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Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment?

pawian  219 | 24592
31 Aug 2024   #481
Germany under Scholz has become Ukraine's largest European supplier of aid

When?? Only after the pressure on Germans became unbearable. Remember the time you became the laughingstock with your pathetic helmet supply?? German elites expected Ukraine would fall within 3 days.
And after you came to your senses and sent a lot of aid, now you are planning to cut those Ukrainian expenses to zero.
An AfD government would stop all aid to Ukraine

Don`t tell me about AfD. Tell me about CDU! Would they cut the aid like SPD?
Alien  22 | 5460
31 Aug 2024   #482
CDU! Would they cut the aid like SPD?

Don't ask such questions the day before the election. Wait patiently.
Tacitus  2 | 1241
31 Aug 2024   #483
Poland will have no other choice but to leave the union

Wouldn't really change anything. Poland is legally obligated to reach net zero by 2050 and implement the necessary policies. The UK left and is still signing up to emission certificates, the just call them UK now instead of EU.

German elites expected Ukraine would fall within 3 days

As did the elites of all the other Western countries as well. And given the differences in ressources, it was not a completely unreasonable expectation.

Who knows how things would have turned out if Zelensky had become a second Karzai instead of a second Churchill, or if the defense of Kiev had been less expertly conducted.

And after you came to your senses and sent a lot of aid, now you are planning to cut those Ukrainian expenses to zero.

In due time. Scholz deserves a lot of criticism on various issues, but when it comes to aid for Ukraine, we need to give credit where credit is due. Under his watch Germany become Ukraine largest European supporter. German tanks are fighting near Kursk. All of which would have been unthinkeable less than 3 years ago. And now he has made sure that Ukraine -despite the heavy burden the war and the Ukrainian refugees place on the budget - will receive significant military assistance for the next 2 years. After which we'll see how the situation on the ground and the willingness of other countries to keep supporting Ukraine shall look like.
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
1 Sep 2024   #484
Poland is legally obligated to reach net zero by 2050 and implement the necessary policies

Every international agreement can be revoked, especially one enforced by extremists (and Green Khmers are indeed extremists).
jon357  72 | 22778
1 Sep 2024   #485
As did the elites of all the other Western countries as well. And

No, not all.

The only fully independent major country in Europe did not expect Ukraine to fall. And were it not been for that country, r*SSia would be in Kyiv now.
Alien  22 | 5460
1 Sep 2024   #486
only fully independent major country

Do you mean Great Britain?
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
1 Sep 2024   #487
Great Britain

51st state - fully independent, always noble, sun shining right out of their arses. Why do you even have to ask?
jon357  72 | 22778
1 Sep 2024   #488
Great Britain?

No. The U.K., though Britain will do. The Great part is the geographical description of the main island. And currently the only major fully independent country in the region since only part of Turkey is I. Europe.

And fortunately it has gas/oil too so doesn't have to do dodgy deals with r*SSia for oil and gas.
Lenka  5 | 3471
1 Sep 2024   #489
Why do you even have to ask?

Lol, so true :)
jon357  72 | 22778
1 Sep 2024   #490
Indeed. We invented everything and there are even some people from PL who move there.
Lenka  5 | 3471
1 Sep 2024   #491
There are even people who move out of there, including Brits.
jon357  72 | 22778
1 Sep 2024   #492
And as you know, the number is far, far fewer.
Tacitus  2 | 1241
1 Sep 2024   #493

The only fully independent major country in Europe did not expect Ukraine to fall

Leaving the "independence" issue aside, there is nothing to suggest that London had greater trust in the Ukrainian ability to withstand an invasion with its' conventional forces. Which is why the UK only send weapons that could be used for guerilla warfare for the first few weeks and only shifted to heavy weapons later alongside other countries. The UK did help Ukraine, but let's not exaggerate it.

And fortunately it has gas/oil too so doesn't have to do dodgy deals with r*SSia for oil and gas

But doesn't that lack of dependence on Russian oil/gas (*cough Londongrad) make the lack of support of Ukraine until 2022 from the UK even more egregious? It was London who was party to the Budapest memorandum after all. Yet perhaps due to their occupation with the Brexit folly, London was completely uninterested to invest political capital in supporting Ukraine for pretty much all of the 2020s. And even then there military aid -while effective - was very, very limited in scape. Sure, neither France nor the US were covering themselves in glory either here, but some of their politicians were at least trying. Even the luckless Hollande tried to assist Ukraine during the Minsk negotiations.

The UK was well-positioned to actually make a difference for Ukraine until 2022. The UK had diplomatic cloud and as party to the Budapest memorandum a justification, some even would argue an obligation to help more. The UK had no dependency on Russian gas (although it loved taking Russian money). It did not have the historical baggage and pacifist tradition that prevented it from sending weapons to a conflict zone, let alone to Eastern Europe to be used against Russians. It had the liberty to send heavy weapons, and train the Ukrainians in how to use them. Yet it did not offer substantial aid to Ukraine until Putin invaded.

I mean in all seriousness, we all know and acknowledge that Germany screwed up here, but I really don't get that self-congratulatory tone from a British poster in light of that very, very sketchy record.
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
1 Sep 2024   #494
I really don't get that self-congratulatory tone from a British poster in light of that very, very sketchy record.

Wait a minute... what's going on here? Tacitus is actually talking sense!

*profoundly shocked*
pawian  219 | 24592
1 Sep 2024   #495
the German government and services "are furious with Warsaw" and will not "forget the Poles and Polesses" for this move.

In response, Polish Foreign Minister Sikorski commented equivocally: We will also never forget!

What he meant by this is his sweet secret.

I fully support the current gov`s stance on the issue. Germans should shut up, as Mr Honourable Prime Minister Reverend Donald Holy Tusk already remarked.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629
1 Sep 2024   #496
*profoundly shocked*

*ja genau*

And currently the only major fully independent country in the region

I mean....Britain independent??? Your footie team would be world champion by now if the US hadn't come to your rescue during WWII....jawoll! :)
1 Sep 2024   #497
Germans should shut up

Poland loves German money. Maybe Germany should shut down the flow just as you and other rogue nations shut down Nordstream. There was a Belgian politician before WW2 who said: "Poland's biggest problem and its ultimate downfall will be its delusions of grandeur". Wise man.
pawian  219 | 24592
1 Sep 2024   #498
German money

Any German money is the rightful compensation for crimes and destruction of WW2. Ha!!! hahahaha

should shut down the flow

Too late, darling. We are good business partners and Germans will tell you to visit a doctor. :):):)

Hey, why are you hiding under an anonymous nick? Feeling a bit cowardly??? :):):)
1 Sep 2024   #499
Any German money is the rightful compensation for crimes and destruction of WW2

Let's hope the Russians will return to Poland and teach you a bit of humility. Wouldn't that be fun?
pawian  219 | 24592
1 Sep 2024   #500
My cowardly darling, before Russians return to Poland, they will have to deal with Ukraine. As we can see, they aren`t able to. You hope in vain....... :):):):)
pawian  219 | 24592
1 Sep 2024   #501
nations shut down Nordstream

Moses parted the Red Sea. It was an amasing feat. While we only shut down one ridiculous stream but are proud of it like hell. Are we crazy or what??? hahahaha
1 Sep 2024   #502
You hope in vain

There are options. AfD wins in Germany, the Krauts abandon the EU, the U.S. leave NATO and demand payment for protection, without the EU Poland is bankrupt and cannot pay the Yanks, Germany makes a deal with Russia, Russia provides nukes for Germany. Poof, there goes Poland.
pawian  219 | 24592
1 Sep 2024   #503
hahaha AmaSSing daydreaming. :):):)
Ironside  50 | 12312
1 Sep 2024   #504
Without the EU Poland is bankrupt

Don't you mean the EU is bankrupt without Poland? You are living in the past and on a different continent it seems.
Germany goes bankrupt and dissolves into it natural taste of a few different states.
Yanks lose Europe go to war with China and eat nukes.
Poland joins China and both F Russia.
Stupid **** on the Internet grow up!
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
1 Sep 2024   #505
without the EU Poland is bankrupt

My dear anonymous troll poster, your post is hilarious...... you are useless as a troll..... find another job.
1 Sep 2024   #506
Germany goes bankrupt

If they continue to finance all the leeches in the European Union as well as the millions of camel jockeys in the country, they will. Perfect conditions for a political shift to the very right. If the Germans go down that route, the rest of the continent will follow and Trump, Le Pen, Farage and the Reform Party, and all the others will love it. Don't believe for one second that they consider Poland an equal partner. You never were and you never will be.

Don't you mean the EU is bankrupt without Poland?

What does Poland have to offer except goods manufactured for German companies? If the Germans stop doing business with you, you're toast. Poland is just a provider for cheap labour, that's all. You're on the same level as Mexico, Vietnam or Bangladesh. Open your eyes.
Tlum  12 | 253
2 Sep 2024   #507
What does Poland have to offer except goods

Not much. All those economic "strefas" created in Poland are just designated zones for foreign (mostly German) companies to pollute Poland from inside. Sure, they give temporary employment and economic development to Poland, but at the end of the day the foreign EU companies will own it all. Still, is there any viable alternative? Probably not in the short to medium term. It is what it is and the current deal is better than nothing..
pawian  219 | 24592
2 Sep 2024   #508
If the Germans stop doing business with you,

Darling, the problem is they won`t. They press on Polish partners to trade like crazy. We can hardly manage.......
2 Sep 2024   #509
at the end of the day the foreign EU companies will own it all

Exactly right. That's why I don't understand that your politicians are so eager to bite the hand that feeds them.

the problem is they won`t.

Why don't you ask them nicely, so your wish to return to the glorious Commie days will be granted? You seem to miss the queues at the stores.
pawian  219 | 24592
2 Sep 2024   #510
Why don't you ask them nicely

Why should we, darling??? We are both complacent with our cooperation.

your wish

Why my wish, darling???

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