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Coronavirus in Poland - part 2

jon357  73 | 22641
4 Feb 2024 #121
Old people pay nothing into the public trough

They paid all their lives into the system.

They are just a waste of oxygen

I can think of one who is.
johnny reb  46 | 7357
4 Feb 2024 #122
They paid all their lives into the system.

But not anymore jon because they are not working to pay income tax anymore and most are in retirement homes so they pay no property taxes anymore.

Your above post is a pretty lame come back to my post #120.

I can think of one who is.

Me too but we will leave him out of it.
Now for the love of Mary would you please stay on topic.
jon357  73 | 22641
4 Feb 2024 #123
they are not working to pay income tax anymore

After a career of doing so.

for the love of Mary

We thought you were a Protestant.
johnny reb  46 | 7357
4 Feb 2024 #124
After a career of doing so.

More Rinse and Repeat

We thought you were a Protestant.

I am a Christian, what are you ?
Now show some respect and stay on topic.
OP Alien  22 | 5478
4 Feb 2024 #125
I am a Christian

Probably one of the few on this forum, although there should be many more of them.
johnny reb  46 | 7357
14 Feb 2024 #126
OP Alien  22 | 5478
14 Feb 2024 #127

Well, what did they actually do?
johnny reb  46 | 7357
14 Feb 2024 #128
Go read 'Coronavirus in Poland' - part 1 and you will find your answer.
OP Alien  22 | 5478
14 Feb 2024 #129
Go read 'Coronavirus in Poland' - part 1

What for? has no scientific value.
johnny reb  46 | 7357
14 Feb 2024 #130
has no scientific value.

That's the whole point, neither do you.......or do you ?
OP Alien  22 | 5478
15 Feb 2024 #131
or do you ?

let me answer with your quote.

Go read 'Coronavirus in Poland Part 1

johnny reb  46 | 7357
18 Feb 2024 #132
Did you find any scientific evidence or just the bootlickers claiming there was scientific evidence ?

Here is the latest on Novid.
A select group of people have achieved something some once thought impossible: They have never tested positive for Covid.
Science Has Some Clues Why
OP Alien  22 | 5478
18 Feb 2024 #133
They have never tested positive for Covid.

That doesn't mean they won't get infected yet. Fortunately, current strains of Covid cause rather mild cases.
jon357  73 | 22641
18 Feb 2024 #134
A select group of people

Not that select. Most of us have never had it.
OP Alien  22 | 5478
18 Feb 2024 #135
Most of us have never had it.

This is not true, I had it probably twice (I wasn't tested the second time), even though I was vaccinated three times.
jon357  73 | 22641
18 Feb 2024 #136
This is not true,

How would you know about others though? I've not had it (and had the same vaccines as everyone else). I can think of a few people in PL and U.K. who've not had it either.
jon357  73 | 22641
18 Feb 2024 #137
The article says there are 663 million people worldwide who've had it. That's fewer than 10% of the global population.

It's possible of course to get it and have no symptoms (thanks to vaccination) however that would surely show up on those tests that had to happen before flights etc.
amiga500  5 | 1485
18 Feb 2024 #138
It's possible of course to get it and have no symptoms (thanks to vaccination)

Vaccination and/or Genetics. They did mass tests in QLD in the early days, on about 10k people, and 80 percent who had covid were asymptomatic. I think everyone has been infected by now.
Ironside  50 | 12456
18 Feb 2024 #139
Vaccination and/or Genetics

Never mind that virus, what was in those substances they called vaccines? Have they turned people into mutants?
PolAmKrakow  2 | 879
18 Feb 2024 #140
Myocarditis is listed as a potential side effect. Nothing to see here though.
jon357  73 | 22641
18 Feb 2024 #141

Perhaps the greatest medical development in human history.

Have they turned people into mutants?

Of course there are zombies raging through every city gnashing their teeth and gnawing on the flesh of the living. That and aliens.

Myocarditis is listed as a potential side effect

And seizures are a 'potential' side-effect of Aspirin. We still take it though since, like vaccination, it is beneficial.
Ironside  50 | 12456
18 Feb 2024 #142
raging through every city gnashing their teeth and gnawing on the flesh of the living.

No, those are progressive activists. I'm asking about biological changes induced by those so-called vaccines.
jon357  73 | 22641
18 Feb 2024 #143
You're mistaking progressive activists for trumpist loons.

biological changes

What 'biological' changes?


Why 'so-called'?
johnny reb  46 | 7357
18 Feb 2024 #144
Perhaps the greatest medical development in human history.

Perhaps the polio vaccine would be closer to the truth

what was in those substances they called vaccines?

Oh, the poke of poison, I remember how they lied to us by telling us that they would prevent us from getting Covid.
We will never know what those vaccines contained. (By design)
The ones that don't get into your mRNA ?
The ones linked to stroke and heart attacks ?
The ones that people have died from that are not recorded ? (By design)

Most of us have never had it.

Perhaps you have some scientific evidence to back up your opinion ?
Or did you mean, "many of us never showed symptoms ?"
jon357  73 | 22641
18 Feb 2024 #145
polio vaccine

One among many that save lives.


You saw the stats above.
johnny reb  46 | 7357
18 Feb 2024 #146
I have seen all kinds of worthless articles full of lies by sources that are not credible.

The article says

Then that makes it the truth if the "articles says".
You just want someone to argue with because you know better.
jon357  73 | 22641
18 Feb 2024 #147
I have seen all kinds of worthless articles full of lies by sources that are not credible

Yes, the internet has been slammed with antivaxxer BS.
johnny reb  46 | 7357
18 Feb 2024 #148
th internet has been slammed with antivaxxer BS.

Yes and a lot of the antivaxxer's BS conspiracies have come true didn't they. o/O
The Antivaxxers need to start some new conspiracies for the Sheep because all the old ones have come true. lol
jon357  73 | 22641
18 Feb 2024 #149
have come true didn't they

No, they didn't...

What is it about the official science-based consensus that makes you prefer conspiracy theories?
OP Alien  22 | 5478
18 Feb 2024 #150
Myocarditis is listed as a potential side effect.

Myocarditis is also a known complication of Corona.

Home / News / Coronavirus in Poland - part 2
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