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Poland's geopolitical problems

KBinienda2  1 | 1
9 Dec 2017   #1
Poland has always had one problem - as soon as the state collapsed, both Russia and Germany rushed to take us over and make sure we never recover again.

The problem is sort of still relevant in modern times, in my opinion. Do you have the impression that former countries of the Duchy of Lithuania (Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine) are set against us with nonsense historical arguments on purpose ?

Normal countries try to resolve historical controversies in order to advance their geopolitical futures, especially if they have common interests and backgrounds. The former Lithuanian countries (I'll call them that for simplicity's sake) seem to be all to keen to keep annoying us with political nonsense.

Lithuania - they refuse to give Polish roadsigns in predominantly Polish areas. What the hell is that all about ? It's a European standard to do that, other countries do that, especially in the Carpathian Basin, where loads of Hungarians were displaced because of Hungary shrinking in size. I understand them being politically unfriendly to Russia, but Poland ? We're hardly keen on invading them, are we ? We're not particularly interested in polonising them either. Only a few weirdos believe in that.

Ukraine - the OUN UPA problem. I understand the Ukrainians' need to have national heroes. UPA was their great chance to get independence back. And Poland wasn't exactly very friendly or respectful to Ukraine before. But they killed loads of our people, and we didn't commit any atrocity even compatible to theirs against us. But when circumstances change, one has to adapt. Ukraine has remained in this useless conflict with Poland (nobody's interested in changing the present border arrangement in Europe, and nobody's interested in ethnically cleansing others out of some areas anymore), and I don't really see a real reason for it. Can't both sides just go for an agreement ?

For me it seems as if there are foreign interest in this. It's in the interest of Germany/France to keep us separated so they can treat us as their economic colonies. They don't want us cooperating and creating our own sphere of influence, as we used to have. Russia definitely doesn't want us and Ukrainians to be friends. And the Poroshenko government is very pro-Berlin. Is this all just a mere coincidence ?

Trolls, keep out, I don't want any ad personal or nonsense provocations, because you don't agree with me.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
9 Dec 2017   #2
Isn't it interesting how these things are always written with major transference errors, which are characteristic of Russian native speakers and not of Polish native speakers?
gumishu  15 | 6228
9 Dec 2017   #3
which are characteristic of Russian native speakers

do you even know Russian, pal
SigSauer  4 | 377
9 Dec 2017   #4
I do. I can tell you this guy made none of the typical mistakes that native Russian speakers make. We would expect to see a lack of prepositions where they belong, and prepositions added into places they don't belong. For instance at the very end where he said "you don't agree with me," a native Russian speaker would make the common mistake of "you don't agree to me." In fact, I'd like to ask Delph what if anything in that guys entire writing makes him think the guy is a native Russian speaker? Point out the transference errors. I see none, he used no typical Russian grammar rules when writing in English.

Now the topic of this diatribe is similar to the stuff that comes out of 55 Savushkina, but really lacks a lot of typical 'what about isms' that you'd expect to find. I think Delph, you're using this 'Russian troll' thing as an excuse like you did in your last posting. So, again, please point out which specific transference errors you're referring to.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
9 Dec 2017   #5
a native Russian speaker would make the common mistake of "you don't agree to me."

The English phrase "You don't agree with me" translates into Russian as "Вы не согласны со мной", so I don't really understand why a Russian speaker should say it as "You don't agree to me" since the English counterpart of the Russian preposition 'co' is 'with' precisely.
SigSauer  4 | 377
9 Dec 2017   #6
I'm talking about the mistakes I hear in everyday language when speaking English with Russian speakers. There are a load of prepositions missing where they should be, or improperly used choices of prepositions and conjunctions, or added in where there should be none. Anyone who has spoken to Russian native speakers for long enough can rattle off a list of errors in everyday speaking, which clearly Delph has never heard because what the OP wrote sounded fine.

Common things you'd hear... "join to us" instead of join us........ Go out from your apartment, instead of "come out"......... "one my friend" instead of "one OF my friends"....

The OP may not be a native English speaker, although I see no reason to believe that, but he wrote nothing that resembles the way a native Russian speaker would write in English.

Please back on topic (it isn't a language thread)
Lyzko  44 | 9717
9 Dec 2017   #7
Hear, hear Ziemowit! If you don't correct, they'll never learn:-)

As to the thread title, Poland is geopolitically damned if she does and damned if she doesn't! Historically, Poland has had to bear the brunt of some pretty harsh and bellicose neighbors, Germany to the West, Russia to the East. One heck of a pickle to find oneself in, I'd say.
OP KBinienda2  1 | 1
17 Dec 2017   #8
BTW, thanks for ruining my post with nonsense tinfoil Russian conspiracy theories. Most of my mistakes are because I'm just a clumsy writer, I sometimes omit entire segments of sentences or single words.

Besides, the following sentences, from my own post may I add, would make me a really lame FSB troll:

"I understand them [Ukraine] being politically unfriendly to Russia, but Poland ?"

"Russia definitely doesn't want us and Ukrainians to be friends."

Very Russia friendly indeed. As I said before, if you want to troll posts, then just back off, I like talking serious politics, not simple minded headlines from MSM.
pawian  226 | 27556
18 Mar 2020   #9
Poland has had to bear the brunt of some pretty harsh and bellicose neighbors, Germany to the West, Russia to the East.

Poland could be like them if the Polish elites had decided to have a strong state. They chose otherwise, a weak state, and it resulted in partitions. Simple.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
13 Aug 2021   #10
interesting analysis on the current geopolitics, situation Poland is in (in Polish):

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