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POcopalypse of Poland.

amiga500  5 | 1473
8 Sep 2024   #1
Boats eat the water in Odra, according to the PO green minister, so that's a reason to ban barges, no economic development on the Odra, even if it involves pollution reduction.

Tusk grimacing every mouthful of CPK announcement. It will never get built under PO.
Zygmunt Solorz-Żak stripped of his contract developing nuclear power.
Organized Crime Unit that has been together 25 years disbanded by Bodnar for no explainable reason apart from the the fact the PO is the party of old school commie mafia.
VAT fraud out of control since PO too office.
Abortion rights blocked by PSL.
Electricity and Food prices up.
Western Border out of control. German polizei allowed to drop anyone they want on the polish border.
piątka dla zwieząd not realised.
Total chaos in the legal sphere, global businesses do not know who is a paleo-judge or who is a neo-judge.
By Tusk mouthing off, now Poland has no certainty whether we have a constitutional or high court.

Anyone that lost millions in a divorce proceeding can sue and say the judge was neo, and not real.

Any achievements i have missed?

The only way the PO regime can appeal to its hardcore electorate, in lieu of real governing, is to have pretend accusations and mock arrests, potekim villages. of fakery that in a few years results in nothing. temporary arrests that's why they will keep that priest and 2 female office workers locked up for months.

What a way to run a country and you thought PiS was bad.

Achievements of PO government:

- ban homework. (equity for stupid children.)
- allow soldziers in the green zone to carry arms and shoot agnieszka holland.
- babcia wyplata
- 800 plus
pawian  219 | 24592
8 Sep 2024   #2

I remember ice cream called Calypso in different flavours. Not bad.

Coffee flavour was genuine. Mr Honourable Prime Minister Reverend Donald Holy Tusk liked it the most!!! Me, too!!!

pawian  219 | 24592
8 Sep 2024   #3
Tusk grimacing every mouthful of

Fruit Calypso icecream. Me, too! I am trying to find out why I hated that flavour in ice cream in the past. Probably due to its sourness while you know that I am obsessed with sweet. I am sure Mr Honourable Prime Minister Reverend Donald Holy Tusk had the same problem.

Hey, can someone post something here coz I would like to continue the fascinating story which I began a day ago but I don`t want my new post to be merged with the older one.
Amiga, where are you??? You should take care of your threads, contribute regularly and lead the discussion. Why are you so lazy????? The old saying of Polish bees is: ................................ No, I will use it in the idiom thread.
Poloniusz  4 | 852
9 Sep 2024   #4
I am sure Mr Honourable Prime Minister Reverend Donald Holy Tusk had the same problem.

Joe Biden and Donald Tusk, what a chilling display,
Ice cream and little girls, in a public foray!
As a parent or voter, it's disturbing, their interest so keen -
In ice cream and little girls, what does it really mean?
Socially liberal guise, or is there a darker scene?

Miloslaw  21 | 4928
9 Sep 2024   #5

Joe Biden and Donald Tusk is already a combination that will make me vomit, but add Macron and Starmer and I will become seriously ill......
jon357  72 | 22778
9 Sep 2024   #6

The best we've had since Harold, and he may turn out to be the best we've had since Clement.

or is there a darker scene?

pawian  219 | 24592
10 Sep 2024   #7
what a chilling

Yes,. quite chilling and disturbing to know that you are a sexual maniac and abuser. You see a politician with his granddaughters hugging him on his birthday and you immediately get dirty thoughts. Shame on you, pervert!
Poloniusz  4 | 852
10 Sep 2024   #8
You see a politician with his granddaughters hugging him on his birthday and you immediately get dirty thoughts.

Oh, of course, because clearly the best way to frame a disturbing spectacle is to spin it as a heartwarming family moment and attack anyone who dares to voice concerns.

Bravo for turning your denial into positivity and making any thoughtful assessment about him seem like an unwelcome intrusion!

But face it, your personal lord and savior looks less like a seasoned statesman and more like a disheveled vagrant.

Worse, at 67, he is allowing his grandchildren to crawl all over him in public, have photos taken, and then flaunt them on social media.

This PR stunt, intended to craft an image of relatable warmth, has backfired disgracefully.

His bizarre comments about his "phenomenal experience" of "unexpected immediate love" for a "small body" during his interview only expose a cringeworthy lapse in judgment and an appalling disregard for public sentiment. This pathetic attempt to humanize himself is not just an abject failure but a glaring example of the complete moral collapse in Poland under his regime!

It's all so tawdry and revolting!

Yet, here you are mindlessly defending him!

Shame on you, POlak!
pawian  219 | 24592
11 Sep 2024   #9
has backfired

Only in your sick mind and minds of other perverts like you! Have you ever been incarcerated in the US for your disgusting obsessions???
Lenka  5 | 3471
11 Sep 2024   #10
Worse, at 67, he is allowing his grandchildren to crawl all over him in public.

A person having normal, healthy relationship with his grandkids, what a thought!
pawian  219 | 24592
11 Sep 2024   #11

Yes, it is a shame what you write about healthy family relations. Your sick production is a reason why I have never ceased to consider American Polonia conservatives as the most repulsive scum that has ever trodden this planet. You even surpass imperial Russians. PiS rightists and nationalists in Poland are well-bred kids compared to you. Tfu!
Po trzykroć - Tfu!!!
Poloniusz  4 | 852
12 Sep 2024   #12
your disgusting obsessions

Obviously, your ad hominem attacks are just a sad and ineffective attempt to project and deflect from a guilty conscience regarding your own questionable behavior, as you try to protect yourself and your personal lord and savior.

Indeed, predators often go to great lengths, including years of extensive study and earning qualifications, to infiltrate professions like teaching, where they skillfully manipulate and win the trust of parents and the public to gain access to a large pool of vulnerable children.

A person having normal, healthy relationship with his grandkids

There is nothing normal or healthy about it. Caring and protective parents (i.e., real Poles and not the PRL knock-offs) would have immediately removed their children from the situation and harshly scolded him for allowing it to happen.

It's bad enough that unwitting children are being used as props in photos to make him appear normal and distract from his dysfunctional government. He is also revealing how much of a fake feminist he is.

Look at the photo again if your stomach can handle it. Such practices are part of broader patriarchal structures that seek to control and define female behavior.

He is perpetuating antiquated gender roles by subtly implying that girls should be passive and compliant. The staged interaction demonstrates female submission, reinforcing the notion that young girls should be docile and reliant on male figures for affection and validation.

Additionally, it erodes the young girls' sense of agency and autonomy. By promoting the expectation that they should be physically close to their grandfather, it diminishes their ability to assert their own boundaries and make choices about their personal space.

Didn't you say you are a feminist and voted for him?
Atch  21 | 4139
13 Sep 2024   #13
predators often go to great lengths

Careful now ..........down with that sort of thing! You're sailing very close to the wind matey. You'll be up before the beak on a libel charge if you carry on that way.
Poloniusz  4 | 852
13 Sep 2024   #14
Careful now

Go file a complaint instead of just threatening it.
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
13 Sep 2024   #15
The best we've had since Harold, and he may turn out to be the best we've had since Clement.

I will ask you to re assess your view in 3 years time......

Biden is an idiot and Tusk is a two faced snake......
pawian  219 | 24592
14 Sep 2024   #16
just threatening it.

Yes, darling, you should ponder deeply on what Atch told you. One day Mr Honourable Prime Minister Reverend Donald Holy Tusk might want to teach you a lesson and his lawyers will find you and file a defamation suit. In America. How much will you have to pay in damages if convicted??? Do you possess those millions already in your account or you will have to sell the house with this infamous basement and all other property of yours..... :):):) hahahaha

The best thing you can do now is relax on libel in your next posts. Also, beg the Staff to remove all your libelous posts, one by one. Not for free, of course. First you need to make a huuuuge donation to the forum.
Lenka  5 | 3471
14 Sep 2024   #17
Didn't you say you are a feminist and voted for him?

I am a feminist and no, I never said I voted for him.
And no, I don't see patriarchal nightmare lurking there.
pawian  219 | 24592
14 Sep 2024   #18
ice cream called Calypso in different flavours

It is worth mentioning that:
Calypso ice cream has been made since 1959 by the same company Lodmor located in Gdańsk. AmaSSSSSSSSing!

Mr Honourable Prime Minister Reverend Donald Holy Tusk also comes from Gdańsk. Wow!

Local inhabitants were lucky to have a constant access to Calypso.
Atch  21 | 4139
14 Sep 2024   #19
Go file a complaint instead of just threatening it.

I'm merely giving you some kindly advice, thou very paltry knave. How gracious of me.

pawian  219 | 24592
14 Sep 2024   #20
the same company Lodmor located in Gdańsk.

Check old photos from Gdańsk:

  • 2399107Sprzadazlod.jpg
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629
14 Sep 2024   #21
What is that? Lody Calypso? Some ice? :)
pawian  219 | 24592
14 Sep 2024   #22
Favourite ice cream of Mr Honourable Prime Minister Reverend Donald Holy Tusk as a child. The OP planned to talk about it but eventually forgot.
Poloniusz  4 | 852
14 Sep 2024   #23
I don't see patriarchal nightmare lurking there.

Are you sure? So why, in The Patriarch's PR photo op disaster, can he be seen perpetuating outdated and problematic gender norms by reinforcing the notion that intellectual engagement is more appropriate for boys, as evidenced by his focus on mentoring them and reading with them to prepare them for the future?

As for the girls, it looks like he was channeling Hugh Hefner (minus the gaudy yacht captain's cap) clearly expecting them to grow up to fulfill supportive roles, providing emotional affection to patriarchs like himself.

pawian  219 | 24592
14 Sep 2024   #24
Do you know that all packets of Calypso icecream bear the image of a black male?? Since always. Do you know why??? Yes, it is a riddle.

pawian  219 | 24592
14 Sep 2024   #25
Check old photos from Gdańsk:

Check out the snow white apron that the saleswoman is wearing. Communism or capitalism, Poles/Polesses have hygiene in high regard.
Poloniusz  4 | 852
26 Sep 2024   #26
Achievements of PO government:

Poland's Donald Tusk declares war on beavers

The animals are accused of exacerbating floods - though one researcher said the Polish PM is talking "nonsense."

"Do whatever you have to do, I will defend these decisions," Tusk said.

Ah yes because nothing says 'serious leadership' like waging war on beavers. Is Tusk hoping to scare Russia by showing his determination to conquer these furry foes?

pawian  219 | 24592
28 Sep 2024   #27

The current gov of Mr Honourable Prime Minister Reverend Donald Holy Tusk hasn`t harmed a single beaver. While the rightist PiS gov ordered 8000 beavers to be killed.

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