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Should Poland leave the EU institution?

pawian  224 | 27236
5 Jun 2021   #61
but in Poland not many things are build ie factories, laboratories, research facilities,

Who forbids Poland to build them and develop new technologies and high tech industry? PiS rulers are only good at talking and promising, but it all ends the same - epic fail.
Novichok  4 | 8748
6 Jun 2021   #62
Would you buy an MRI scanner that was developed in Bulgaria? That's why Spain wouldn't buy one from Poland - even if it was designed by the leftards.
11 Jun 2021   #63
Spain has bought Solaris bus-factory from Poland. They would buy also MRI scanner but we haven't any.
Novichok  4 | 8748
11 Jun 2021   #64
Poland makes great guns in Radom. As with buses, that's a different animal. A Polish MRI wouldn't even make it to the top 10 shopping list.
OP Ironside  50 | 12916
12 Jun 2021   #65
Who forbids Poland t

Who forbids you to gain some wisdom. Nobody yet you still are being a fool.

A Polish MRI

You are an ignorant fool! I wouldn't be saying anything if not for a great potential that is being squandered or taken over by other countries.
pawian  224 | 27236
12 Jun 2021   #66
Who forbids you

Exactly. So you agree it isn`t the EU`s fault that facilities you mentioned aren`t built in Poland?
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
12 Jun 2021   #67
I hate The EU.It should have remained as a trading confederation.The moment it started to become an integrated state, alarm bells should have been ringing.The UK did the right thing and got out before the ship sank.The UK can do this because it has a very powerful economy.

Poland does not and cannot leave The EU right now.
Poland needs to bleed The EU dry until it starts to crack, which it will, and then get out fast.
The EU will die before I do.
pawian  224 | 27236
12 Jun 2021   #68
The EU will die before I do.

Wanna bet??? :):):) Better not coz ways of human`s life can be trecherous.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
12 Jun 2021   #69
Wanna bet?

Yeah, I am fit, The EU is not.
pawian  224 | 27236
12 Jun 2021   #70
Yeah, I am fit,

Today. What about tomorrow? Did your guardian angel notify you that you would also be fit tomorrow and later on? :):)
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
12 Jun 2021   #71
Today. What about tomorrow?

Of course not, but The EU is so sick that I think that I have a very good chance of seeing it die before I do :-)
pawian  224 | 27236
12 Jun 2021   #72
I certainly wish you long years of life but I don`t think you will live long enough to see the collapse of the EU. The fact that the UK left doesn`t mean the end of the world for the rest of us. :):):)
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
12 Jun 2021   #73
No it does not, but it is already having an impact and you need to read the mood in Germany and to a degree in France too.

If either of those pulled out The EU would be gone.
pawian  224 | 27236
12 Jun 2021   #74
If either of those pulled out

No, they won`t coz they naturally suit the EU as continental states. While the UK with its insular identity prefers to keep away. Simple. :)
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
12 Jun 2021   #75

We will see.
OP Ironside  50 | 12916
12 Jun 2021   #76
So you agree it isn`t the EU`s fault

Define what do yo mean by the EU? EU regulations? There are not laws made by the EU that says hey you in Poland are not allowed to build research facilities or this or that.. Only a stupid person like you would claims something like that...

I mean that EU regulations and a fact that Poland completely opened its market to foreign countries plus reality of Poland as post-soviet country with soviet dipshits in position of power, no property had been given back to rightful owners (very few and between), plus exploitations of Polish specialist and creative people who just left caused Polish economy to be bad i.e. no future. Not to mention pitiful polices of consecutive governments that doesn't do to look for remedy ..

Poland does not and cannot leave The EU right now.

That is not the point. Polexit should be a feasible option on the table. Even if politicians only use it for the negotiations. Lately Denmark said something to the effect...

Problem with Polish politicians is that all or most of them swear left and right loyalty to the EU. No space for maneuvering or negotiations. Sad.
13 Jun 2021   #77
Germany and to a degree in France too.

If either of those pulled out The EU would be gone.

Yes Miro it is true but I am happy to know Front Nationale or AFD are not dangerous now, not yet. And Brexit, what would I say. Poland is because of Brexit on the fifth place as trade partner for Germany and UK on sixth or seventh?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
13 Jun 2021   #78
Yeah, I am fit, The EU is not.

The EU is to big to are not...sadly! :)
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
13 Jun 2021   #79
The EU is to big to fail

Hey BB, I am sure you are familiar with the old saying "The bigger they are, the harder they fall".

I cannot wait for the day that I am vindicated and The EU is abolished.
Because at that point, European countries will get together to form a free trade zone.... they could call it "The Common Market".
But this time round they will understand that trying to force this free trading zone into some sort of singular federal state, would be a mistake.
pawian  224 | 27236
13 Jun 2021   #80
caused Polish economy to be bad i.e. no future

Don`t be silly. You blame such natural occurences on the EU, forgetting or being ignorant they would take place anyway. Each post communist country has been troubled with the same problems. The EU membership began in 2004. What had happened from 1989 to 2003? Polish Paradise? Destroyed by the evil EU after we accessed?

You can moan and whine but it is Poles living in Poland who decide - and they want Poland to stay in the EU. Ha!
OP Ironside  50 | 12916
13 Jun 2021   #81
You blame such natural occurences on the EU,

Look I had this talk with BB. Not need to waste my time on a fool. IF you want t o debate go read it, educate yourself and then came back for more ...if you are here to spew your worthless opinions - don't !

but it is Poles living in Poland who decide

Are they? I doubt it.
If it yet another dig at me, just save your typing power as I completely don' t care about you take on that....go it?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
13 Jun 2021   #82
I cannot wait for the day that I am vindicated and The EU is abolished.

Who should abolish it?

I agree that not all governments will be always totally happy with many rules and all that.

But there will always be several countries (strong center countries at that) which profit from that Union, which will stay together because of that....and that in turn makes that Union undeniable advantage which will always be interesting and seducing for alot of smaller, naturally weaker they would want to stay close, even trying to become members...and so it goes on.

Great Britain is not an example for european mainland countries! Even GB looks to other countries for treaties and support, trying to gain this world nobody can "go it alone"!

That doesn't mean that the EU won't change....after all it isn't some alien entity from's members shape the Union! Maybe another country will leave...or another will be thrown out....should the majority wish so. But nobody will abolish it! No country has the power to decide such a thing....

So I guess you will wait and hope in vain....
OP Ironside  50 | 12916
13 Jun 2021   #83
You c

Given the fact that KLD and PO are getting money from German gov and are viewing issues German way as you yourself freely admitted. Who make those decisions?. You soviet traitorous lot has not right to make those kind of decision. You can sell yourselves and your families if you want but doing that to people who have against that deal full stop - is not legit, biding and furthermore invalid and you should swing for that.
pawian  224 | 27236
13 Jun 2021   #84
Look I had this talk with BB.

Yes, I am looking now and can clearly see I used a quote from your reply to me. So, why are you involving BB into it???

as I completely don' t care about you

Really?? If you did, you wouldn`t reply. Yet, you always do. :):):)

PO are getting money from German gov

The same lies again?? :):) We already talked about it before.

PS. Hey, didn`t you say you don`t care about me?? hahaha
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
13 Jun 2021   #85
and are viewing issues German way

Which "German way" are you talking about?

In Germany we have political parties spanning the whole field....from the radical left (Die Linke)...over the the nationalist right (AfD)....most people would see themselves somewhere in the the political landscape is build more often than not by some coalition between the Social Democrats (SPD) and the Christian Demokrats (CDU)...with some LIBERALS (FDP) sprinkling...sometimes...if they make the 5% hurdle....mostly building on the lowest denominator compromise...

Do you mean that?
pawian  224 | 27236
13 Jun 2021   #86
doing that to people who have against that deal

Only a little minority have sth against - about 10% nationalists and other fascists. That is why they are ignored coz democracy rulez! hahaha
OP Ironside  50 | 12916
13 Jun 2021   #87
Really?? If you did, you wouldn`t reply. Yet, you always do. :):):)

Because I know your lot, big mouth , no brains and a brazen attitude, If I would just leave it at that you would say - haha you didn't deny it so you agree with it. A you like to make those empty claims about issues and tings you have no clue about or you just like to made up lies like a full breed moron.

The same lies again??

What lies? that is a fact!
living in denial or simply lying about it won't do you much good.

Only a little minority have sth against

Oh really? Get your number right even 20% voted against EU long time ago. Now there is more people who are against EU and IF they were fully aware of the issues and circumstances there would be even more people. ..Too much EU and German propaganda ..

Those who agree to sold out to Germany or Brussels are not that numerus ....
Anyhow aren't EU all about rights of the minorities so came come your atuidutde towards that particular l minority is so brazen do you need to have your shins kicked in for you to adjust your ways!!!
pawian  224 | 27236
13 Jun 2021   #88
What lies? that is a fact!

When you first lied about it, I requested a proof. So, again, prove what you say or accept the new nick: Ironlie. :):):)

If I would just leave it at that you would say - haha

hahahaha. You are sort of pressed to debate. Really funny. Pity you are not able to stick to facts and only catch at lies to stay above the water.

Now there is more people who are against EU

Only in your sick mind. Prove it, Ironlie. :):)
OP Ironside  50 | 12916
13 Jun 2021   #89
Which "German way" are you talking about?

The way that prioritizes German interests and interest of German corporations. To endure that German citizens and businesses are having an upper hand not only in Germany (that a given* regardless of the EU) but also in Poland.---

*meaning - taken for granted.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
13 Jun 2021   #90
The way that prioritizes German interests and interest of German corporations.

Yeah....and some Germans like to say the USians have to much power and influence here....*shrugs*

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