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In increasingly chaotic world, diaspora of Poland moving back to Poland an masse?

RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495
21 Jan 2021   #31
quite a lot of Poles living in the UK have no intention in assimilation. they don't know the local culture, and they don't care about it. watching Polish TV (now it's a rarer view, but you can see Cyfrowy Polsat not too rarely in the British towns), eating Polish food and meeting Polish friends, mating with other Poles as well.

on the end they end up not being in any way 'local' in locals' view, but they will be somehow too changed to be 'local' in their local towns.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
22 Jan 2021   #32
Assimilation is not given to all, you know! There's always one hell of a difference between comíng to a country as an immígrant, especially a migrant, as opposed to a visitor.
Novichok  4 | 8720
22 Jan 2021   #33
In which case, how many hundreds of millions of Chinese and Indians do you think the US absorb?

I ask that brilliant question when some open-borders nut tells me how migrants are all peaceful and lovely.
India alone has one billion of them. Now what?

quite a lot of Poles living in the UK have no intention in assimilation.

Such people are stateless drifters belonging nowhere. Yikes.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
22 Jan 2021   #34

Respect is earned, not given. And unfortunately, in most FOB/1st gen Polonias' eyes, the US has been going downhill year after year. They don't care about the US nor feel any loyalty to it. Their kids or their kids' kids might, but not the FOB/1st gen ones. It's the same thing with Poles in the UK, Germany, etc. As long as their livelihood and bank account are secure, they don't give a rats ass what else happens in the country.
Novichok  4 | 8720
22 Jan 2021   #35
Welcome back. We need you here to clean up and take the garbage to the curb.
johnny reb  49 | 7960
22 Jan 2021   #36
As long as their livelihood and bank account are secure, they don't give a rats ass

Exactly yet the hypocrites still claim how greedy the Americans are.
Yes, welcome back, Dirk.
Novichok  4 | 8720
22 Jan 2021   #37
yet the hypocrites still claim how greedy the Americans are.

There is something very uncool when Poles turn into Gypsies.
mafketis  38 | 11126
22 Jan 2021   #38
Whom? Ex-Nazis, for one.

Your policies are stuck over 70 years in the past, please try to notice what's going on in _this_ century....
22 Jan 2021   #39
Can you blame them though? It's very very hard to adapt to any new place, more so abroad. I felt homesick just 60 km away from my home city in a town in my country where I already know the language and culture.

What at the beginning or on a vacation looks uber cool like architecture or different weather with time looks so unlike-home that you start disliking it. Even here we have a thread by British food lovers on why there's not enough British food in Poland. Most people who miss Brit food in Poland are British.

At the top of my head I can say Poles are not very used to all houses being endless brick terraces with tiny or no yards like in the UK. A few Polish cities have some bare brick buildings (usually churches) but most houses in Poland are detached and painted. It's little things like that that make it hard to adapt abroad and not everyone is adaptable. Even lovely Portugal would feel too different after living there for a while but on a short trip it's WOW. A Pole from Southern Poland living in Slovakia wouldn't feel that alienated though as the architecture and culture aren't that different.

Then from similarity, we move to vibes, intuition, longing and all kinds of New agey stuff that might be true like Relocation birth charts which might explain why you like some foreign cultures more than others for no apparent reason. Astro Click Travel is free and it totally matches my experience with Poland (preferring the Southern Part).
Novichok  4 | 8720
22 Jan 2021   #40
The best way to stifle all that longing for the old country - I mean Poland - is to visit Polish Consulate after numerous and totally futile attempts to call or email. That reality check is instant and feels like a time machine. Only calling the IRS is worse.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
22 Jan 2021   #41
The past remains nonetheless forever present , Maf, you as an historian ought to know that. Then again, you're not Jewish probably, and so are not expected to empathize entirely.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
22 Jan 2021   #42
The sort people Poland needs (Investors) have lawyers and staff to do all that donkey work for them.

I paid lawyers to have all that bureaucratic red tape sorted for me, in the end some papers were sent to me to sign and return, Bang I was a polish citizen with a Polish birth and marriage certificate, job done.
mafketis  38 | 11126
22 Jan 2021   #43
Maf, you as an historian ought to know that

I'm not a historian....

you're not Jewish probably, and so are not expected to empathize entirel

I'm not Jewish so I don't expect modern policies to be built around historical complaints that have no relevance to the modern world.

What are Jews doing about Uyghurs in Chinese concentration camps?
Lyzko  44 | 9745
22 Jan 2021   #44
A Jewish lawyer was the ONLY one to defend the Scottsboro Trial!
mafketis  38 | 11126
22 Jan 2021   #45
Scottsboro Trial!

And what does the Scottsboro trial have to do with Chinese concentration camps or the question of what modern US immigration policy should be....

Who do you want to keep out?

How do you want to keep them out?

What do you want to do if they get in anyway?

Answer those questions or just admit that you want open borders....
Lyzko  44 | 9745
22 Jan 2021   #46
Contrary to some opinions, Jews don't only help Jews:-)
30 Aug 2024   #47
I've seen some voices that "Poles who live and work outside Poland are <traitors> and they should be ashamed to return to Poland for retirement." Well, guess what Poles who retire in Poland do... spend money. Is it bad for business? It's obviously not, but idiots don't understand it. Poles could've retired and spend money in Cyprus, Spain, or Mexico, so when they choose Poland they should be welcomed. It's logic and business 101, no?
OP Crow  154 | 9463
30 Aug 2024   #48
Poles could've retired and spend money in Cyprus, Spain, or Mexico,

Why not in Serbia?

so when they choose Poland they should be welcomed. It's logic and business 101, no?

Of, course.
Alien  25 | 6349
30 Aug 2024   #49
Jews don't only help Jews:-)

Who else do they help?
pawian  224 | 27191
31 Aug 2024   #50
Tide turns for Polish émigrés, lured home by booming economy

Yes, indeed.
However, it isn`t a good situation if rightist and nationalist maniacs come back to Poland after 30 years of emigration to the US or another mad country. They are complete nuts. Vide: Ironside or Ptak.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 472
31 Aug 2024   #51
They are complete nuts. Vide: Ironside or Ptak.

Jealousy will not improve your life one bit. It is not my fault you become a fugitive from justice after embezzling. Instead of honest work. Your guilt is shoving in every venomous post. Just admit you wanted all at an instance but were not willing to work for it.

That will be the date when commies' descendants dictate what is my relationship with my native country. I am fairly certain Pawian forebears marched with the Bolshevik's flags and red-colored stars, singing communistic hymns. While Rustejko forbearers were bleeding to death, dying from hunger for fulfilling their patriotic duties, and now some comen bich tells me I am not Polish enough. The same goes for Iron; he is more Polish than you, Pawian,
Big Mouth will never be.
pawian  224 | 27191
1 Sep 2024   #52
I am not Polish enough

Holy words. After 40 years abroad, you are not Polish anymore. You can be of Polish origin, that`s all.

when commies'

But you fully colluded with commies before you defected to the West and then settled in America 40 years ago. They only let you out of Poland after you signed an agreement of cooperation with communist secret services - you were supposed to inform on anticommunist Polonia in the West. You chose freedom and defected. Good but don`t pretend such a patriot today coz you are none.

While Rustejko forbearers

BS. Stop spreading tall tales.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 472
2 Sep 2024   #53
Poland after you signed an agreement of cooperation with communist secret services

Sounds like you are speaking from experience.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 472
2 Sep 2024   #54
BS. Stop spreading tall tales.

Like I said, jasnowidz.
Holy words. After 40 years abroad, you are not Polish anymore. 'You can be of Polish origin, that's all.

So, you're the one who gets to decide who's who? If people like you could be my neighbors, I'd be out of there in a heartbeat.
pawian  224 | 27191
2 Sep 2024   #55
I'd be out of there in a heartbeat.

Good coz you will spare me moving out myself from such neighbourhood. :):):)
4 Sep 2024   #56
Anyone with a brain would leave the decaying west and come to a sensible safe country like poland.
Especially if you want your kid not to be indoctrinated at school
pawian  224 | 27191
4 Sep 2024   #57
Anyone with a brain

Rightist, nationalist and homo sovieticus brains had better stay where they are. We have enough of our own maniacs in Poland.
4 Sep 2024   #58
No one said anything about rightists, These days anything to the right of marx is considered far right by loons like you.
pawian  224 | 27191
4 Sep 2024   #59
No one said anything about rightists

I am doing it now and have done before. Let`s keep Poland a maximum decent country.
4 Sep 2024   #60
lets keep poland a maximium decent country? best way to do that is keep the invadors out

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