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Poland's post-election political scene

12 Jun 2017   #3361
Nationalized banks mean a national fiscal policy firmly under control.

Silly boy! Go and read up about passporting.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
12 Jun 2017   #3362
I've been involved in most of them

Exaggerated sense of self-importance?! If it's rtrue, maybe that accounts for the problems of the banking sector. Wrong person in the wrong place, you know.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
12 Jun 2017   #3363
Silly boy! Go and read up about passporting.

And with the Polish sector perfectly placed to lose badly as a result of incompetent bank leadership, the only losers will be the Polish taxpayer.

Of course, Goofy here doesn't pay taxes anywhere.
goofy_the_dog  1 | 35
12 Jun 2017   #3364
hahaahah could be :)) why would the government employ some brit with shall we say a questionable lifestyle (wink wink) :)) ? stop with your megalomania Harry ! hahahaha
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
12 Jun 2017   #3365
why would the government employ some brit with shall we say a questionable lifestyle (wink wink) :

Because, unlike you, the Brit has significant knowledge and experience in these fields.

By the way, plenty of foreign experts are employed by the Polish government.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
12 Jun 2017   #3366

Throwing terms about, are we? Passporting gives EU-area banks the right to set up shop in any EU country with a minimum of rigamarole, but it does not say they must treat the host country's nationals like theiri own which they rarely do. A case in point -- During the post-2008 crisis, foreign-owned banks were reluctant to grant credit to Poles and moved most of their assets to their home countries. That is why Polish-owned state and private banks are sorely needed. Morawiecki is the moving force.
12 Jun 2017   #3367
And with the Polish sector perfectly placed to lose badly as a result of incompetent bank leadership, the only losers will be the Polish taxpayer.

Yep, not that the PiSlamic State faithful care, they've now secured lots more places at the trough into which they can wedge their snouts. Did you see that the former head of the Presidential Chancellery, despite being a law school graduate with zero business experience, has just been made vice-president of PZU? Somehow we taxpayers are expected to fork out 90,000zl a month for her and give her a BMW and a flat. Perhaps 'Polish' Polly can explain why that is in any way acceptable?
Ironside  50 | 12916
12 Jun 2017   #3368
I hate to agree with those unfortunate and unpleasant people that Morawiecki idea of banking and 'nationalising' banks is some kind of silly or shady deal. A one that is not in the interest of Poland and the general populace. How about changing the law that gives privileges to banks versus local businesses and private citizens in Poland. eh?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
12 Jun 2017   #3369
A case in point -- During the post-2008 crisis, foreign-owned banks were reluctant to grant credit to Poles

PKO didn't do any better. 2010 in Q1 saw only 1% rise in loans granted by PKO to businesses. In Q4, foreign banks outpaced PKO when it came to loans.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
12 Jun 2017   #3370
foreign experts are employed by the Polish government

One hopes Pislamic isn't one of them. He could be counted on only the sabotage things on orders from his Michnikite masters!
12 Jun 2017   #3371
In Q4, foreign banks outpaced PKO when it came to loans.

Come now, you know better than to make 'Polish' have to deal with facts!

One hopes Pislamic isn't one of them. He could be counted on only the sabotage things on orders from his Michnikite masters!

Oh look, instead of any attempt to address the disgusting abuse of power by the PiSlamic State giving an entirely unqualified Kaczynski loyalist 100,000zl a month of taxpayer money, 'Polish' just posts off-topic ad hom trolling. How surprising.

Come on Polly, tell us why we taxpayers should give 100,000zl a month to a law school graduate who has zero business experience!
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
12 Jun 2017   #3372
foreign banks

Foreign banks are precisely that -- foreign! The view the host country as simply a venue, do not idnetify with the locals and re-invest only as much as needed to keep things turnign over, channelling the bulk of their profits back to their home country. The profits of a Polish bank or other company stay in Poland and bolster the national economy.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
12 Jun 2017   #3373
The profits of a Polish bank or other company stay in Poland and bolster the national economy.


The profits from the SKOKi went to Luxembourg, where they mysteriously vanished. Can you explain that one, given that they are 100% Polish?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
12 Jun 2017   #3374
Polly can explain

The only thing that should be epxlained is why PiSlamic was silent as a grave during the scamster PO regime's unending scandals, lavish payouts, cronyism and total disdain for the Polish nation as witnessed by the Sowa & Przyjeciele chats.
12 Jun 2017   #3375
The profits of a Polish bank or other company stay in Poland and bolster the national economy.

No, the profits go to the shareholders, who then decide where to spend their money.

But instead of displaying your laughable grasp of economics (it's so amusing that neither you nor First Secretary Kaczynski learned anything from the economic fiasco here in the '70s and '80s), why don't you address the topic of the law school graduate who has zero business experience but is now being paid 100,000zl a month by us taxpayers due to her loyalty to First Secretary Kaczynski?
Ironside  50 | 12916
12 Jun 2017   #3376
he has spent more time N the gold course than any other president in history so far.

So he is a bad president now because unlike his predecessor he actually has a hobby? What a crime? Should do nothing all the time just talk the talk like Obama,
12 Jun 2017   #3377
they are 100% Polish?

From memory most of them are not Polish but parts of the PiSlamic State.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
12 Jun 2017   #3378
Well, they are owned in theory by their members. The reality is that the PiSlamic state pushed through some changes by bamboozling their elderly members, at which point vast sums were extracted to Luxembourg.

Strange how Polly never talks about the First Bankster Morawiecki and his deputy Bierecki, isn't it?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
12 Jun 2017   #3379
never talks about

Delpho & PiSlamic never talk about the Amber-Gold/OLT Airline scandal, Tusk's wealthy mythical Arab investors who were to save Poland's shipyards, Tusk's announced responsibility for the handling of the Smolensk victims, Kopacz's word of honour(?) that the Russians were proper, sympathetic and professional in dealing with the victim's remains, the Warsaw property restitution scam with PO vice-chief Gronkiewicz-Waltz at centre stage, PO's scheming and disdain for their own government at the Sowa & Przyjaciele meet-ups. Many more could be listed. There is no point to move on to other issues when none of the above-mentioned have been cleared up and settled. When they are, then we can look at their successors.

being paid 100,000zl a month

goofy_the_dog  1 | 35
12 Jun 2017   #3380
i thionk the best way not to get in any arguments with the brit angry trio is to just ignore them :) !
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
12 Jun 2017   #3381
Spanish paymasters?

You're all for foreign banks dominating Poland's financial market, now you're backtracking and accusing someone of workimg for them? Schizophrenia or petty, mean-spirited PiS-bashing? One wonders who's better at it: you or PiSlamic?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
12 Jun 2017   #3382
now you're backtracking and accusing someone of workimg for them?

No accusations here, the First Bankster was responsible for funnelling large amounts of cash out of Poland to Spain.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
12 Jun 2017   #3383
cash out of Poland to Spain

'Twas part of the job. I'm sure he didn't do that contrary to his bosses' orders. You'd do the same. But that's where he gained experience and will hopefully polonise the banking, manufacturing and retail saectors.,,,something (knowing yoiur notorious anti-Polish orientation) you hotly oppose.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
12 Jun 2017   #3384
and will hopefully polonise the banking, manufacturing and retail saectors

So in other words, you want the State to control the means of production. Very communist of you, Polly.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
12 Jun 2017   #3385
to just ignore them :

That's one approach. Personally, I believe the consistently anti-Polish attitude of the Anglo-expat parasites badmouthing Poland at every opportunity should be exposed at every turn of the way.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
12 Jun 2017   #3386
the State to control

No, I want Poles to develop to where we have indigenous Polish designs created by Polish innovators and engineers, marketed under recognisable Polish brand names by Polish marketers, sold in Polish-owned shops and retail chains and sent abroad by Polish exporters. Strategic sectors should be treasury owned. But elsewhere , a versatile approach should be used -- private, cooperative, state-private, cooperative-state, cooperative-private -- which is the most effefctive in a given area.
mafketis  38 | 11137
13 Jun 2017   #3387
to .... in .... by ...

Name one European country where this model has ever worked... It's not a viable socio-economic model it's a video game fantasy, appealing for some, but unworkable in the real world.

No single link in the chain is bad, but trying to create a self-sealed Polish only universe won't work.
13 Jun 2017   #3388
I believe the consistently anti-Polish attitude of the Anglo-expat parasites badmouthing Poland at every opportunity should be exposed at every turn of the way.

As far as I can see, the only expat here is you, and you're also the only resident of Poland here who pays no taxes in Poland, and you're certainly an Anglo. Luckily you can rest assured that your consistently anti-Polish attitude will be exposed at every turn of the way, for example the sickening way in which you advocate a return to the failed economic policies of the 1970s, and the disgusting way in which you refuse to see even a single critical word about the PiSlamic State forcing us Polish taxpayers to give 100,000zl a month to a law school graduate who has zero business experience but has demonstrated unquestioning loyalty to the First Secretary of the Party, Jarek Kaczynski.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
13 Jun 2017   #3389
self-sealed Polish only

Now you've gone overboard. This was not to be Polish only, but rather a proportion similar to that encoutnered in the West. France and Germany do have foreign banks, hotel and retail chains, foreign assembly works and do drive foreign-made cars, but indigenous products, companies and institutions dominate. Poland is still owned and run by foreing-interest groups. As a lobbyist for your foreign masters, you are all for it and will find clever arguments in an attempt to prove this is how it should be. For instance -- this doesn't happen overnight, other countries took years....bla-bla-bla.

All the more reason to start making up for lost time without any further delay. It's a shame Balcerowicz did not think about creating a native capitalism but effectively sold the country to outsiders, simultaneously bolstering the indigenous nomenklatura under his privatisation scheme.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
13 Jun 2017   #3390
As a lobbyist for your foreign masters,

Which foreign masters does Mafketis report to? And please name them in precise terms rather than general ones.

(Mafketis may name them, too, if he likes.)

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