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Israel furious as Poland signs law to limit property claims

Miloslaw  20 | 5108
23 Aug 2021   #151
I'm a historical Jew

Who wants to claim properties that have been Polish owned for over 75 years for Jews who were not even born in are truly nuts.
Novichok  4 | 8748
23 Aug 2021   #152
I would pay them what the land was worth the day the Red Army rolled past it minus the cost of clearing it of the rubble.

My quick math just told me that the Jews would owe Poland.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
23 Aug 2021   #153
nah I agree with Lyzko. I think crow does too or wiule if he read this thread.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
23 Aug 2021   #154
..or understood enough to articulate it in an English recap-:) @Rich, that's like blaming the victim for the crime. Jews owe Poland? Shoe's on the other foot.
Spike31  3 | 1485
21 Sep 2021   #155
I would pay them what the land was worth the day

And you also have to take into account that most Jewish prewar properties in Poland were bought not by cash but on credit.
The war destroyed the buildings that weren't paid off and didn't, at least in part, belong to the 'owners'.
Novichok  4 | 8748
21 Sep 2021   #156
Jews owe Poland?

They own the US.

2% of Americans are Jews. Do you think Jews own 2% of America?
amiga500  5 | 1505
21 Sep 2021   #157
2% of America?

that's capitalism which i thought you believed in. stop picking on the rich, AOC supporting Bernie loving communist :)
Novichok  4 | 8748
21 Sep 2021   #158
that's capitalism which i thought you believed in.

Take your stupid Civics 101 crap to the third graders.
I wouldn't be surprised if they would burst out laughing and told you to get the fu*ck out of their classroom.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
21 Sep 2021   #159
Rich, you're a certified nut job.
amiga500  5 | 1505
21 Sep 2021   #160
what is the difference between aoc saying this small percentile group owns this % of the wealth and what you are saying? admit it you are a closet AOC loving socialist..
Novichok  4 | 8748
21 Sep 2021   #161
saying this small percentile group owns this % of the wealth

No comment here.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
21 Sep 2021   #162
Yo folksies, the age-old myths re: Jewish minority controlling the majority of wealth and influence etc. are exactly that, MYTHS!!
The Jews simply stand out more by virtue of the simple fact that most are understandably enough unwilling nowadays to continuously change their names, even their appearance or speech as was once common practice.

For every Milken or Madoff, there were in years gone by more than any number of thoroughly gentile "Robber Barons" who cheated, cajoled, and impoverished millions of Americans during the latter as well as into the first half of the 20th century, yet we pick on the Jews because, as in Hitler's Europe, the Jews were often the most conspicuous targets. Had Madoff become Mayfield, gotten plastic surgery on his nose etc. or affected a caricatured W.A.S.P. speech pattern, he wouldn't have caused nearly the anti-Semitic outcry that he did.

Slumlords?? Throughout the days of the Wild West, rich ranchers (none of them Jewish!!) typically tried to oust, harass, not to mention kill off those poor, defenseless tenant farmers living on their property.

And so let's stop vilifying Jews as the perennial bad guys, as there's plenty of Christian guilt to go around too.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7974
21 Sep 2021   #163
as there's plenty of Christian guilt to go around too.

Yeah but Christians don't have that annoying whine like jews do.

I wouldn't be surprised if they would burst out laughing and told you to get the fu*ck out of their classroom.

My bet is that they have and would be very surprised if he is employed brainwashing our youth anymore.
Poland did the right thing so Israel can take their forever stretched arm and go back home and stay there.
Better Israel worries more about Iran becoming a nuclear country than robbing Poland again.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
21 Sep 2021   #164
That "annoying whine" comes from centuries of marginalization! Try being on the receiving end of prejudice, not for decades, but for millenia.
Novichok  4 | 8748
21 Sep 2021   #165
the age-old myths re: Jewish minority controlling the majority of wealth

...created by Lyzko to lie and deflect.

Nobody is claiming that Jews own the "majority" of wealth in the US. What some claim is that the Jews in the US own out of proportion to their population.

That's just the wealth. And then there is influence through the media and Congress, with Zuckerjew leading the parade, which is hard to express in dollars. Just try to get elected after saying that we should lower what we send to Israel every year as foreign aid. As pawian would say, hahahahaha...

Yes, I know. Foreign aid helps the US taxpayers. The more we give, the richer we get...
Lyzko  44 | 9745
21 Sep 2021   #166
"What some claim is that Jews......"
Same difference, Rich..
Novichok  4 | 8748
21 Sep 2021   #167
A response from a loser.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
21 Sep 2021   #168
Look who's talking!

Nobody denies that for a small peoples, Jews have often made outsized cultural and scientific contributions to Western society.
There is however, a huge disparity between self-aggrandizement and sheer public relations:-)

Now, I'm a classic movie buff like none other. I've heard people say, though mostly other Jews, that Kirk Douglas (Jewish) was a greater actor than Burt Lancaster (gentile).Fact is that Jews as Jews often didn't receive the credit they were due, or might have honestly THOUGHT they were due, merely because they were Jewish. Therefore, they changed their name from Yankelovitch to Douglas, Persky to Bacall, Jacob Weidenbaum to Jack Warner etc..... In my opinion, Lancaster was a greater actor than Douglas ever was, but that's not because Douglas was Jewish and Lancaster wasn't, simply because the latter was blessed with a far more riveting talent!!

Much like America, no other group, not the Italian-Americans, the Native Americans, African-Americans, Chinese-Americans and so forth, have desired to love and be loved by the United States as the Jews. Perhaps the latter's straining for acceptance might indeed appear to some as "whining".
Novichok  4 | 8748
21 Sep 2021   #169
Now, I'm a classic movie buff like none other.

Another deflection from a Jewish apologist. Nobody gives a fu*ck about the movies and Hollywood. It's the influence through the Federal Reserve - a mostly Jewish private entity that is beyond the IRS audits - and Congress that is all too happy to get us into wars in the ME. To start with...
Lyzko  44 | 9745
21 Sep 2021   #170
The Hollywood moguls, many, yea, most of whom were Jewish, were first and foremost MONEY MEN!
Except for Arthur Burns and Alan Greenspan, most of the heads of the Fed Reserve weren't Jewish.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7974
21 Sep 2021   #171
Perhaps the latter's straining for acceptance might indeed appear to some as "whining".

No, I mean the 'tone' of the whine.......never completely satisfied, never good enough........"Anyhow" !
Lyzko  44 | 9745
21 Sep 2021   #172
Hmm, food for thought.... if you're starving.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7974
21 Sep 2021   #173
That annoying tone of the whine is very distinguishable to know that it belongs to a jew.
And you don't have to be starving to know what I mean.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
21 Sep 2021   #174
Others whine also. Chrístians though are consoled on Earth by the promíse of a rich Afterlife!
Novichok  4 | 8748
21 Sep 2021   #175
But will never loan you money to be repaid on the other side. They know it's crap and act accordingly.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
21 Sep 2021   #176
Not all Jews are usurous either.
Novichok  4 | 8748
21 Sep 2021   #177
I no longer believe that you are a normal human being. Nobody sane responds that way to the post above. My conclusion is that you are a PC that picks and drops random sentences designed to break the flow.

Aside from the fact that the "not all" argument is pure garbage and applicable to everything. Like: "not all Gestapo were mean sobs".
Lyzko  44 | 9745
22 Sep 2021   #178
I didn't get you, Rich. Awaiting translation-:) Remember, prejudices are convenient pegs on which to hang our ignorance!
OP johnny reb  49 | 7974
22 Sep 2021   #179
Others whine also.

Yeah but not with that 'annoying' whiney snobbish tone.

by the promíse of a rich Afterlife!

Yes, Lyzko, we Christians call that promise "ETERNAL SALVATION" thru our Faith.
Our Faith rattles Satan and his children so bad that they tremble and derogatorily call it crap.

They know it's crap

Thanks for verifying my point, Rich, you are a genius.
Novichok  4 | 8748
22 Sep 2021   #180

There is no such thing as prejudice. It's called "statistics".
Kids are born without "prejudices". They learn quickly who steals their lunches and their money and who punches them in the face.

Home / News / Israel furious as Poland signs law to limit property claims

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