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Only 1 in 3 firms in Poland pays income taxes

gumishu  15 | 6228
19 Jan 2013   #1
and the PO government does nothing - that costs us 32 billion PLN yearly,czy-rzad-tuska-poszuka-32-miliardow-pln
Richfilth  6 | 415
19 Jan 2013   #2
If those companies had to find 32bn in taxes to pay, how many people would they fire as a result? And then how much would my taxes go up to cover their unemployment welfare?
OP gumishu  15 | 6228
19 Jan 2013   #3
most of those money is thought to be transfered out of the country - but nobody does nothing to stop it

Union of Polish Enterpruneurs proposes a 1 per cent sales tax so that all companies in Poland pay taxes
bullfrog  6 | 602
20 Jan 2013   #4
most of those money is thought to be transfered out of the country - but nobody does nothing to stop it

What has this got to do with the lack of taxation? Income tax relates to whether a company makes a profit or not, not where the profit is located...
OP gumishu  15 | 6228
20 Jan 2013   #5
this is simple - the money is transfered in the form of consulting services (which cost milions and millions) with the daughter firms of the central corporation abroad
bullfrog  6 | 602
20 Jan 2013   #6
that's not purely polish, it happens with many multinationals in many countries (see Starbucks saga). I doubt however that this is the correct explanation for the title, most of those firms (not paying tax) would be SMEs and do not have the skills/logistics to set up such companies abroad..
OP gumishu  15 | 6228
20 Jan 2013   #7
you are actually wrong the burden is on SME and the big corporations avoid taxation, according to the report I read
peterweg  37 | 2305
20 Jan 2013   #8
Could you provide some sort of evidence, rather than an anonymous source, because the claim is obviously ********

Income taxes are paid on wages, you are talking about Corporation tax, paid on profit - if any. I would not be surprising to hear many companies don't make a profit in Poland.

But small companies (95%+) of companies are very unlikely to have overseas business. The article says nothing about the companies size.

the big corporations avoid taxation

So you claim that 73% of Polish companies are 'big corporations'? there are about 14million companies in Poland.

How can 10 million or so be fiddling the tax man?

Then again, what you expect as this 'fact' comes from some secret pal, who is apparently trust worthy, wink wink.

Union of Polish Entrepreneurs proposes a 1 per cent sales tax so that all companies in Poland pay taxes

So the 23% VAT isn't enough? Your solution - tax companies more. Friggin communists.

This isn't some sort of cack-handed, innumerate attack on the current government is it??
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
20 Jan 2013   #9
Foreign corporations rip Poles off and treat them as semi-slave workers, our "elites" sold us out the way Africans chiefs used to sell their own people into slavery. Makes one think If all that western aid to Solidarity was only due to geopolitical reasons... What's worst are feckin lemmings in Poland, who think that without Mr foreign investor we would have been travelling on donkeys' backs, just a few weeks ago I was talking to one guy ("upper class", well known across Poland in some circles) who said something along these lines "but without foreign owned banks we wouldn't have had all those investments, they did finance them" after I did politely pointed out that the sell out of banks was totally foolish and people responsible for that should be jailed for life, so i did politely ask Mr upper class to provide the data to support his claim, Mr upper class said "but you know... the money they lend.. to companies... and individuals..." so I, very politely of course, asked Mr upper class, does he know where the feck money the banks lend come from, do they bring them from abroad or perhaps... just perhaps, it's our own feckin money, our own people keep there as deposits ? Mr upper class unfortunately found no time to respond...

there are about 14million companies in Poland

LOL ! It's several times less and majority of that are self-employed people, taxi drivers etc. so not actually real "companies".
OP gumishu  15 | 6228
20 Jan 2013   #10
So the 23% VAT isn't enough? Your solution - tax companies more. Friggin communists

the solution is replacing corporation tax with a 1 per cent sales tax so that everybody who earns in Poland pays taxes here
bullfrog  6 | 602
21 Jan 2013   #11
Foreign corporations rip Poles off and treat them as semi-slave workers,

Quite the opposite in fact. Ask any Pole who had the opportunity to work for a foreign owned firm in Poland and for a polish one, in 90% of cases he /she would prefer working for the former (better salaries and conditions)
peterweg  37 | 2305
21 Jan 2013   #12
the solution is replacing corporation tax with a 1 per cent sales tax so that everybody who earns in Poland pays taxes here

How is that a solution? Replace 19% tax with a 1% sales tax?

Sounds great, I'm paying 19%. I'll pay 1% instead.

Gumishu, everyone else thinks you are a stupid *******, but your are a genius really.

1% sales tax for the win!!!!
5 Jul 2014   #13
Same thing is happening to USA taxes, companies are moving ownership to corporations located in low tax nations. The solution, LOWER YOUR TAX RATES so it will make NO SENSE to do the "dutch 2 step" and other tax avoidance strategies.... BTW they are perfectly legal.
20 Apr 2015   #14
If they cant pay taxes they cant do business or shall we say are out of business they should move on so the next lot can try
Polonius3  980 | 12275
4 Jul 2016   #15
Merged: Big foreign retailers fighting pro-Polish turnover tax

Most of Poland's big supermarkets, discount stores, home-improvement depots and other big retailers are foreign-owned. They have provided the Polish market with a wealth of consumer goods and cretaed some 200,000 jobs. The downside is that they have run countless Polish-owned shops out of business, and most of their profits are transferred abroad rather than enriching the Polish econonmy. To łevelł the playing field a bit, the pro-Polish PiS government have introduced a 1.4% chain-store tax for retailers whose turnover exceeds 170 million złotys (nearly $43 mln), 0.8% for those below that level and no taxes for retailers taking in less than than 17 million złotys ($4.2 mln). "We are against this discriminatory project and will use all legal and institutional means to oppose the legislation," warned a spokesman for POHiD, an organizer affiliating many big foreign retailers. Major foreign chains operating in Poland include Carrefour, Castorama, Géant, Głobi, Intermarché and Leclerc (France); Aldi, Kaufland, Lidl, Makro Cash & Carry, Metro, Obi, Rossman, Saturn (Germany); Tesco, TK Maxx, Phone House (Britain) and Biedronka (Portugal).
pawian  226 | 27817
9 Mar 2020   #16
and the PO government does nothing - that costs us 32 billion PLN yearly

And PiS government still does nothing about it - it costs us billions per year. Nice. Thank you , dear PiS - say major chains like Lidl, Auchan, Macro Cash.
pawian  226 | 27817
30 Jun 2020   #17
most of those money is thought to be transfered out of the country - but nobody does nothing to stop it

Isn`t it wonderful your words referred to PO but they also perfectly suit PiS today? Aren`t you kind of a prophet? Or you are such a universal poster whose opinions are valid for ever, in any times? hahahaha
pawian  226 | 27817
7 Feb 2022   #18
Only 1 in 3 firms in Poland pays income taxes

Under mad PIS rightards` rule a lot of small businesses are planning to close down or switch to grey market coz they are unable to pay high taxes introduced by PIS.

Here is a good article in Polish

Gumi, how do you feel when your gurus kill small business?
OP gumishu  15 | 6228
7 Feb 2022   #19
how do you feel when your gurus

another resurrection streak of yours
pawian  226 | 27817
7 Feb 2022   #20
another resurrection streak

Instead of addressing the current problem of PIS` disastrous economic policy, you are chasing some apparitions :)

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