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European News and Poland Thread - part 4

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
13 Sep 2024   #31
Nevertheless, I'm surprised that Germans seem to trust their politicians a lot.

After Merkel everything new could only be better, we believed....the new gov started with lotsa hype and support....but know what they say: "The higher they climb the deeper they fall!"

Unimaginable that this gov will still keep it together for another horrible year....
johnny reb  49 | 7926
13 Sep 2024   #32
for another horrible year....

Well you have to admit that Europe's economy amongst a host of several other things is not looking real rosey right now.
People are not happy campers.
I just pray that Europe doesn't drag the U.S.A. into a World War.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
13 Sep 2024   #33
Well you have to admit

We just dropped out of the 20 most rich countries-list....slowly we begin to look like a third world country!

Ranking according to purchasing power

Germany drops out of the top 20 richest countries in the world

Germany is still one of the most powerful economies. But if you look at the gross domestic product adjusted for purchasing power, the Federal Republic is no longer among the 20 richest countries in the world......
Alien  25 | 6392
13 Sep 2024   #34
we begin to look like a third world country!

With a per capita income of around $53,000, we are still a long way from reaching the 3rd world countries.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
13 Sep 2024   #35
....with crashing bridges.....and tardy trains....if they come at all....violent knifes and machetes on our streets...

Where would YOU drawn the line, Alien?
Alien  25 | 6392
13 Sep 2024   #36
Where would YOU drawn the line, Alien?

Wir schaffen the famous German Chancellor said.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
13 Sep 2024   #37
Wir schaffen das

Or was it Deutschland schafft sich ab? *scratches head*

I wish Germany all the best. Hopefully common sense prevail in the end.
johnny reb  49 | 7926
13 Sep 2024   #38
At the recent MSPO military trade show, Poland announced its plans to boost defense spending to 4.2% of its GDP, making it the highest of any NATO country, surpassing even the United States.
pawian  226 | 27453
13 Sep 2024   #39
its plans to boost defense spending to 4.2% of its GDP,

Your news is outdated. They are not plans, it is reality achieved already this year.
OP Novichok  4 | 8478
13 Sep 2024   #40
Poland announced its plans to boost defense spending to 4.2%

I am so proud.

Now what Poland needs is the enemy. Unfortunately, we can't shoot Muslim and black migrats. Not yet anyway...
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
13 Sep 2024   #41
Europe's economy is not looking real rosey right now.

But the UK is doing OK as we are no longer part of Europe.

I just pray that Europe doesn't drag the U.S.A. into a World War.

No chance!Putin is a loud mouthed braggard with no balls.He will never take on NATO, even if the USA are not involved, because Europe can easily beat Russia without aid from the USA.
pawian  226 | 27453
13 Sep 2024   #42
But the UK is doing OK

So why over 50% polled Brits regret Brexit and wish they were in Europe again???
johnny reb  49 | 7926
13 Sep 2024   #43
But the UK is doing OK

BA lony it is.

Europe can easily beat Russia without aid from the USA.

Now who is bragging
13 Sep 2024   #44
In the US, almost all economic data released to the public in the last 3 years had to be adjusted downward. For example, today they "officially" say that an inflation rate in some quarter was 5%, but in a month they would silently adjust it to be 8%. But in the news, everything appears great because they are silent on the "adjustments."

The media fraud will temporarily end after the elections, especially when Trump gets elected, because they can no longer keep the lies going. The only question is, how they are going to use the crisis. Tokenize-everything, followed by human chips possibly. Same script appears to be running in Germany / EU.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
13 Sep 2024   #45
So why over 50% polled Brits regret Brexit

Sources please.......

But the UK is doing OK

BA lony it is.

Better than most in the G7............

Europe can easily beat Russia without aid from the USA.

Now who is bragging

No bragging, just don't overestimate the importance of the USA.
Whilst Europe would always like additional support from our transatlantic allies, quite frankly, we don't need America to help us deal with Russia.....
pawian  226 | 27453
13 Sep 2024   #46
Sources please.......

It is amasing you have no access to such data...... :):):)

As of May 2024, 55 percent of people in Great Britain thought that it was wrong to leave the European Union, compared with 31 percent who thought it was the right decision.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
13 Sep 2024   #47
It is amasing you have no access to such data..

It is not amasing to me that you only seem to have access to left wing propaganda.

You trust polls?A major poll just before the referendum said that 78% would vote remain and 63% leave....... despite the fact that the poll was wrong, 78 + 63 = 141!!!!
And you trust polls?

Please tell me how badly the UK economy is doing since Brexit and how we compare to other G7 nations....

I live here and I would say the majority of Brits are happy to be out of the EU.
pawian  226 | 27453
13 Sep 2024   #48
I live here

Yes, but you only see your close neighbourhood and nothing else cos you are so attached to it. While we, as aliens to Britain, are able to see the whole of it, each minute aspect coz we are not emotionally bonded. Ha!!! Do you mean what I know???
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
13 Sep 2024   #49
While we, as aliens to Britain, are able to see the whole of it.

Not true.It is a very nuanced subject that a Pole could never fully comprehend.

Do you mean what I know?

Very little from what I have learnt so far, your knowledge of Polish, Polish culture, Polish history, Polish cuisine is excellent, stick to that, your knowledge of the UK is $hit......
Feniks  2 | 806
13 Sep 2024   #50
I live here and I would say the majority of Brits are happy to be out of the EU.

So do I and I am not happy to be out of the EU.

Please tell me how badly the UK economy is doing since Brexit,jobs%20in%20the%20capital%20alone.
pawian  226 | 27453
13 Sep 2024   #51
fully comprehend.

As aliens we have a wider perspective. While you are only focused on Torries. :):):)

Please tell me

it seems Fenix has just destroyed your Torree agenda. Sorry.... :):):)
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
13 Sep 2024   #52
Then please explain this;

UK exports of services to the EU and non-EU countries have increased since 2020, reaching 9% and 15% above their 2019 levels, respectively, in 2023.
The UK economy grew faster than Germany, Italy, and Japan, and at a similar rate to France, between end-Q2 2016 and Q3 2023.

All your "Leftie Propaganda" holds no water against hard facts!
pawian  226 | 27453
13 Sep 2024   #53

Exports schmexports. We are talking about common people`s life standard which hasn`t improved as it was promised by brexit charlatans. It has become even worse.

All your "Leftie Propaganda"

Don`t call Feniks a leftie. She isn`t. She is just a decent British woman who feels cheated on by brexit conmen.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
13 Sep 2024   #54
Exports schmexports. We are talking about common people`s life standard which hasn`t improved as it was promised by brexit charlatans. It has become even worse.

Bollox! I feel better off now than I have ever been!

Don`t call Feniks a leftie. She isn`t.

I did not call Feniks a leftie, I called you a leftie!

Feniks is a liberal woman who leans slightly to the left, unlike you.....
pawian  226 | 27453
13 Sep 2024   #55
I did not call

Yes, you did. You said ALL your propaganda and ALL is always plural. You can`t say that your ALL referred to my sources coz I provided only one source in post 46. Your ALL referred to our sources combined. Ha! It is obvious you called leftie Feniks and me!

liberal leans slightly to the left,

You got your directions wrong. I am a liberal who leans to the right in economic issues. Ha!
I feel better off now

Sorry, we don`t believe this assertion. You will say anything now to avoid losing an argument.

Milo, for Goddess sake, stop arguing. Kneel down and apologise to Feniks.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
13 Sep 2024   #56
You said ALL your propaganda and ALL is always plural.

Your comprehension of English is not as good as you think it is.....

Sorry, we don`t believe this assertion.

Is that the "Royal We"?

The fact is that I am better off now than I have ever been, in part, because I sold my business but also because I have two good pensions and no mortgage or debts to pay.
The economy is doing OK and inflation is down.
The only problem we have is a socialist government that are about to £uck it all up!
Feniks  2 | 806
13 Sep 2024   #57
I feel better off now than I have ever been!

I'm presuming that you don't have to worry too much about finances then.

I sold my business but also because I have two good pensions and no mortgage or debts to pay.

I rest my case. Not everyone is in your position.

I certainly don't feel better off and amongst my social circle nobody else does either.
pawian  226 | 27453
13 Sep 2024   #58
I am better off now

Try to notice your disappointed compatriots from time to time.:):):).
OP Novichok  4 | 8478
14 Sep 2024   #59
But in the news, everything appears great because they are silent on the "adjustments."

...and because in the US real reporters are extinct.

Now we have lapdogs doing voluntarily what Pravda editors used to do to stay out of gulag. Not that Brits and other Western "democracies" are any better...

To our credit, we don't throw non-compliant reporters into prison. We found a better and cheaper way: we cancel them.

That's the First Amendment according my Russian friend, Velund, who, just like Boko, is always right.
OP Novichok  4 | 8478
14 Sep 2024   #60
Poland criticizes new German anti-immigration controls
Berlin's passport checks will only worsen relations with Warsaw, Foreign Ministry has said

Germans, don't listen to Polish hypocrites and don't budge. It's your country and as far as I am concerned, you can shoot illegals.

A comment:

Poland is letting the illegals cross their territory to make their way into Germany. As the Germans are now checking documents of course the Poles are upset. They don't want to get stuck with these people in their country and they don't want to control their border like Hungary does. Hope Poland chokes on these illegals.

Chokes and vomits...

Home / News / European News and Poland Thread - part 4

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