this took me 12-13 minutes
Not bad. But still rough. Here's mine (preliminary version, not happy with a lot of it and would have to do a bit of research on terminology).
The biggest problem is that hazard refers to gambling, and the name of the German philosopher is Georg Simmel.
Dont' be discouraged at mistakes, a person only becomes a good translator by stumbling through lots of not so great translations (if I look at some of my early efforts.... yikes!). All translators make mistakes, bad translators claim not to.
Your bilingual status gives you real potential as a translator but you need some discipline and training (esp in terms of recognizing jargon and learning how to deal with it).
My preliminary version:
I this article gambling is presented as a fact and social phenomenon in reference to Emil Durkheim's concept of social fact. Selected definitions of gambling are described as are some varieties, such as recreational, risky (hazardous), problematic and pathological gambling while indicating differences between game and gambling. On the basis of available research a type of lifestyle and typical behavior of those addicted to gambling as well as codependents are described. The titular question is put forth in the context of the philosophy of Georg Simmel, who maintained that money had become one of the most serious causes of individual alienation in modern societies.