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Poland highest inflation in 20 years

pawian  224 | 27236
6 Nov 2021   #181
then the people deserve what they got.

Sad but true. Let it be a lesson for the future for them.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
6 Nov 2021   #182
You want to argue party, I argue policy and there is a big difference.

Then why do you keep referring to the PiS and their failed policies ?

But PiS is going to pi$$ all over it because they don't know how to pay for it without killing the middle class

Exactly what obama and biden have done to America's middle class, PolAm, remember, "I will not raise your taxes."
So where are you going to move to any better then Poland, PolAm?
How do your employees that you brought to Poland to relocate and work for you feel about it ?
OP PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
6 Nov 2021   #183
@johnny reb
I would say the same about the policy regardless of who put it in place. Again, its bad policy. The Obama argument? I thought Trump had the country perfect and the Biden is screwing it up. Either trump fixed it or he didnt. Financial policy didnt skip over Trump from Obama to Biden. Again you want to argue party, not policy. I agreed with a lot of Trump policy, like I agree with a lot of PiS policy. But fiscally its like handing a box of crayons to a kindergartner and telling them to create a Picasso. Not going to happen for a multitude of reasons.

My employees who moved here have all there moving expenses paid for if I force a move. Simple. I meet with them weekly during these crisis and keep them updated.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
6 Nov 2021   #184
Financial policy didnt skip over Trump from Obama to Biden.

Trump had us energy independent, obama and biden didn't.
And we know it all boils down to energy.
Control the food, you control the people, you control the energy, you control the country.
Energy prices will make inflation sky rocket world wide.

I thought Trump had the country perfect and the Biden is screwing it up.

Well yeah, just look at the disasters of the southern border and this stupid electric vehicle $Green$ push.
OP PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
7 Nov 2021   #185
@johnny reb
Electric vehicle green push has been going on since before Obama. Lets not just throw things into the discussion that are needless.

Trump did not have the US energy independent. The US was coming out of a recession where people were not driving and not using gas, which pressured oil prices down and gas prices down. This allowed the US to build up strategic reserves and forced other countries to sell at really low prices. This was great for the economy and the people. Trump received the benefits of this, and he used it to further other agenda items, all great political moves. Really very well schemed.

In Poland though, even under similar circumstance PiS controlled state owned business, did not lower prices. The gouged everyone. Now at 6 pln per liter, and the country experiencing record inflation, the money that people could have saved is in the state owned corporations and not with the people where it could have done the most good.

So, if PiS is all for the people, why didnt gas prices come down like they did in the rest of the world? PiS like to paint the picture that they are for the common man, for the poor. When in fact the policy they implement other than 500+ and other give aways does nothing but hurt those same people. Policy has and will continue to strip Poland of potential growth, and no matter which Party is in control, the current fiscal policy needs to be flushed down the toilet. Combine fiscal policy with the EU politics, the Polish Deal and now the political unrest in the country and you have a disaster.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
10 Nov 2021   #186
Lets not just throw things into the discussion that are needless.

I see

PiS like to paint the picture that they are for the common man, for the poor.

johnny reb  49 | 7974
10 Nov 2021   #187
Do a little research on that and you will find it's not a simple fix, its going to get worse for the next few months.

I have already predicted that would happen well over two years ago.... world wide
US inflation reached a 30 year high in October as rising energy costs, supply shortages and increased consumer demand drove up prices.
Poland should feel lucky.
Over the past 12 months prices have risen 6.2%, according to a labor department report released on Wednesday which means in reality it is most likely 8%.
The rise was the largest since December 1990.
Inflation increased by 0.9% in October, faster than September's 0.4% and above economists' expectations.
I don't know which to give up first......toothpaste or toilet paper.
OP PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
16 Nov 2021   #188
Today the zloty is 4.10 to USD. Five months ago it was 3.6. This is a huge swing, and now the worst value since the pandemic hit the first time. That was the worst rate since 2016. This is as much about policy as it is about inflation.
jon357  72 | 23361
16 Nov 2021   #189
5.5 to the pound!
pawian  224 | 27236
16 Nov 2021   #190
This is a huge swing,

Exactly. On 1 Nov we always buy sweets at cemeteries. This year they cost 4 zlotys per packet instead of 3 like in previous years. What is worse, I noticed the packets contained less sweets. So, I suppose the actual price rose to 4.5 zlotys.
OP PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
17 Nov 2021   #191
I just ordered some products for employees to use while working. Cost of product was $900 cost for shipping $1900. Same product last year $600 and $1200. This is the supply chain bottleneck and inflation. Seeing the same drastic swings in other products as well.
Alien  25 | 6353
17 Nov 2021   #192
And how much you raised the price of your products you sell.
OP PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
17 Nov 2021   #193
These are employee support products I purchased. We do not sell products and no price increase to customers
Alien  25 | 6353
17 Nov 2021   #194
Ok, sorry, I didn't know it.
Novichok  4 | 8748
17 Nov 2021   #195
This is the supply chain bottleneck and inflation.

Both from covid lockdowns. Good. Serves the pro-lockdown idiots well.
gumishu  15 | 6227
14 Jul 2022   #196
[Moved from]: The latest examples of manipulations by 'total opposition' members

Minister Czarnek came under a heavy fire of criticism for allegedly appealing to Poles to eat less and cheaper in the face of inflation

Minister said he was talking about himself and his upcoming trip to Italy.

Here's the original statement by Czarnek from a SuperExpress interview: "We will have many stops. I have plenty of invitations from friends both in Poland, Italy and Austria. We are bound to cook here and there. Friends will invite us to dinners. But lest's not exaggerate. High prices will not prevent us from eating. You can eat a bit less and a bit cheaper."

the Polish text of the incriminated statement can be found here:,114884,28687290,przemyslaw-czarnek-o-slowach-dot-drozyzny-manipulacja-bede.html#do_w=57&do_v=428&do_st=RS&do_sid=719&do_a=719&s=BoxOpLink

also a bit earlier a politician of Lewica, Tomasz Trela used a photo of Duda kneeling before Rydzyk in his twitter post - it allegedly showed Duda on Radio Maryja Częstowchowa pilgrimage - when the hoax as a photomontage Trela apologized and said he was not aware it was a photomontage - source:
pawian  224 | 27236
14 Jul 2022   #197
The latest estimate is 15.6%.

Thank you PiS/United Right. They falsely claim it is caused by the war and prices of fuels. While printing new money is going on and on to cover all social benefits....
gumishu  15 | 6227
14 Jul 2022   #198

pawian spamming again - Inflation in Czechia 17.2 per cent - Czechia is secretly ruled by PiS it seems - what would you say, pawian?
pawian  224 | 27236
14 Jul 2022   #199
Inflation in Czechia

Darling, I don`t care about Czechia coz I live in Poland ruled by United Right. It is their fault that inflation is so high because they are ruling right now. You can`t blame previous governments. Ha!
gumishu  15 | 6227
14 Jul 2022   #200
I don`t care about Czechia

you similarly don't care for logic as well - if Czechia inflation is as high (or higher than in Poland) and even more importantly inflation is a worlwide phenomenon even if not as pronounced as in Poland, Czechia and Estonia then other factors which cannot be easily overcome must be at play - it seems you are no more sharp than Kaczyński when it comes to economy

and I never sad anything about the previous governments in relation to the current inflation - don't put things I never said in my mouth
pawian  224 | 27236
14 Jul 2022   #201
I never sad anything about the previous government

But you love doing it in other threads so I warned you in advance.

Czechia inflation is as high

Then the Czech gov is equally bad as PiS` and Czechs are probably as mad as Poles.

Funny you didn`t mention Germany with inflation of 8%. Poles wouldn`t be so mad if we had similar situation.
gumishu  15 | 6227
14 Jul 2022   #202
what about Slovakia 13.2 per cent inflation, what about Estonia above 20 per cent, Latvia 16 per cent, Lithuania 21 per cent - are they all mad, bad governments etc etc

what about Slovakia

what about Germany then - what caused the highest inflation in the last 40 years in Germany
pawian  224 | 27236
14 Jul 2022   #203
what about Germany then

Can you count? Do you see a difference between 8 and nearly 16?
pawian  224 | 27236
14 Jul 2022   #204
Besides, I remember the prognosis before the war. Polish inflation was estimated to be the highest in Europe: 6.8. While the EU average was to be around 3,9.,1,
gumishu  15 | 6227
14 Jul 2022   #205
NBP printed empty money during COVID - the alternative would have been a rise in uneployment - you and me have no way of saying how big it would have been - maybe the printing goes on till the present day though i doubt it though I understand that PiS would be unwilling to divulge on that (if that's the case then the same Czechs, Slovaks and Balts are doing the same stupid things)

the alternative would have been a rise in uneployment

or a huge leap in public debt (there was a big rise in public debt in Covid, anyway)
pawian  224 | 27236
14 Jul 2022   #206
NBP printed empty money during COVID

And are still doing it and going to do for a long time to offer more benefits to their voters, e.g, 14 pensions a year.
gumishu  15 | 6227
14 Jul 2022   #207

I may be wrong though about NBP printing empty money - here's what Gazeta Prawna says on the issue:,czy-nbp-drukuje-puste-pieniadze.html

though I'm not sure whether the article is just glossing over what many central banks do - try reading about the so called 'quantitive easing' - both the US Fed and Central Euro bank are guilty of

ok I will give you my honest opinion on what Quantitive Easing - if the government bonds that central banks buy from commercial banks/private sector are not bought with hard assets of the central banks then it is all virtual money - I do not understand how commercial banks then transfer the money (virtual money) into the markets (well they can theoretically use the money to lend it to the real economy (suppliers of goods and services) -

I don't really know if NBP just printed empty money to be honest, it was my assumption -

I read things on fiat money system (the system that is used by most countries right now) and that it is bad in the long run but I don't really understand the issue - I need to go read about it again and try to figure it out
Crow  154 | 9463
14 Jul 2022   #208
Poland to go out of EU and NATO and save itself.
pawian  224 | 27236
27 Jul 2022   #209
I do not understand

Don`t worry, you are not alone in it, it is also problematic to me. :):)

Poland to go out of EU and NATO

Yaawn. Stop delivering this bs. Haven`t you heard of the latest poll results from this week?: 92% Poles want to be in the EU.
You are losing your time here suggesting such measures. Do you realise it????
Novichok  4 | 8748
27 Jul 2022   #210
I may be wrong though about NBP printing empty money

You are not wrong. They print or borrow. Either way, they cause inflation defined as an increase in the supply of money leading to higher prices.

Now, why would the Polish government need more money? Hmm... How about those refugees that will never leave? Mostly non-contributing parasites who consume the things you stupid Poles have to work to create or, sooner or later, pay for...hahahahahahaha...just as I told you a while back...hahahahahaha...

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