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France and Germany plan to flood Poland with illegal migrants.

pawian  226 | 27547
23 Jun 2024   #31

It suits this "thread" perfectly - its whole idea is trolling. :):):)
You didn`t answer my question - do you prefer Russia or Germany??
Crow  154 | 9548
23 Jun 2024   #32
You didn`t answer my question - do you prefer Russia or Germany??

Real question would be - do you prefer Poland or any other country?? Any other question is manipulation.

Quite enough that he prefer Poland.
OP Ironside  50 | 12952
23 Jun 2024   #33
So in fact not illegal,

Illegal criminals that progressive Europe cuddle for no good reason. However, they reached their capacity and they don't want useless trash and try to send it to Poland as they used to send real trash 'illegally' before, the only difference is that the Tusk government is their pawn Germans are stupid bastards like that.


Both Lenka and Paulina

Lenka doesn't even live in Poland. Paulina won't care. Do you think that that level of delusion could be cured by reality? Nope.


I am told over and over

Are you always doing what you are told? Somehow you don't listen to me I told you many times to F off from this forum with your trolling.

You can take pawian with you.

pawian  226 | 27547
23 Jun 2024   #34
he prefer Poland.

Yes, Poland, cleansed of all people who think differently than him and his ilk. To achieve such a state, he and his ilk are ready to murder their opponents, like they proved many times, here and in the history of Poland.
OP Ironside  50 | 12952
23 Jun 2024   #35

I see you not only cast aspersions as is your custom. Which is a sign of a low character but you also display historical ignorance for the people to see. How much-undereducated moron like you made to believe he is something of a teacher beats me. No competition I guess.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11922
23 Jun 2024   #36
Just found this:

Maybe Poland should invest in better borders now?

Less flooding in = less having to be send back?
OP Ironside  50 | 12952
23 Jun 2024   #37
Less flooding in = less having to be send back?

BB those sent back are not a problem. I'm talking about a plan to send those who come to Germany and France from other directions than Poland.

Also, how do you recognize a Pakistani who crossed from Poland from one who crossed from Italy?
If he has papers from Poland that is fair game but if he doesn't who would you know? What if he says he came from the sought? Still, being push-backs to Poland?

Those are issues and big problems. If that is the EU solution it means goodbye EU.

Maybe Poland should invest in better borders now?

Oh, do you advise us to shoot them?
pawian  226 | 27547
23 Jun 2024   #38
If he has papers from Poland that is fair game

Wow, so you are able to admit that Polish-documented migrants should be sent back to Poland. Coz a few days ago you were barking against such a procedure.

it means goodbye EU.

Goodbye Iron. Time you went to Moscow at last, your dream destination and destiny. Me and other decent Poles and Polesses are staying here in the EU. Ha!!

do you advise us to shoot them?

Those murderous inclinations of nationalists! Sigh!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11922
23 Jun 2024   #39
I'm talking about a plan to send those who come to Germany and France from other directions than Poland.

...that's the new plan in short!

(in English)

....According to the new EU asylum reform , everyone must be strictly checked and registered at the EU's external borders. Anyone who has little chance of protection in the EU will have to go through a legal asylum procedure at the external borders and, if their application is rejected, will have to return from there. ...

As I understand it if the illegal comes from another "external border" than Poland he gets not send back to Poland....right?

....To counterbalance the current system, where a few Member States - namely those at the external borders - are responsible for the vast majority of asylum applications, a new solidarity mechanism will apply that is simple, predictable and workable.,,,,

What do you think, Iron?

That's more detailed (but only in German):

....Responsibility and solidarity

The new rules clarify which Member State will be responsible for an asylum application (e.g. in cases where a person has a family member in an EU country or when the asylum application is not made in the country where the asylum seeker first arrived in the EU).

Another important aspect of the reform of the migration system is the introduction of a solidarity mechanism to ensure a fairer allocation of responsibilities. The new rules combine mandatory solidarity to support Member States facing a large influx of migrants with flexibility in the type of contributions. Member States' contributions can take the form of relocation, financial contributions or, if agreed with the beneficiary Member State, alternative solidarity measures (e.g. provision of border guards or support in setting up reception centres).....

OP Ironside  50 | 12952
23 Jun 2024   #40
As I understand it if the illegal comes from another "external border" than Poland he gets not send back to Poland....right?

Not really, it m, means that Germany and France no longer are obligated to deal with illegal migrants but can send them to other countries on the outskirts of the EU like Poland, Italy, and so on. Also should registered, they are illegals if they cross illegally and cross a country without peppers and then cross into Germany for example you know they do not belong in Germany but can you tell from which direction they come? Nope.

What in such a case them? In my understanding, they will be just sent back at random, which means it would be a guess, which means Poland will get people who crossed from Italy for example.


A new solidarity mechanism will apply that is simple, predictable, and workable

Indeed, empty promises that cost nothing.
How about a law that stipulates all illegal immigrants will be deported right away outside the EU?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11922
23 Jun 2024   #41
they will be just sent back at random,

....if I were Poland I would start writing a long list. It is agreed that the other member states support the external members, whose borders are breached be these people.

You can demand troops and other real help! That makes alot of sense and would explain why the outer EU countries like Poland agreed!

How about a law that stipulates all illegal immigrants will be deported right away outside the EU?

I guess that was the core of that agreement. To move them back into camps outside of the EU...near the first EU-border they breached...there their applications will be taken in and processed...and since most of them will be rejected the way to remove them won't be so complicated anymore as it is right now.

In my estimation that could be the first step to the "Festung Europa".....
OP Ironside  50 | 12952
23 Jun 2024   #42
.if I were Poland I would start writing a long list.

It is good advice but it is too late, that pact had been agreed upon. we have tools for politicians and in the case of Tusk, there is a reason I call him a traitor.


To move them back into camps outside of the EU.

If that were the case why would that require this act which just gives a free hand to two countries France and Germany to send them to other EU countries which is very easy as things stand, What stopping Germany from sending them outside the EU into such camps right now?
Maximus2023  8 | 20
23 Jun 2024   #43
I highly doubt Poland will accept illegal immigrants, especially Muslims. Polish culture itself is a deterrent. It's not dark-skin immigrant friendly. The women, generally, aren't fond of marrying (poor)foreigners, especially non Christian/Catholics, there isn't much family acceptance and oh the Polish language barrier.

Poland is very much Polish. White Americans here get a break if they are well behaved and intelligent. That's in part because of USAs military significance in Poland as an ally. Also due to the huge American capital investments and American businesses in Poland.While the USA's worldwide image has been tarnished under the Biden regime, American, Australian and Canadian immigrants seem generally welcome in Poland. Poland should never experience the illegal and legal immigration nightmare of France, Belgium, Italy and England. I like seeing Poland keeping itself predominantly Polish. It's beautiful to see. When France was French it too was beautiful. When America was predominantly European, it too was beautiful. England, Germany and so on. Unprotected borders become social disasters. I have don't see Polish people as racists but some Polish men don't seem to like foreigners taking away their pretty women.

Earning a good income in Euros/Dollars is far better than zlotys, and that's why many Ukrainian refugees bailed out to the USA, Canada and Euro countries.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11922
23 Jun 2024   #44
It is good advice but it is too late, that pact had been agreed upon.

Na's the EU....nothing there is "quick":

Google translation from that link:

...Next steps

Member States now have two years to put the laws adopted today into practice. The European Commission will shortly present a common implementation plan to support Member States in this process.....

there is a reason I call him a traitor.

....and this is it???

You preferred Poland to help illegals along through Poland till Germany?

What stopping Germany from sending them outside the EU into such camps right now?

A law like this!

Actually Germany was quite naive about this years back....actually it is an old law that newcomers need to be processed in the first EU-country they set foot in. German lawmakers thought Germany would be then totally in the fine....surrounded by other member states. know that this didn't work!
OP Ironside  50 | 12952
23 Jun 2024   #45
I highly doubt Poland will accept illegal immigrants, especially Muslims

You can doubt all you want I'm talking about reality now. I'm talking about what is happening now in a real country with real people in a place that exists. Not in some imaginary land.
OP Ironside  50 | 12952
23 Jun 2024   #46
German lawmakers thought Germany would be then totally in the fine...

Yeah because illegals will obey laws and wait patiently in line. You have tools in politics too. lol!

You preferred Poland to help illegals along through Poland till Germany?

Blame where blame is due, it was Ge5mrnay that implemented stupid immigration laws into the EU. It was Merkel who invited illegals from all over the world to Germany. It wasn't that long ago.

Let's be brutally honest German F it up and now you expect solidarity to clean your mess for you. I guess because of this imaginary cost that Germany pays for the EU.

You should remember that such BS is common be it in the Soviet Union be it in Yugoslavia.
Each member state believed they were paying on others while they were fleeced blind by the top brass.
johnny reb  49 | 7954
23 Jun 2024   #47
I have don't see Polish people as racists 🙄

You are Polish, Correct ?
You really don't think that you are a racists ?

Polish culture itself is a deterrent. It's not dark-skin immigrant friendly.

White Americans here get a break

I like seeing Poland keeping itself predominantly Polish. It's beautiful to see.

When America was predominantly European, it too was beautiful.

. I have don't see Polish people as racists

Hey Max, sorry to pop your balloon but you are very much a racist.
Welcome to the club of proud racists.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11922
23 Jun 2024   #48

Let's try this...if Poland is smart and demands what it wants and needs it can be a good thing for Poland!

If that doesn't work either we can still re-build the inner-EU borders again....but something has to happen.
johnny reb  49 | 7954
23 Jun 2024   #49
.if Poland is smart and demands what it wants and needs it can be a good thing for Poland!

A very good thing.
I posted here years ago that Poland was going to be the most sought-after country in the E.U. to live in.
Of course I was mocked back then.
Now look what is slowly happening, the wealth in the E.U. wants to get away from the rift raft immigrant invaders.
They want their White children to be safe from the darker side of the street where crime prevails.
Don't let them in Poland because they spread like a cancer and you will never get them back out.
I just can't imagine Warsaw having a Muslim for a mayor. 😳
Of course twenty years ago London didn't either.
Novichok  4 | 8538
23 Jun 2024   #50
Welcome to the club of proud racists.

I want to be the club Great Wizzard.

Racism is survival. That's why wolves don't buy that multicultural shlt and gold fish never fvcks purple fish.

I just can't imagine Warsaw having a Muslim for a mayor.

JR, you are such a bigot...Here is my progressive plan for Poland:

1. 50% of Poles must by law be LGBT
2. The other 50% must be Muslim
3. Abortion on demand for both men and women at any moment during pregnancy and 30 days after that
4. Every other "fetus" must be black...Sorry, I meant Black.

Did I miss anything?
Lyzko  44 | 9717
23 Jun 2024   #51
Macron and partner in crime Scholz will risk losing the election next time round!!
All this will make Le Pen and her cohorts among the AfD look ever more attractive:-)

Same here with Biden allowing illegal migrants over the border who end up killing
a college student. The bone heads out there in la-la land, people who don't read the
New York Times because they probably can't read, will simply end up voting for Trump.
jon357  72 | 23490
23 Jun 2024   #52
Macron and partner in crime Scholz will risk losing the election next time round!!

Macron can't stand next time; there's a maximum of two consecutive terms of office. I'm not sure if he can have a third non-consecutive term.
Novichok  4 | 8538
23 Jun 2024   #53
there's a maximum of two consecutive terms of office.

Simple...Macron should self-identify as Macronska and try to be elected as the first woman with testicles.

I wouldn't call them "balls" since it's an entirely different thing.
jon357  72 | 23490
23 Jun 2024   #54
The bone heads out there in la-la land, people who don't read the
New York Times because they probably can't read

France is relatively well-educated. There's always been a strong diversity of opinion on every topic and rioting is their national sport.

I've a feeling things won't be too bad there.
johnny reb  49 | 7954
23 Jun 2024   #55
because they probably can't read, will simply end up voting for Trump.

Yes, I am one of those deplorable people that will be voting for Trump just to cancel your vote for mush brain, Lyzko.

JR, you are such a bigot..

Proud Bigot Novi, Proud Bigot. 🤠
TheOther  6 | 3596
23 Jun 2024   #56
voting for Trump just to cancel your vote for mush brain

How can you cancel a New Yorker's vote when you are not registered in that state? Deplorable mush brain.
Novichok  4 | 8538
23 Jun 2024   #57
How can you cancel a New Yorker's vote when you are not registered in that state?

Hey, stupid, leftists do it all the time...They travel, fake docs, and vote again...Duh!
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
23 Jun 2024   #58
Hey, stupid, leftists do it all the time

And fascists don't?

Are you saying that leftists are smarter than fascists?
jon357  72 | 23490
23 Jun 2024   #59
Are you saying that leftists are smarter than fascists?

Isn't everyone?
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
23 Jun 2024   #60
No, they seem to have an equal sense of idiocy about them.

Home / News / France and Germany plan to flood Poland with illegal migrants.

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