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European News and Poland Thread - part 4

Lazarus  3 | 364
30 Dec 2024   #301
Just land and say "asylum"...

She can't claim asylum in the UK, she's British.

since stupid Brits admit thousands every month without passports and visas.

You mean the Brits comply with their legal obligation to accept applications for asylum and grant it in cases where it is appropriate. Why do so many of you neo-conned want to break the law every time it suits you?
OP Novichok  4 | 8411
30 Dec 2024   #302
You mean the Brits comply with their legal obligation to accept applications for asylum

You apply from where you are, not on the UK beach, and wait for the decision - where you are, not in London...on welfare...Duh!

Is every leftist an azhole?

Before you answer that question...1 million boaters said "asylum". 1000 qualify. Now what? How do you get of 999,000 scumbags who, btw, "lost" their docs so you don't know where to ship the mother fvckers after years of appeals?

Being a white leftist should be considered a mental disorder.
gumishu  15 | 6228
30 Dec 2024   #303
Being a white leftist should be considered a mental disorder.

great line
Lazarus  3 | 364
30 Dec 2024   #304
You apply from where you are, not on the UK beach, and wait for the decision

No, there is no way to apply for asylum from outside the UK, you can only apply for it when in the UK. And there is no way to obtain a visa to travel to the UK in order to claim asylum.

How do you get of 999,000 scumbags who, btw, "lost" their docs so you don't know where to ship the mother fvckers

Those who fail in applications for asylum should be returned to whichever country they stated they are from. If that isn't actually the country they are from, well, no fault of HMG that the applicant lied.
I'd also condition UK most-favoured-nation trade status on countries agreeing to accept the return of failed applicants, i.e. if any country refuses to accept the return of failed applicants it automatically becomes ineligible for any UK-taxpayer-sourced funding and all products from that country or goods containing products from that country automatically attract punitive import taxes. And also any person connected with any member of the government and/or governing party of that state is automatically barred from entering the UK (including using diplomatic passports).
gumishu  15 | 6228
30 Dec 2024   #305
whichever country they stated they are from

yeah, it's like you have never heard that attempts at leaving those people in "countries they claim to come from" are "unsuccesful" for the most part
pawian  226 | 27364
12 Jan 2025   #306
The EU is warning Elon Musk that we won`t tolerate his meddling into European affairs.
I suggest X should be banned in the EU. Enough of their pro Kremlin propaganda.
BTW, boycotte Tesla cars as well!!!
Ironside  50 | 12928
12 Jan 2025   #307
The EU is warning Elon Musk

boo hoo, he is shaking in his boots.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912
12 Jan 2025   #308
I suggest X should be banned in the EU.

Banning media and parties, censoring opinions, won't regain them any support......that way lays the defeat....I thought after '89 that had become basic knowledge!
johnny reb  49 | 7888
12 Jan 2025   #309
BTW, boycotte Tesla cars as well!!!

Tesla will take over the market of EV's in Europe before long.
cms neuf  2 | 1810
12 Jan 2025   #310
From what I see on Polish roads Tesla is falling behind MG, BYD and also VW and Volvo in EVs. Not sure how it is in rest of Europe
Miloslaw  20 | 5116
12 Jan 2025   #311
Tesla will take over the market of EV's in Europe before long.

Are you a complete idiot or just pretending to be one?

From what I see on Polish roads Tesla is falling behind MG, BYD and also VW and Volvo in EVs. Not sure how it is in rest of Europe

Of course they are. Because firstly, people are not ready to go electric and secondly, Tesla's, as good as they are, are far too expensive!
jon357  72 | 23482
13 Jan 2025   #312
Are you a complete idiot or just pretending to be one?

Do you really need to ask.

Then again, he probably knows himself that Chinese EVs will eventually bury Tesla.
gumishu  15 | 6228
13 Jan 2025   #313
Tesla's, as good as they are, are far too expensive!

electric vehicles are far too expensive in general - it is not one of my concerns to be honest but for many people the speed with which new EV's lose value after purchase is also a factor (I have seen a real case video where a guy talked how his EV's lost 6000 pounds in value after just 6 months after purchase - it was a small EV that cost him 33 000 pound when purchased brand new) - the petrol car my mom is driving is worth less than 1000 pounds in Pola

and after one year the car was only worth 21000 pounds - it lost more than one third of its value in just a year
johnny reb  49 | 7888
13 Jan 2025   #314
Chinese EVs will eventually bury Tesla.

I'll take that bet.
OP Novichok  4 | 8411
13 Jan 2025   #315
EVs will eventually bury Tesla.

Not in the US. We have a way of keeping this garbage out. We don't like flames, either.
jon357  72 | 23482
13 Jan 2025   #316
The EU is warning Elon Musk that we won`t tolerate his meddling into European affairs.

It will certainly end badly for him and the orange rapist.

He gets more and more like a Bond villain every day and of course here in Europe we laugh at him.
OP Novichok  4 | 8411
13 Jan 2025   #317
and the orange rapist.

How many boys did you rape? Did they scream?
jon357  72 | 23482
13 Jan 2025   #318
How sweet.

It's morning here and I'm sat in the office drinking coffee and checking the internet.

In your time zone it must be the middle of the night. Go to sleep.
OP Novichok  4 | 8411
14 Jan 2025   #319
Memo to Euros:

Let me explain the difference between most of you and me.

I wish Europe the very best. I want you to be militarily strong, financially prosperous, independent, and free of migrants. My posts regarding Germany are consistent with what I just wrote.

Many of you wish the US ill. Only a vicious enemy would want the US to continue under ignorant morons like Biden, Kamala, woke Democrats, and MICC - with back-breaking debt piling up at an unsustainable rate.

You seem to like everything here that makes us poorer and weaker. You are not our friends. You are America's parasites.
Atch  22 | 4299
14 Jan 2025   #320
Why do you keep sending memos? You're not manager of the world. That job is already taken.
mafketis  38 | 11127
14 Jan 2025   #321
You're not manager of the world. That job is already taken.

Thank you very much for that acknowedgement. The job gets very hectic and appreciation is always welcome.
Atch  22 | 4299
14 Jan 2025   #322
Lenka  5 | 3526
14 Jan 2025   #323
Thank you guys for a nice laugh 😂
OP Novichok  4 | 8411
14 Jan 2025   #324
Let the record show that the three posters who noticed my memo read only the first word.

If they read the rest, they chose not to comment on the meat of the post. Very smart...

In the word of Internet forums, it's still a win for the author.

So let's try this single-question check-mate:

How many migrants did UK citizens agree to accept?

If you wish, you can replace UK with Ireland, Denmark, Germany, France, or Italy.
Atch  22 | 4299
15 Jan 2025   #325
they chose not to comment

Nobody bothers commenting anymore, firstly, because you're boring the arse off us and we're not interested and secondly because you keep making the same comments which people have answered in the past, but you ignore the answers.

Incidentally it's a bit pathetic that you view internet discussions as a win or lose contest. You're not a teenage boy. Grow up.
mafketis  38 | 11127
15 Jan 2025   #326
Grow up

Telling a narcissist to 'grow up' is like telling a fish "climb a tree and eat bananas!". I'm told that qualified therapists refuse to see diagnosed narcissists because they are, by definition, incapable of change or personal development. Everything has to be about them all the time.

The options are:

disengage and refuse to deal with them

try to change them or talk sense to them and feed their supply

I choose the former option.
Atch  22 | 4299
15 Jan 2025   #327
Actually Maf, you're absolutely right.
jon357  72 | 23482
15 Jan 2025   #328
Telling a narcissist to 'grow up' is like telling a fish "climb a tree and eat bananas!"


I once had a lot of contact with a malignant narcissistic sociopath. She was one of the most unpleasant people I've come across.

I'll not tell the stories since I'm still traumatised and you'd probably not believe some. I'll mention though that she used to walk up to pretty well everyone she met and whisper "don't tell anyone, but I'm a multimillionaire". When she was fired (for theft and sexual assault) she sent an email to the whole workplace saying she used to be an Olympic athlete and was returning to sport. She was 62 and around 150 kilos. She used to say she "thrived on conflict".

Interestingly her son back in Australia refused to allow her to see his kids.

In my opinion she was beyond any help. I suspect Novichok is too. His Facebook page is the exact opposite of what he posts on here. It's all peace and love and opposing gun ownership and opposing the republicans and their orange-faded leader.

Whatever is going on in that head is not pretty.
johnny reb  49 | 7888
15 Jan 2025   #329
What makes you think he is an I me I me I me I me narcissist ?
mafketis  38 | 11127
15 Jan 2025   #330
His Facebook page is the exact opposite of what he posts on here

you think they're the same person?

"don't tell anyone, but I'm a multimillionaire". When she was fired (for theft and sexual assault)


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