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European News and Poland Thread - part 4

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
5 Dec 2024   #151
It isn't. The UK has a very strong government. it interested in steering continental Europe? I doubt it.....
Ironside  51 | 13124
5 Dec 2024   #152

the Nazis, they will take over Germany again and force them to do all those vile things.
or the Islamic Republic of France.
Maybe Greater Serbia and its ally the Sarmatian empire from parallel dimension.
OP Novichok  4 | 8784
5 Dec 2024   #153
If someone foreign planned an invasion, now would be the time!

Your Muslim guests made invading Germany, France, and the UK invasion-proof. Like poison pills...
Crow  155 | 9736
5 Dec 2024   #154
Let me give you European news. Very important for Poles to follow how Serbia spreading its wings and restoring its influence in Europe that Serbia lost due to Ottoman Turkish invasion after 14th century. Since then Serbia met its agony and fought to recuperate for centuries. Anyway, Germanics now salute not just Serbian president but also president of the Serb Republic and other officials. The literally days earlier Germany was at the warpath with the Serbs. On the other hand, let's not forget. This is just business.

Spot ancient Sarmatian insignia on Serbian flag, OCILO (from fathers), cross surrounded with 4 fire-steels, symbol of the Sun and solstice

At this moment, pleas have this in mind and think of this fact, Serbia is the most influential country not only in Europe but also in the world, by being considered business hub in Europe from many countries. The USA, Russia and former SU, Japan, China, non-aligned countries, India, having strategic ties with EU- western Europe, most of the Islamic countries. Also, Serbia is considered being in political equilibrium and place for meeting the differences and mediation.

«Es droht eine Eskalation»: Serbiens Staatspräsident Alexandar Vucic über den Ukraine-Krieg


Very good speech of the Serbian president Vucic that is now seen as a true statesman, one of best politicians Slavic world and Europe have in our time.

Coat of arms of the Lazarevic noble and despotic house, the one that gave Dragon Order to the Slavic ie Sarmatian world and Europe
Crow  155 | 9736
5 Dec 2024   #155
After yesterdays speech of the Serbian president Vucic in Bern, in Swizerland, media of that country writes >

Swiss magazine Weltwoche: Aleksandar Vučić - a man of peace and a bridge builder

"He chooses his words carefully. Vučić seems thoughtful. He speaks quietly in an age when everyone is shouting.


Weltwoche Swiss magazine owner organize every year forum for 500 visitors, which pays expensive ticket, coming to listen announced speech of top world leaders. This year speech was by the Serbian president Vucic.
Alien  26 | 6565
5 Dec 2024   #156
speech of top world leaders. This year speech was by the Serbian president Vucic.

Aha, so this year they deviated from the rule.
Crow  155 | 9736
5 Dec 2024   #157

Imagine me. I considered you to be a smart man. Did I mistaken?
pawian  226 | 27817
5 Dec 2024   #158
to be a smart man. Did I mistaken?

yes, you were. Coz Alien is supersmartman! Ha!!!
Crow  155 | 9736
5 Dec 2024   #159
Not from Earth, eh.

But I do understand him. I am a bird.
Alien  26 | 6565
5 Dec 2024   #160
I am a bird

Are you a peacock?
Crow  155 | 9736
5 Dec 2024   #161
An old Serbian proverb says it well: `Call me a pot, but don't break me.`
Miloslaw  22 | 5263
6 Dec 2024   #162
Russia is pulling out of Syria because they cannot fight in Ukraine and Syria at the same time.Russia is much weaker than it pretends to be.

pawian  226 | 27817
6 Dec 2024   #163
Russia is much weaker

Don`t be stupid and don`t underestimate Russia which is never as weak as it seems.

Fortunately, it is never as strong as it seems, either. Ha!!!

Do you know who first invented that saying on Russia???

Of course not.
pawian  226 | 27817
7 Dec 2024   #164
Do you know who first invented that saying on Russia???


Do you know what he was??? Of course not.
The first Chancellor of united Germany.
Miloslaw  22 | 5263
9 Dec 2024   #165
Don`t be stupid and don`t underestimate Russia which is never as weak as it seems.

Todays events prove you wrong.The Russians pulled out because they cannot fight on two fronts at the same time.
Russia is weak and weakening.
pawian  226 | 27817
11 Dec 2024   #166
The Russians pulled out

As usual, your info on Russians is incomplete or false.
Hey, do you remember how you insisted for weeks they wouldn`t invade Ukraine?????? :):):)

Russia is weak

Go back to post 163. Why is educating you such a problem???? Is it your age or low IQ??? Or both???? :):):):)
Crow  155 | 9736
11 Dec 2024   #167
As usual, your info on Russians is incomplete or false.

Propaganda brate. He rejoice in Polish-Russian antagonism, while we all very well know that only hostile anti-Slavic strangers profit on it. In fact, they are often sponsors of that antagonism.
Miloslaw  22 | 5263
11 Dec 2024   #168
As usual, your info on Russians is incomplete or false.

Incorrect as usual.

Hey, do you remember how you insisted for weeks they wouldn`t invade Ukraine?

I do, I did not think Putin could be that stupid, but he was and is now paying a big price for his stupidity.

Is it your age or low IQ??? Or both?

And you have the temerity to call me rude and antagonistic! Bloody hypocrite!
Jerzy, (Pawian) you are a bit younger than me and still have a lot to learn.

Propaganda brate

Oh please stop with the brate!There is no brotherhood between Poles, Serbs and Russians.Our Slav roots mean little compared to our differences, take Serbs and Croats as an example.Would you call a Croat brate?
pawian  226 | 27817
11 Dec 2024   #169
I did not think

Exactly. :):):)
but he was

We are not talking about Putin but your false predictions which you are notorious for.
Miloslaw  22 | 5263
11 Dec 2024   #170
We are not talking about Putin but your false predictions

But we are talking about Putin.... no sane Russian wold have invaded Ukraine.

You are just playing "Devil's Advocate" and doing it badly as usual!
pawian  226 | 27817
12 Dec 2024   #171
But we are talking about Putin

You and your buddies you know where are while I am talking about your role of a false prophet. Ha!!! Stop twisting now coz it is too late.
Lenka  5 | 3549
14 Dec 2024   #172
There has been a big water issue in Kielce with up to 60% of people with shortages of water.
The local council asked locals to gather drinking water. Hopefully they will fix the issue soon.

Paulina didn't post for a long time but I hope she won't be affected.
Alien  26 | 6565
14 Dec 2024   #173
Paulina didn't post for a long time

Maybe she got bored of writing on the forum, and water... water can be bought in bottles, even 5 liters.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Dec 2024   #174
I love my president Trump.
Trump has said the EU will face tariffs unless they make up their trade deficit with the US.
He has told the bloc to make a "large-scale purchase" of US oil and gas to balance trade relations.
In 2022, the US purchased $131.3 billion more in goods and services from the EU than vice versa.
Trump said he has told the European Union it must purchase a large quantity of US oil and gas or he will impose tariffs on the trading bloc.
Time for the milk soppers to tighten their belts and pony up.
pawian  226 | 27817
20 Dec 2024   #175
Trump said he has told the European Union it must purchase a large quantity of US oil and gas

Considering US aid to Ukraine, I have nothing against it. Quite fair.

Time for the milk soppers to tighten their belts and pony up

Exactly. Poland has been spending 4% GNP on the army this year and 5% next year. It is time for others to match our expenses instead of their pathetic 2%.
Crow  155 | 9736
20 Dec 2024   #176
Poland has been spending 4% GNP on the army this year and 5% next year.

Germany should not be underestimated.
pawian  226 | 27817
20 Dec 2024   #177
No, this military spending was evoked by imperial Russia, not by democratic Germany.
It means that most Poles/Polesses prefer to remain in the family of European nations including Germans and detest the idea of allying with imperial Russian barbarians.
Crow  155 | 9736
20 Dec 2024   #178
No, this military spending was evoked by imperial Russia, not by democratic Germany.


Russia would never attack Poland. It would be utterly stupid and illogical. I even think that this time Russia won`t move a finger if Germany attack Poland. Russia giving all signals that learned the hard way. Syria shows it well. Why fight war for somebody else if that one gave up? Plus, higher interests are at work. If Poland don`t move to underline its Slavic side, it would be seen only as the Catholic country so what happens on the territory of Poland remain Catholic thing. Sure, when Germany attacks Poland, Russia would accept Slavic refugees from Poland, I don`t doubt that.

Plus. Look. Russia drawn the line. Its Kaliningrad and line with Belarus border. If things escalate, Baltic states, too, goes to Russia. Finland and parts of Norway also.

Meridians. That`s it.
pawian  226 | 27817
20 Dec 2024   #179
Russia would never attack Poland

Exactly. Like it never happened in the past. hahahaha buhahaha

Stop this bs. You are wasting time. Yours and ours. As long as Russia remains an imperial country, Poland will say no to it. Simple.
Crow  155 | 9736
20 Dec 2024   #180
Exactly. Like it never happened in the past. hahahaha buhahaha

Don`t confuse strategic respond and attack. Forget daily politics and propaganda of all kind.

Whenever Germanics moved in Drang Nach Osten and entered Poland, Russia parried with seizing parts of Poland. Considered Poland Slavic and acted to preserve, not Polish sure, but its own interests. Still, that suited to Slavs in Poland which wanted to stay Slavic.

Now is different. Official Poland convinced Russia that Poland isn`t Slavic first. In all its territory. Slavs are there in Poland, in some number but they should fight if they wants to exist as Slavs. Those are even rules of this new architecture of Europe. You are Slavic? Fine. Fight for it. Or Germanic, Franko or whatever. Fight for it.

If you ask me, in case of Poland`s war with Germany, chances are that Serbia came in aid to Slavs in Poland who resist and then Russia could be involved. That is the only viable mechanism. Frankly. See, Adam Mizckiewish would tell you the same. When comes to connection with Poland, Serbians are irrational and Russia can`t allow our demise. If Poland I would be very careful not to lose Serbian love.

Home / News / European News and Poland Thread - part 4

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