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How will Poland do in Euro 2024

Barney 16 | 1716
21 Jun 2024 #541
Fingers crossed for VAR

No goal
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 12111
21 Jun 2024 #542
....hach ja.....before were more goals....and less VAR....
Barney 16 | 1716
21 Jun 2024 #543
VAR is a bit of an albatross
AntV 5 | 830
21 Jun 2024 #544
I don't get it. Some of these subjective rules don't make sense to me.
Barney 16 | 1716
21 Jun 2024 #545
The Dutch player was obstructing the keepers line of sight. It is significant cos he was in an offside position when the ball was struck. The goal would have stood if he had been onside
AntV 5 | 830
21 Jun 2024 #546

Crnogorac3 4 | 920
21 Jun 2024 #547
The Dutch player was obstructing the keepers line of sight.

Yes but even if the French keeper threw himself he wouldn't have been anywhere near the ball.

I bet if Man City scored such a goal it wouldn't have been dissalowed.

The English referees in the VAR room seem to be hell-bent on eliminating Poland.

AntV 5 | 830
21 Jun 2024 #548
if the French keeper threw himself he wouldn't have been anywhere near the ball.

That's a good point
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 12111
21 Jun 2024 #549
...a Nil : Nil won't help Poland....ach menno.....
AntV 5 | 830
21 Jun 2024 #550
That's it for Polska.
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 12111
21 Jun 2024 #551 bad....maybe they did draw without goals with purpose? 😕

The first game without any goals in this tournament!
Barney 16 | 1716
21 Jun 2024 #552
Probably, but the Dutch guy was off side.
Crnogorac3 4 | 920
21 Jun 2024 #553
But he didn't touch the ball. He was deemed to interfere in play by obstructing the sight of the French keeper but even if he wasn't there, there's no chance the French keeper would have saved that shot.
Miloslaw 20 | 5014
21 Jun 2024 #554
...a Nil : Nil won't help Poland....ach menno.....

That's it for Polska.

Yup, even in the very unlikely event that they beat France, Polska is gone...... I didn't expect them to win any games in this group but there came a point in the Austria game that I did raise my hopes.
Barney 16 | 1716
21 Jun 2024 #555
But he was there and interfering with play.
Crnogorac3 4 | 920
21 Jun 2024 #556
The English referee Anthony Taylor made a very dubious and questionable call as this poll shows.

70% of voters think the goal should have stood.
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 12111
21 Jun 2024 #557
Who knows....if the goal had stood Poland would had made time!

'night all!
Barney 16 | 1716
21 Jun 2024 #558
VAR team made the decision it would take too long to have a public vote on VAR decisions.
Miloslaw 20 | 5014
21 Jun 2024 #559
The English referee Anthony Taylor made a very dubious and questionable call as this poll shows.

Why post a link in some incomprehensible language?

I think VAR made the right decision this time.
AntV 5 | 830
21 Jun 2024 #560
I'm new to the game so I'm trying to understand the rules better. It seems you are saying that another part of the equation VAR considers is whether or not the goalie would indeed been able to make a play on ball if other player didn't impede goalie. Is this correct?
OP jon357 74 | 23067
21 Jun 2024 #561
make a play on ball if other player didn't impede goalie

Fiddly rules about things like that. The offside rule in particular is something worth reading up on. There are a few odd rules however that is the trickiest.

And cricket is a whole level apart.
AntV 5 | 830
21 Jun 2024 #562

I have! I've talked with people from both Europe and States about it also. It seems to vex everyone.
OP jon357 74 | 23067
21 Jun 2024 #563
It certainly vexes me.

Nice that the Dutch player has a Scottish name, Dumfries. In fact a Xornish first name and a Scottish surname.

Not so good news for Poland today. Nic nie się stało, literally.

I'd be delighted if Austria draw with Netherlands...
Crnogorac3 4 | 920
21 Jun 2024 #564
Poland is the first team to be eliminated from the Euro.

The reason is unlike in the World Cup where goal difference matters now that Holland and France have 4 points each and Austria has 3 points, even if Poland wins against France in Dortmund and Austria loses against Holland at the Olympic stadium in Berlin, and both teams are equal on 3 points, Poland will be out due to the Head to Head record of having lost to Austria.
Barney 16 | 1716
21 Jun 2024 #565
VAR is video assistant referee. It comes into use for important decisions like verifying goals or penalty decisions. Before it was introduced a few years ago the on field referees decision was final. They can still overrule VAR recommendations but rarely do so. The same arguments still happen but the most egregious decisions are mostly gone now. The biggest argument against VAR is that it slows the game down.

There are also directives on how the rules are interpreted which is perhaps more damaging to the flow of the game.
Crow 161 | 9455
21 Jun 2024 #566
Poland is the first team to be eliminated from the Euro.

Don`t worry Poles! Serbians will follow soon. In sh*t for Poland if need be.
Crnogorac3 4 | 920
21 Jun 2024 #567

France vs Netherland 0-0 Netherland goal is correct Analysis of all reactions Euro 2024

Gary Lineker, Alan Shearer, Cesc Fabregas & Wayne Rooney agree it's a goal.

Poland was robbed.
Miloslaw 20 | 5014
21 Jun 2024 #568
Poland was robbed.

No, I don't think so.Poland were just too poor.
Crnogorac3 4 | 920
21 Jun 2024 #569
The Poles did their part


first match

decisive match

match for nothing (match for dog$hit)
Miloslaw 20 | 5014
21 Jun 2024 #570

Let's be brutally honest.

The Polish football team is rubbish.

Home / News / How will Poland do in Euro 2024