Dupa, you say? Well, politicians brate. Politics cost us mere mortals a lot of nerves. We don`t have full information and we struggle to understand. But paradoxically, more stupid person is, person is happier.
As for venerable Duda in particular, he played politics so well that he convinced me he is Slavic and Polish traitor, that he wants to join western Europe in lies and genocide on my people. But, I mistaken and so I apologized publicly to veliki Pan Duda. See, you know Serbia is encircled with NATO countries? If not for hallowed Duda, dobri Orban and noble Visegrad group, my people would be even more weakened and left to mercy of aggressive pro-germanic Nazi ustashe movement that pollute number of Catholic Serbs of what is now Croatia. Not to speak of mad mujaheedine maniacs that seek to secede Kosovo and form Greater Albania on sacred Serbian and Slavic ground.
All in all, thanks to import of armament from France and Russia, Serbia recently dramatically strengthened her army. Strengthened to the point where we shifting power balance in the region. All that thanks to brat Duda and brotherly Visegrad group and their allowance to Serbia to use their air space for import of most heavy armament from Russia, including Mi-35m, Mi-17 helicopters, tanks T-72ms, BRDM-2`s fighting vehicles, anti-aircraft system Pancir S-1. All that no matter that western European NATO members protested and yet would hysterically protest when via Polish air space Serbia import Russia`s S-400 missile system.
Visegrad summit (plus Serbia and Slovenia) at Prague, these days >
Nicely about Serbia from all Visegrad Presidents >>>>>
youtube.com/watch?v=QK55MAF91hYSerbian President thanked and said how are good Serbian-Russian relations on the good of Visegrad, that complete our history speaks of our loyalty to Central Europe, that Serbs see Visegrad countries as closest brothers >>>>>
You know, Yugoslavia isn`t country that crumbled just like that, from within. No, Yugoslavia and later Serbia was victim of organized attack from leading NATO powers of western Europe that were supported by weakling and madman US Clinton. They sponsored local Nazi movements and imported mujaheediens into region, lied in mass media about Serbia and Serbs. Now with President Trump in USA, world change and Serbia gets more and more support. So, Visegrad countries now dare openly to support Serbia, too.