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Israel furious as Poland signs law to limit property claims

OP johnny reb  49 | 7943
22 Sep 2021   #181
There is no such thing as prejudice.

Make up your mind Ricky.

They know it's crap

That's prejudice.
Sounds like my last post rattled you.
Lyzko  43 | 9685
22 Sep 2021   #182
Disraeli: There are lies, there are damned lies, and there are statistics!
Novichok  5 | 8632
22 Sep 2021   #183
...and the dead who listened to that idiot and ignored the statistics.
As always, instead of relating to my post, Professor Lyzko dispenses bs one-liners...
Lyzko  43 | 9685
22 Sep 2021   #184
...which nonetheless are true so quit rationalizing.
Novichok  5 | 8632
22 Sep 2021   #185
No, they are just cute and mostly idiotic one-liners.
Like the last one from that idiot, Disraeli, who was never raped in Central Park or shot from an overpass in Chicago by a nig*er. Somehow, it's never the Koreans.
Lyzko  43 | 9685
22 Sep 2021   #186
Don't you be too sure. You want to believe certain prejudices, that's just how your mind works!
Novichok  5 | 8632
22 Sep 2021   #187
Don't you be too sure.

Sure of what?
Lyzko  43 | 9685
22 Sep 2021   #188
Sure that Koreans don't also commit rape or even similar crimes, of course.
Lyzko  43 | 9685
22 Sep 2021   #190
Well, don't be!
Remember, oh round about ten or so years ago, a report on yahoo news about a random police office in Connecticut filed a report
with his captain that there was a knife fight at some local bar and (of courseLOL) two Hispanics were probably involved? Turned out, the
two men implicated were both of Scandinavian extraction, Sorenson was the name if I recall, and appropriately, that officer was placed on
probabtion. BRAVO!

Prejudice always obscures the plain truth.
Novichok  5 | 8632
22 Sep 2021   #191
I said Koreans. Learn English.
Lyzko  43 | 9685
22 Sep 2021   #192
It's the identical sort of thinking, Rich. YOU learn English!!
Unless, as I've suspected for the longest time, you understand me perfectly, you're merely playing the Devil's Advocate:-)

Throughout Medaeval Europe, Jews were blamed for nearly every misfortune known to man, from the Plague, to poisoning wells etc. None of said prattle was ever proven to have had the slightest inkling of truth.
Novichok  5 | 8632
22 Sep 2021   #193
You will not deflect this one. We all are guided by the statistics - personal experience and compiled by others. You want to play stupid and act like a moron, be my guest.

You can start with a walk through a black ghetto. Then try a mostly Jewish one and tell me how it went.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
22 Sep 2021   #194
None of said prattle was ever proven to have had the slightest inkling of truth.

Riiight... over 100 countries, towns, principalities, etc. all around the world over the course of 2000 years all decided to expel specifically their jew population for no reason whatsoever...

Bravo to Yemen for being the most recent
Novichok  5 | 8632
22 Sep 2021   #195
I wonder if he is capable of finding sarcasm in your post.
It takes a special moron to suggest that we are all equal and equally criminal.
Lyzko  43 | 9685
22 Sep 2021   #196
The reasons the Jews were expelled was because the locals were inculcated with "The Jews killed Jesus" garbage deliberately fomented by the Catholic Church and this fostered fear that the Jews were "taking over"! Are you capable of seeing your own ignorance?
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
22 Sep 2021   #197
I am not a fan of expelling, robbing or massacrating anybody. But remember, if Christians have to choose between Jesus Christ or anyone else. It's an obvious answer.

It's like complaining about a Rabbi minding what Moses said/did

It's in the past, why are you writing about this?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
22 Sep 2021   #198
"The Jews killed Jesus" garbage deliberately fomented by the Catholic Church

Yes, all 100+ countries individually decided at vastly different times that the jews must go.... it had everything to do with theology and nothing to do with people getting sick of their usury, contempt for laws and customs, subversion of the political system, collusion and collaboration with enemies, and characteristically sneaky and clannish ways.

And that's why they were kicked out of dozens of Muslim countries as well as various states before Jesus was even alive, right?
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
22 Sep 2021   #199
@Dirk diggler

There was no muslim countries back then
Lyzko  43 | 9685
22 Sep 2021   #200
It all started with w/Bishop Melitta spreading lies about the Jews.

Mistyped: Melito of Sardis.

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