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Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11974
2 Sep 2022   #91
No Germany had beeing doing it for some time already

What??? How so?
Bobko  27 | 2272
2 Sep 2022   #92
Our arms industry will sh't themselves with glee...

... and our generals and soldiers will, in their turn, sh!t their pants with glee. Not to criticize Russian weapons, but German weapons are quite nice. However, they are usually poorly adopted to Russian climate conditions and Russian conscripts whose hands sometimes grow out of their a$$. Thankfully, however, climate is warming, and Russia has more volunteers than conscripts now.

However, you cannot get away with this formula - "German tech, Russian manpower" - again. Back then Russia was much larger in population. Today, what is the ratio - 80M and 150M? We do not have so many bodies to throw away anymore, as you may have noticed in Ukraine. No, Germany needs to contribute some of its soldiers too - preferably more from the Northeast, and less from the Southwest :))
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11974
2 Sep 2022   #93
they are usually poorly adopted to Russian climate conditions

....then it's for the better they will be used mainly in some central european climate! ;)

No, Germany needs to contribute some of its soldiers too - preferably more from the Northeast, and less from the Southwest :))

I'm sure we can scrape something together...

Do you accept women too? The Bundeswehr has them now....
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
2 Sep 2022   #94
What??? How so?

From a day one that PiS came to power in Poland there was issue after issue. Then we have all that EU related stuff that is directed from Germany.

No help for Ukrainian refugees in Poland and so on!
Then we had that North streem issue then north streem 2 and so on. \
Like forcing LGBT ideology, Green nonsense and so on..
Even today Germany would rather work with Russia than against Russia. Germany would rather stand against USA.
German econonmical power comes from:
cheap ores from Russia
cooperation with China
cheap workforce from eastern Europe
All those are about to end and that is a problem for Germany.
On the top of it, Russia war with Ukrianie can make all heating and energy cost go up, the only solution ditch green idolgy but there is a strong lobby and vested interest in Germany - so it is not easy. See what will happend will German fat cats make their people suffer or they will take a lose and give up on 'green' course.
Lyzko  44 | 9738
2 Sep 2022   #95
All this will simply stoke increased anti-German sentiment in Poland, not to mention anti-Polish feelings in Germany!

Frankly, I think both sides ought to give it a rest and focus on far more pressing issues of today instead of keeping mired in the past.

What's done is/was done, legally, officially, and the satisfaction most everyone involved, save of course for the proverbial radical extremists in any camp.
Bobko  27 | 2272
2 Sep 2022   #96
Do you accept women too? The Bundeswehr has them now....

Look, I don't care if it is women, monkeys, robots - as long as you meet us on the Vistula river at the agreed upon time - all else is details.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11974
2 Sep 2022   #97
From a day one that PiS came to power in Poland there was issue after issue.

...and from that you conclude it's Germany's fault? Not maybe PiS???

Like forcing LGBT ideology, Green nonsense and so on..

....and that is a reason to start a war again???? What makes K different to Putin? His followers use the same arguments actually....

All those are about to end and that is a problem for Germany.

And K cares so much about it to demand reparations???

See what will happend will German fat cats make their people suffer or they will take a lose and give up on 'green' course.

.....and this is a good reason to....for what actually?

You still have to explain to me what all this has to do with K's insane reparation demands, really!

Cut down on the number of quotes please
pawian  226 | 27817
2 Sep 2022   #98
From a day one that PiS came to power in Poland there was issue after issue.

Most of which was started by KaczyƄski who is Germanophobic like naziopolaken.

No help for Ukrainian refugees in Poland and so on!

Karma returns - once Poland refused to share Europe`s immigrants.

cheap ores from Russia
cooperation with China

While Poland never cooperated with China or bought cheap fossils from RuSSia. hahahaha You nazionalistische hypocrite!!!!
Lyzko  44 | 9738
2 Sep 2022   #99
Kaczynski then is merely allowing personal hang-ups interfere with sound political decision making, getting side tracked on matters with little relevance to the current affairs of state!
Bobko  27 | 2272
2 Sep 2022   #100
Karma returns - once Poland refused to share Europe`s immigrants.


While Poland never cooperated with China or bought cheap fossils from RuSSia. hahahaha

Recently it is becoming more and more difficult for me to understand why I had problems with Pawian in the past.
pawian  226 | 27817
2 Sep 2022   #101
allowing personal hang-ups interfere with sound political decision making

Yes, personal coz he hates Germans. And practical coz he perceives the political sense in enraging his voters against the external "enemy" so that they stop asking uncomfortable questions about inflation, coal shortages, collapsing education and health care etc etc.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
2 Sep 2022   #102
You still have to explain to me what all this has to do with K's insane reparation demand

What demands? I just want to know what demands? So far there is issue rised by PiS and is on the news. That is no a demand or a cliam as far as I know. Every time Germans overreact.

Let stick to facts.
Apart from that German polcies towards Poland wasn't nice, freindly. I don't get why you have this vtictim mentality - no one pick on you without a reason and you are not a saint. Just play it close to the chest.

As to reparation I think that from a moral point of view Germany should pay it. Legally it is sorted out but I think that German state took advantage of Poland in the 90'. Doesn't change facts.


Stop chirping you nazi-volkdetsche.

Pawian in the past.

Because he talk a lot of spam. I told you you should take him to Moscow if Germnay won't take hi. Traitors like him will soon become 'refugees'.
pawian  226 | 27817
2 Sep 2022   #103

What wow? I am telling the truth - Poland was buying cheap RuSSian coal for decades but the biggest import took place under PiS rule.

That is why accusing Germany of doing the same thing is pure hypocrisy of naziopolaken.

Stop chirping

Yaawn. Are you saying it to attract my attention?? If you do, you succeed!! hahaha
Of course I won`t. I will expose your fekking nazionalistische hypocrisy to the end.
Bobko  27 | 2272
2 Sep 2022   #104
What wow?

What wow? It was a good wow. Best wow. Wow @ how clear-eyed and objective you can be when you want - dearest Baboon.
pawian  226 | 27817
2 Sep 2022   #105
clear-eyed and objective

I am always so. It is not a joke.

him will soon become 'refugees'.

When exactly??? I need to know to complete my affairs here. I want to be clean ready for expulsion.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
2 Sep 2022   #106
@Bratwurst Boy
How would you feel about it, if Poland demanded greater support for the Catholic Church in Germany and trained militant far right groups in Poland to be sent to demonstrations in Germany, buying up/influencing right wing media in Germany and call upon EU to create funds for Catholic Churches in Germany and talk constantly about the degraded state of affairs in Germany and that EU should step in to bill it to kingdom come until laws are passed that put's all blasphemers behind bars?

Sounds like fun? Sure doesn't
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11974
2 Sep 2022   #107
That is no a demand or a cliam as far as I know. Every time Germans overreact.

There isn't?

Okay.....good to know....then I end it here, no use to get riled up!

*takes helmet*
Lyzko  44 | 9738
2 Sep 2022   #108
Once again, Scholz is gonna be livid!
So much for future (even present) Polish-German relationsLOL
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
2 Sep 2022   #109
There isn't?

Why has anyone said there is an official demand from Poland send to Germany?

Scholz is gonna be livid

F that pig!
What realations? Polish German realtions are not based on likes and dislikes but on a fundamental diffrences in our respective interests. The EU showed that it is only a tool to carry out German interets. So is not good for us.

Even USA do not trust Germany anymore.

I want to be clean ready for expulsion.

You have a choice, you can stay and work all your crimes out or you can run while you can.

It must be some nerd humor.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
2 Sep 2022   #110
You forgot about subsidising art schools in Austria
pawian  226 | 27817
2 Sep 2022   #111
fundamental diffrences in our respective interests.

BS. You are still living in 19th century, it seems. Wake up, it is 2022 and we are in the EU together with Germany. Give up that dumb nazionalistische phobia coz it is very harmful to Poland, endangered by a powerful enemy from the East. If you ignore it, you are a quarterwit.

you can stay and work all your crimes out

And collude with naziopolaken??? Never!!! I prefer to be expulsed. But as you started talking about it, I want to know a little more precise date. How much time left do I have??

Which country has the least naziopolaken and similar quarterwits???
Miloslaw  22 | 5269
2 Sep 2022   #112
The EU showed that it is only a tool to carry out German interets. So is not good for us

The sooner Poland and the rest of the members of the EU understand this, the better.

The EU has never been about Europe.
It has always been about Germany.
And their loyal
amiga500  5 | 1551
3 Sep 2022   #113
Wolf attack kills EU president's pony
Ursula von der Leyen's beloved pony was reportedly killed by a wolf at her property in Germany

Must have been a polish wolf, seemingly let astray amongst the german poodles in the wild, see bratwurst what i said about, knock knock, Wer ist da? kurwa co cwelu? crash crash bang bang. u never know when a polak is at your door, esp if u dismiss our legitimate german war crime repatriations.
Novichok  4 | 8827
3 Sep 2022   #114
our legitimate german war crime repatriations.

How much do you want?
Novichok  4 | 8827
3 Sep 2022   #115
Asking for numbers never fails.
pawian  226 | 27817
3 Sep 2022   #116
How much do you want?

The amount has been provided - over 6 trillion PLN.

Asking for numbers

Is your obsession.
Novichok  4 | 8827
3 Sep 2022   #117
The amount has been provided - over 6 trillion PLN.

If the amount was provided, it is a number, not "over" a number. 100 trillion is also "over" 6 trillion and so is 200 trillion.
"Over" in this case means pulled out of a dark place.
pawian  226 | 27817
3 Sep 2022   #118
100 trillion is also "over" 6 trillion and so is 200 trillion.

6.200 billion exactly, if you don`t understand trillion. :):):)
Novichok  4 | 8827
3 Sep 2022   #119
6.2 billion PLN is 1.5 billion dollars - a piddling amount Germany can pay today from the money they saved by not spending their 2% to defend Europe from...something.

Once you cash the check, you can try the same next year.
cms neuf  2 | 1980
3 Sep 2022   #120
Despite being an engineer you don't know that in Poland (and Germany) a period separates thousands ?

Still in your lifestyle hundreds are about as high as you need - wait till inflation hits those sprats

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