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EU, Germany, Euros and Poland.

Ironside  51 | 13109
10 Jul 2021   #1
EU waived 1,170,300,000 Euro from German car industry from fines they supped to pay.
I bet if that was Poland or any other country they would have to pay every cent of it.
The same double standards apply when Germany opens a new coal powered plant while Poland had been forced to close a brand new. I just wonder how PiS has audacity to do that.

Anyway anti-EU sentiment rises in Denmark and Sweden.
Only in Poland people are kind of shy. I even know where it comes from but to be honest they need to snap out it as soon as possible because at this point Poland can't expect to get much more of the membership in the EU. Rather the opposite the EU will start milking Poland more then they do at the moment.
Novichok  4 | 8737
10 Jul 2021   #2
EU waived 1,170,300,000 Euro from German car industry from fines they supped to pay.

Selective enforcement is the main tool of oppressive democracies.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
10 Jul 2021   #3
What's wrong with them drinking Polish milk, milking a Polish cow and listen to Chopen? :)

You worried they won't be able to have enough of Poland?
OP Ironside  51 | 13109
10 Jul 2021   #4
I worry that they will exploit Poland with impunity even more than they are doing now.
Miloslaw  22 | 5229
10 Jul 2021   #5
the EU will start milking Poland more then they do at the moment

Looks that way.They invested in Poland, and other countries, until they were wealthy enough to take advantage of.
UK did the right thing getting out.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
10 Jul 2021   #6
As long as it's mainly Germany that does it through the EU. It's not a problem, just like East Germans moving with soldiers in to Czechoslovakia in 1968.

Germans won't be moving with anything in to Poland militarily for a long time. So it's more important that Germany has a clear head about who invests in to Poland, and not who governs in Poland. It would be beyond stupid to stop German investments/contact as long as nothing is pushed down Poland's throat.

Diplomacy&trade is a key factor now with Germany
OP Ironside  51 | 13109
10 Jul 2021   #7
As long as it's mainly Germany that does it through the EU. It's not a problem,

It is a problem when HQ and capital of a firm in Poland reside in another country for a number of reasons.
pawian  226 | 27817
14 Jul 2021   #8
Only in Poland people are kind of shy.

Yes, extremely shy, nearly 90% support the Polish membership in the EU. :):)
Miloslaw  22 | 5229
14 Jul 2021   #9
nearly 90% support the Polish membership in the EU

For now..... And why wouldn't they?
But it will all change in the next ten years or so...
rtfm  1 | 62
14 Jul 2021   #10
Of course poles are in favour of eu membership as they get free money and free travel. They aren't in favour of the EU dictating their laws at home though and as soon as Poland is a net contributor to eu funds the opinion will change.
Miloslaw  22 | 5229
14 Jul 2021   #11

Spot on rtfm.
Alien  26 | 6551
21 Jul 2021   #12
as soon as Poland is a net contributor to eu funds the opinion will change.

Why do you think so, the net payer has to pay but has open access to the entire EU market and that is a good deal.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
21 Jul 2021   #13
Cause they see more then 1 million euro and think It's huuuuge (for one individual sure) but, for a states budget the size of Germany, France, Poland? Not so much, trade has far more value as it also creates workspace without the need for the government to lift a finger. While gaining cash from tariffs and sales tax
Alien  26 | 6551
21 Jul 2021   #14
It is exactly like that. I think the EU as it is, is a win/win situation for everybody
rtfm  1 | 62
21 Jul 2021   #15
It's a win win if you want to be part of united States of EU, ruled under one big blue flag by Germany from Brussels.

Not such a win if you treasure the different cultures and countries of Europe.

If it were just a trading block that'd be great but it's not. It's an ever expanding monster of beauracracy and jobs for yet more corrupted lazy politicians with even less accountability than in a nation state.
Novichok  4 | 8737
21 Jul 2021   #16
It's an ever expanding monster of beauracracy and jobs

Just like NATO. Can't kill them with guns? Kill them with rules.

you treasure the different cultures and countries of Europe

Leftard's dream: diversity through uniformity.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
21 Jul 2021   #17
ruled under one big blue flag by Germany from Brussels.

Since Germany has more and more problems to rule Germany I am not very hopeful about this....

Not to mention that for most Germans a strong central state with a capital "who rules them all" is also a nightmare. In our history we have been more often than not a federation, with up to 500 (during the HRE) quite independent states (modern Germany has 16). The most recent memory of a german central state was the GDR, not an experiment most Germans are keen to repeat!

A strong central state ruled by Brussels is more a dream of the Frenchies, who love their Republic also very centralized with Paris and not much would you please stop the Germans for that nightmarish vision of an EU superstate?

Thank you!

A unified EU, when Germans have something to say, would much more be modelled on the United States of America.....
Novichok  4 | 8737
21 Jul 2021   #18
(modern Germany has 16).

It means nothing. We have 50 states. The USSR had 15 republics but the central governments have all the power that really matters. Speed limits and when garbage is collected are not what really matters.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
21 Jul 2021   #19
It means nothing. We have 50 states.

You are abit bigger??? :)

But it still irks me....such an EU-superstate ruled by Brussels is as much a bleak vision for Germans as for most other Europeans....but still it is always told as if the Germans can't wait to build it, and not the French who want it that way...

Germans have other ideas....the HANSE worked well during its high time....the HRE was a nice place to live most of the time....these are all better examples to model the future unified EU on than a central state ala France!

One great fireworks

Hmmm....fireworks won't cut it, Crowie!

It's a war of ideas....Serbs must come forward with a better idea of Europe than the idea for all Europeans (not only for past and current and future Slavs).

A book about it would be a great start! :)
Crow  155 | 9722
22 Jul 2021   #20
Ideas we have, no problem. Belgrade have better solution for resources, energy, economy, tolerance, normalcy, medicine, organization, etc, etc.

But I am afraid my friend we coming fast to the point of brutality. Its the only language malevolent western European magnates and utterly stupid public understand.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
23 Jul 2021   #21
Refugee U-turn by the Chancellor

Millions of Afghans want to go to Germany

Whoa! *phew*

The message to millions of Afghans who might flee to Europe and Germany for fear of the Taliban:
stay at home!

Maybe she really learned from the consequences of 2015....even as she is bowing out come September...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
1 Aug 2021   #22
Merkel successor (in the CDU for now) Laschet in Warsaw
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
1 Aug 2021   #23
Whoa! *phew*

I have a sentiment for the Afghans, but inviting millions of em (who many most likely are cape able of manufacturing firearms with simple tools) is a very bad idea for any European country

Unless PiS gets the bright idea to only invite those for the creation of new firearms lol
Novichok  4 | 8737
1 Aug 2021   #24
is a very bad idea for any European country

You are a heartless, selfish, racist xenophobe.
FYI, there are only 40 million of them, so what's the problem? Sweden alone can take them...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
1 Aug 2021   #25
but inviting millions of em

..."inviting" is abit stretching it....but I get what you mean...

Thing is, the people who want to come now have helped the western allies and are now under threat from the Taliban because of it....reminds be abit about Vietnam after the end...

But on the other hand, if they all leave who is left to fight the crazies? I mean, for decades other countries have fighted their war...they should start a resistance...there should be enough weapons and experience around by now...

Ach....I dunno....
mafketis  38 | 11277
1 Aug 2021   #26
d, if they all leave who is left to fight the crazies?

Maybe the crazies are who Afghans want. The optimal solution is to build a fence around the country - other countries say out, Afghanis stay in.

At present all that interference is doing is rewarding societal failure - by giving them an 'out' where they can continue their dysfunction.

China is moving in now... maybe they can do what no other empire has ever done - turn Afghanistan into a civilized country.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
1 Aug 2021   #27
What a fight that would be...the Taliban against the chinese army!

Whom would I cheer for??? Hmmmm :)
Novichok  4 | 8737
1 Aug 2021   #28
Ach....I dunno....

Let me help you with your dilemma...The US helped THEM to catch up with the 21st century. They were paid for their service to help THEMselves.

When Joe hires a hooker to give him a massage, he doesn't take her home when she is done because her pimp may beat her up.

What a fight that would be...the Taliban against the Chinese army!

Neither Taliban nor China is stupid. We have a monopoly on it. China doesn't like their OWN Muslims and gets along with the outside Muslims just fine.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
1 Aug 2021   #29
When Joe hires a hooker to give him a massage......

What would I do without you to clear things up! :)
amiga500  5 | 1544
27 Apr 2023   #30
The woke Guardian commissioned an article praising Poland, vis a vis Germany, without mentioning the far right fascist PiS blah blah

Amassing! How the world has changed. Poland Stronk!

"Poland has experienced uninterrupted growth over three decades, the longest in European history. Its GDP has increased tenfold nominally, sixfold when corrected for the cost of living. It has a record low unemployment rate of 3%, lower infant mortality than Canada, higher female life expectancy than the US and less violent crime than the UK ."

"China-US rivalry may soon be echoed in regional (and friendlier) miniatures, such as a Polish-German divide. As eastern Europe grows in power, it is questioning its role in the pecking order."

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