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Dirty deeds of foreign guys in Poland

GefreiterKania  28 | 1392
20 Aug 2024 #91
f some Johnny from England started saying these things about Ukrs

... or about any other Slavs. If anyone is going to insult Slavic tribes, it can only be other Slavic tribes. The closer the brotherhood, the hotter the insults (see Serbo-Croats).

44 million people, and a GDP of only $150B

One solution to the problem would be to stop measuring GDP in dollars. Bhutan measures it in happiness, Ukraine can measure it in... hmm... something else they think they're good at.
jon357  73 | 22641
20 Aug 2024 #92
If anyone is going to insult Slavic tribes

If anyone is going to insult 'Slavic tribes', they'd need a time machine.

Anyway, according to Crowie, everyone except 'Shiftars', 'Mujahideen', Turkey and the Vatican is somehow Slavic.
GefreiterKania  28 | 1392
20 Aug 2024 #93
Polish megalomania

What do you mean megalomania?

Damn it, we took your capital and kept it for over a year. Damn it, we routed your Red Army and sent it back running to the Soviet Union. Damn it, whatever else should we do for you to finally start treating us seriously?


Anyway, according to Crowie, everyone except 'Shiftars', 'Mujahideen' and the Vatican is somehow Slavic.

Serbian to be more exact. :)
Bobko  26 | 2169
20 Aug 2024 #94
The closer the brotherhood, the hotter the insults (see Serbo-Croats).

Serbo-Croat insult battle is next level - this is true. I forgot about them.

To be honest, what Ustase did is probably worse than what OUN-UPA did... so they may have a leg up.

Ukraine can measure it in... hmm... something else they think they're good at.

Ukrainians are great at hate. If Bhutan has a happiness index, Ukraine should have a hate index.

We Russians, say about the Ukrainians, that the aphorism that describes them best is - «моя хата с краю». This means, my house is on the end of the street.

Also, «пусть у меня сарай сгорит, лишь бы у соседа корова сдохла». Meaning - "let my barn burn down, as long as the neighbor's cow dies".

The difference between them and us, is we were largely rightless serfs, while they were greedy independent peasants.

Because we had nothing, it was easy for us to be generous.

Ukrainians on the other hand were relatively more wealthy, envious, and covetous.

Their national sport is getting heating up the hate to such a level, that their dips begin to explode sending them into the troposphere. Whoever goes higher wins.

Read the comments in their newspapers. They hate everybody. Their government, their neighbor, their boss, the West, Russia, the Great Horde, and Pope Innocent III.

Such a malcontented bunch.
jon357  73 | 22641
20 Aug 2024 #95
Ukrainians are great


Very nice people in my direct experience.
Paulina  15 | 4422
20 Aug 2024 #96
We can make fun of them

They are some Frankenstein monster

Well they are quite retarded.

I find it ironic how RuSSians accuse everyone around them of being "Russophobic", but at the same time they're such prejudiced, xenophobic, megalomaniac, hateful and vengeful people themselves.
OP pawian  220 | 24927
22 Aug 2024 #97
A man from Senegal scored two strikes and was deported to his country.

A Senegalese man, who a few weeks ago, in front of gathered people, probably relieved himself at the "Na trzy stawach" swimming pool located in Katowice , was detained on Wednesday by Border Guard officers in Sosnowiec."In accordance with the procedures, they once again verified the legality of his stay in our country. The foreigner was unable to produce any identity document for inspection, let alone a document that would entitle him to legal residence in Poland ," the Border Guard reported.

A foreigner who already has a decision issued by the Commander of the Border Guard Post in Sosnowiec, obliging him to return to his country of origin, which he did not do voluntarily, is subject to forced escort to the border. On Wednesday, the man was taken by Border Guard officers under escort to the Warsaw - Okęcie airport, from where he flew to Senegal - it was indicated in the announcement.

OP pawian  220 | 24927
1 Sep 2024 #98
I can read that Georgian organised crime has become a problem in Poland.
Karma always returns.
In 1990s and before and after Poland`s access to the EU, Polish gangs of car thieves terrorised Germany.
Today gangs of Easterners terrorise Poland and they steal everything of value. .
What a perfect balance in nature.

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