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Coronavirus in Poland - part 2

johnny reb  49 | 8003
15 Nov 2024   #451
Not here in Europe,

Again, more disinformation by the Administrator of this forum.
In reality a spike in coronavirus infections and a slump in vaccination uptake is holding back Europe's effort to curb the pandemic, the World Health Organization (WHO) has warned.
nobody cares about what happens where you are.

Visa Versa.
jon357  72 | 23706
15 Nov 2024   #452
Not here, and the immunisation programme across Europe has been a success.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
15 Nov 2024   #453
Not according to the World health Organization but what do they know compared to you.
Google it and learn the truth
jon357  72 | 23706
15 Nov 2024   #454
As you were told, the immunisation programme has been a success in Europe. Vaccination as a whole and universal healthcare are among the greatest achievements of our species.

Since you know nothing about Europe other than what you've read online, you should know your place and stick to things on your own level, like obesity and violence to women.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
16 Nov 2024   #455
the immunisation programme has been a success in Europe.

Septin we ain't talkin' the immunization program, Mr. Twister, we are talkin' the Covid in general program.
Clever redirect however.
And when Liberal Losers such as yourself get your ass kicked you have to start your nasty diminishments to vent your frustrations.
Another reason you suck.
jon357  72 | 23706
16 Nov 2024   #456

All immunisation programmes in Europe have been a success. It is one of humanity's greatest achievements and one which has extended people's lifespans and made the community healthier.

Stick to things on your own level like roadkill, duelling banjos and child abusing lodgers.
OP Alien  26 | 6565
16 Nov 2024   #457
It is one of humanity's greatest achievements and one which has extended people's lifespans and made the community healthier.

Finally, a voice of reason. The next achievements of humanity that prolonged life were beer, running water, personal hygiene, and antibiotics. Firearms are definitely not one of them.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
16 Nov 2024   #458
All immunisation programmes in Europe have been a success.

(That is what you have pessted at least six times already. Thank you for your opinion.)
Except for the experimental Covid one which is now showing a decrease in popularity after governments defrauded its people with lies about it.
Stick to things on your own level like roadkill, duelling banjos and child abusing lodgers.

I don't have time to respond to your limp wristed nasty fag - got diminishments.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
16 Nov 2024   #459
The stocks in the pharmaceutical companies that produce this experimental covid poison is even dropping like a rock.
Profits must be dropping for some odd reason.
Even stiff lipped Britian quit administering them at one point in time if I am not mistaken.
Could you tell us why that was jon357 ?
Stick to things on your own level like roadkill, duelling banjos

We see your level jon357 as even us hillbillies know how to spell the word dueling but not posted.
I guess that puts us on the same level dunnit. 🤣
sambeliskiv  2 | 58
16 Nov 2024   #460
We dont have any much possibilities that are bad with current chemical tables, everything is to serve you and make you acheieve happiness.
jon357  72 | 23706
16 Nov 2024   #461
Britian quit administering them at one point in time if I am not mistaken.

The U.K. has a current programme so you are mistaken. Vaccines save lives, and the whole point of universal healthcare is that pharmaceutical companies do what we want not the other way round.

Back under your rock, you piece of odpada medyczna.

everything is to serve you and make you acheieve happiness.

Yes, provided the you is a plural.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
16 Nov 2024   #462
Britian quit administering them at one point in time

The U.K. has a current programme so you are mistaken.

Gee Mr. Twister, I was sure I said 'at one point in time' which you have now projected to say 'current'.
Vaccines save lives,

By definition the experimental covid jab was not a vaccine, remember we already established that.
Answer this with a simple Yes or No jon357.
Is the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine still being used in the U.K. ?
jon357  72 | 23706
16 Nov 2024   #463
A meaningless post from you.

The vaccine is a vaccine and new ones are ding developed all the time. The ones I had were different each time as doubtless were the ones you had.

Now back in your box, troll.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
16 Nov 2024   #464
A meaningless post from you.

Another diminishing remark from rattled jon357 to avoid answering my question.
Is the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine still being used in the U.K. ? Yes or No ?
The vaccine is a vaccine .

By definition the experimental covid jab was not a vaccine to immunize from covid.
Again, a twisting of words to project your opinion.
Is the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine still being used in the U.K. ? Yes or No and if No, why not ?
jon357  72 | 23706
16 Nov 2024   #465
Your 'question' is pointless since you very well know that the vaccine in question has been superseded by a newer one.

That's how medicine works, unless your wife's syphillis is still being treated by Salvarsan and Mercury ointment.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
5 Dec 2024   #466
jon look, we know this is your forum and that you are the Administrator but you shouldn't try to control the narrative with your authority here.
You need to face the facts about Covid.
Now lets move on.
COVID-19 virus likely originated from a lab leak at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, where it may have been manufactured as a chimera.
Lockdowns, mask mandates, social distancing, and vaccine mandates were not based on sound science and did more harm than good.
Natural immunity exists for COVID-19, as it does for other viruses.
And President Trump's "racist" travel bans likely saved lives.
Isn't amassing how most of what you called conspiracy theories came true.
pawian  226 | 27817
5 Dec 2024   #467
jon look, we know this is your forum and that you are the Administrator but you shouldn't try to control the narrative with your authority here.

If you were in jon`s shoes, wouldn`t you try to exert a little control from time to time???? Of course you would cos people are imperfect and can`t resist such temptations. Forgive jon coz Christmas is coming.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
5 Dec 2024   #468
Quit trolling Off - Topic just to bury my post
pawian  226 | 27817
5 Dec 2024   #469
just to bury my post

Sorry, it wasn`t my intention. I only need to hurry up before going to my Jap su wres mattress earlier than usual.
Thank you for this reminder. Good night and have happy posting! :):):)

Off - Topic

Hey, I commented on your jon-the forum-owner comment. What is your problem???????

Good night!
johnny reb  49 | 8003
7 Dec 2024   #470
What is your problem?

The problem is that jon diminishes everything about Covid issues that he disagrees with.
He never posts his sources, just his self authoritative personal opinion.
I try to inform people about Covid and the Covid shots.
My sources are extremely credible and I would like to share them to help and inform people.
jon ( commonly called, "Mr. Twister"), takes posts off - topic by twisting the focus of Covid shots into painting the picture that I am an antivaxxer against all vaccine like the Polio and MMR vaccines .which is not true.
That is what the problem is and thanks for asking Pawian.
With that said, lets move on before he closes this thread.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
7 Dec 2024   #471
Here is one of my credible sources and you decide.
Full Measure which is a news documentary.
Google it for yourselves
It is offered on t.v. also.
Here is their latest on Long Covid and the possible link to the Covid shots as research continues.
Titled, Covid Concerns

Now don't be surprised to see jon or Karen respond with a diminishing remark about my source.
Thats what the problem is Pawian.
Novichok  4 | 8784
7 Dec 2024   #472
Memo to obedient brainless COVID bootlickers:

Watch this video and stab yourself in the eye, morons...

The short version: Everything they told you and you, azholes, swallowed was a lie...
pawian  226 | 27817
7 Dec 2024   #473
COVID bootlickers:

Nice you are still feeding on such prehistory..... We call it conservatism. :):):)
johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Jan 2025   #474
biden just pardoned Fauci for his lying to the public about Covid and his worthless vaccine for it.
This guy is guilty as hell of murder.
I was looking so forward to having the Honorable President Trump having Fauci investigated with details how he lied about Covid's origin and the vaccine and caused death.
My question is, "if Fauci was not guilty of anything, why did he need to be pardoned ?"
I am waiting here to see if biden will be pardoning himself.
OP Alien  26 | 6565
20 Jan 2025   #475
I am waiting here to see if biden will be pardoning himself

No, only Trump is capable of that.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Jan 2025   #476
only Trump is capable of that.

Trump doesn't need pardoning for Covid, he saved Covid lives moron.
Fauci cried there were not enough ventilators and Teflon Trump sanapped his fingers and walla, everyone had ventilators only to find out after the fact that Fauci lied again as the ventilators actually killed Covid patience.
I keep forgetting that you are only 18 years old and don't understand all of this so your diminishing post is forgiven.
OP Alien  26 | 6565
20 Jan 2025   #477
ventilators actually killed Covid patience.

That's an exaggeration, although they didn't help as well as artificial lungs could, but how many artificial lungs does America have? 50 or maybe 100?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Jan 2025   #478
That's an exaggeration,

No son, it's an established fact so quit trying to deflect the point with artificial lungs.
In fact, get lost dummy.
OP Alien  26 | 6565
20 Jan 2025   #479
established fact

In fact

I see
get lost

I see you got lost
Novichok  4 | 8784
20 Jan 2025   #480
No, only Trump is capable of that.

I will send you 20 bucks if you just STFU and GFO...

You are really useless.

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