, not strong enough to be later able to explain why they did nothing. Unless, of course, they manage to pass a resolution at the UN.
pawian  226 | 27587
25 May 2021   #310
And between Russian comments concerning plane landing found one Polish

Don`t be stupid. Some Kremlin trolls know Polish very well.
Crow  154 | 9563
25 May 2021   #311
So Slavs are truly close to unity. I didn`t expect it that fast.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929
25 May 2021   #312
No Freedom from Consequences
Velund  1 | 493
25 May 2021   #313
@Bratwurst Boy.

You forgot a few frames... "I like shooting untermensch"... "Sieg heil!"... "I like posting the addresses of police officers and calling for their children to be killed"... And the last shot - "What? A firing squad? My CIA instructors told me that all this entertainment is free!".
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929
25 May 2021   #314
You forgot a few frames... "I like shooting untermensch"... "Sieg heil!"

Is he a Nazi?
mafketis  38 | 11179
25 May 2021   #315
A Putinite talking point is that anyone against Putin is a nazi... so I imagine they extend that to Lukashenka too...
Velund  1 | 493
25 May 2021   #317
Is he a Nazi?

Try to study the history of this bastard's adventures after Maidan in 2014, and find out who formed the backbone of the "Azov" Special Forces, where he began his "career". I don't think there will be any questions left.

That's so you won't be surprised if the competition for firing squad volunteers comes to 50 people per place. ;)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929
25 May 2021   #318
Hmmm....I'm not sure if I should believe you! The enemies of a dictatorial regime have always been defamed and denigrated by the not-free media of such a government.

I remember that very well!

What I could find in the english and german speaking internet have always been only those allegations

"....He faces extremism charges in Belarus, including organising mass riots and inciting social hatred, related to the protests late last year....."

But no proof at all! Standing up to a dictator doesn't make you a Nazi.

If you have anything more than that please post it....
mafketis  38 | 11179
25 May 2021   #319
I'm not sure if I should believe you!

Wise move.... Putinites have been whipped up into a mass hatred of frenzy against the Ukrainians who wanted to break free of the Russian "sphere of influence" and nazi was a convenient insult with little basis in fact (the bulk of nazi imagery in Ukraine actually came from the Russian side but who cares about facts when Putin is involved?

They also hate and despise the Ukrainian and Belurusian languages (one reason I always use the Belarusian form of Lukashenka)

Putin supporters are mostly..... not very well-informed and/or very gullible and/or want a big man to tell them what to think (Soviet habits die hard).
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929
25 May 2021   #320
"Lukashenka" is the female form, isn't it? :)
Velund  1 | 493
25 May 2021   #321
But no proof at all! If you have anything more than that please post it....

"Cleaning" of any "online" traces of their history between 2014-2020 is underway right now. Yesterday, May 24 there was note on their Wiki page about their participation in "Azov", today it was cleaned up completely (admin access?). There was interview with him where he mentioned their period in Azov - right now I was unable to find this video. Cover of "Black Sun" newsletter,(No 15 / 2015) printed by "Azov" contain Protasevich photo with machine gun ( ). Anatoly Shariy in their video blog mentioned their attempt to use special software to verify facial features - and highly likely it is really Protasevich photo ( approx. from 02:20). By the way - first article in "Black Sun" criticises US government, that excluded "Azov" from support and training programs due to their neo-nazi nature. Second article is deeply homophobic... Read it if you want, there is PDF file that can be copied and put to google translate. For example, here is opening fragment of first article, translated by Google... Unfortunately. DeepL does not support ukrainian.

> On June 10, thanks to the efforts of Congressmen John Conyers and Ted Yoho, the US House of Representatives passed an amendment to the 2015 Defense Expenditure Bill. Thanks to it, the Azov Regiment can be excluded from the entire program of training Ukrainian soldiers by American specialists. However, the congressmen did not stop there and in their amendment pointed out the inadmissibility of providing Ukraine with MANPADS.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929
25 May 2021   #322
I just read about seems that isn't him in the least its highly doubtful!

They even put two head shots of him side by side...

Then there is the logic....usually your typical neo-nazi is very much authoritarian and anti-democratic and for sure isn't generally standing up for more liberal human rights....

It somehow doesn't wash!
Velund  1 | 493
25 May 2021   #323
.it seems that isn't him in the photo...

Above is link to electronic version of newsletter. A lot of their photo in still available on the net (including the one where he posing in 2018 in US Department of State). ;) You can do some checks yourself.

If I will find a copy of video of their interview to @yurydud - I will publish it.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929
25 May 2021   #324
In the link to that twitter thread there are those photos....and I CAN compare! :)

Do you have some statements made by him which support that accusation of him being a neo-nazi?

That would clear things up, don't you think?
Velund  1 | 493
25 May 2021   #325
Do you have some statements made by him which support that accusation of him being a neo-nazi?

Frankly, I have more important things to do, rather than urgently try to find references for you. (Tomorrow you'll not find anything using Google as I can see by cleaning up wiki texts).

Quick career (till leutenant) in regiment that is considered Neo-nazi even by US House of Representatives - is it not enough?
mafketis  38 | 11179
25 May 2021   #326
"Lukashenka" is the female form, isn't it? :)

Lukashenko is the Russian version of the Belarusian form Lukashenka (technically Łukašenka in the old Belarusian latin alphabet). Putinites (and Lukashenka himself though he's no Putinite) hate the Belarusan language. Not as much as they hate Ukrainian but they really hate it. So that's what I use.

The person being charged with the horrible crime of not supporting Lukashenka and organizing protests where protesting the government is a crime is Protasevich in Russian and Pratasevich (Pratasevič) in Belarusian
johnny reb  49 | 8003
25 May 2021   #327
Well at least Putin didn't order the plane shot down this time.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929
25 May 2021   #328
Frankly, I have more important things to do, rather than urgently try to find references for you.

Maybe there aren't any? ;)

Quick career (till leutenant) in regiment that is considered Neo-nazi even by US House of Representatives - is it not enough?

The only thing you have is a photo of a head that might be him or not....ever heard of fakes?

A true neo-nazi who is such an important member of Azov that he was deemed worthy of a cover pic has surely enough proof of his real mindset, wouldn't you think? There must be alot more to find, his history with Azov for example...statements....his rise in ranks....his training.....comrades who knew him from before and fought with him side by side...etc...

And that would truly clear things up....that photo alone just isn't enough in these faking times, sorry!
amiga500  5 | 1508
25 May 2021   #329
Inside Lukashenko's brutal torture chambers: The Belarus detention centres where protesters are beaten until they pass out, starved, deprived of sleep and forced to sign confessions in 'bestial' conditions
Crow  154 | 9563
25 May 2021   #330
Inside Lukashenko's brutal torture chambers

I can`t even imagine Biden`s brutal torture chambers. These must be some kind of laboratory for lobotomy, dissection and mind probing, while old, hundred year old inquisitors represent key torturers. Real picture of hell on Earth.

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