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The Mayor of Warsaw Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz cuts down 150,000 trees in the Poland's capital.

6 Mar 2017   #61
trying to blame it on a very popular politician from a different party.

He's just following the example of the leader of PIS (did I get the correct number of letters in that name?), who claimed that this law is the fault of the opposition because they did not do enough to stop it. Of course this is one of the laws which was passed in a session which MPs from all members other than PIS were prevented from attending.

What is interesting is that before he signed the budget, which was also passed under the same illegal circumstances, 'President' Duda (more commonly referred to as Dlugopis Duda) commissioned an independent report, which was written by Dariusz Dudek, former legal advisor to President Kaczynski and currently a professor of constitutional law at Catholic University in Lublin. Prof. Dudek wrote that barring MPs from taking part in the session (something of which there is video) "unlawfully deprives the MPs concerned of the possibility of exercising their parliamentary mandate" and "can be considered a violation of constitutional rules" and so concluded that "a law passed in this manner, in violation of legal requirements, can be classified as incompatible with the constitution". Of course the dlugopis did what it was told and the bill was signed into law regardless of the report.

What gets really interesting is that the persons who took part in the illegal passing of a law can be held to financial account for their actions. When Poland has to pay out damages for the illegally passed budget and the illegally passed logging law, those PIS MPs will have to pay for those damages from their personal assets. No doubt that at the top of the list of assets to be seized and sold will be a certain villa in Zoliborz.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
6 Mar 2017   #62
33% support

Support levels fluctuate and esp. confusing is comparing different pollsters' results because they use different samplings and polling techniques. When PiS were up to 40% recently somehow you weren't sayng that finally people have seen the light.
jon357  72 | 23361
6 Mar 2017   #63
Support levels fluctuate

Fortunately the President of Warsaw's support levels only increase.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
6 Mar 2017   #64
only increase.

...only increase as the day of reckoning approaches. IPN's soon-expected revelations will deal a crippling blow to the post-commie/KOR-ite clique and theiri embedded-in-the-system SB/PZPR holdovers, profesional and showbiz dynasties and others who have skimmed the fruits of transformation to the exclusion of the nation's majrotiy. Seeing Horrible Hannaj is still not behind bars despite all the city hall scams, they feel she is their only hope of survival..
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
6 Mar 2017   #65
IPN's soon-expected revelations will deal a crippling blow to the post-commie/KOR-ite clique

Like Andrzej Przyłębski? Oh, wait... despite the IPN confirming that he is in fact was a snitch for the SB, he remains in his post. PiS are therefore supportive of SB snitches.

Seeing Horrible Hannaj is still not behind bars despite all the city hall scams, they feel she is their only hope of survival..

We're all waiting for Ziobro to attempt to prosecute her.
6 Mar 2017   #66
PiS are therefore supportive of SB snitches.

The party is led by a man who volunteered to prosecute people on the basis of what SB snitches reported, what else can one expect from them?

Obviously one can't expect thoughtfully drafted laws, as is shown by the current mess with trees being felled all over the country, but at least with that particular Act due to it being passed with blatant disrespect for Polish law the PIS MPs who voted for it can be held personally liable, so one particular back-bencher will be losing that villa he got due to his father being a commie snitch.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
6 Mar 2017   #67
The party is led by a man who volunteered to prosecute people on the basis of what SB snitches reported, what else can one expect from them?

I wonder what else can be found if you look through the archives. Time to dig, I think.
mafketis  38 | 11137
6 Mar 2017   #68
IPN's soon-expected revelations

Is this like the soon expected new Smolensk "evidence"?
jon357  72 | 23361
6 Mar 2017   #69
only increase as the day of reckoning approaches.

Cobblers. She's very popular.

the current mess with trees being felled all over the country

I doubt they've realised that a significant chunk of the people who've gone out and bought chainsaws to clear their land still aren't going to support them. That particular illegal laws is likely to backfire on them in so many ways.

I wonder what else can be found if you look through the archives. Time to dig, I think.

There's actually some quite juicy stuff about relatives of a certain person
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
6 Mar 2017   #70
to attempt to prosecute her

You're quite right, she is a slippery, slimy type, the kind that can enter a reovlving door behind
you and emerge ahead of you. She's had years of hands-on experience in the art of scamsterhood and a plethora of generously bankrolled crooked lawyers and false witnesses to back her up, so it will be quite a challenge. We cna only keep oru fcigners corssed and say: GO ZIOBRO!

Is Przyłębski a LL (lustration liar, not to be confused wit PF's LL=Liar Laureate)? Maybe he was a snitch but fessed up. That's like receivng absolution in the Sacrament of Penance.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
6 Mar 2017   #71
relatives of a certain person

More delusions of grandeur? Again pretending to be privy to classified details you cannot divulge, sworn to secreby by MI5, Kijowski or some such?. Get off it! Who in their right mind would entrust anything of significance to the likes of you?!.
jon357  72 | 23361
6 Mar 2017   #72
Oh dear, Po. Attacking the individual again. You'll know soon enough - the information is already out, being fact checked by the press, and is a biggie...
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
6 Mar 2017   #73
what else can be found

Prolly some dirt on the bloke from the 27 sq. m. Jana Pawła II flat. They'll probaly deport him to Belarus.

Please keep to the topic
Braveheart16  19 | 142
14 Jun 2017   #74
I was aware of the importance of protecting trees in Poland last year when I had to get permission from the local council to cut down a number of trees in my garden. The reason was to remove rotten and dangerous trees as well as trees obstructing the growth of others. The job was done and all went well. However recently I was aware of people removing trees in their gardens and then was told that from 1 January 2017 the law allowed people to cut down trees in their gardens without the need for permission from the local council. It also appears that this change of law is due to end on 16 June 2017.....not sure if this is correct but what is all this about.? It seems that the law is changing in fits and starts. I found an article in the Guardian newspaper on line which provided an interesting insight into the chaos surrounding tree felling which you may well have already read but thought that you may like to see it.

The new amendment, commonly known as “Szyszko’s law”, after Jan Szyszko, Poland’s environment minister, removes the obligation for private landowners to apply for permission to cut down trees, pay compensation or plant new trees, or even to inform local authorities........

I am not familiar with politics in Poland or what the policies are on environmental issues, but it would seem to me that Jan Szyszko has quite a lot to answer for.....allowing the law to be abused in a reckless and unnecessary felling of trees some as old as 200 years old seems quite frankly criminal......presumably someone, somewhere has an ulterior motive for allowing this change in the law.....unbelievable when I would have thought that there are greater issues needed to be resolved in Poland....incredible.

Then on reading the article further I came across the following...

Szyszko attracted widespread criticism last year for his decision to sanction large-scale logging in the Białowieża forest,..... In defence.... he has cited the book of Genesis, which exhorts mankind not only to “replenish the earth”, but also to “subdue it”.

What on earth is a minister citing the book of 'Genesis' for....who is this person and why is he not quoting hard and fast reasons rather than referring to the book of Genesis...?...and is he still the environmental was it that he was able to get this law changed and what is happening about the further change to the tree felling law which I referred to it happening and what has the environmental minster got to say about this.....will he change his mind again.....seems like a complete shambles......he should be promoting environmental issues and protecting things which are very special to Poland....ancient forests....etc.......doesn't sound very democratic to me.....time for the minister to step down I think (I presume that a few other people are as amazed as me at the sheer amateurish way in which this 'tree law' has been records are even made the number of trees cut absolutely no monitoring or record kept.....unbelievable........sounds like the dark 2017...what a joke.
Ironside  50 | 12916
14 Jun 2017   #75
What on earth is a minister citing the book of 'Genesis' for.

Look at the source you quoting from and there lies your answer.

that Jan Szyszko has quite a lot to answer for...

Professor Szyszko is the author of numerous scientific publications. Major objects of his research interest are (i) dynamics of population size of species as well prone to extinction as showing the tendency towards mass occurring, and (ii) increase of natural...

I would think that that dude knowns what he is doing.
gumishu  15 | 6227
14 Jun 2017   #76
allowing the law to be abused in a reckless and unnecessary felling of trees some as old as 200 years old seems quite frankly criminal.

the law clearly stated that without permission you can remove only trees that were no more than 20cm in diameter on the height of about 1.5 m - if someone fell an old big tree then they did it illegally - the problem might be underreporting of such criminal acts - as for fruit trees you could always cut them down at your whim
15 Jun 2017   #77
Ironside, Szyszko does know what he's doing, and he is deliberately destroying Bialowieza as revenge against the 'ecologists' for stopping him putting a motorway through the Rospuda valley wetlands in his previous stint as minister. He is also lining the pockets of his friends in the state forestry dept and associated wood pulp business.

This logging in Bialowieza does against the advice of Poland's top scientists and academies:

And also against the pleas of Poland's arts community (Bialowieza is part of Poland's cultural heritage):,Artists-appeal-for-end-to-logging-in-ancient-Polish-forest

These sources are the scientific and cultural experts of Poland. Is that good enough for you to realise that Szyszko is a criminal vandal?
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
15 Jun 2017   #78
I would think that that dude knowns what he is doing.

If he knew what he was doing, the law wouldn't have to be subjected to change right now, would it?

Rumour has it that the impuls for changing the Szyszko law came from Our Great and Dearest Leader Jarosław Kaczyński himself after he ventured one night from the headquaters of his party in Nowogrodzka Street into the city of Warsaw and saw so many trees lying cut down throughout his beloved district of Warsaw, Żoliborz (name having been formed in the 18th century after the French words 'joli bord' meaning 'lovely bank' [of the Vistula river]).
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
27 Jun 2017   #79

NOTE: This post ended up in Random, maybe I even mistakenly put it there. But it belongs in the politics section so I am re-posting it below. Sorry for any confusion.

Apparently 20 months of hateful frustration and impotent fury have completely addled the brains of the leaders of the losers' camp. Schetyna, who has been making uninvited forays to Brussels where EU member government send their representatives to EU summits, has gone one step beyond. Not only has he badmouthed his own country and supported calls for sanctions, but now he is advocating mutiny. With regards to Poland's firm stand againnt accepting unvetted migrants, Schetyna says he will make deals with PO-stacked local councils and invite "refugees" regardless of what the government says. Apparently he doens't know that the state is repsonsible for guarding the country's borders as well as its immigration policy. Not to be outdone, the Lady Mayor of Warsaw, whose family made a pile thanks to the property restitution scandal, has refused to testify before the commission investigating the scam. She claims it is unconstiutional and -- get this -- as a law professor she has asked the the low-level Administrative Court to rule on its constituionaltiy. Only the Constitutional Trinbunal can do so.
jon357  72 | 23361
11 Feb 2021   #80

Tree-felling in Poland

This is almost becoming an obsession. Trees are cut down on often spurious health and safety grounds. The latest outrage is in Jarocin, where 124 mature trees have been cut down and the Mayor claims "it's only temporary".,114883,26777260,jarocin.html

  • Screenshot2021021.jpg
gumishu  15 | 6227
11 Feb 2021   #81
rees are cut down on often spurious health and safety grounds - this is how this went in Warsaw in the time of Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz
Lenka  5 | 3531
11 Feb 2021   #82
pawian  224 | 27236
31 Mar 2021   #83
his is how this went in Warsaw in the time of Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz

It is funny you remind us about Warsaw, conveniently forgetting about Lex Szyszko introduced by PiS which resulted in a much bigger tree massacre in a much shorter time.
jon357  72 | 23361
31 Mar 2021   #84
a much bigger tree massacre

That was devastating. It was like a free for all.

Home / News / The Mayor of Warsaw Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz cuts down 150,000 trees in the Poland's capital.

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