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Nukes and Poland's Neutrality

OP Torq  10 | 1234
22 Mar 2025   #31
"Strong, nuclear, pro-western Poland"....I agree.

But this is selbstverständlich!

And our official neutrality would take away from the Russians the argument that Poland is a threat to them (strongest easternmost NATO outpost at Russia's borders blah blah blah). In such conditions we could be Russian-friendly because there would be no risk of Russian invasion towards West. The EU would once again get cheap Russian energy (think about German industry!), the peace would reign, and we would be able to relieve our American friends from the sad and difficult duty of defending us.

A win-win-win-win (the EU, Russia, the USA, the world) situation.

imagine a pro-russian Poland with Moscow's thumb on the button...

They have a big enough button of their own. They don't need ours.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
22 Mar 2025   #32
A win-win-win-win (the EU, Russia, the USA, the world) situation.

Well then....that sounds to good to pass, I'm with you all the way! *squeezes thumbs*
Paulina  19 | 4555
22 Mar 2025   #33
No, but nukes and strong army will.

Even more nukes and more armies will do even a better job and make us safer.

And then, being neutral will decrease the probability of war.

Neutrality won't decrease the probability of RuSSia invading Poland if it deems it "necessary" to do so for whatever reason. RuSSia will either take our lands or turn Poland into a satelite state, as before. It boils down to RuSSian nature this time - which didn't change, in case you haven't noticed.

When one has children the belligerence level tends to shift to 'neutral' rather quickly. You will see it yourself one day. ;)

I'm not talking about myself, so keep those personal jabs where they belong. I'm talking about Poland and Polish nature. Poland is no youngling, it's been around for quite a while and it had children long before you ;)
OP Torq  10 | 1234
22 Mar 2025   #34
I'm with you all the way! *squeezes thumbs*


keep those personal jabs where they belong


What personal jabs? Jaysus...

Anyways, gotta beat it. Don't start any wars with Russia while I'm not here. ;)
Paulina  19 | 4555
22 Mar 2025   #35
Do you really think they will leave you alone?

Of course not. Torq is a Russophile and as such he isn't thinking clearly ;) It's a lot of wishful thinking on his part.

We would probably be Russian friendly, because why not?

Because of all kinds of reasons most sane Poles are aware of...

And right now that means Putin-friendly....with all that this entails.


What personal jabs? Jaysus...

I'm talking about this:

"When one has children the belligerence level tends to shift to 'neutral' rather quickly. You will see it yourself one day. ;)"
OP Torq  10 | 1234
22 Mar 2025   #36
Torq is a Russophile

I am a heterosexual man. To be a heterosexual man and not be a Russophile is near impossible. I shall explain later, now I really have to go.

See ya.
Paulina  19 | 4555
22 Mar 2025   #37
To be a heterosexual man and not be a Russophile is near impossible.

This isn't even remotely funny, Torq. I'm pretty sure most of the men who fought for our country's independence and those Polish officers in the ditches of Katyń were heterosexual and not Russophiles.

I shall explain later

Please don't lol Spare us this Russophilic bullsh1t. 🤦
Ironside  51 | 13083
22 Mar 2025   #38
nd our official neutrality would take away from the Russians t

As they would give an F about it.
It is a good thing if Berlin and France want us as a buffer, your idea of neutrality or maybe even a Russian alliance will give us bargaining chips.
As I say options are good, politics is an art not a declaration of intent.
The EU would once again get cheap Russian energy

Except it doesn't work like that. Do they need Poland for that? NO!Nein, Nie, Нет!
Ironside has ten options and one or two emergency ones to try out one by one. In diplomacy as in live to tango you need at least two.
OP Torq  10 | 1234
22 Mar 2025   #39
not Russophiles

You would be surprised how many of them were. After all, Dmowski's Narodowa Demokracja was one of the most important political movements in pre-war Poland, and had many adherents, followers and sympathisers. There were many Russophiles among them, and yet they fought Russians when there was such need. I will fight Russia too if there is such need but it is our patriotic duty to try and avoid this war if possible.

Please don't lol Spare us

There is no poetry in you, Paulina. No poetry at all.

But very well. Nie to nie. *pouts*

Ironside has ten options and one or two emergency ones to try out one by one.

Good! That's exactly the approach we need and not the "oh, America won't agree" or "what will Russia say" cr*p.
jon357  72 | 23654
22 Mar 2025   #40
Dmowski's Narodowa Demokracja

Fascists will be fascists.

No surprises that they were r*SSophiles. Fascists have a collective hard on for authoritarian states like r*SSIa, probably to make up for what they lack in their own trousers.
OP Torq  10 | 1234
22 Mar 2025   #41

Now that's a bit harsh, isn't it? They weren't fascists but genuine Polish patriots who saw the future of their country in alliance with Russia rather than with perfidious Albion (the sponsor of Prussia--the main force behind the partitions of Poland--in the XVIII century) or weakened and unreliable France. The huge financial support that Britain directed towards Prussia in the 18th century, to weaken France, contributed to the rise of Prussian power and facilitated later partitions of Poland - which Britain pragmatically accepted, because Russia was seen as a better stabilising element in the east of Europe.

Both world wars, the expansion of Russia, the rise of the Soviet Union and today's war in Ukraine all stem from this original sin of modern Europe, from this vomit-inducing act of geopolitical cannibalism - the partitions of Poland. And it all happened because Britain in the 18th century had
a collective hard on for authoritarian states like
Prussia and Russia. Probably to make up for what they lacked in their own trousers.
jon357  72 | 23654
22 Mar 2025   #42
They weren't fascists

They really were. The endeks were admirers of Dolfuss' Austrofascism.

patriots who saw the future of their country in alliance with Ru

So looking towards authoritarianism rather than freedom.

And it all happened because Britain in the 18th century had

It really didn't, though they certainly housed plenty of Polish refugees, both from the partition and from the endeks.
OP Torq  10 | 1234
22 Mar 2025   #43
They really were. The endeks were admirers of Dolfuss' Austrofascism.

It's unbelievable that an intelligent person can say such galactic nonsense. If they had been admirers of Adolf, they would have preferred alliance with him and not with Russians. Actually, Dmowski and Endecja were strongly anti-German and saw Germany as a long-term threat to Poland, particularly in regions like Silesia, Pomerania, and Greater Poland.

So looking towards authoritarianism rather than freedom.

Sure, Endecja favored a strong, authoritarian Polish state but they did not embrace totalitarian or fascist governance in the way Hitler's regime did. Endecja leaned towards a nationalist, Catholic, and conservative vision rather than a mass-mobilized fascist dictatorship. And your reproach against them for wanting the alliance with Russia doesn't take into account that back then we had potential enemies from the east and from the west; the difference was that the eastern ones were our kin, and the western ones viewed Slavs (including Poles) as an inferior race meant for subjugation, and their goal of gaining more Lebensraum threatened our very existence.

Please, remember about all these factors, Jonny Lad, and don't make me call you a son of a Brit again.
Ironside  51 | 13083
22 Mar 2025   #44
The endeks were admirers of Dolfuss' Austrofascism.

What nonsense are you peddling here? It was a fad at the time all over Europe. As well as half of Britain including the Royal Family were into it.
So looking towards authoritarianism rather than freedom.

National Democracy a clue was in the name.
There were many Russophiles

It is a myth and propaganda. The were for Poland. Leaving being Rusophiles, American- whatever, Germanophiles for weak characters with butler mentality.
OP Torq  10 | 1234
22 Mar 2025   #45
The were for Poland

Of course. But - as I explained to Jonster above - they leaned with more sympathy towards Russia for very commonsensical and practical reasons. Being Russophile doesn't necessarily mean loving all things Russian unconditionally.
Ironside  51 | 13083
22 Mar 2025   #46
They leaned with more sympathy towards Russia

they had this standing theory that Russia is less of a threat to Poland because they would never be able to assimilate us due to fundamental differences in culture. Whilst Germany might be able to do that. Simple.
jon357  72 | 23654
22 Mar 2025   #47
It's unbelievable that an intelligent person can say such galactic nonsense. If they had been admirers of Adolf

It's unbelievable that an intelligent person doesn't (or pretends not to) now the difference between Dolfuss and Hitler.

National Democracy a clue was in the name

A clue like teh 'Democratic' in People's Democratic Republic of Korea, or the 'Socialist' in the National Socialist German Workers' Party....

a nationalist, Catholic, and conservative

So authoritarianism, and yes, fascism.

What nonsense are you peddling here? It was a fad at the time all over Europe

So it's Schrodinger's Fascism. At the same time 'nonsense' and at the same time 'all over Europe'...
OP Torq  10 | 1234
22 Mar 2025   #48
Whilst Germany might be able to do that.

With Germany it might have something to do with Lebensraum, Slavic subhumans and all this bullsh*t. Suffice it to say that no prominent NDek had ever expressed his admiration for Hitler or III Reich (like Jędrzej Giertych did for Franco's Spain). They were profoundly anti-German.

Dolfuss and Hitler

Oh, I though you meant "Dolfuss" as in "Adolfus", like play on words or something. I now used Google and found out, for the first time in my life, that there was an Austrian guy called Engelbert Dollfuß. Is that whom you meant? Sorry, but I am not a specialist on tiny European pre-war statelets.

So authoritarianism, and yes, fascism.

Authoritarian, yes. Fascist, no.
Ironside  51 | 13083
22 Mar 2025   #49
A clue like teh 'Democratic

They weren't commies to lie so brazenly.
At the same time 'nonsense' and at the same time 'all over Europe'...

Being a fad doesn't have further consequences in Poland.
Unless you arguing that Britain turned fascist, you can't possibly sustain such a claim.
If it was as I say it was, it means your dig at them is unsubstained and has a purely ideological basis.
jon357  72 | 23654
22 Mar 2025   #50
Engelbert Dollfuß. Is that whom you meant?

Yes. His Austrofascism was an inspiration for Dmowskiites and those around them.

Authoritarian, yes. Fascist, no.

Where one ends and the other begins has never been clear cut.

Being a fad doesn't have further consequences in Poland.

It wasn't a 'fad' and there are fascists in the Sejm even today.
OP Torq  10 | 1234
22 Mar 2025   #51
has a purely ideological basis

To be fair, Jonno has never made a secret of being a leftist, so his lack of admiration for patriotic, conservative and Catholic Endecja is understandable.

This, of course, doesn't justify his calling them 'fascist', hence the friendly correction from our part.
jon357  72 | 23654
22 Mar 2025   #52
so his lack of admiration for

A "lack of admiration" for fascism is the duty of all decent humans.
OP Torq  10 | 1234
22 Mar 2025   #53
for fascism

Now you're just being stubborn. :(
Crow  155 | 9695
22 Mar 2025   #54
You people needs to talk of nice things, not about nukes. Take for example.. The Happy Vagina by Mika Simmons

OP Torq  10 | 1234
22 Mar 2025   #55
The Happy Vagina by Mika Simmons

Is this the book you get your alliance ideas from?
Crow  155 | 9695
2 days ago   #56
Man, this is great and serious topic. You know vagina isn`t for taking jokingly.
amiga500  5 | 1539
2 days ago   #57
You know vagina isn`t for taking jokingly.

Not every fascist is a hetrosexual, but every hetrosexual is a fascist.
Joker  2 | 2447
2 days ago   #58
Not every fascist is a hetrosexual,

I cant wait until some of them visit El Salvador

  • 485064546_1205560884.jpg
Novichok  4 | 8667
2 days ago   #59
I cant wait until some of them visit El Salvador

That El Salvador prison is like a roach motel - they check in but never check trials, no lawyers, no appeals, no gender affirming surgeries...My kind of place...Love it...
amiga500  5 | 1539
2 days ago   #60
My kind of place...Love it...

This thread is about Poland and Nukes, not your bit*ch ass turd world dump of a country.
We don't care about your panty sniffing president or his drug addict sidekick.

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