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Will Poland help defend Greenland against US Imperialism

mafketis  38 | 11284
11 Jan 2025   #151
If It's not about ethical standards

Yes. The US, for all its many and serious flaws, is lightyears ahead of Communist China (and russia) in terms of ethics.

Why would you put your trust in dictatorships?
OP Barney  19 | 1763
11 Jan 2025   #152
Doesnt seem so to the objective observer.
mafketis  38 | 11284
11 Jan 2025   #153
Doesnt seem so to the objective observer.

So what does your objective observing say about Chinese control of the Panama Canal?

IIRC your'e kind of pro-russia and anti-Ukraine... is that correct?
OP Barney  19 | 1763
11 Jan 2025   #154
China doesnt have control of the canal and if they did it would be with the consent of the Panamanian government which is none of The US's business. So that argument is a "look squirrel" trick.
Miloslaw  22 | 5263
11 Jan 2025   #155
Really? So according to your "logic" RuSSia has "every right" to take back Ukraine, "genius"!

Ukraine was never part of Russia, it was part of the USSR...... I like you but please educate yourself.

And how are the Chinese "taking control" of the Panama Canal exactly?

Again, educate yourself....

@johnny reb

JR Jim has some of the answers you are searching for Paulina.
Novichok  4 | 8789
11 Jan 2025   #156
which is none of The US's business.

We decide what is and what is not our business, not Panama or some azhole in Ireland.
Paulina  19 | 4558
11 Jan 2025   #157
Again, go fvck yourself princess, its obvious no man will with your attitude and view of the world.

I see you managed to descend even lower :D

With money from huge tariffs on American vessels

Every country's ships that go through that canal have to pay those tariffs, including China and Japan who are providing the biggest "traffic" after the US. So, in this sense all countries that take that root are "paying" for the canal's repairs, not only the US and that's normal.

Ukraine was never part of Russia, it was part of the USSR...... I like you but please educate yourself.

I'm afraid you're the one who has to educate yourself on this :))) Read a history textbook ASAP.

JR Jim has some of the answers you are searching for Paulina.

I think you'll see that he doesn't - just give me a minute :)
gumishu  15 | 6228
11 Jan 2025   #158
Are there any US citizens on here prepared to criticise US foreign policy

as for now what Trump says is not America's official policy - we'll see what happens next
Novichok  4 | 8789
11 Jan 2025   #159
I see you managed to descend even lower :D

It's not the depth that separates PAK from you.

It's the location. You are on Planet Stupid.

Don't dispair...You have company...Barney, Lyzko, cymes, kutas...
Paulina  19 | 4558
11 Jan 2025   #160
@Novichok, no, I'm on a planet called Morality, Human Decency and Law and Order :) PolAm is living on a planet Imperialism and Chaos, unfortunately.

Panama granted a concession to operate the ports on both ends of the canal to a Hong Kong company back in 1996.

That was pretty long ago then. China is spreading its tentacles all over the world in this way nowadays, including in Poland and other EU countries, not only in Panama.

For example, in Poland that same company (CK Hutchison Holdings) owns a part of wharf in Gdynia and due to that in 2023 there was a diplomatic incident, because an American warship couldn't moor next to the Chinese part and had to chose another area.

So is the US going to invade Poland now?

Since we now see what China is doing there's a growing resistance to such Chinese investments. The US should work diplomatically on this issue and make their own investments, instead of invading countries.
Miloslaw  22 | 5263
11 Jan 2025   #161
Ukraine was never part of Russia, it was part of the USSR.

I'm afraid you're the one who has to educate yourself on this :))) Read a history textbook ASAP.

OK, I will concede that Ukraine was once part of Russia, as it was once part of Poland.
But Ukraine was the birthplace of the Russian state.
Ukrainians have never been Poles or Russians!They have always been Ukrainians!
To deny this is fundamentally wrong.

It is why this 3 month Russian invasion has failed after 3 years!


You nearly need to get a grip before you start to sound like a Russian apologist.
gumishu  15 | 6228
11 Jan 2025   #162
The US should work diplomatically on this issue and make their own investments, instead of invading countries.

China is building some big port in Peru from what I have heard - could you tell my why would US build such a port in Peru - they would have not much (nothing?) to gain I presume - while China can gain a lot from more exports to Peru and the area

Edit: it also can gain a lot of diplomatically of course
Miloslaw  22 | 5263
11 Jan 2025   #163
China is much cleverer and much more dangerous than Russia.
Paulina  19 | 4558
11 Jan 2025   #164
Ukrainians have never been Poles or Russians!

Panamanians have never been Americans either! lol

You nearly need to get a grip before you start to sound like a Russian apologist.

You clearly fail to see that it's not me who sounds like a RuSSian apologist, but you, PolAm and some others on this thread sound like Putinists. That's the problem.

China is building some big port in Peru from what I have heard - could you tell my why would US build such a port in Peru

I'm obviously talking about strategic places and not all over the place. If the US cares so much about the Panama Canal they could focus their diplomatic efforts and investments on Panama, for example.
gumishu  15 | 6228
11 Jan 2025   #165
China is much cleverer and much more dangerous than Russia.

mainly because the Chinese are playing a long game thanks to their form of government - while policies change much more in democratic countries
Miloslaw  22 | 5263
11 Jan 2025   #166
You nearly need to get a grip before you start to sound like a Russian apologist.

You clearly fail to see that it's not me who sounds like a RuSSian apologist, but you, PolAm and some others on this thread sound like Putinists.

Now you are really losing it.......please repost ONE post where I have made a pro Russian or pro Putin comment...... go on you complete liar!
I used to like you, now I am beginning to think that you are another Jerzy(Pawian) style troll.
Paulina  19 | 4558
11 Jan 2025   #167
@Miloslaw, you completely misunderstood what I wrote. I didn't claim that you made any "pro Russian or pro Putin comment". I wrote that you sound like a Putinist, not that you are one. Do you understand? You and PolAm are making the same arguments about the US having "the right" to invade Panama just like Putinists when justifying invading Ukraine. Get it? You sound like RuSSians. You sound like imperialists. And that makes you hypocrites.

This is what you wrote, Miloslaw, in case you forgot:

The Americans built it, now that the Chinese are taking control of it, they have every right to take it back!

gumishu  15 | 6228
11 Jan 2025   #168
Ukrainians have never been Poles or Russians!They have always been Ukrainians!

it's not completely true - even the name Ukraine is a very late thing (I guess like a 16th century term) - it's not that I support Putin's invasion of Ukraine in any shape or form, though, of course
Joker  2 | 2468
11 Jan 2025   #169
So, our precious little leftie does not know the history of the Panama canal?

Its our canal and we have every right to take it back and Trump will:)

Jan 20th cant come too soon.
gumishu  15 | 6228
11 Jan 2025   #170
and Trump will:)

even if it involves an invasion?
Paulina  19 | 4558
11 Jan 2025   #171
Its our canal and we have every right to take it back

It isn't your canal anymore, just like Ukraine isn't RuSSia's anymore and both countries don't have the right to take by force something that they officially gave away out of free will.

As we say in Poland: "Kto daje i odbiera ten się w piekle poniewiera." :)

and Trump will:)

Oh really? So you're 100% sure he was serious about invading Panama? You want your country to invade Panama?
Paulina  19 | 4558
12 Jan 2025   #172
As we say in Poland: "Kto daje i odbiera ten się w piekle poniewiera." :)

My translation:

"The one who gives and takes away, to Hell leads his way."

Panama's population has grown to 5% Chinese which is remarkable for that part of the world.

The Chinese in Panama is nothing new. China sent its workers to Panama since 1854, when Chinese laborers crossed the sea to work on railroad construction in what was then still part of Colombia. In the aftermath of the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989, many mainland Chinese fled to Panama by way of Hong Kong on temporary visas and short-term residency permits:

"Since 2000, Li says, the exodus to Panama has shrunk with the rise of the Chinese economy. And while Chinese immigrants in more developed countries typically seek citizenship, according to Li, many Panamanian-Chinese plan to return to China eventually."

The U.S. can not afford to overlook China's growing influence in Panama.
Teflon Trump just needs to learn how diplomacy works is all.

Exactly. Diplomacy. Investments. The US has to be smart, like China is. It wouldn't be wise for the US to make enemies out of its neighbours. Bullying and invading countries leads to them becoming your long-term enemies and you don't want to be surrounded by enemies. That's something RuSSia hasn't understood yet and pays for it.
Joker  2 | 2468
12 Jan 2025   #173
Oh really? So you're 100% sure he was serious about invading Panama? You want your country to invade Panama?

They are in breach of contract and the canal is falling apart and in desperate need of repairs. Who's going to fix it the Panamanians? lol

Trump said its a national security threat so can do it despite what the Europeans think.

The Chinese are the worlds biggest problem not Trump.
Paulina  19 | 4558
12 Jan 2025   #174
Diplomacy. Investments. The US has to be smart

Especially that the current president of Panama is apparently very pro-American, so Trump by lying about Panama and trying to bully it, is shooting the US in the foot:

"Last month, Mr. Trump falsely accused Panama of allowing Chinese soldiers to control the vital shipping route, which connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and of overcharging American ships.


Mr. Berg said the neutrality agreement made it unlikely that Panama would even be able to grant special rates to the United States. And, he noted, Mr. Mulino is "incredibly pro-American" and likely eager to help the incoming Trump administration deal with issues like illegal immigration.

"President Mulino is going to be a great ally with the United States," Mr. Berg said. "We should not want this to devolve into some kind of political fight because we're going to need President Mulino on a number of other issues."'

So, it looks like Trump is being foolish and isn't thinking about long-term consequences of what he's saying.
And another fragment from the article:

'"If the U.S. wanted to flout international law and act like Vladimir Putin, the U.S. could invade Panama and recover the canal," said Benjamin Gedan, director of the Wilson Center's Latin America Program in Washington. "No one would see it as a legitimate act, and it would bring not only grievous damage to their image, but instability to the canal."'

They are in breach of contract

In what way?

the canal is falling apart and in desperate need of repairs. Who's going to fix it the Panamanians? lol

Yes, Panamanians. And who claims it's "falling apart" and why are you "lol-ing"? Panama is apparently running the canal better than the US did:

"Opponents to the 1977 Torrijos-Carter Treaties feared that efficiency and maintenance would suffer following the U.S. withdrawal from the Panama Canal Zone; however, this has been proven not to be the case. In 2004, it was reported that canal operations, capitalizing on practices developed during the American administration, were improving under Panamanian control.


In the first decade after the transfer to Panamanian control, the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) invested nearly US$1 billion in widening and modernizing the canal, with the aim of increasing capacity by 20 percent.


"The expansion proposal, with a cost estimate of US$5.25 billion, was expected to double the canal's shipping capacity by allowing both the passage of longer and wider Post-Panamax ships and an increase in overall traffic. This proposal was approved in a national referendum by about 80 percent on 22 October 2006. The canal expansion was built between 2007 and 2016."
Paulina  19 | 4558
12 Jan 2025   #175
Trump said its a national security threat

Trump is saying all kinds of things that aren't true and he's manipulating. He remindes me of Putin in this regard. And even if it is a "national security threat" to some extent then Trump is approaching it in the wrong way.

so can do it despite what the Europeans think.

So do YOU WANT your country to invade Panama or are you arguing for this invasion only because Trump said something and "Euros" don't like it? 🤨

The Chinese are the worlds biggest problem not Trump.

Trump isn't even officially the president yet and he sounds like trouble already.
Novichok  4 | 8789
12 Jan 2025   #176
The Chinese are the worlds biggest problem not Trump.

Trump is an easy target. TDS is everywhere...

China gets a pass from everybody. Remember Covid and Wuhan?
Mr. Trump falsely accused Panama of allowing Chinese soldiers

Oh my God!!! A US president lying about the enemy...How could he...I am shocked and disgusted...

I have news for you, silly, by-the-book girl...A US president who was always honest was the worst one ever. We just buried that azhole...Luckily for him, he was replaced by one who didn't know where he was and how to tell time on a digital clock...

As I said, a US president should be the meanest SOB ever who is hated by all the Euro parasites as proof that is doing something good for "America".

It is the guys you, Euros, love that are a problem to us...

Unfortunately, I was not born here so I can't run for the job.
Paulina  19 | 4558
12 Jan 2025   #177
China gets a pass from everybody. Remember Covid and Wuhan?

You're lying again.

A US president lying about the enemy...

Panama isn't your enemy, you psycho o_O

As I said, a US president should be the meanest SOB ever who is hated by all the Euro parasites

The US is hated in many parts of the world already, so adding Europe to that list wouldn't be smart, to say the least. And if the US starts invading peaceful countries not only Trump will be hated, but also those who support him.

Unfortunately, I was not born here so I can't run for the job.

Thank God.
Novichok  4 | 8789
12 Jan 2025   #178
Panama isn't your enemy, you psycho o_O

Hey, stupid, we decide who is and who is not our enemy.

Panama is charging the US more and allows China to "invest". That makes Panama our enemy or at least a suspect.

BTW, little naive girl, nations don't have friends - only common interests. By this definition every country is an enemy - even Israel for spying on us and selling what we give them...

Nothing worse than stupid, by-the-book naive women...

The US is hated in many parts of the world already

I love it!!! No foreign aid!!!

Personally, I love being an ugly American. Sure beats being a nice Polak.
Paulina  19 | 4558
12 Jan 2025   #179
Hey, stupid, we decide who is and who is not our enemy.

Said Hitler. And look at what happened to him. Not being in touch with reality doesn't end well for anyone.

Panama is charging the US more.

No, it isn't. That's a lie.

By this definition every country is an enemy

No, only psychopaths think in this way. People who see enemies everywhere often end up in a mental hospital or in jail.
Novichok  4 | 8789
12 Jan 2025   #180
Said Hitler. And look at what happened to him.

Only because he bit more than he could chew and had the support of bootlickers like Atch, Barney, Cymes, Kutas, and Paulina - the polite weasels who are afraid to say anything the ruling mob doesn't approve of ...

Like: I don't want ANY black or Muslim scum in Poland!!! We owe them shlt!!!

That's why good people who are patriots would say.

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