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CO2 emissions in Poland. Should Poland go nuclear or stick with clean coal technologies?

dolnoslask  5 | 2805
13 Nov 2016   #31
[moved from]

Yea, loads of money to be made in coal.

Loads of nuclear reactor disasters are just waiting round the corner, better stick to wood and coal, solar wind etc has no chance of satisfying demand any time soon.
Atch  22 | 4299
13 Nov 2016   #32
Nuclear power isn't the only alternative. Smurf would know that, being from Ireland. We have one of the oldest hydro-electric power plants there in Ardnacrusha. It was completed in 1929. We even managed to sort it out so that returning salmon can navigate the river safely past the power station. My grandfather was one of the engineers involved in the rural electriification scheme having trained along with several other Irish engineers at Siemens in Germany. Oddly enough we've never managed to harness the ferocious Irish winds as effectively which is extraordinary really, considering how ridiculously windy it is in Ireland. We do get about 20% of our electricity from wind, but more from natural gas I think.
13 Nov 2016   #33
The last coal plant in the UK will shut in 5 years

Scotland produce
Marsupial  - | 871
14 Nov 2016   #34
There us no such thing as clean coal technology. Its a phrase for deluded .peiple with no knowledge of science at all.
Ironside  50 | 12918
14 Nov 2016   #35
Its a phrase for deluded .peiple with no knowledge of science at all.

Talking about yourself? There is no "clean" technology for any kind of energy that can be used commercially. Fixation on CO2 which is not half bad as ideological demonizing has it, means that 'clean' in the context reads as 'greatly reduced or reduced to negligible quantity'.
Marsupial  - | 871
14 Nov 2016   #36
All lies. We just turned off our last coal power station in south Australia and another in vic and we have more coal than all you backward offensive idiots with your despicable medieval witchcraft posing as science. Its is immediately obvious you have zero education in any science. Zero is being kind!
johnny reb  49 | 7974
14 Nov 2016   #37
all you backward offensive idiots with your despicable medieval witchcraft posing as science.

How rude to call the Polish people such names Bushy.

All lies.

Your lies you mean.
Did you know that Australia is the most coal dependent Country in the world ?

Its is immediately obvious you have zero education in any science.

And it is immediately obvious you have zero education in what powers your own Country Mr. Genius.

We just turned off our last coal power station in south Australia and another in vic

Sources please as here are mine:
Energy in Australia
22 January 2015
Most of Australia's energy is generated centrally and relies heavily on traditional energy sources, known sometimes as fossil fuels.
In fact, around 86 percent of our electricity is generated from these fuels types,
with 73 percent from coaland 13 percent from natural gas.
With credible sources, please educate us backward offensive idiots on what fuel types Australia is presently using that is less despicable medieval witchcraft that you claim Poland uses.

Tick tock, tic tock, tic tock.................
smurf  38 | 1940
14 Nov 2016   #38
solar wind

Sure bro

Wind power generates 140% of Denmark's electricity demand

On Sunday, May 8 Germany produced so much electric power that prices were actually negative. As in, customers got paid to use the electrical system. In total, 87% of the power produced in Germany was made at solar, wind, hydro and biomass plants during that day.

Cool bro

We do get about 20% of our electricity from wind, but more from natural gas I think

'twill continue to go up though, mighty to see loads of wind farms going up all the time around the coast
smurf  38 | 1940
14 Nov 2016   #39
Oh look, another one from today:

Well done Britain.....that's not something I say very often :D
Wincig  2 | 225
14 Nov 2016   #40
@johnny reb

Earth to Donald Trump: 2016 will be the hottest year on record

Ziemowit  14 | 3936
14 Nov 2016   #41
for Trump: 2016 will be the hottest year on record

The hottest year was back then when the big comet hit the Earth. The dinosaurs died out as a result, but the Earth has survived. If the earth managed to survive that, it will surely survive Trump (or Crooked Hillary for that matter).
johnny reb  49 | 7974
14 Nov 2016   #42
Earth to Donald Trump: 2016 will be the hottest year on record

Poland should not let the global warming hoax influence their decision.
Earth to Wincig: The coldest year on record was:
Newly analysed Nasa satellite data from east Antarctica shows Earth has set a new record for coldest temperature ever recorded: -94.7C (-135.8F).
It happened in August 2010 when it hit -94.7C (-135.8F). Then on 31 July of this year, it came close again: -92.9C (-135.3F).

Poland should not let the global warming hoax influence their decision.

Poland should focus on which would be the best for the economy by lower rates and putting people to work building and maintaining the facilities.

CO2 is needed for plant life and vegetation to grow and should not be used as a scare tactic.
Better we talk how many jet planes are in the sky (both commercial and military) at any given minute 24/7 polluting and we sure know NOTHING will be done about that to clean the air up because of the $$$$$$$$$$ being made from it.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
14 Nov 2016   #43
140% of Denmark's electricity demand

One very special day out of a whole year, what about most of the winter when it is still and overcast, you problem here is that the technology to store electricity during times of plenty is not with us yet, not helpful to post about two exceptional days in two different countries when the reality is that solar and wind generation is not consistent enough to meet real demand.... Sorry bro, I also wish it could be that good a solution.
14 Nov 2016   #44
You can store heat for a very long time
smurf  38 | 1940
15 Nov 2016   #45
is not consistent enough to meet real demand

Most of the Scandinavians are well on track to be carbon-energy free by 2050, they'll prob be there many years ahead of schedule

We could be learning a lot from them instead we live in a smog-obsessed nation of idiots
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
15 Nov 2016   #46
Most of the Scandinavians are well on track

With a population of only 25 million and a top tier GDP per capita that is capable of subsidizing the huge infrastructural costs involved,

Anyone can cherry pick the prime examples, but no one can put forward an affordable / sustainable solution for Poland.

If anyone did come up with a viable affordable plan then I am pretty sure Poland would take it up.

Poland is currently moving forward with wind power , and many households are taking up solar water heating now that the installation costs are coming down.

As for incentives and grants Poland simply does not have the money, maybe Scandinavia can fund it for us with future payback from any cost savings ?

Nuclear solution for Poland?, who would want a reactor built from old melted down Chinese bicycles, oh that would be the UK.
Wincig  2 | 225
15 Nov 2016   #47
If the earth managed to survive that, it will surely survive Trump (or Crooked Hillary for that matter).

I agree, the Earth will survive, the real question is humanity. "Save the planet" is a ridiculous slogan, it should rather be "save humanity" or "save our souls!"
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
15 Nov 2016   #48
Coal deposits in Poland are not easily accessible:

Top layer : Statism
Lower layers : Trade unions, Excise tax, Politics
Bottom layer : COAL
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
15 Nov 2016   #49
Mod why have you moved my post here? I was talking about Poland, responding to smurfs comments about scandinavia

There are four references to Poland in relation to renewable and nuclear energy !!!!

Put it back to the thread it was posted in.
sorry dolnoslask - posts moved back

"CO2 emissions in Poland. Should Poland go nuclear or stick with clean coal technologies?"

Please in future, read a post in full before moving it.

If you disagree then I appeal to Vincent as he is always on the ball and rarely misses the point.

you missed all the Below that is to do with POLAND ........ and energy

Anyone can cherry pick the prime examples, but no one can put forward an affordable / sustainable solution for Poland.

If anyone did come up with a viable affordable plan then I am pretty sure Poland would take it up.

Poland is currently moving forward with wind power , and many households are taking up solar water heating now that the installation costs are coming down.

As for incentives and grants Poland simply does not have the money, maybe Scandinavia can fund it for us with future payback from any cost savings ?

Nuclear solution for Poland?, who would want a reactor built from old melted down Chinese bicycles, oh that would be the UK.
peterweg  37 | 2305
15 Nov 2016   #50
Renewable are very popular in Poland

Polish Government subsidies for renewables
Alien  25 | 6360
21 Sep 2021   #51
500k euro a day fine for not stopping brown coal mining in Turow. Damn I was there 4 weeks ago for a trip. This can't just be turned off. The whole region lives of it,and that's pretty good. Will PiS take care of it?
amiga500  5 | 1505
21 Sep 2021   #52
if there is ever an example of the ridiculousness, the illegality and the incompetence of the european court of justice, it is ordering the shutting of electricity immediately , to six percent of polands population. how do traitors support this rubbish?
johnny reb  49 | 7974
21 Sep 2021   #53
The whole region lives of it,and that's pretty good. Will PiS take care of it?

The United States did when they shut down the coal mines on our East Coast region.
Those people lost their jobs and went and found new ones.
Now it's Poland's turn to suck it up and sacrifice like others have to lower CO2 levels.
Poland is so afraid of clean nuclear power yet don't fear how their brown coal is killing them and the rest of the world with air pollution and acid rain pollution.
Lenka  5 | 3531
21 Sep 2021   #54
500k euro a day fine for not stopping brown coal mining in Turow

Czech Republic wanted 5 mln
Alien  25 | 6360
21 Sep 2021   #55
Mayby smaller penalty because Germany did not support Czech.
jon357  72 | 23378
21 Sep 2021   #56
The United States did when they shut down the coal mines on our East Coast region.

Some miners from New Hampshire came to work in our South Yorkshire mines, including Yorkshire Main Colliery which I went ti school in the shadow of. Then a bad person closed our pits, and yes, it was very hard for a while, not a job to be had and soup kitchens opening, but now, there's close to almost zero unemployment in some of the coalfield regions including the one I'm in now.

It does take state subsidies to work properly; putting over 55s straight on the state pension since most of them had no chance of getting work and giving generous tax breaks for companies to set up in the area, plus landscaping of the colliery sites and improved transport links to make the zones remain attractive to companies after the tax breaks stop, however it worked and it worked well. Companies generally like employees with stamina and a strong work ethic and anyone who's worked hewing coal for 10 hours a day deep underground certainly has that.

The issue of Turow isn't going to go away soon. Poland have been aware for a long time, and the colliery has been on borrowed time for 2 decades now. The Czech government's actions in suing were justified, and of course the court decided in their favour. Poland can always appeal, however the court case didn't just appear overnight, and all arguments from both sides have presumably been heard.

The best Poland can hope for from the case, is a very temporary reprieve during trhe current energy crisis, After that, the other parties will play hardball.
Alien  25 | 6360
7 Nov 2021   #57
Something new in Turow file?. "Solidarność" is on the Turow Companie side, even in Brüssel. Can they fix it and "turn off" Brüssel....
PolAmKrakow  2 | 917
7 Nov 2021   #58
@johnny reb
The coal and trash burning have begun pretty heavily already this year. The smell while strangely a comforting reminder that Christmas is near, is really quite nasty. Getting into clothes and it can creep into your home if you leave a window cracked for air flow. Poland really has to implement a plan.
Alien  25 | 6360
7 Nov 2021   #59
Yes l know this problem. The air quality in Katowice( my birthplace) is in winter horrible. But as you told the culprits are private people. Turow has modern filter (made in USA) and surely better air quality than Cracow and many other towns in Poland. And I visit Katowice only in sommer since Corona.
pawian  224 | 27252
22 Jan 2025   #60
Should Poland go nuclear to avoid dependence on Russia?

The decisions have been taken to build two nuclear plants. The first one is being constructed in the seaside region by Am Westinghouse.

Home / News / CO2 emissions in Poland. Should Poland go nuclear or stick with clean coal technologies?

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