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Nukes and Poland's Neutrality

Torq  10 | 1234
21 Mar 2025   #1
In recent news we have all heard the will to possess nuclear weapons expressed emphatically by Polish politicians, and when both the politicians and the people want the same thing, then it is probably going to happen eventually.

So my question is: should Poland declare neutrality after acquiring nukes, building a strong professional army, supplemented by conscription-based units and a Swiss-model territorial defense? My answer to this question is 'yes'. Being a part of a larger defensive alliance is, at the moment, necessary. Without nukes and with an average army we might easily fall prey to foreign invasion. Hence the necessity of being a part of a larger alliance.

However, with 200 nuclear warheads (10-20 megaton each) and a Swiss-level conventional impermeability we could and should go neutral. We wouldn't need any foreign support in case of war, and there would be no risk of us being drawn into a conflict by our potential belligerent and expansive allies. It would also open us to cooperation with countries who were traditionally considered our rivals, because they would be free of the temptation of conquering us and we could finally build healthy mutual relations.

Your thoughts?
Alien  26 | 6527
21 Mar 2025   #2
after acquiring nukes,

Poland will never get consent to this, neither from the Americans nor from the russians.
OP Torq  10 | 1234
21 Mar 2025   #3
Poland will never get consent

Poland is an independent country. We need nobody's consent.

Besides, it would be in Russia's best interest for Poland to be neutral, instead of the strongest eastern NATO outpost, so I don't think they would oppose. Of course, initially they might feel their typical Polonophobic paranoia, but then logic and common sense would outweigh the paranoia.
Miloslaw  22 | 5198
21 Mar 2025   #4
So my question is: should Poland declare neutrality after acquiring nukes

Poland should, without question acquire nukes.

But they should never be neutral.

They are a western nation and know who their friends and enemies are.
Novichok  4 | 8667
21 Mar 2025   #5
Poland is an independent country.


Poland needs the EU to eat and the US to stay alive.

Poland is a minor player that doesn't even make its own fighter planes but often barks like it was a very big dog.

For the record...There are only three big dogs: China, Russia, and the US - in alphabetical order. The rest of you are tourist destinations.
Miloslaw  22 | 5198
21 Mar 2025   #6
Poland needs the EU to eat and the US to stay alive.

Complete and utter bollox.

Poland needs the EU but not the USA.

There are only three big dogs: China, Russia, and the US

More bollox, Russia is not a "big dog", with an economy smaller than Italy, they are almost irrelevant.
The only hammer they have is a nuclear arsenal much bigger than such an irrelevant nation deserves.
Crow  155 | 9695
22 Mar 2025   #7
Poland should, without question acquire nukes.

And what would Poland with nukes?

¿fumar uno?
OP Torq  10 | 1234
22 Mar 2025   #8
Poland needs the EU to eat and the US to stay alive

Poland had eaten since 966 to 2004, for over 1000 years without the EU, and has been alive for even longer without the US so you are wrong on both points.

What Poland doesn't need, though, are arrogant pricks telling us what we can or cannot do. If the USA continues in this vein, they will be kindly asked to f*ck off back where they came from.

what would Poland with nukes?

Exactly the same thing that Russia, China, France, Britain or Pakistan do with their nukes. Nothing.
Crow  155 | 9695
22 Mar 2025   #9
Exactly the same thing that Russia, China, France, Britain or Pakistan do with their nukes. Nothing.

and when they do something, Poland will do, too?

Forget it. Poland is no cosmic power. On your above list only Russia and China are. They even don`t need nukes. Especially Russia. In a sad way, enemies of Russia will learn that soon.
OP Torq  10 | 1234
22 Mar 2025   #10
Poland will do, too?

Poland will get the nukes and go neutral. This way we will not be dragged into other people's wars. We will be Slavic Switzerland, only bigger, stronger and eventually richer. That's the plan anyway. :)

They even don`t need nukes. Especially Russia.

If Russia didn't have nukes, there wouldn't be any Russia at the moment.
Crow  155 | 9695
22 Mar 2025   #11
You don`t understand capacity of the cosmic power. In their arsenal nukes are now regarded as medieval weapon.

Russian can just turn-off come country. Just like that.
OP Torq  10 | 1234
22 Mar 2025   #12

Russian can just turn-off come country. Just like that.

Erm... what?
Crow  155 | 9695
22 Mar 2025   #13
There is the high tech weaponry. Electronic. There are advanced bio weapons. Chemical weapons. Ray weapons.

So sophisticated weapons that Russians even on Orechnik look as on primitive things.

Trump knows this.

Erm... what?

The USA can that, too. Only Russia and USA. Even China isn`t on that level now.

One just wake up in a post apocalyptic world. Think about it. Your first neighbor turns to be your biggest enemy or your salvation. In anyway prolonged agony of you and your family.
Ironside  51 | 13083
22 Mar 2025   #14
should Poland declare neutrality

No. It is pointless.
Before all those conditions are fulfilled - it is a question of the next generation.
Poland will never get consent to this

My goodness, what the mind of a slave looks like we can see.
OP Torq  10 | 1234
22 Mar 2025   #15
So sophisticated weapons

If they had such weapons, they would make sure the world knew about them.

Before all those conditions are fulfilled - it is a question of the next generation.

We have to plan long-term. We are not some scumbag politicians thinking only in terms of getting elected for the next four years - we are a Patriotic Think Tank, we must plan deeper.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
22 Mar 2025   #16
That's the plan anyway. :)

Just don't let anybody talk you out of them again....always remember what happened to Ukraine as they just wanted to be nice!
Crow  155 | 9695
22 Mar 2025   #17
If they had such weapons, they would make sure the world knew about them.

They showed Oreshnik. First they showed the most primitive.
OP Torq  10 | 1234
22 Mar 2025   #18
Just don't let anybody talk you out of them...

We won't.

...always remember what happened to Ukraine!

Yip. It's good to learn from one's own mistakes, but even better to learn from the mistakes of others.
Paulina  19 | 4555
22 Mar 2025   #19
Your thoughts?

That would all depend on the behaviour and credibility of the rest of NATO, imho. Also, we can't be 100% neutral while being a member of the EU - we have to look out at least to some extent for the well being and interests of other EU countries, because we're all in it together.

We share many values with the majority of the countries that are part of NATO and the EU. For me the most important one is democracy. I think that with the anti-democratic powers on the rise in the world it's better (or even crucial) for us to stick together. 🤔 W kupie siła - Poland is stronger in the EU and NATO and the EU and NATO is stronger with Poland.

Don't get me wrong - it would be nice to be completely neutral, I guess, but with such neighbour like RuSSia - I'm afraid that's impossible/dangerous.

Poland will never get consent to this, neither from the Americans nor from the russians.

If Americans will abandon us then they will have nothing to say on this matter. And RuSSia can stuff it - they didn't ask us for our consent when they were getting their nukes lol o_O
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
22 Mar 2025   #20
Also, we can't be 100% neutral while being a member of the EU

I speaking as a German here....and trust me, there would be many Germans who would cheer on a military strong and economically powerful Poland as a good neighbour.
It would strenghten Germany and the EU as is the current never ending crisis which is keeping us confused and quite helpless!

But true ignorant and egoistical second Swiss nobody needs or wants!
Ironside  51 | 13083
22 Mar 2025   #21
We have to plan long-term

Poland's geopolitical position makes it impractical to become neutral.
OP Torq  10 | 1234
22 Mar 2025   #22
we have to look out at least to some extent for the well being and interests of other EU countries, because we're all in it together

Hmm... that's true.

Trump has managed to dismantle the 80-year-old American world domination, as well as any credibility of the USA as a NATO ally. So, in such case another scenario can be contemplated: European military alliance, without Americans, possibly even outside NATO structures. There are, however, so many possible problems with such an alliance that neutrality seems a better idea.

with such neighbour like RuSSia - I'm afraid that's impossible/dangerous.

Switzerland went neutral precisely because throughout history it had aggressive neighbours (Napoleonic France and Nazi Germany among others). Being neutral, and of course being militarily very strong ("les peuples libres ont besoin des canons" and all that), actually decreases the potential risk of an armed conflict.

Ireland and Austria are both the EU members and neutral. Poland should follow in their footsteps.

ignorant and egoistical second Swiss nobody needs or wants!

But Switzerland is a military hedgehog! Imagine if Poland were such a hedgehog, near impossible to go through and with nukes - that would mean that Germany are protected with an iron shield from the East (and from the West France isn't such a huge threat these days, are they?).
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
22 Mar 2025   #23
near impossible to go through and with nukes

Heh:) I had exactly that image in my mind too.... :)

But a Switzerland would find ways to keep its nukes and still its neutrality....such a ignorant and egoistical neighbour would find ways to negotiate a way through for the Red Army, maybe offer them their streets or such, that's the thing!
Paulina  19 | 4555
22 Mar 2025   #24
that neutrality seems a better idea

I will repeat this again - not with such neighbour like RuSSia. Neutrality won't save us from RuSSia.

Switzerland (...) Ireland and Austria

Those are small countries. Besides, if I'm to be honest, I don't think it's in Polish nature to be neutral lol ;)
OP Torq  10 | 1234
22 Mar 2025   #25
negotiate a way through for the Red Army

Military access would violate the country's neutrality. Even the Swiss, egoistical as they are, wouldn't do such thing, not to mention Poland.

Neutrality won't save us from RuSSia.

No, but nukes and strong army will. And then, being neutral will decrease the probability of war. Poland as the strongest NATO easternmost member is perceived by Russia as a threat, a neutral Poland wouldn't be such threat.

I don't think it's in Polish nature to be neutral lol ;)

Haha, tell me about it - I was a skinhead after all (a long time ago)! It's not in Polish bachelor/maiden nature to be neutral. When one has children the belligerence level tends to shift to 'neutral' rather quickly. You will see it yourself one day. ;)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
22 Mar 2025   #26
a neutral Poland wouldn't be such threat.

Won't it?

Why wouldn't it......if a neutral Poland would be the only bloc on it's way to the rich grounds of western Europe?

Do you really think they will leave you alone? Not even manipulating their ways into a russian-friendly gov in Warsaw with a pro-russian foreign policy???
OP Torq  10 | 1234
22 Mar 2025   #27
Do you really think they will leave you alone?

Think about it...

If we had 200 nuclear warheads (10-20 megaton each), deployed, modern, top-notch technology. And if only 50 out of these 200 nukes reached 50 most populous Russian cities (out of each 4 fired only 1 reached its target) - ask ChatGPT what would happen; it can list all the cities together with numbers of predicted casualties etc. Horrible, terrifying and unacceptable.

Of course, Poland would be totally annihilated in such case as well, but the point is Russia would never risk such destruction of their own core lands for the "rich grounds of western Europe" (they have enough riches of their own, they only have to use them).

Nukes in Poland = Peace with Russia

a russian-friendly gov in Warsaw

We would probably be Russian friendly, because why not? Why not be friendly towards a country that cannot threaten you in any way? We would be Russian-friendly, German-friendly, Brazilian-friendly, Canadian-friendly. On a good day we might even be French-friendly (but maybe here I go too far).
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
22 Mar 2025   #28
How would these nukes hinder a pro-russian gov in Warsaw to order pro-russian policies?

We would probably be Russian friendly, because why not?

.....because that's the crux of the matter, isn't it? Neutrality in this region means russian-friendly!

And right now that means Putin-friendly....with all that this entails.

Poland fears a russian-friendly Germany for good reasons.....a russian-friendly Poland wouldn't be much different for Polands neighbours, think about it.
OP Torq  10 | 1234
22 Mar 2025   #29
Why would we order pro-russian policies, even with a Russian-friendly government (getting cheap energy from them etc.), if the EU (especially Germany) remained our largest trade partner and the guarantee of our economic well-being? Doesn't make sense.

The only reason why Russians are contemplating aggression against Western Europe is our weakness. Strong, nuclear Poland, would be an insurmountable obstacle on their way.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
22 Mar 2025   #30
Strong, nuclear Poland, would be an insurmountable obstacle on their way.

"Strong, nuclear, pro-western Poland"....I agree.

Just imagine a pro-russian Poland with Moscow's thumb on the button....

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