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Original cars manufactured in Poland

Piorun  - | 655
13 Jan 2008   #31
Old polish promotional video for URSUS.
In order to get some contracts for export they traveled through 11 countries of Middle East.
58 c in the caravan, definitely not fun.
Michal  - | 1865
13 Jan 2008   #32
Check the car

look at my shoes!!!! :)

Is it a Polish car? I assume that the picture is taken from the late 1970's. An interesting photo all the assume. It must bring back strange memories looking at the Polish countryside and comparing it to Chicago.
osiol  55 | 3921
13 Jan 2008   #33
Old polish promotional video for URSUS.

I dig the music. I'd like to have seen more of the old tractors though.
Piorun  - | 655
13 Jan 2008   #34
Here’s some more. I think you can see z_darius at the end of the first clip.
Ursus C-45 in second.

13 Jan 2008   #35
polish cars are mor akin to the flintstones than 20th century technology
Seanus  15 | 19666
13 Jan 2008   #36
What, that u have a gay old time? LOL
Eurola  4 | 1898
13 Jan 2008   #37
Is it a Polish car? I assume that the picture is taken from the late 1970's. An interesting photo all the assume. It must bring back strange memories looking at the Polish countryside and comparing it to Chicago.

It was my brother's police car. There is the 'kogut' on the car's roof if you look closer.
I don't know what the make of the car was. We visited his in-laws somewhere 20 km from Gorzow. Yes, it was mid 70's and I remember them rather fondly. The late 70's got really bad.
OP outintheyard  27 | 517
14 Jan 2008   #38
Now that would be a unique auto here in the US A Areal head turner. It might even get one the ladies attention!
Polonius3  980 | 12275
8 Jun 2008   #39

Anyone interested in the history and current sitauton of Poland's motor industry? Has anyone on this forum heard of such pre-war makes as SKAF, Polonia, Iradam or CWS? How about such post-war models the Meduza, Mikrus, Smyk, Brzdąc, Wars and Beskid? Closer to our times, although lightly protected, the Honker light military reconaissance vehicle has performed well in a torrid, desert climate. One of the world's most outstanding and pricey sportscars, owned by kings and sheiks, is also produced in Poland?
wildrover  98 | 4430
8 Jun 2008   #40
I am an Englishman living in Poland , i am very much interested in the history of Polish cars , and motorcycles.....I would love to collect them , but at the moment i have my hands full keeping the old British rubbish running.....
Polonius3  980 | 12275
8 Jun 2008   #41
About the only pre-war Polsih-buitl cars still about are the Polski Fiats. They turn up at oldtimer parades and rallies, esp. the miniscule Topolino (a two-seater with a small jump seat fro a child or very small adult in back) which was produced in the largest number. One does occasionally still encounter pre-war Mercedes, BMW Dixi and a few others, but these were not produced in Poland. Chevrolet assembled their cars in Warsaw in the 1930s. There is an old car museum in the Warsaw suburb of Otrębusy. In general, Poland had few motorcars on the road before WW2, and many were taken abraod (to Romania) when refugees began fleeing the combined German-Soviet invasion of 1939. The Germans and Russiasn confiscated many of those that remained, and the war destroyed most of the rest. Some survived hidden in sheds, haystacks and forest dugouts -- often in good condition.
wildrover  98 | 4430
8 Jun 2008   #42
i have seen pics of some of these old cars in a museum , possibly the one in Warsaw....i see lots of interesting cars and bikes as i travel around Poland as a truck driver....A few days ago i saw a three wheeled contraption that might have been home made , looked like it might have had a two stroke bike engine , i would love to know what it was , i have seen similar machines before...anyone know anything about them...?????
Polonius3  980 | 12275
8 Jun 2008   #43
It's hard to say what you saw, but a few decades ago there were 3-wheeled Czech-built vehicles for the handicapped -- basically an enclosed motorbike with windsreen, hood, side-screens or doors. The body was made from a brown, leatherette-type substance. I'm sure they haven't been produced for years.

Is the Velorex 3-wheeler what you saw?
plk123  8 | 4119
8 Jun 2008   #44

and what you said about wars and cars is right. i've seen some v. old/early jags and ferraris in PL too as well as other makes but they only show up at parades and there are v. few of them around.
wildrover  98 | 4430
8 Jun 2008   #45
It was kinda similar......but not one of these.....perhaps a home made job.....
Polebilly  2 | 4
8 Jun 2008   #46
What is the most popular selling automobile in Poland?
Polonius3  980 | 12275
9 Jun 2008   #47
In 2007 Poland's top-selling marques in this order were:
Toyota, Skoda, Opel, Fiat, VW, Ford, Renault, Peugeot, Citroën and Honda.

Merged: Anyone ever seen a Mikrus (car)?

A Maluch (126P) was Lincoln stretch limo compared to the miniscule Mikrus which appeared at the turn of the 1960s. It was really tiny, had pram-sized, perhaps 10" wheels and you felt you'd lose your fillings if the road was less than perfectly smooth. It could hasve motorised Poland a good decade before the Maluch but Big Brother said "nyet". He felt it would be comeptiton for their Zaporozhets. Probabylno more than about 2,000 units were built, so it was still in the prototype stage.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
10 Jan 2009   #48
Probabylno more than about 2,000 units were built, so it was still in the prototype stage.

If the above is true... then the answer to your question would probably be: No

Anyone ever seen a Mikrus (car)?

Polonius3  980 | 12275
11 Jan 2009   #49
For those interested in the Mikrus:

Mikrus was supposed to be a cheap, mass car. This one of the few Polish automotive structures formed somewhat accidentally. At the end of 1956 years, the authorities decided to use airlines factories power WSK Mielec and WSK Rzeszow, yet dealing with airplanes and motorcycles, and start production there cars.
wildrover  98 | 4430
11 Jan 2009   #50
Amazing little car....not seen any on the roads of Poland though...
pawian  226 | 27543
11 Jan 2009   #51
My wife`s father had a Mikrus for 10 years. He sold it in late 70s because spare parts were getting unavailable and bought a Syrena.

Mikrus is one of the exhibits in the Urban Engineering Museum in Krakow:
wildrover  98 | 4430
11 Jan 2009   #52
a Syrena.

Another classic car....seen a few of them on the road here....
HAL9009  2 | 323
25 Jan 2009   #53
Definitely a collector's car, better built than the Trabant.
pawian  226 | 27543
25 Jan 2009   #54
But with less room inside than the Trabant and with a smaller trunk. I know because my family had one in 70s.
wildrover  98 | 4430
25 Jan 2009   #55
less room inside than the Trabant

wow...then that really is a small car...?
ludeka3  - | 2
10 Aug 2009   #56
Hi,I've seen that topic by accident and I'm extremely happy that the story of Mikrus grabbed the headline of this forum.I've got 2 mikrus and one of them is almost funished (it has been completely rebuilt).If you had any questions concerning this little car (mikrus has 3 metre as far as length is concerned and 1,3 metre breadth)) I will ask them with pleasure:) my And I've got question to Pawian-Could you ask your wife`s father if he had any pictures or spare parts to mikrus?
Polonius3  980 | 12275
15 Aug 2009   #57
ludeka - did the mikrus have a front luggage comaprtment like the old vw beetle or was that used up by legroom. Also were those 12" wheels?
ludeka3  - | 2
7 Sep 2009   #58
As far as wheels are concerned the size is 10x4,40. The luggage compartment was at the front of the car,in front of the legs of the passangers,many users put there shelves to protect things from hiting them during driving.I haven't got a clue about old beetle's luggage compartment if you can show the picture.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
9 Sep 2009   #59
The VW Beetle had a front luggage compartment under the bonnet, so to speak. I don't believe the Mikrus has an openable bonnet, does it?
pawian  226 | 27543
9 Sep 2009   #60
I don't believe the Mikrus has an openable bonnet, does it?

Right. The bonnet didn`t open.

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