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German state declare diplomatic war on Poland.

Ironside  51 | 13109
16 Sep 2018   #1
Ukrainian Open Dialogue activist Lyudmila Kozlovska has been deported from Poland. Poland issued EU warrant as well(for the obtaining of dubious funding from Russia, including complicity with Russian intelligence services).

BND brought her to Bundestag to talk about Poland's internal issues.
Since when it is a norm? Let, start debate in the Polish parliament about German gov dealing with the migrant issue and with their censorship they imposed on their news agencies which is clearly against European values.

That is not only breaking the EU treaty that is a direct and insolent intervention into internal Polish affairs by the German state. This time they are doing with without EU's condom but are intervening directly and openly.

That is war.
F Krauts.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
16 Sep 2018   #2
An Ukrainian has been DEPORTED from Poland. How does that mean war with Germany?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
16 Sep 2018   #3
How does that mean war with Germany?

Your patience is remarkable and admirable.
OP Ironside  51 | 13109
16 Sep 2018   #5
An Ukrainian has been DEPORTED from Poland

Are you obtuse on purpose or that is your lovely self?
The fact that Bundestag is debating internal affairs of Poland with an Ukrainian/Russian with ties to the Russian intelligence and some illegal anti-Polish activities is a diplomatic declaration of war!

By the way she was deported not from Poland but from the EU as well. Germany is not honoring EU law!


Get out from my thread you slimy Russian troll/Jewish troll/Soviet Troll.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
16 Sep 2018   #6
By the way she was deported not from Poland but from the EU as well. Germany is not honoring EU law!

The EU deported her???

When has the EU ever deported someone?

The fact that Bundestag is debating internal affairs of Poland with an Ukrainian/Russian with ties to the Russian intelligence

Oh it get's better. Just recently it came out that the austrian intelligence now lays in the hands of the FPÖ, a very Putin-friendly far-right party, which now is in a government coalition. Meaning nobody can be sure anymore what Putin get's to hear and whatnot.

...that was discussed in the Bundestag too btw...!
OP Ironside  51 | 13109
16 Sep 2018   #7
The EU deported her???

Ever heard about Schengen Information System? About its procedures and what that entail. That is a part of the EU treaty and Germany has just pissed on that law.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
16 Sep 2018   #8

Germany has nobody deported....
OP Ironside  51 | 13109
16 Sep 2018   #9
Find out for yourself:
TheOther  6 | 3596
16 Sep 2018   #10
some illegal anti-Polish activities

Like what? Didn't I read here just yesterday that Poland honors free speech so much more than any other country in Europe? The link BB posted talks about Poland using its EU membership to retaliate against a critic. What's your take on it?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
16 Sep 2018   #11
Find out for yourself:

Can't you just give me a link for your story....
OP Ironside  51 | 13109
16 Sep 2018   #12
Like what?

Like receiving funds from Russian intelligence or some Uzbek oligarch to finance anti-gov demonstration, actions and publishing detailed instructions how to sabotage electricity grit, water supplies and how to sabotage governmental institutions including police ?

In any country including USA conspiracy to overthrown a legal gov plus receiving funds from suspect foreign sources is a legal ground for an action/ more severe that just depuration. By the way that woman has Ukrainian and Russian passport she is not a Polish citizen.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
16 Sep 2018   #13
I can't find anything for this person after August 22....her being mentioned because she was expelled from Poland...and nothing about her in the me out here Iron!,Ukrainian-expelled-from-Poland-aided-Russia%E2%80%99s-hybrid-warfare-reports

....but that sounds abit nutty:

...According to Poland's website, the Open Dialog Foundation "drew up a 16-point plan to overthrow the Polish government" last summer.

OP Ironside  51 | 13109
16 Sep 2018   #14 me out here Iron!

Ok, I'm going look for it on the internet it might take some time.
OP Ironside  51 | 13109
16 Sep 2018   #16
All I found in English, you might look for more if you are not satisfied with it:
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
16 Sep 2018   #17
I can't sign in into that, no info for me! :(

But seriously Iron, if it would be such a big thing that it could mean war, don't you think that the media in our both countries would be full of it??? I can't find anything about it...
OP Ironside  51 | 13109
16 Sep 2018   #18
Have your heard about
Frank Schwabe?

on't you think that the media in our both countries would be full of it?

dude media in Poland are full of it.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
16 Sep 2018   #19
Frank Schwabe?


*goes googling*

Ooooh I have found something in were right Iron! It seems Schwabe has broken some laws to invite that woman.
It is also reported by a serious media in Germany:

She was invited by Frank Schwabe (SPD), Andreas Nick (CDU) und Gyde Jensen (FDP) ...
16 Sep 2018   #20
a link

It might have been from the Financial Times a couple of days ago. I will give the link but FT don't like their articles being copy/pasted, so not sure if you can read it from the link. You will probably have to look for it yourself. It is titled " Poland angered by Germany granting visa to blacklisted activist"

Just checked it, it says please subscribe to read article, but normally you don't have to, though not sure if it's available to read in your country or not.
OP Ironside  51 | 13109
16 Sep 2018   #21
Well, evidently German gov is doing that on semi-regular basics. Ignores alliances and EU law if that suits them to cozy up to Russia and Putin.

Władimir Jakunin - dude of Putin, former director of the Russian railways, banned by the USA , got German visa in august this year and can live and work in Germany.

Walerija Gierasimow - chief of staff of the Russian Army is banned from entering the EU for the part he played in annexation of Crimea and a war in Ukraine. He was officially received by Merkel (end of august). Hmm is Germany filliping their alliances and side with Putin?

Pushing Poland and other countries of the region out of the EU would make sense. German France and few other countries would form a block allied with Russian.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
16 Sep 2018   #22
Germany isn't a monolithic bloc....there are party's who have more sympathy with Russia than others, "Die Linke" or the "AfD" spring to mind.

We are no dictatorship or an authocracy either, what politicians do is not always the responsibility of the government. Neither does the comment of some news paper reflect the opinion of Merkel, you need to differentiate before declaring war on the whole of Germany when you smell some german fart...
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
16 Sep 2018   #23
Well, evidently German gov is doing that on semi-regular basics.

Evidently, the German government is doing what is good for Germany. The Russian government is doing what is good for Russia. The Polish government is doing what is good for Poland.

It wouldn't be shocking to a third-grader in Nigeria, but it is to the trolls here.
OP Ironside  51 | 13109
16 Sep 2018   #24
Germany isn't a monolithic bloc..

Pay attention BB. I'm talking about German gov and German state.

I think receiving Russian chief of staff that had been banned from the EU. By the German Chancellor IS pretty significant. Don't you agree?

before declaring war

Dude, your government declared war (diplomatic) on Poland and you wasn't even aware of it. In that context your advice is somewhat obsolete - and you know I kind of like you.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
16 Sep 2018   #25
Dude, your government declared war (diplomatic) on Poland and you wasn't even aware of it.

Yeah...that's it. Nobody was aware of it! Because it's crap! You shouldn't use that word so lightly...not with our history...

When the opposition blasts Merkel for that meeting too, what are you gonna do now? They are Germans too...

PS: The gov says the meeting was confidential, I have a guess was surely about Syria. That whole topic get's slowly serious. Contrary to the opinion of the majority of the Germans Merkel is already lobbying for supporting the US in Syria...I think that meeting with the russian high top officer was about clearing the path for that, gaining intel, preparing them and whatnot...

Not everything the Germans do is about Poland...
Tacitus  2 | 1272
16 Sep 2018   #26
If anything, it is Poland who has declared a diplomatic war( though I hate that word) against Germany since PiS came to power. It is not Germany who has changed since 2015, but Poland.
mafketis  38 | 11277
16 Sep 2018   #27
So you're saying that in 2015 Germany didn't take a dangerous turn toward the unstable but simply revealed what it already was - a dangerously unstable neighbor that makes massive decisions on their own and then expects other countries to comply....... noted.
Tacitus  2 | 1272
16 Sep 2018   #28
Germany didn't take a dangerous turn toward the unstable

No it did not. Germany' foreign policy towards Poland under Merkel was always very conciliatory. The happened when PiS was first in power. It is Poland under PiS that has poisened the relationship and can no longer be counted on as reliable partner in European affairs. Germany acted as it always did. Shouldering the burden of keeping the EU together, it was Poland who stopped pretending about European solidarity and has since then destabilized the EU for domestic reasons.
Crow  155 | 9722
17 Sep 2018   #29
Moronic state of Germany wants something again. They will never learn. Lost case.
mafketis  38 | 11277
17 Sep 2018   #30
Germany' foreign policy towards Poland under Merkel was always very conciliator

It was, and then the historically good relations that PO had achieved with Germany turned into electoral poison in September of 2015 "PO is friends with that crazy lady and liable to do whatever she tells them? Nein danke!"

as reliable partner in European affairs

How many European leaders did Merkel consult with before opening up the borders? That's how many countries should help afterward...

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