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Green electricity in Poland

jonni  16 | 2475
20 Jan 2010   #1
This can only be good news:

Poland is expected to increase its total wind power capacity 26-fold by 2020, according to the European Wind Energy Association's (EWEA) latest figures.This jump will catapult Poland into the category of the foremost wind energy producers in the EU by 2020, after Germany, Spain, the UK, France and Italy.

Although Poland's current total installed capacity of 472 MW is significantly smaller than many other European countries, Poland is already leading the EU's newer member states in the production of wind power electricity.
1jola  14 | 1875
20 Jan 2010   #2
We want a nuclear reactor built to at least the high standard of our roads. We like thrills, not faggy wind power and rainbow energy. Give us radiation, like after Chernobyl. Oh, wait, that's coming too.
wildrover  98 | 4430
20 Jan 2010   #3
Poland built a nuclear reactor....but major demos , and the Cherbobyl accident caused a rethink.....its currently deserted in a half built state....
OP jonni  16 | 2475
20 Jan 2010   #4
Watch this space. I don't want to repeat gossip, but apparently there are some interesting ideas being tossed around by the governent.

More wind/geothermal power would be good though.
bravo  4 | 63
20 Jan 2010   #5
Bad time to be talking about the environment. The environmentalists got busted crying wolf.
szkotja2007  27 | 1497
20 Jan 2010   #6
This can only be good news:

Its a bit lacking in ambition - By 2020, Poland is expected to have a total installed capacity of up to 12,500 MW,

In ten years Poland hopes to get up to 12,500 M(Million)Watts.
Today Scotland produces 1.5 G(BILLION)W of wind power.

Germany produces 25 GW of wind power.

I am not a big fan of wind power onshore, it completely spoils the countryside and is hazardous to wildlife. Not to mention the powerlines needed to transport the electric generated. Much better to have tidal power where possible.
OP jonni  16 | 2475
20 Jan 2010   #7
tidal power where possible.

Poland has much less of a chance of tidal power than the UK, also the UK's geography is better suited to wind power.
SeanBM  34 | 5781
20 Jan 2010   #8
Poland is expected to increase its total wind power capacity 26-fold by 2020,

Is this not so Poland won't be so dependant on Russia's supply?

Or is it because so many people now do not have electricity because it has been cut off?

They are meant to build a nuclear power plant in Lithuania, good luck with that, it'll happen but I won't be around to see it and it'll be a disaster.

They have already closed the current one in Lithuania in preparation.
OP jonni  16 | 2475
20 Jan 2010   #9
because it has been cut off?

By whom?

I think the various issues about fossil fuels have a lot to do with it.
SeanBM  34 | 5781
20 Jan 2010   #10
By whom?

Natural disaster.

Over 27,500 people in the southern regions of Silesia, Malapolska and Lubelszczyzna are deprived of electricity as a result of extreme winter conditions.

People going without electricity, it has been going on for a while.
They sent in the army but snow and rain, freezing etc... there is not much they can do.

And remember electricity means heating, so people have been in, what is it now? minus 11 with out central heating for about a week!!!
OP jonni  16 | 2475
20 Jan 2010   #11
I don't think the source of power could stop that (unless people had turbines on their land, which only hillfarmers can do on any scale).

It's more to do with reducing dependence on fossil fuels. This explains both the initiative (Poland has signed up to international targets) and the sluggishness so far (the importance of the coal industry).
SeanBM  34 | 5781
20 Jan 2010   #12
I thought it might have highlighted the issue.

Like Russia's power supply, these threats put it in the public's eye.
OP jonni  16 | 2475
20 Jan 2010   #13
People are certainly worried when they hear about large-scale white-outs in the future.
SeanBM  34 | 5781
20 Jan 2010   #14
Or the Russian's pushing up prices or circumventing Poland with its pipeline, showing the lack of solidarity in the E.U.
OP jonni  16 | 2475
20 Jan 2010   #15
The pipeline is a side issue, even though it creates paranoia. A lot of this is to do with the coal industry.
Peter Weg
28 Jan 2010   #16

12,500MWatts= 12.5GWatts.

So it is a pretty ambitious target.

Having a target and achieving it is something else, UK is failing to hit its targets due to complaints which stop the planning process. Its also requires a massive financial investment which can be difficult to obtain.

In the oil spike the price of steel was an issue ans still and production capacity for wind turbines is inadequate.

Poland has big potential for geothermal power, there are several site in operation and I'm considering it myself.

Peter Weg
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
29 Jan 2010   #17
Or the Russian's pushing up prices or circumventing Poland with its pipeline, showing the lack of solidarity in the E.U.

Or simply, they don't trust the Polish. I wouldn't put it past the Polish to start acting like the Ukranians - would anyone really trust an important pipeline in the hands of PiS for instance?

A lot of this is to do with the coal industry.

Don't get me started on the mining industry in Poland.
wildrover  98 | 4430
29 Jan 2010   #18
Green electricity in Poland

So..what colour was it before....?
convex  20 | 3928
29 Jan 2010   #19
looking outside, it's kind of a brownish gray.
wildrover  98 | 4430
29 Jan 2010   #20
Well , i definatly think green will be an improvement then.....
Wroclaw Boy
9 Nov 2014   #21
Polish Town Gets 100% Renewable Electricity

The Polish town of Kisielice has received the European Commission's ManagEnergy Award 2014 for its clean energy leadership. It is 100% powered by renewable energy (wind and biomass, to be specific). The prize is to award outstanding local and regional sustainable energy projects. Kisielice's submission was titled, "Energy self-sufficient Commune of Kisielice."
johnny reb  49 | 7927
18 Jan 2020   #22
Posted ten years ago this month:

- By 2020, Poland is expected to have a total installed capacity of up to 12,500 MW,

12,500MWatts= 12.5GWatts.So it is a pretty ambitious target.

Today in 2020 it is my understanding that Poland has around 9GW of renewable electricity.
Good job Poland !

Or the Russian's pushing up prices or circumventing Poland with its pipeline, showing the lack of solidarity in the E.U.

I think Trump was quite adamant in pointing that out to Merkel ten years later but that is a different thread.
Crow  154 | 9535
8 Jul 2020   #23
Demand and prices for hydrocarbons will continue to fall.

No. Hydrocarbons as energy resource relatively soon to be canceled but as industrial resource their use will only increase.

In other words oil and gas will stop to be used for engine fuel. Russian gas and oil network that blossom isnt for fuel but for industry. It will go green. But, no industry without oil in gas, no modern materijala besed on polietilene. No industrial gases, etc, etc.

This shift in world economy already happening. Airplane companies closing globally, automotive industry based on traditional fuels, too. See? Do you understand now? Forget daily politics.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
8 Jul 2020   #24
Hydrocarbons as energy resource relatively soon to be canceled but as industrial resource their use will only increase.

That's true, but still I would expect a long term prices depreciation.
Crow  154 | 9535
8 Jul 2020   #25
That's true, but still I would expect a long term prices depreciation.

No, no, you are very very wrong. One of these years or months (if we aren`t lucky) those prices will go to the heaven. That because global elite (that mutually conflict in daily politics- ha ha on that) desire to move transportation industry into the green area, and at the same time to preserve limited resources for the industry. With current technology humanity can replace energy for transportation, heating, electricity, etc but, modern industry require more and more carbon based resources (oil, gas, coal, etc).

Serbian media are full of these news these days, where experts speak. World is really partitioned on info segments. Fascinating.

People, don`t invest in benzine/diesel cars. Wait for electric cars to be cheaper. Soon will only agricultural users have access to the oil and then would even they have to move green, green tractors.

Limited resources and damage to the nature by transportation gases, forcing global elite to change how world function. I must say, on this, long term interests of elite and little man aren`t in conflict.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
8 Jul 2020   #26
People, don`t invest in benzine/diesel cars. Wait for electric cars to be cheaper.

It's difficult to predict, but I wouldn't expect all-electric cars to dominate in the nearest 50-100 years. Rather it will be different varieties of hybrids. But fuel consumption will likely fall a several times.
Velund  1 | 490
8 Jul 2020   #27
Do you plan to prohibit cold winters and hot summers, totally close borders to stop spending fuel for transportation of goods from China, prohibit air travel and using air conditioners?
Vlad1234  16 | 883
8 Jul 2020   #28
Air conditioners work on electricity, commonly. In winter air pumps (practically air conditioners in reverse) could be used. They are not more expensive by total costs than natural gas. Nuclear power or renewables could be used to produce electricity. Again it is not more expensive than to burn hydrocarbons. Trains could work from power lines. Biofuel could be used a bit more widely.
Velund  1 | 490
8 Jul 2020   #29
- "Green" lobby tend to attack every politician that is pro-nuclear. So, if green lobby succeeds, forget about nuclear. Germany already lost their nuclear plants.

- Not all AC can work as "heat pump". Usually more expensive ones, that is not commonly used in countries with hot climate (personal experience with Spain and Dominican Republic). And... There is usually no need in heating at all... Just cooling, what takes even more energy than heating in colder climates.

- Renewables mean conversion of resources that is currently used to produce food to fuel/energy production. Be it solar panels that shadows ground and make it useless for agriculture or rapeseed fields to be used for biodiesel. Do you have excess of food and there is no hunger on Earth anymore?

- Trains full of bananas going from South America to Poland - it is a wet dream.... ;)
Vlad1234  16 | 883
8 Jul 2020   #30
So, if green lobby succeeds, forget about nuclear.

Which countries except Germany and few other (including Italy) decided to outlaw nuclear energy? Russia, China, India have plans to develop nuclear energy and build new type of plants. Plants of a new type could be much safer and produce

much less nuclear waste.

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