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Coronavirus in Poland - part 2

pawian  226 | 27543
28 Apr 2024   #181
Stop being such a twerp,

The problem is that you need to apply this call to yourself first. :):):)
jon357  72 | 23488
28 Apr 2024   #182

Vaccination is a lifesaver and any weird online stuff that promotes vaccine hesitancy leads directly or indirectly to people, often children in vulnerable communities, dying.
mafketis  38 | 11162
28 Apr 2024   #183
Vaccination is a lifesaver

Some vaccination... the crappy leaky 'vaccines' mandated for covid have done a lot of damage to the brand.... no progress is possible until people admit that some vaccines have greatly helped humanity and the covid vaccines were mostly crap....
Korvinus  3 | 609
28 Apr 2024   #184
the crappy leaky 'vaccines' mandated for covid

This genetherapy is only considered vaccine due a alteration in the definition of vaccine. The contracts with pfizer even prohibited analyzing the components of the labeled vaccine. How it is "scientific"?

Even Marx called his nonsense "scientific". In therms of propriety rights, freedom of speech ,freedom of association, religious freedom and so on, each day the west is worse. Not saying that Russia/China are better but UK arrests more people for crimes of opinion than Russia. The same loss of freedom which Russians suffered after Bolshevik revolution is happening in the west, but gradually instead of instantly.

Now let's talk about the cancer-causing monkey virus that got mixed into Polio vaccines.
OP Alien  25 | 6410
28 Apr 2024   #185
covid vaccines were mostly crap....

Why do you think so. They helped survive the epidemic.
jon357  72 | 23488
28 Apr 2024   #186
the covid vaccines were mostly crap....

They helped people at the time. I had elderly relatives who got it and died before the vaccine was produced and elderly relatives who got it and didn't die after the vaccine was rolled out.

UK arrests more people for crimes of opinion than Russia.

It doesn't.

The same loss of freedom which Russians suffered after Bolshevik revolution

They certainly didn't have freedom before. Did you think that the gulag system was invented after the revolution or that Tsarist r*SSia had free media, religious freedom or freedom of movement?
mafketis  38 | 11162
28 Apr 2024   #187
Why do you think so

Eveywhere that vaccinated saw skyrocketing rates.... they suppressed the immune response... if there was ever a time to self-isolate it would be just after getting vaccinated...

elderly relatives who got it and didn't die after the vaccine was rolled out.

different waves?
johnny reb  49 | 7945
28 Apr 2024   #188
and the covid vaccines were mostly crap....

Yes they were because they were ineffective and have been linked to blood clots and other complications that killed people.
They used the worlds population for Guinee pigs with the first vaccine and that is why people refused to get the third fourth and fifth poke.

I have several friends that developed blood clots after receiving the Covid vaccine.

The contracts with pfizer even prohibited analyzing the components of the labeled vaccine. How it is "scientific"?

Better yet, Phizer sold $38 BILLION of it's Covid vaccines last year for the sheeple.
Somebody got very rich off this and it was all by design.
jon357  72 | 23488
28 Apr 2024   #189
if there was ever a time to self-isolate it would be just after getting vaccinated...

That's fairly normal.

Nevertheless, vaccination is perhaps (together with antibiotics and the NHS) the biggest human advance in medicine.
Korvinus  3 | 609
28 Apr 2024   #190
Nevertheless, vaccination is perhaps (together with antibiotics and the NHS) the biggest human advance in medicine.

You have no idea of what kind of world you are living in and you will die never knowing. Chances are you took the vaccine so you're already a blood sacrifice.

Get that vaccine guys. The government wants you to be safe, that's why they're running a police state and totalitarian media control based on it.

(Ten minutes nonstop of fully vaccinated people dropping dead in their tracks all over the world)
jon357  72 | 23488
28 Apr 2024   #191
You have no idea of what kind of world

Perhaps much more than you...

blood sacrifice

What precisely do you mean by that?

dropping dead

Yes. People die.

Do you remember that film clip the antivaxxers were touting on social media allegedly showing people dying of covid in the streets in Iran? It was actually a clip from a TV drama about Saddam gassing Kurds but hey, who cares about reality.
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
28 Apr 2024   #192
but hey, who cares about reality.

Not Korvinus, that's for sure...... the guy doesn't know what reality is!
mafketis  38 | 11162
29 Apr 2024   #193
that film clip the antivaxxers were touting

A lot of prevarication happened on all sides..... my current take is that the initial wave of covid was a really bad flu (far worse than the usual one with weird characteristics but mitigation measures ramped up the fatality levels (possibly on purpose).

Cuomo sent the infected into nursing homes which guaranteed a bunch of fatalities and Chinese protocols stressed intubating patients.... which again... ended up causing more harm than good.

And lockdowns, to the extent that they were observed did not have a good effect on peoples' immune systems.

Masks probably also did more harm than good especially since they obstructed breathing....

etc etce etc

I know a couple of people who died after getting covid and the common factor seems to have been waiting too long to go to the hospital.... a friend who had it monitored his blood oxygen levels and when they dropped under 90 for a couple of hours get himself to a hospital with all due speed and got through it (they said it was good that arrived on time).

When I had it the first time I never got below 92 (not great but not dangerous).

But how much public information was there about monitoring oxygen levels in the blood? One of the most important diagnostic measures and silence in the media from what I remember (I only knew about it from a friend in the medical field).

By May 2020 it was obvious that it was mostly dangerous to the very old and/or the already very ill.
jon357  72 | 23488
29 Apr 2024   #194
A lot of prevarication happened on all sides

The incessant stream of lies was entirely on the side of the conspiriturds though. The actual scientists have to adhere to higher standards. Execpt of course when they're performing 'blood sacrifices' for Korvinus or injecting 'nanobots'.

And lockdowns,

The public health people who were responsible for planning were of course facing something entirely new and facing it while responsible for their country's entire health system, education system, food supply and economic infrastructure. Slow moving and complex behemoths. They didn't have the hindsight that we have now or the luxury of being back seat drivers. People may be criticising them for overreaction however the criticism for underrreaction would have been much stronger.

But how much public information was there about monitoring oxygen levels in the blood?

One issue with that is that most of the thingymeters that you can buy off Amazon to put your finger in (I just bought one) don't distinguish between blood gases. They're also not that accurate. The last thing a country's health service would want in the middle of a pandemic is thousands of laypeople swamping them on the basis of their misunderstanding of the results on a 7.99 bit of plastic from China.

By May 2020 it was obvious that it was mostly dangerous to the very old and/or the already very ill.

Very true, however the issue was of course about them not getting it from healthier, perhaps asymptomatic, family and friends.
cms neuf  2 | 1857
29 Apr 2024   #195
That's not true - the biggest lie was that lockdown would just be 4 weeks in Poland. Another big lie was that once vaccinated we could get back to normal life with no restrictions.
mafketis  38 | 11162
29 Apr 2024   #196
The incessant stream of lies was entirely on the side of the conspiriturds though

No single observer/writer was more right about more things than Alex Berenson....

The last thing a country's health service would want in the middle of a pandemic is thousands of laypeople swamping them.

When are they supposed to swamp them?

Simple to give them real blood oxygen tests on the spot and send most away.... it's not like hospitals were overcroweded.... if they have the time for dance videos then they had time for that....
jon357  72 | 23488
29 Apr 2024   #197
Simple to give them real blood oxygen tests on the spot and send most away

In the middle of a pandemic?

it's not like hospitals were overcroweded

My local hospital in Warsaw was stuffed to beyond capacity.
OP Alien  25 | 6410
29 Apr 2024   #198
it's not like hospitals were overcroweded

No, they weren't, because people died at home or in the hospital corridor before admission.
mafketis  38 | 11162
29 Apr 2024   #199
people died at home or in the hospital corridor before admission.

Then when did staff get time to make all those dance videos?

Any ideas?
johnny reb  49 | 7945
29 Apr 2024   #200
The incessant stream of lies was entirely on the side of the conspiriturds though.

Septin' all those conspiracies started coming true didn't they now so that blows that lie of yours out of the water.

however the issue was of course about them not getting it from healthier, perhaps asymptomatic, family and friends.

I remember, they put all the old people with low immune systems and under lying health issues in old people care facilities and locked them in with other old covid patients to kill them.

They had to get the death numbers up to make the public panic into getting the poke of poison to save them.

My local hospital in Warsaw was stuffed to beyond capacity.

Yes with vaccinated people who were told if they got the poke of poison that they would be immune from covid. (Remember that lie ?)
So people with good insurance panicked, ran to the hospital with the sniffles so the real sick people with underlying causes and weak immune systems couldn't be seen so they died from complications of underlying causes.

Most healthy people only experienced the sniffles for a couple of days.
jon357  72 | 23488
29 Apr 2024   #201
all those dance videos?


Is there a reason that a handful of very hard working public servants shouldn't try to raise people's spirits for 5 minutes in their own time as a one off,

Yes with vaccinated people

Mostly before people had a possibility to improve their chances of survival by taking the recommended protection.

the poke of poison

Don't be so fúcking stupid. And you had the recommended protection yourself, as did most people who had that dreadful virus and survived.
mafketis  38 | 11162
29 Apr 2024   #202
raise people's spirits for 5 minute

"Sorry that you couldn't be by Grandma's bedside as she wheezed her last in total isolation.... but check it out while we bust! some! moves!"

the poke of poison t

Most of them were crappy and leaky and rushed... not the same thing as intentionally poisoned.... it's my impression that the Chinese and russian vaccines completely failed while the others possibly mitigated symptoms (at best) though probably no one under 50 should have been encouraged to take them.
jon357  72 | 23488
29 Apr 2024   #203
"Sorry that you couldn't be by Grandma's bedside

We know all this and some of us got the sharp end of it. Did the hard working nurses and healthcare assistants make that policy themselves or did they have to live with it like everyone else? That and work double shifts with dying people.

But hey, they aren't allowed to let their hair down after work either. Though feel free to blame them if it makes you feel better; they're used to that.

Aren't a small number of nurses allowed to privately make videos outside work just because an online misanthrope disagrees with public health policy?
johnny reb  49 | 7945
29 Apr 2024   #204
And you had the recommended protection yourself,

How did you get my medical records jon357 ?
Are you stalking me ?
You have posted that six times now so obviously you are Baiting me.

though probably no one under 50 should have been encouraged to take them.

No one in good physical health period should have taken them however we were promised that if you got poked that you would be immune to Covid.

Yet another bold faced lie.

Don't be so fúcking stupid.

You are the one that is being so fvcking stupid repeating your propaganda day after day without and sources to back your opinions.
Remember when these shmucks were putting the cause of death on every death certificate as being covid just so they could pad the numbers of deaths to keep everyone in fear and the funding rolling in ? I do.

jon357, I have proven you wrong over and over and over yet you keep doubling down over and over and over.
You are living proof that Liberals never admit when they are wrong so eat it raw, jon357.
mafketis  38 | 11162
29 Apr 2024   #205
allowed to privately make videos outside work

the videos were clearly shot in hospitals....
jon357  72 | 23488
29 Apr 2024   #206
Of course. Why not? The hospitals all belong to us and the videos made by individual groups of nurses in their own time in order to lift people's spirits were very well appreciated by all. There's a long tradition of hospital staff doing such things. Do you object to the annual medical students' charity bed push as well?

get my medical records

You've posted at least three conflicting things here troll, including that you followed sensible advice and had the protection against covid.

Get a grip on yourself.
johnny reb  49 | 7945
30 Apr 2024   #207
You've posted at least three conflicting things here

Quite often to keep stalkers like you out of my personal private life.
Makes it tuff for you to play your shame game dunnit. Hoot !
Let me make it four times now, "NO, I have not ever been jabbed with the poke of poison."
Now what jon357 ?
More of your attacking, diminishing little girl remarks to shame with ?
Let me make it five times now, yes, I have had all six of my covid poke of poisons or was it seven ?
You have my medical records jon357 so why not tell us which it is . 😂
You are worse than a gossipy old lady with who cares b.s.
How does your husband put up with you ? 🤮
What do you think the new strain of covid will be this next winter that we will need a new poke of poison for ?
Good Grief, get a grip.
jon357  72 | 23488
30 Apr 2024   #208
Quite often to

No, to troll.

As mentioned, vaccination is perhaps the single greatest achievement in medicine that has saved and continues to save the lives of millions.
johnny reb  49 | 7945
30 Apr 2024   #209
As mentioned,

Not the worthless first two Covid vaccines though, pussy lips Troll, so keep focused on the covid vaccines and not other vaccines like the polio vaccine to support your b.s.
jon357  72 | 23488
30 Apr 2024   #210
So what?

We survived the pandemic, despite losing loved ones and did it by acting together as societies rather than selfishness.

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