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Flood in Lower Silesia in Poland - looks catastrophic

pawian  219 | 24576
2 days ago #61
PIS gangsters accuse the current democratic gov of neglecting the anti flood protection of southern Poland. However, it was PIS rightists who neglected building more levees or retention tanks during their 8 year rule 2015- 2023. When the EU suggested to build them, PIS politicians ignored it or publicly rejected advice or warnings.
Can you imagine???
Lying bastards. Like all rightists.......
Vesko Vukovic  - | 110
2 days ago #62
I read in the comments of some Poles that for them the election of Donald Tusk as Prime Minister and the PO government is a worse disaster for Poland than any flood could ever be. 😁
pawian  219 | 24576
2 days ago #63
Can you imagine???
Lying bastards. Like all rightists.......

Eg. one PiS politician announced a collection of material donations. He posted a photo from 2018.

Comments by other posters:
"Photos from 2018. Have you ever said a single true sentence in your entire life?", "People, watch out for cheaters", "Mr. Czarnek, this photo is from 2018", "And why these stupid lies?", "A new method of fraud based 'on an empty truck'?" "Even in such a tragedy, you have to cheat", "Why are you a liar?"

When he peddled a replay of his previous falsity, he received the following comments:

: "It hasn't arrived since 2018? Let's hope the gifts don't expire", "And you're still showing photos from 2018?" "So this truck has been waiting to be loaded since 2018?", "The grandson method, the policeman method, the PKW method, the Czarnek method?".

Why are rightists such stupid azholes???
Ironside  50 | 12384
2 days ago #64
He posted a photo from 2018.

So what? Did he claim those were donations? Even from your post, we can learn out he didn't. So what a fuss? Some toxic reactions on the interest activated. I'm sure you as a main retard posted your retarded posts too.
Creating your false story to make yourself feel better - and look you even failed at that. Because you and the likes of you are stupid like F and that is a sad truth nobody can deny.
pawian  219 | 24576
2 days ago #65
Why are rightists such stupid azholes???

I stand corrected: why are rightists and nationalists such stupid azholes??? :):):)

Their fave method is: when caught red handed, deny firmly it is your hand. Claim it is sb else`s.
nobody can deny.

Yes, but you do all the time.... :):):)

Yaaawn. Thank you for this reminder! :):):)
Ironside  50 | 12384
2 days ago #66
I stand corrected:

Explain - what is the difference a picture makes?
I'm collecting stuff to help victims of the flood - here a picture of 'whatever'. What does it matter if that is a picture from 2018 2016 or 1999?
pawian  219 | 24576
2 days ago #67
What does it matter if ?

It means there is no collection at all and you only spread fake propaganda the aim of which is to promote your party which actually did very little to prevent floods during their rule 2015-2023. Simple, isn`t it???
Ironside  50 | 12384
2 days ago #68
It means there is no collection at all

Take me a step by step by the way you took to come to this conclusion>
Your conclusion makes no sense and is not logical. You must have taken a huge leap from point A to point C.
How have you arrived at such a conclusion?
Alien  22 | 5440
1 day ago #69
Today will be the culminating wave flowing through Dresden. We'll see how it goes.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11762
1 day ago #70
I only just read of it in the german SPIEGEL....any news from the polish side?

»Coordination talks« between Germany and Poland

Bundeswehr offers Warsaw deployment in flood areas

"So if you see German soldiers, please don't panic": Prime Minister Donald Tusk has announced possible German army assistance in Poland's flood-hit areas. Initial discussions on this have already taken place.

Germany has offered Poland the opportunity to send soldiers to the flood-hit areas. According to SPIEGEL information, initial talks have already taken place at the military level about possible administrative assistance from the German armed forces for the neighboring country. Now, it is being examined how the Bundeswehr can best support the local authorities. Details have apparently not yet been agreed upon.

When asked, a spokeswoman for the defense ministry confirmed that there were "coordination talks" between Germany and Poland. In general, the Bundeswehr has a lot of experience with flood operations, and the troops have regularly helped out in such situations at home with soldiers and heavy equipment.

Crow  154 | 9179
1 day ago #71
Germany would stab Poland in the back. Even children that can see.

german SPIEGEL....any news

Till Eulenspiegel?


"So if you see German soldiers, please don't panic": Prime Minister Donald Tusk has announced

So, I see Tusk is a moron at best or traitor at worst. Let me think he is moron, considering he is Kashub ie Serbian and I hardly can comprehend treason of one of us.

Poles! My venerable brothers! Rejoice at the thought that moron Tusk coming to Belgrade till the end of this year, as Vucic announced. I want to believe that Vucic can have positive impact on Tusk. They would talk as Serbian to Serbian. Vučić will reason Tusk, you'll see. Poland is in safe heads. Tusk would prove he isn`t retarded.
Novichok  5 | 7739
1 day ago #72
@Vesko Vukovic
In a democracy, people have all kinds of rights - including the right to be stupid.
We, Americans, love that right. If stupidity was a fed crime, 200 million of us would be in prison.
pawian  219 | 24576
1 day ago #73
Take me a step by step

If you demand it, it means you are or play an imbecile. Therefore I won`t take you on any explanatory ride coz it would be a huge waste of my precious time which is huge money for me. Imbecilism is incurable at your age. hahaha
Ironside  50 | 12384
1 day ago #74
play an imbecile.

Indeed I play you, which is not very hard. You definitely can't explain your logic because there is no logic. Simple.
Alien  22 | 5440
22 hrs ago #75
It looks like the Germans will get away with the flood this time, in the literal sense of the word. Maybe they will help Poland rebuild something.
Korvinus  2 | 553
16 hrs ago #76
"So if you see German soldiers, please don't panic": Prime Minister Donald Tusk

Donald TuSSk the Kashubian brings the Teutonic Knights, 2024, now in color.

Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11762
14 hrs ago #77
"So if you see German soldiers, please don't panic"

Did Tusk really say this or was that just a internet joke? 🙃
OP gumishu  15 | 6163
11 hrs ago #78
really say this

he actually said that
pawian  219 | 24576
11 hrs ago #79
your logic

Darling, my logic is easily understood by intelligent people. If you are an imbecile whose comprehension aptitude is at a low level , it is your problem, not mine. Ask sb intelligent to explain it to you coz I won`t due to reasons I already provided.

Hey, guys and guyesses, is there anybody else who doesn`t understand my logic like that imbecile Iron???? He feels lonely and needs company..................... hahahaha

Did Tusk really say this

I tend to believe he did. Excellent joke! hahahaha
Ironside  50 | 12384
10 hrs ago #80
, my logic

Your logic means no logic, I'm sure people recognize that the abyss is where logic should be.
pawian  219 | 24576
10 hrs ago #81
PIS gangsters accuse the current democratic gov of neglecting the anti flood protection of southern Poland. However, it was PIS rightists who neglected building more levees or retention reservoirs during their 8 year rule 2015- 2023.

In the statements of politicians from Kaczyński's party or on rightist TV Republika, there is no information to be found that in 2019 Anna Zalewska, as a representative of the then ruling rightist coalition, assured that no more retention reservoirs would be built.
As she argued in 2019, this decision was intended to be a response to protests from the residents themselves who did not want new retention reservoirs.

She now blames the European Commission for the lack of them.

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