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When will the GDP of Poland be higher than Udmurtians?

cms neuf  1 | 1846
28 May 2023   #1
2021 GDP Udmurtia. 1.7trillion
2021 GDP Poland 0.7 trillion

Since then

Poland 2 years of growth
Udmurtia 2 years of stagnation / recession

Poland increasing population and investment
Udmurtia - population exodus and its main industries and export markets in tatters

I think in about 2033 Poland will be higher
GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
28 May 2023   #2
I wouldn't be so sure. The EU Fit for 55 program will hit us hard: Poland has the most expensive electricity in the entire EU at the moment and the cost of emissions (ETS) is likely to become even more burdensome for us (ETS 2 will also include houses, blocks of flats and private means of transport), and increase even more the prices of electricity, heating, hot water and transportation. All this will be a huge burden on Polish economy. Of course, in a situation where neither the USA nor China, nor India, nor South America, nor Japan, South East Asia... well, nowhere else in the world really is going to introduce such severe limitations on economic growth, all this eco-craziness doesn't make any sense (polluted air is not going to stop on the EU border and the temperatures will not stop rising with 95% of emissions still there, without any limitations). It will, however, put rich and developed EU countries in an even more privileged position compared to those who have to catch up on economic development.

A lot of smaller businesses (most particularly bakeries) have already gone bankrupt because of exorbitant energy prices; when Ff55 kicks in it will be the turn for transport companies (one of Poland's economy's flywheels) to be closed.
Alien  25 | 6353
28 May 2023   #3
2021 GDP Udmurtia. 1.7trillion
2021 GDP Poland 0.7 trillion

Something's not right here. Unless you're comparing 1.7 trillion rubles with 0,7 trillion Euro?
Bobko  27 | 2130
29 May 2023   #4
This is a funny thread. I'll jump in once things get more interesting.

You know me guys - I want nothing but prosperity and strength for Poland.
jon357  72 | 23361
29 May 2023   #5
GDP per capita Poland, 18,000 USD and rising.
GDP per capita r*SSia, 12,000 USD and falling.

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