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Mister President Andrzej Duda - Best Poland could get.

mafketis  38 | 11149
2 days ago   #91
why dont they hire me to translate or something?

Have you ever actually translated anything for money? It take time and patience to build a client base.

Have a go at this in real English and not phone-text garbage.
wariatisthegame  - | 37
2 days ago   #92
ok putitng my keybord on my ipad and am doing this for you just to show you.
wariatisthegame  - | 37
2 days ago   #93
"Within the article an obstacle or a risk was presented as fact. On top of this, a social scene was presented as it related to Emil Durkeim's social inception or coming out phase. The different forms of risk were talked about. These include recreational risk, problematic risk, and pathological risk. These definitions showed the difference between a game and risk. Based on available (to examine) examinations and tests, a character trait was created for the lifestyle of people whom were addicted to risk and whom were involved with someone who had this addiction or shared it with them communally. The main question regarding this issue was put forth by George Zimmla, who came to the conclusion that in modern society money became one of the most important reasons for alienating individuals or groups of people in society."

this took me 12-13 minutes due to me thinking over some definitions and looking them up in both polish and english, such as if artykuł really is referring to an article or text or more to another polish definition of this phrase, which means product. like an item,
mafketis  38 | 11149
2 days ago   #94
this took me 12-13 minutes

Not bad. But still rough. Here's mine (preliminary version, not happy with a lot of it and would have to do a bit of research on terminology).

The biggest problem is that hazard refers to gambling, and the name of the German philosopher is Georg Simmel.

Dont' be discouraged at mistakes, a person only becomes a good translator by stumbling through lots of not so great translations (if I look at some of my early efforts.... yikes!). All translators make mistakes, bad translators claim not to.

Your bilingual status gives you real potential as a translator but you need some discipline and training (esp in terms of recognizing jargon and learning how to deal with it).

My preliminary version:
I this article gambling is presented as a fact and social phenomenon in reference to Emil Durkheim's concept of social fact. Selected definitions of gambling are described as are some varieties, such as recreational, risky (hazardous), problematic and pathological gambling while indicating differences between game and gambling. On the basis of available research a type of lifestyle and typical behavior of those addicted to gambling as well as codependents are described. The titular question is put forth in the context of the philosophy of Georg Simmel, who maintained that money had become one of the most serious causes of individual alienation in modern societies.
wariatisthegame  - | 37
2 days ago   #95
yea you're right hazard is gambling. but there other also definitions of it that i used or got from google translation search. but now that you mention it or reminded me it hazard is also gambling. but it would be difficult to know i mena without context which exact term its referring to or without me knowing the philosopher, context etc. its funny how bad google trnalsate or dicitionary even in polish definitions of terms sometimes are kr that o it 5e basic versions that i forgot in this case. if i had more time to think or wa spaid for it and didnt rush id maybe remember that hazard is gambling. also notice how due to my journalism training i made it all active voice. polish people never get this or do this or polish first langauge lewrners englishs econd even professionls.
wariatisthegame  - | 37
2 days ago   #96
hazard has so many meanings even in the english language it could be like warning before a toxic waste there are signs that say hazard. or hazardous materials. its funny i translated the whole thing without even knowing what i was talking about just editing to make it look or flow to make sense. i think this is the reaosn my idela job would be again be in my field or journalism or editing but trnslations could work. Also, translation of text vs speech iw different. i may better at less complicated jargon but speech from soemone like duda.

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